Fitz was speechless at what he just heard from Jerry. He knew that Mellie had always had a bright political future, but he was really sure after leaving the White House she would never want to return.
Liv's mind flashed back to the campaign trail and immediately her heart sank.
"Fitz, we've got to stop Mellie from running for president. If she doesn't pull out now, her life will be ruined as will the lives of Jerry, Karen, and Teddy. There is no way that she can run for office."
Fitz looked at Liv curious as to why she cared so much about what Mellie did or didn't do. They had been sworn enemies since Liv reentered Fitz's world 7 years ago. Getting the feeling that she was more concerned for the children Fitz mustered up the courage to ask Liv what was bothering her.
"Livvie, what's wrong? You have never cared about what Mellie has done."
"Fitz, I've never had a problem with Mellie. She's always had a problem with me. I honestly can't say that I blame her. But this will destroy the children. It will destroy Mellie. YOU cannot let that happen. She will listen to you Fitz. You have to stop her."
Liv began to cry as she thought of the dangers Mellie running for president could hold for the children. Regardless of who their father truly was, Liv always saw them as her children, and they saw her as more of a mother than Mellie was. Even when she spoke to people about her children, she always included Jerry, Karen, and Teddy.
"Liv, you're scaring me. Please tell me what's going on so I can fix this. If this will hurt the children I need to know."
Liv took a deep breath and began to speak. "Remember when there was that scandal about Liv having an affair on the campaign trail with Paul Mosley?"
Fitz nodded and waited for Liv to continue.
"Well, my team did some digging into him. The information that we found is how we got him to recant his story." Liv took a deep breath before she continued. "Fitz, the information we found on him…. I can't think of any other way to say it"
"So then just say it Liv."
"Paul Mosley had a very lucrative career in adult entertainment. He was known as Brock "The Mouth" Stone in a number of pornographic movies. We didn't bring it up because the situation was handled and we didn't feel there was a need to." Liv looked up at Fitz with tears in her eyes. He pulled her into him and held her close giving her the courage to continue her thought.
"Fitz, if word gets out that Mellie is married to a porn star, it will ruin her. It will ruin the children. They will become the target of everyone at school. They will no longer have friends. Their lives will be over. You have to stop her Fitz. You have to. For the kids and for me."
Fitz looked at Liv and contemplated her words. Mellie had made his life a living hell and the last thing he wanted to do was help her. As much as he would rather see Mellie burned at the stake, he couldn't allow any harm to come of the children. Regardless of what DNA tests proved, they were still his children. Fitz kissed Liv on the head and placed his hand on her belly.
"Ok. I will talk to her. But not now, I will talk to Mellie about this tomorrow. Right now, we have three children and guests waiting downstairs that we need to share some great news with. And Liv," Fitz said with pure concern in his eyes. "I don't want you to get worked up over this. The children will be fine. I will see to that. You need to be worried about our baby."
"Actually Fitz, about that baby part. I never got to finish saying what I was trying to tell you earlier. Remember when I found out that I was pregnant with Tom and Carrie?"
"Of course I do. That was one of the happiest days of my life. How could I ever forget?"
"Remember when I told you I had to go for testing because my levels were high?"
Liv took a deep breath before continuing. "When the doctor called me this morning, it was to give me my levels. I had taken the pregnancy test a few days ago, but the levels were out of whack, so I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to miscarry before I said anything to you. Fitz, it looks like we are having twins, again."
Fitz looked at Liv and then at her belly again. "We are going to have 5 children? Five little Olitz babies running around the house?"
Liv nodded her head waiting for Fitz to show some sort of emotion at this revelation. Fitz grabbed Liv and began kissing her passionately. "We definitely need to go spread the news. I cannot believe our lives have evolved this much in such a short amount of time. I would have never thought that when I first laid eyes on you 7 years ago that we'd be standing here in our home, in Vermont married with three children and two on the way." Fitz and Liv got dressed and went downstairs to join their children and friends and family sharing the good news with them.
Liv turned to Fitz and once again their eyes met,
"This is this why you fired me?"
"What" Fitz looked around and realized that he was standing in the hallway of his campaign headquarters.
"Can we just"
"Go back in and work?"
Liv turned around and walked back into the conference room. Fitz couldn't believe it. He had just met this woman and was ready to fire her. The moment he laid eyes on her he knew there was something special about her. When Cyrus made him run after her he hesitated for a moment but decided to go out on a limb.
Fitz ran after Liv and once their eyes met he was able to see their entire future and the happiness that lay in wait. This was the woman that he'd been waiting for his entire life and damned if he wasn't going to have her. Of course, being a governor that was running for President of the United States would make this a lot harder to accomplish, but Fitz knew that he still had 285 days until election day and damned if he wasn't going to try to make Olivia Pope his.
As he ran to catch up with Liv, he could tell that she felt something too.
"Liv, do you like Vermont?"
Liv hesitated for a moment before responding. Never in her life had she looked into a man's eyes and pictured the life they would have together, all the way down to the...
"Five bedroom home in Ferrisburgh Vermont" Liv said
"A garden for me and a play area for our 5 children." They said together. They both gasped as they realized the same future had flashed before both of their eyes.
Fitz spoke first "And we'll name our children…"
"Carolyn, Tomas, Isabella, Abigail and Lindsay" They again said together.
"Olivia Pope, our future starts here. What do you say we go and tackle it one vote at a time."
"Governor Grant, there is nothing that I would like more."
This was their destiny and they both knew it. They would let nothing get in their way. Now that they had a glimpse of what happiness was truly like staring into one another's eyes, they can truly say they both believed in love at first site. It took 7 years just like their vision showed them, and there wasn't a single moment out of place. Fitzgerald and Olivia Grant lived happily ever after with their 5 children and dog, in a 5 bedroom Victorian home on Lake Champlain with a garden for her and a play area for the children. Liv even learned how to make jam. Just like they saw in each other's eyes the day they met.
Hello everyone. This chapter was by far the hardest one for me to write. I didn't want to end the story, but I knew that if I forced it to drag on for too much longer, it would lose it's magic. I hope you all enjoyed the ending, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone's comments. This was my first FF and according to many of you it was a success. I thank you all for the love and support that you have all shown me.
I have a second FF that I am working on right now called There is a Reason. It's also Olitz centered. Sorry but until Shonda gives us Olitz in S3, I can't guarantee I'll have many storylines that don't focus mainly on them. Please feel free to read that one as well and share with your friends. As always, I welcome all of your comments and critique's. This has been one hell of a ride. Thank you for joining me and thanks again for reading.