DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or Devil May Cry.
Dante stood in his office, listening to a group of students who stood outside in his classroom, each in some form of fancy outfit. Dante had decided that it might be fun for both him and the students to throw a party every now and again, but he had expected more action.
He had mentioned it to several students, including Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna, among others. He had told them that they could bring a date if they chose, and had told them not to get him in trouble, using the words, "If you drink booze, do your best to make sure I don't know about it."
Dante had later overheard Ron and Hermione arguing about whether Hermione would be taking Cormac Maclagan to the party. Dante had rolled his eyes, as he had known about the interest between Ron and Hermione ever since he had known them. He also knew Harry liked Ginny, but he decided to take one pain in the rear at a time.
Dante walked out of his office and into the classroom, looking at the assorted students. Dean Thomas stood with Ginny, and Dante could tell they were fighting by the somewhat aggressive stance on each of them. Ron and Hermione stood with Harry in between them, looking uncomfortable.
Dante stepped up to Harry, leaning close so only Harry could hear him.
"Your friends are lookin' kinda constipated, kid. I'm about to start some music, and that'll tell everyone to dance. You're gonna push these two together, and I'm gonna handle Slimy over there…" Dante gestured to Maclagan, who stood off to the side with a predatory smirk on his face as he regarded Hermione, his gaze noticeably shifting between her backside and her chest.
"And Droolsalot over there." Dante gestured to Lavender Brown, who stood in another corner, a bright, interested smile on her face as she regarded Ron, looking annoying but a lot less offensive than Maclagan.
Before Harry could respond, Dante had vanished, and already stood by his jukebox, which he had brought specifically for this. Dante revved up a heavy metal song titled "Devil's Cry", and then vanished again. Harry gripped Hermione's arm, telling her what she should do. As Maclagan started to strut towards Hermione, there was a flash of movement, and Maclagan found himself standing at the window with Dante, being told how good a job he had done on his test. As Lavender started to approach the uncomfortable Ron and Hermione, Dante dashed over to her, pulling her to the side also, standing her next to Maclagan.
"Alright. You guys are in luck. I've got a special award I'm gonna give each of you two for your performance in the last test."
While Dante delayed Maclagan and Lavender, Harry and Hermione pulled Ron to the centre of the office, which served as the dance floor complete with floating magic disco lights provided by Fred and George at Dante's request. Harry then separated from Ron and Hermione, leaving his friends together. Harry looked at Ginny as he passed her, seeing Dean and her exchange an uncomfortable look. Harry knew that to approach would be inappropriate and unfair to both of them.
Harry then turned just in time to see Hermione get bumped face first into Ron's face, where the two of them were then forced to see each other very up close. After a few seconds, the two were wrapped in each other's arms, sharing their first moment as a couple.
Harry smiled elatedly, resisting the urge to clap.
Harry stood in the empty Gryffindor common room. Several weeks had passed since Dante's party. Ron and Hermione were still together, but the party had been broken up only a few minutes after they had started kissing by an angry McGonagall, who had come to complain about the noise. Dante had laughed at her and made light of it, but unlike Umbridge, McGonagall was a smart lady, and knew Dante actually had respect for her, and therefore that as the deputy headmistress, she had more than enough authority to tell him to quiet down.
As Harry started to drift off to sleep, he heard someone nearby, and turned to see Ginny, who sat down next to him. "How are you feeling, Harry?"
Harry shrugged. "So-so."
They turned to see Ron leave the common room with Hermione, too engrossed in kissing her to notice his best friend sitting with his sister. Hermione, for her part, noticed, and smiled her approval at Harry, giving hand signals that were thumbs up or sign language.
"About time, don't you think?" Said Ginny sarcastically, obviously referring to Ron and Hermione's relationship.
Harry chuckled, remembering all the uncomfortable moments between the two friends as they had been at each other's throats or simply unsure how to proceed.
Ginny suddenly leaned across Harry, looking him in the eyes from only a few inches away.
"How do you feel watching them, Harry?"
Harry shrugged, his heart pounding in his chest. "Happy for them, I guess."
In his devil form, Dante hovered outside the window of Gryffindor Tower, his enhanced hearing picking up every word.
"What the hell? Dude, she likes you, and she knows you like her. Why don't you just move in already? These people are such prudes."
Dante watched as Ginny started to stand, and he knew he had to intervene. Using his telekinesis to control his sword, which he had deliberately put in the Gryffindor common room the day before, Dante made his sword fly into a chair, which was sent across the room, where it gently bumped Ginny's leg, causing her to stumble slightly. Acting on instinct, Harry caught her, which inadvertently put his face close to hers. Taking advantage of this moment, Ginny pulled Harry to her and kissed him.
Just as Ginny was about to become fully engrossed in what one could safely call a capture, she looked out the window to see a huge red and black devil floating outside. Harry and Ginny separated to face the red devil, and they swore they saw it noticeably shake its head in annoyance. As the two students drew their wands, the devil vanished from the window.
"What was that thing?" Cried Ginny.
Harry thought for a second, but then he laughed softly. "I think I know. It's okay. He's harmless."
The next day, Dante slipped into the Gryffindor common room and reclaimed his sword, grumpily ignoring the looks he received from the students who saw him. If anyone thought it was strange for him to be stomping through their dormitory carrying a very big sword, they waited until he left to start commenting.
Dante taught a theory class to Harry's class that day, teaching them about which enemies are best to retreat from. He taught them that size is usually, but not always an indicator, and essentially told them that if a demon is humanoid and seems to change shape, it is best avoided.
To this, Hermione brought out some of her notes, and asked him about the devil lords, which she knew were the demon equivalent of royalty. Dante had betrayed a certain amount of emotion when the name Mundus was mentioned, but other than that, he seemed to be disinterested.
"The demons you just named are definitely to be avoided. Seeing as how you brought it up, I feel I can explain this to you. Mundus is the most powerful of all, and he has enough power to make this castle turn itself inside out with his thoughts. Abigail is dead, as of last year, but I'm pretty sure Argosax is still alive."
Hermione narrowed her eyes. "You say Abigail is dead, but the book doesn't mention that. It talks of Mundus' defeat at the hands of Sparda and Sparda's son, but what about Abigail? How do you know he's dead?"
Dante shuffled uncomfortably. He knew Hermione knew who he was, and therefore she knew exactly what the answer would be. Dante finally shrugged, deciding it couldn't be helped.
"He's dead because I killed him. He was tearing up the entire world and not being at all subtle about it, so I killed him."
Dante finished the class and went to his office, before turning to see that Harry had followed him there. "What's up, kid?"
Harry gave a half smile which made it obvious what he was about to say. "I know it was you, Dante. Outside the window last night. Hermione did some research, and she knows your background. You're the son of Sparda."
Dante sat down, pouring himself a glass of Jack Daniels whiskey as Harry went on.
"The book contained a picture of Sparda's true form, and it looked like a bigger version of the devil outside our window last night. I assumed you were just watching until I checked the common room and found your sword just resting in a cupboard. You sent that chair into Ginny's leg, didn't you?"
Dante rolled his eyes at the memory, instantly swallowing half the whiskey bottle and apparently ignoring his glass.
"Well, I had to do something. She was hitting on you, and being so obvious I could be blind and still notice, and you weren't noticing. If I hadn't done that you'd still be a bat boy. Thanks to me, you now know what first base feels like."
Harry felt himself blush, still not entirely used to Dante's rude personality, though he was also resisting the urge to laugh.
Harry sat down across from Dante's desk, planning to spend his free period there.
"Well… Thank you, Dante. Not really the way I'd expect an adult to act, but I think that ship sailed a while ago."
Dante thought about this, and shrugged. "I think it sank before it was fully built, actually."
The two friends started laughing at the whole situation, at all they had seen together, all the humour they had each introduced into the other's life, and all the fun times that almost certainly lay ahead.
Later that afternoon, Dante was called into Dumbledore's office. The headmaster sat in his large headmaster's seat, while Dante slumped down in a chair across from Dumbledore.
"Dante, I hear from Professor McGonagall that you had a teenage or nightclub style party in your classroom after hours, and I also heard you essentially forced Miss Granger and Mister Weasley together. Rather strange behaviour for a teacher, don't you think?"
Dante put his feet up on Dumbledore's desk. "Oh, come on. You mean to say you don't get annoyed watching two kids love each other as much as those two and not do anything about it? If I hadn't done that, he'd be dating that Lavender chick and getting bored out of his skull while she drools all over him, and she'd be getting chased everywhere by that sleazy Cormac dude with his perpetual boner. You can't say I didn't do them a favour. Only problem is, I told Maclagan and Lavender I had a special award for them, without thinking of any such award first. Now I gotta think up an award for them before tomorrow, and I don't think a lifetime supply of pizza will do it."
Dumbledore smiled with genuine good humour. "I also know that you put your sword in Gryffindor's common room, and assumed your devil form outside its window. Are you trying to scare sleeping students or was there a benevolent purpose behind that, too?"
Dante smirked. "Maybe a bit of both."
Dumbledore leaned back, drinking more of his drink.
"I see no reason for punishment or trouble. You did no damage. You are in no strife, and if you wish to throw another party, ask my permission, and understand that we do have better rooms for it than a classroom where demons are killed. Also, Dante, no more scaring the life out of my students by assuming your devil form."