Hey there! This is my first Twilight fanfic. Please note that English is not my first language, but I try not to make too many mistakes. If you would like to beta this story, please let me know. I would like some feedback so review! This story is not for Jacob's lovers, sorry. It will end up a B/E fic but it's a long way to go.
M for language and violence.
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. Plain and simple.
All you did was save my life
Chapter 1 – Enough
I took a deep breath as I made my way to the Cullen mansion. I hadn't been there in so long. Shame on me. My best friend's parents' home. I wondered if they would let me in after what I did. I rang the doorbell, nervous as hell. I wasn't one to ask for anything. Now, I couldn't help it. I had always been an independent person. That is, until I met someone.
In gym, Coach Clapp made us run in circles that day. It wasn't my favourite activity, seeing as I wasn't exactly good at the coordination thing. There was a new guy in school. Everyone in town knew it due to gossiping. He was from a reservation not too far from Forks. The new guy was running fast. Faster than Mike "Road Runner" Newton, so that was saying something. I could hear Lauren and Jessica gossiping behind me.
"He's from La Push. I wonder why he doesn't go to school on the reservation."
"I heard he killed someone in a fight."
I snorted and rolled my eyes. With their huge imagination, they could write a novel. I was lost in my thoughts when someone clapped my butt.
"New guy can't keep his eyes to himself. I think he likes a certain part of your behind", Edward said, laughing.
"Edward! Don't be ridiculous."
"Whatever you say, Bellabouh" and he took off.
The next thing I knew, Jacob Black was running by my side, flashing me a big smile.
"Isabella, would you mind helping me out for the English paper. I'm a little behind."
"It's Bella."
*End of flashback*
I closed my eyes and shook my head. I remember being so happy to have a boy's attention. Jacob was handsome and I thought I was so lucky he talked to me at all. I was not beautiful. I was not ugly either. That was the problem. I was plain.
The door opened and I found myself staring at Edward's mother. She gasped. I couldn't blame her for being so shocked. I hadn't been really kind the last time I'd spoke to her son. In fact, I'd been pretty harsh.
I don't know if she heard my whisper. I was about to turn back and run when I felt her soft hand on my arm. She guided me inside. I couldn't take it anymore. My tears fell freely down my cheeks. Esme held me silently while robbing my back gently. I knew Edward wasn't home. He had always had the same working schedule. That's why I chose to come here.
"Everything's going to be alright, Bella", she said soothingly when I shed my last tear.
I looked up at her beautiful face. Edward had the same deep emerald eyes.
"I don't know what to do anymore, Esme."
She nodded, probably understanding some of the things I was hiding.
"We'll make things work, dear."
She gave me a small smile.
"Take a nap and we'll talk later. You need it."
I nodded, thankful.
"With my dad."
"Will you go out with me on Friday? Dinner and a movie."
I was ecstatic. Jacob Black was asking me out! Answer, Bella, he'll think you're an idiot, smiling like that.
"I'd love to."
He flashed me a genuine smile.
"I'll pick you up at seven."
*End of flashback*
I turned and turned in my sleep, breathing heavily. My brain wouldn't let me rest.
"Jake, I… I've never…"
God, don't make me say it. Jacob smiled, kissing my jaw.
"Don't worry, Bella, I'll take good care of you."
*End of flashback*
I woke up and my head was pounding. After a quick shower, I made my way to the kitchen where Carlisle and Esme were. I sighed. Esme took my hand and led me to the table. Carlisle spoke:
"I think we should discuss what's on your mind, Bella."
I nodded. I was about to open my mouth when the front door opened. Edward.
"Mom! Dad!"
He stopped when he saw me, startled. But then, he spoke, angry.
"What's she doing here?"
"She got tired of being treated like shit?"
He was harsh. My eyes welled up. Esme scowled.
"Edward, I raised you better than that! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
"Whatever! I'm off to Tanya's."
And he left.
"I'm so sorry about his behaviour. He didn't know you were here."
"It's okay, Esme. It's my fault anyway."
"Bella," Carlisle said, "we're glad that you're here. We missed you. But you need to tell us what happened. We know that something is wrong. You wouldn't show up after almost two years, looking the way you do, if everything was perfect."
Right this moment, I knew I had to tell them the absolute truth.
"Let's sit down, shall we?"
I had an awful headache. I couldn't think. I couldn't move. It hurt too fucking much. I couldn't even breathe. I woke up at the hospital.
"What happened?" I asked, touching my head.
"You fainted during gym."
"Is my dad around?"
"He's just outside the door, talking to my dad."
I sighed.
"Thanks for being here, Edward."
He let go of my hand and left as Jacob came in.
"What was he doing here? You know I don't like him, Bella!"
"He's my best friend, Jake. Don't be like that."
"Fine," he said sharply.
Well, I'm good, thanks for asking…
"I'm tired, Jake. Could you come back later, please?"
I faked a yawn. Jake glared at me.
"Whatever." He stormed off.
I sighed. Someone knocked at the door before opening it.
"How is my favorite patient?"
I smiled.
"Hey Dr Cullen."
"Bella, after all those years, you know you can call me Carlisle."
"Sorry, Carlisle."
He looked at me for a long time. I knew that look. Edward had the same when there was something on his mind.
"Bella. There's something we need to discuss. I haven't talked to your dad about it."
I was starting to get worried. What on earth was going on?
*End of flashback*
"I don't know where to begin."
I took a deep breath. Esme looked at me with compassion. Seriously, there wasn't a human being more loving and understanding than Esme Cullen. She always saw the best in everyone.
"Why don't you tell us why you stopped coming over?"
"I'm sorry. If I stopped coming, it was not your fault. I love you both as much as I love my dad. I'm sorry for the way I handled things."
I sighed deeply again. I could do this.
"Hi, this is Dr Cullen's receptionist. May I speak with Isabella Marie Swan, please?"
"This is she."
"Hi Isabella. Dr Cullen wanted to call you himself, but he's performing a surgery right now and he wanted you to have your results as soon as they got in, so I decided to call you myself."
"You are indeed pregnant, congratulations!"
I almost threw the phone out the window. Fuck! And now, everybody in a 10 miles radius is going to know.
*End of flashback*
"Jacob. He hates Edward. He's jealous. He… He forbade me to come here. And I let him. I thought it was for the best!"
Esme gasped and Carlisle took her hand.
"Bella, don't feel bad. You did this to protect yourself. And your baby."
"How… How do you know my reasons?"
He sighed and looked my right in the eyes.
"I'm a doctor. I know psychological violence when I see it. If anything, I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner."
"You couldn't have. I've become quite good at hiding."
"Oh, Bella!" Esme was sobbing. I felt really bad about the situation.