Heavy In Your Arms

I was a heavy heart to carry
My feet dragged across ground
And he took me to the river
Where he slowly let me drown


As the door closes behind them, I feel something tug within me. There seemed to be something that was trying to break through from the numb state that I had accustomed too.

"Am I next?"

My eyes drifted up to the young girl stumbling after me. Her skirts made her trip and she began tumbling down but I was quick to grip her form. Her warmth suddenly disgusted me and I shoved her, making her falter back onto the ground. A weak whimper leaving her as she blinked up at me.

"Get out" I gritted through my clenched teeth.

She blinked again, looking lost and perplexed. "What?" she murmured, pushing her black tresses away from her face.

"OUT!" I exclaimed, growing more frustrated with the reminder of her presence. My eyes frequently flickered over to her neck where blood continued to trickle down her olive skin, staining the white flowered dress.

The simple reminder had me jumping up and grabbing her shoulder and then switching to delve them into her thick tresses. While ignoring her pained groans, I pulled her so my lips were to her ear. "I said, get out of my house" I hissed.

Movement caught my peripheral vision and I roughly released her, only so I could grab another lounging human. My grip on her shoulders tightened as I pulled her to her feet and pushed her towards the door.

When I paused to search around the room, something else was triggered within at the sight of the headless bodies lying lifelessly around the room. Others had even lost their limbs and the bloodied sight had me pulling at my hair in frustration.

A growl left me and I stumbled back, hitting the wall and then sliding down. My knees finally giving in and crumpling beneath me. Heavy breaths left me and I squeezed my eyes shut as something strange and familiar tried to break through my walls.

It was relentless and continued to attack my chest. Frantic fingers then reached up to callously grabbed at my heart, wishing that I could tear it out.

He wouldn't leave me.

Not like this. Not alone.

He was my brother.

He would return…


I had left.

Of course I had left.

I had known that it was bound to happen very soon. Every time I looked in the blanched eyes of my brother or caught a whiff of split blood, I knew that I was slowly being pushed further and further away from him.

Yes, the thought had occasionally fleeted through but I had tried to be strong. I had made a good attempt at sticking by his side and hoping for the best. My foolishness had brought me hope in seeing the good that he once was.

Then again, those moments would be soiled with memories of how he had sold Katherine. How naïve he had been when trusting our father and deciding to go against my wishes. Stefan, always trying to be the hero but in the end, he was ironically the one to kill him.

I now knew that my brother had died the second the bullet had struck through his heart.

This was why I could no longer be around h- that monster.

It was because of him that I had lost everything; because of him, our home was no longer ours; because of him, the town lived in fear and it was because of him, that I was now burdened with the weak human girl, helplessly stumbling after me.

The reminder had me spinning around to glare into her blinking eyes.

"Why are you following me?"


Startled and confused by this, I continued to blink, unsure of how to reply. It also did not help me with his close proximity that now defined his features more beautifully. The pale moonlight now showed how handsome my saviour was.

His striking blue eyes steeled with a saddened gleam that he seemed to fight against. Those wonderful dark locks, continued to tempt me as they fell over his forehead but he didn't make a move to push them aside. His lips pursed, probably due to my lips so I tried to find my voice again.


I gulped nervously, locking my fidgeting fingers before me but this only exasperated him further. "You what?!" he snapped, pressing his angered fists by his side. However even his startling anger wasn't enough to encourage me in replying and this left another stretched silence between us.

He realised this so he drew in another breath, closing his eyes in the process. A sense of peace placated him into relaxing his shoulders and unclenching his hands. I wanted to reach out and appease him but suddenly his eyes flew open again. This time they were defeated and that did not settle with me. "Why did you stop me from attacking your captivator?" he inquired, not able to rid himself of the edge in his tone.

"He was your brother" I swallowed again and bowed my head in embarrassment. "You would not have forgiven yourself"

My lowered murmur was met with his disgusted sneer and when I looked back up, he was walking away from me again. Without hesitation, I bunched up my heavy skirts and stumbled after him again. "What is your name?" I asked, tilting my head up to look at him again.

"Why do you care?"

I picked up the speed so I could stop in front of him and block his path. "I would like to know so I may thank you properly" I offered a smile that could appease him.

Thankfully, he stopped and even chanced a glance up at me. Something happened after meeting my eyes because he relaxed further and crossed his arms, still looking at me. "I find no point in this" he waved me off but still remained standing before me and I waited patiently.

Upon realising that I would continue to wait, he sighed dramatically, "Damon..." he answered and sighed again when I raised an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue. "Damon Salvatore"

A happy and content smile lifted my lips and I collected my skirts once again, ready to bow to him. "I am Isabella Marie-"

"That does not concern me" he snapped, his mood shifting so quickly that I had no time to comprehend how he callously grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. "Where do you live?" he demanded, not caring as I tripped several times. "No, I think a better question would be, why you went along with my brother?" he countered and decided something mentally. His steps slowed and he backtracked, whirling me around to press me onto a nearby tree. "What could have compelled you to follow my brother?" he asked, searching me for something.

"I-I was trying to protect my friend - Jessica" I stammered, not because I feared him but because I feared the feelings roused by his closeness. I had never paid boys any attention but with him, I wanted him to notice me. Then again, he was no boy – he was a man…a broken man at that.

"She died" he murmured.

The memo0ry of my friend had me bowing my head in shame and grief. The hand I had placed on his chest fell onto my stomach as it fell into a hollow empty pit. "Y-Yes" I trembled, feeling my knees give in as the images returned once again.

"My brother should not have done that" he looked down at me and then flickered his gaze away.

I silently thanked him for his appreciated attempt at an apology.

"Can we just stop for a minute?" I murmured, clutching the side of the tree for support but I could only feel myself slipping. It was suddenly hitting me that I had lost Jessica. Her mother…her father…even the boy she much admired – Michael…they would not want to hear about this.

"No" he growled, surprising me when he yanked me up to my feet. "It is time that you went home" he continued to dip his head and bend down and meet my eyes. His pebbled orbs now warmed to reveal his concern as he had my face between his gentle hands.

A foolish part of me thought that he would kiss me and was suddenly embarrassed when he began to whisper in a husky compelling tone. "Your friend asked you to go along with her but you refused. It was too late and you wanted to go home. When you wake up tomorrow, there will be nothing you remember from this night"

His words seemed to fade as I noticed how considerably close he was. The silver flecks in his blue eyes entranced me and his lips parted, a short breath leaving his lips.

I knew I needed to collect myself and will the thoughts away so I fluttered my eyes closed but only for a brief moment. However, this was enough because upon opening them, his presence was gone.

A cold breeze had me trembling as the shiver trailed down my spine. I wrapped my arms around my rail form, feeling lost and confused while helplessly and foolishly searching the darkened forest.

Tired and even a moment of peace to grieve my friend and try to make sense of this night, I reached up to clutch my head. The heavy pounding raged, driving my thoughts wild so I clutched it, wavering as the dizziness grew uncontrollable.

Shaky breaths left my trembling lips and I dropped my head in defeat. I needed to get away and simply get some sleep. That would help m-

"Awfully late for a young girl like you to be here all alone"

The velvet tones interrupted my thoughts and I spun around, a shocked gasp left me. The hand dropped from my head and onto my rapidly beating heart.

I looked up at the sadistic smile on the person's lips. "Beautiful night isn't it?" he gestured towards the full moon gracing the sky but also casting distorted shadows along the night's streets and towards the forest.

Unfortunately, the moonlight also hit his gleaming teeth being flashed towards me. The silvery rays also streamed down to reveal his strange disarrayed bronze locks.

In the silence, I was startled with the echoed sound of his whispered footsteps. Wide and surprised, I watched as he closed in on me and the shadows were drawn away from his face, revealing his bright scarlet eyes.

Crimson as blood.

"Now, what to do with you?"

A/N: Who has our little danger magnet crashed into?

My technical skills have been put to the test because I took a shot at making a trailer/teaser. Check it out and don't be too brutal. Link is on my profile. Anyway, have a good night