

A raven-haired tomboy yelled at her elder brother.

"What? Is Little Miss. Kaoru angry for not watching her favorite movie?" the tomboy's brother mocked.

"Dai! Give back the remote!" the girl named Kaoru yelled and launched at her brother – Dai.

"Hey!" Dai yelled as Kaoru tackled him to the floor.

A hand snatched the remote from the fighting bunch.

"Now none of you have it!" a young boy with a scare on his left cheek called as he jumped onto the couch.

Dai and Kaoru broke away from each other. Dai gave Kaoru a glare but the tomboy took no notice as she ran towards her little brother.

"Shou be a good boy and hand over the remote, the movie is about to start!" she growled.

The boy named Shou jumped out of his sister's reach and ran around the room. "Then I'd rather be a bad boy!"

Kaoru growled and chased after her little brother but to be tripped by Dai.

"Shou you should me on my side, give me the remote!" Dai said.

"No!" Shou replied stubbornly.

Ding Dong

The three fighting children took no notice of the doorbell and carried on the fight for the remote.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

"Coming!" a reply came from the kitchen.

The children's mom rushed to the door.

"Mistuko, your children's making a really big racket tonight." The woman whom lived in floor nine – just below them – said sharply. "My child is trying to study."

"I apology Mrs. Hushi, I'll make sure they are quiet when you step into your house."

"Make sure they do." Mrs. Hushi said and walked down the hall towards the elevator.

Mistuko slowly closed the door and walked into the living room.

Kaoru, Dai and Shou were still fighting over the remote.

Mistuko's eyelid twitched. She took a deep breath and yelled, "QUIET THIS INSTANSE!"

The three froze and turned to their mother.

Mistuko snatched the remote out of Kaoru's hand.

"If you three have nothing to do than braking down the house, you may as well go to your rooms!"

They grunted but silenced when their mother glared at them.

"Back to your rooms now!" Mistuko threatened, "And no arguing!" she added when Kaoru opened her mouth to argue.

The three grunted again before they got up and walked towards their rooms.

"This is all your fault!" Kaoru hissed at Dai.

"What's it to do with me?" Dai growled back.

"You were teasing nee-san." Shou pointed out.

"Shut up Shou! You are also to be blamed!" Dai shouted.

"Gossip one more word then you'll have to answer me instead!" Their mom yelled from the living room, making the three zoom into their rooms.

Kaoru turned in her bed and pulled up her blanket to cover her head.

She swerved and twisted in her bed.

It was hot and stuffy.

'Why is it so hot in here? It's already Autumn!' She thought and sat up.

As the covers slid down her face a strong smell in the air made her blood run cold.

The atmosphere was filled with hot and choking sense.


She shot out of bed and dashed to the window. She swung opened the window and peered out.

She looked up and froze in horror.

On floor eleven – which is just above Kaoru's floor – she could see orange flames dancing wildly.


She turned around and ran out her room.

The hallway was filled with choking-black smoke.

Kaoru ran to Shou's room which is just next to hers, she slammed opened the door and shake her little brother awake.

"Fire wake up Shou!"

He was awake immediately and ran out his room with his sister at his side.

Dai's door shot opened and he crashed out. "You guys OK?"

I nodded. It was getting hotter now.

Suddenly flame crashed into the kitchen.

Shou screeched and held Kaoru's hand tightly.

"We have to get out!" Dai yelled over the sound of burning flames.

'Mom, dad!'

"Mom and dad are still in there!" Kaoru yelled.

She left Shou with Dai in the hallway and ran towards her parent's room.

It was extremely hot as she opened the door.

Kaoru held her arm over her eyes as a wave of hot burning air flared out.

She looked into the room and almost felt her heart stopped.

A large piece of ceiling had crashed down onto her parent's bed. Kaoru's dad was trying to lift the ceiling, half his body was buried under it – the same with her mom.

Her dad saw Kaoru standing in the doorway. Kaoru held her breath as she caught her dad's eyes, unable to move.

He yowled, "Run! Kaoru!"

But she was too stiff to move, her feet was rooted to the ground, her heart pounding hard in her chest. A tear escaped Kaoru's eye then more made their way down her cheek.

Another part of ceiling fell.

Everything seems to stop. Kaoru looked into her mom's eyes as she turned to her. She stared at her beloved parents.

Sadness and fear filled her mom's eyes with tears. "Kaoru! Save yourself!" Mistuko yelled.

"Run!" Tokio yowled.

That was the last she heard as the ceiling crushed onto her parents.

Kaoru's skipped a beat. Her body suddenly can move again.

"NOOOO!" She cried and ran forward.

A strong arm pulled her back and she started to struggle out of grip but was being pulled back into the hallway where Shou is waiting.

"Kaoru! We have to get out!" Dai growled, loud enough for his sister to hear.

"No! What about mom and dad?!" she cried.

Dai swung her around and grabbed her by the shoulder. "They're dead Kaoru! And we will be if we don't get out!" he yelled but grief, sadness and fear cracked in his voice.

He pulled Kaoru and Shou to the front door and ran out to the elevator.

As they were about to reach it a ceiling broke down and blocked their way.

The staircase was blazing with live fire.

Dai growled and ran back into the house closely followed by his siblings.

The rooms were all on fire now except the living room.

He rush to the window and peered out, hoping to see help. People were standing in the street and staring at the flaming building with horror.

A few fire engines were there but they were no help, the fire was too high, they are waiting for a bigger truck.

Dai sigh in defeat and sat in a corner and hugged Kaoru and Shou close to him.

"They won't make it in time." Kaoru said in defeat. Shou started to sob.

Fire burst through the front door, burning the smooth wood.

Dai held his little sister and brother tighter.

"Why does this have to happen to us!" Shou cried.

Kaoru felt a something wet dropped onto her forehead. She looked up and saw a few tears welled out of Dai's eyes.

More tears streamed down her face as she hugged her brothers – one with each arm.

The fire reached us and burned Dai's back.

Smoke filled Kaoru's nostrils making her cough and made her eyes burn.

So hot now that Kaoru rested her head on Dai's shoulder and half-closed her eyes.

"Why us?" She whispered.

Orange flame filled her vision but the least she heard Dai said…..

"The world is cruel and never fair."

…..Then everything went black…

Hi guys I hope you will enjoy this story.

If you do like it then why not check out my other two stories…

'PPGZ: Enter The World Of Beast Spirits' (Every character in it)

'PPGZ: Secret Around The Corner' (Kaoru story)