Line and Sinker

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Enjoy and please review!

"Oh, he's cute. I would totally say go for him, if he weren't dating someone else." That sentence hurt Deidara like a hundred thousand needles launched into her hammering heart.

She knew that there were the jocks, nerds, freaks, preps, criminals, junkies and other stereotypically correct categories in high school. She was in the 11th grade, where she wasn't the graduating class, yet she wasn't the unknown class. She was known by her peers but not by the big shots of the school. She belonged to the artsy group, where other students just asked her to be a part of their group for her attractive artistic talents.

Deidara was indeed very attractive with her long cascading blonde tresses, dashing bright blue eyes, sun kissed skin, and a cute smile that could win any man's heart over. However, her only drawback was her zealous attitude towards her outlandish explosive artwork on the side. It all started with a firework that almost had her suspended from school in the 9th grade. It only worsened as the school years roll on by.

The fall leaves were rustling outside as students gathered in their usual clicks and circles. They chattered idly about the current events of their own lives and other trivial matters.

Deidara knew that this was a new year and she sought to start it off on the right foot… Or so she had hoped in the beginning.

Right off the bat, the blonde haired seventeen year old slept in, forgot to eat breakfast, and missed her school bus. In addition, it started to pour down rain as she walked all the way to school.

If that wasn't bad enough, she crashed into someone she would have never imagined to even come close to, not even in her wildest dreams. He had reddish brown hair that fell perfectly against his forehead and alluring brown eyes that stared deep into her widened azure orbs. She opened her mouth as she bounced off of the ground with a blush, feeling utterly embarrassed. Before she could muster an apology, he smirked at her for a brief second and turned away as if she never existed.

"Sorry, un…" Deidara whispered out as she watched with sad eyes as his figure grew smaller and smaller, then vanished from her eyesight.

As if right on cue, a certain hyperactive blonde crept up behind Deidara and swiftly scooped her up into his strong arms.

"Naruto, un!" Deidara giggled as she encircled her arms around his neck with a silly grin. Both blondes started to laugh at each other and eventually Naruto released Deidara when they approached their lockers.

Deidara unlocked her locker with ease and had a small blush build up on her cheeks. She knew why she was blushing. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, palms started to sweat, and she fumbled through her teal colored cotton book bag.

The redhead's locker was right next to hers. She knew this important detail, because there was a paper heart sticky note on the black locker reading the words: 'Sasori' with a heart next to his name.

She couldn't believe that her locker was next to the guy who wouldn't even spare her a passing glance. Now, she might have a slim chance to actually exchange a word or two. Hopefully, she prayed that her dreams would come true.

Naruto was a few lockers away from his blonde haired female friend and unlocked his lock with difficulty. Deidara looked over and noticed a different red head approaching in her direction. He didn't look quite like her secret crush but he was cute. Naruto glanced over at the redhead who just simply strolled on by Deidara and Naruto without a care. She sighed out in relief, knowing that the bright red haired guy was affiliated with the group of attractive popular individuals.

Deidara was fully aware that she and Naruto were skipping first period but didn't care since it was the first day back at school.

"Hey, Naru, un?" Deidara spoke up quickly as she stored away her unwanted books into the raven colored locker with ease. Naruto glanced over his shoulder at his damp friend with a small smile. "Dei?" Naruto returned the cute shortened nickname with a growing grin on his cheerful face. "Do you think I could ever get a boyfriend?" Deidara chewed her bottom lip, casting her crystal blue eyes down at her lock before she snapped it locked.

Naruto's expression softened and he walked over to put an arm around his long time friend's shoulder. "Of course, you are beautiful and smart. Not to mention artistic," Naruto made his friend blush two shades of pink and her frown developed into a smile at the next thing Naruto said to her.

"And best of all, you stand up for what you believe in! If someone doesn't like it, then tell them to fuck off!" Naruto grinned as he heard his blonde friend giggle loudly.

He shot her a piece sign with a huge grin, "Believe it!" This caused both of the blondes to roll on the floor and Deidara laughed so hard, that she accidentally snorted like a pig. The action only increased their volume ad amount of laughter.

A couple yards away, a group of students were skipping and stalking through the halls of the school. It was a mixture of the stereotypical criminals and jocks. They were the big shots of the school. All of the girls and guys admired them, because of their rebellious demeanors.

"Oh, Dei, look who's coming," Naruto whispered in a displeased voice as he noticed the group of popular guys turn around the corner and approach them. They never acknowledge the blondes, so why were they going to start today? Especially on the first day of school?

The group of popular guys dispersed into different directions to locate their lockers along the walls. Suddenly, the reddish brown haired student knelt down right next to Deidara and smiled at the heart on his locker. He glanced over at the blushing blonde and pointed at the note. Naruto observed closely at the scene before him. He knew Deidara had an interest in this guy but she was too fearful of even talking to him.

This was his chance to get the ball rolling for his long life female friend. She really deserved to happy in his opinion.

"Did you put this on my locker?" He asked the blushing blonde in a nice yet curious voice. Before Deidara could deny him, Naruto immediately intervened and shouted, "Yeah! She wanted to surprise you! Hehehe!" Deidara's blue eyes widen and her mouth dropped open in mortification. Her heart beat was racing off of the speedway and her hands started to sweat as she bit her bottom lip nervously. She could not find the courage to defend herself or say anything, because honestly she wanted his attention.

"Aw, I'm flattered…" He rubbed behind his head as laughed nervously at the silently red-faced blonde. Deidara waved a hand in front of her continuously blushing face and glanced at him with her blue eyes shining brightly.

"Hey, my name is Deidara, un." She introduced herself and couldn't believe that she was talking to him. His expression went back to a placid look and he shook her hand politely. "My name is Sasori." He turned to pack his books and red book bag in the black steel locker. He glanced to his left, eyeing the blonde haired girl secretly, then slammed his locker shut and stood back up to face his friends to the right.

"See you around, Deidara." Sasori half smiled at the blonde who wasn't even looking up at him but rather at Naruto. Deidara couldn't look at her secret crush, because she was blushing so much.

Naruto winked at his friend and raised his hand to show her thumbs up with a chuckle. Deidara shook her head with a chuckle of her own and pushed away from her locker and walked over to Naruto.

"I can't believe you," Deidara smiled then wrapped her arms around his neck, then whispered, "But thank you, Naru, un." Naruto wrapped his arms around her slim waist and nodded with a small laugh.

Meanwhile, the group of popular guys walked outside and decided to chat until lunch time arrived.

"Who was that blonde that you were talking to, Sasori?" A male with dark hair pulled back in a low ponytail inquired as he watched his friend zone off. He shook his head slightly with a smirk, "Heh, just another girl, Itachi." Sasori was too quick to judge but he really didn't know her personally. Although, she did have this vibe to her that was unique compared to all of the other girls at the school.

"I heard she was a fucking freak for explosives!" A guy with slick back silver haired commented rudely as they gathered under a nearby oak tree. There was a man who was half white and half black with a Venus fly trap thing going on sitting under the tree with them. He was too busy smoking weed and getting as high as a kite. He was the typical junkie in the group. His name is Zetsu. They could see it now. In the yearbook, Zetsu: The one who always got high before, between, and after class.

Sasori smirked and his mind went to the gutter, "Heh, so she likes a good bang, huh?" Everyone in the group roared with laughter at Sasori's smartass comment and eventually calmed down.

Not too long after the group finished making jokes about others, the lunch bell sounded off.

Naruto pulled Deidara through the hallway and stumbled upon a really pretty violet haired girl. Her lilac eyes caught his attention and he released his grip from Deidara's sore wrist. He was head over heels for this beauty.

"Hey, my name's Naruto!" The hyperactive blonde grinned at the shy girl blushing before him. He flirted and talked her up and they finally vanished into the lunch room together. Naruto smiled back at his blonde haired friend and pointed at the open door that led outside.

"They are outside! Go after him, Dei!" Naruto called out to the blonde haired artist who hesitated before collecting the courage to follow through with the scheme. She inhaled deeply through her nostrils, exhaled softly out of her mouth, and reminded herself that nothing ventured, nothing gained. It was a new year and this crush had been going for long enough.

Deidara nodded with a small confident smile, stepped forward with her Mary Jane shoes with high white stockings and embraced the cool air that hit her face as she passed through the opened door. The sunlight was so bright outside that she had to shade her blue eyes with her right hand and surveyed the region. She immediately targeted the area where the popular guys were sitting along with her secret crush.

"Look who's coming, Sasori…" Kisame muttered as he concealed his joint behind his back. He didn't need some goody two shoes finding him out. If she did, he would have to make up an excuse, such as: 'Oh, it is strictly medicinal. Nothing to see here! Keep it moving, lady!'

Deidara carefully stepped through the uncut grass in the vast field and forgot how short her navy blue skirt was. A gust of wind thought it would be funny to go ahead and lift up her skirt in front of all of these guys before she even spoke a word.

Way to go, Deidara!

The blonde blushed furiously as she yanked her skirt back down and muttered an apology to the group of ogling men. Hidan whistled obnoxiously and thanked Jashin that he caught a glimpse of girl's panties without even trying on the first day. Sasori chuckled as he approached her with a sly smirk and hooked a finger under her chin.

"What brings you around, cutie?" Sasori flirted and expected her to react the way all of the other girls would react. They would usually flirt back and try to kiss him. That's the types of girls he was used to. However, Deidara was far from ordinary.

"Well, I… I wanted to… um…" Deidara couldn't register a single thought in her head and saying it properly was ultimately impossible. It was a train wreck on her end and the other guys started to laugh at her and some snickered. Zetsu continued to smoke his marijuana without a care in the world.

"You wanted to what?" Sasori asked with a raised eyebrow, releasing her chin, and pocketed his hands casually with a smirk. Deidara's face flushed red, her hands played with one another, and her blue eyes darted from his brown eyes to the ground.

"To talk to you, un." Deidara finally forced it out with a sheepish smile. She twisted her right black shoe into the dirt below her as she waited for Sasori's now blank expression to change. It made her feel very uncomfortable and she wanted to run but her feet were glued to the grass at this point.

"Would you like to talk to me alone?" Sasori asked suggestively, which made the group's ears perk up at this interesting conversation. Deidara bit her bottom lip nervously and slowly nodded with a blush creeping along her cheeks.

Sasori smirked and nodded at his group of friends, the he called out to them. "This shouldn't take too long."

They returned a nod of confirmation and resumed their smoking and jokes.

"Let's go someplace else," Sasori suggested as he led the sheepishly cute blonde over to a shady tree with leaves piling up around it. Deidara really didn't want to sit on the ground and get her skirt all dirty. Sasori had already claimed a spot under the tree and looked up at the nervous blonde as she held her short skirt by the ends with shaky hands.

"I see that you have a skirt on. Would you like me to protect you from the dirt?" Sasori offered as he remained seated on the grassy area. Deidara assumed that Sasori would place his black jacket down for her to sit on but instead he beckoned her over towards him then caught her off guard. He swiftly swung his arm behind her slightly bent knees and she ended up falling. However, he managed to catch her fall and he cradled her body in his lap. Deidara's blue eyes were the size of saucers as she realized that she was in the arms of her three year secret crush. Her heart pounded furiously against her chest.

"Is this better?" He asked the flustered looking blonde haired student. She inched away out of embarrassment and made an excuse that she had to be somewhere. Before Sasori could say anything else, Deidara bolted away. Luckily, Sasori had the chance to catch a glimpse of those teddy bear panties again.

Deidara met up with Naruto with a grimace as she watched him and this violet haired girl mingle with one another. She was happy, yet jealous of Naruto and his new girlfriend. Some people have all of the luck. Deidara was fed up with today and decided to just call it quits and leave the high school.

On her way home, she caught a glimpse of red hair but ignored it because she knew who he was. She quickened her pace when she realized the redhead was chasing after her. In the corner of her blue eye, she caught a glimpse of a pair of dark eye lined teal eyes. There was a tattoo on this guy's forehead to the left that read in Kanji: 'Love'.

"Wait up!" The redhead shouted as he barely brushed his fingertips over the blonde's teal book bag as she ran away from him.

Deidara stopped dead in her tracks at what she saw before her mortified shaking ocean blue eyes.

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