The type of psycho Ruby is like the guy from Deadpool (Wade Wilson). But that depends on the situation.


Everything happens so fast. I watched my house burned in the fiery inferno and my mother died before me. I couldn't do anything but watch. I was weak and lonely. I watched one by one being killed by the creatures of the night; the Grimm.

Somehow I survived from the outrage. Everything burned down into ashes. I aimlessly wandered in the ashes which formerly my village. I called out my mother but no one answered me. I keep calling even though I know it's hopeless. Suddenly, I feel tremors under my feet. I raised my head slightly and saw a Grimm before me. A Beowolf. I gasped and froze on my spot.

The Grimm didn't do anything to me. It's red eyes stared into my silver ones. I couldn't move my legs. I fiercely tremble before it, fear that it might kill me. It lowered its head near me and somehow I heard it said, "I'll be watching you, Ruby Rose..." As soon it finished its words, it left with a blink of an eye.

How does it know my name? Grimm can't speak. They can't even think. I don't know what might happened to me. I fell onto my knees. Tears showered down my cheeks. My mind went blank. I couldn't think of anything. That Grimm will haunts me for eternity. I don't want to live anymore...

Due to the coldness, I collapse on the snow. The white crystals slowly cover my body. I don't care anymore. As long I could see my mother, I don't mind death. I heard a distant footsteps. I try to look who was it but I was too weak. I slowly locking my consciousness.

"Ruby, wake up! It's morning!" I groan as I heard my sister's usual cheery voice. I open my eyes, only to find myself on my bed, looking at my sister's lilac eyes. It was a dream, I thought. But it's not any kind of dream. I feel kinda familiar with it but I don't remember where.

Suddenly, I feel someone poking my head. It's none other than my sister, Yang Xiao Long. "Hello~? Earth to Ruby, are you there?!" She said with her index finger poking me. I push her away gently and rub my eyes. Weiss is probably studying and Blake is with her book like always. I stretched out my arms before I left my bed.

I head to the bathroom although feel a bit drowsy. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I leave the bathroom and look at the clock. It's 9 a.m. I put on a red shirt with black jeans. I didn't see Yang around. Probably she's getting ready, I thought. Then, an odd question suddenly appear in my mind. I walk towards Weiss who's lying on her bed. I ask her, "Weiss, can I ask you something?"

"What is it? This better be good."

"Can Grimm talks?" Silence took over between us. I've been curious to know about it. From my dream, the Beowolf whispered something to me. But I can't seem to remember. She respond, "I don't think that's possible, Ruby. Grimm haven't manage to generate intelligence for the past centuries. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. Just...curious." I try my best to cover up and she seems to fall for it. She continue with her studying. I excuse myself from the team to take some fresh air. As I close the door, my heart aches. I clutch onto my chest to reduce the pain. It's been going on for few days. I don't want to tell anyone about this neither to my sister.

The pain slowly goes away. I release my grip from my chest. Looks like I need to get my medicine, I thought. It's worsening. I can't show this to my friends especially Yang. I decided to head to the city.

A/N : This idea came up spontaneously in my mind. I would like to think Ruby as a psycho. Anyone agree? No? I don't mind. In this AU, the Beowolf Ruby encountered from her childhood somehow manage to generate intelligence and thus bestowed it the ability to speak and think. Ruby lost her memories before she was adopted into Yang's family but somehow remember her name. Also, how does it know her name? You'll have to find out for yourself! New chapters will be updated within one or two weeks.