A/N: Hello everyone here is my new story Scars that remain in the soul now I have to warn you guys it's a ScottxCora fanfic so if you don't like this paring then I advise you to leave.

Warning this story will include killing, violence and sexual content again if you don't like any of this please leave thank you. Another fair warning no one knows that Derek is alive they all still think he's dead and Ethan gave Scott a different warning what is well you'll have to read to find out okay enough of my babbling on with the story !

Scars that remain in the soul

Summary: Ever since their return from the motel Scott's been acting different. Cold, distant whatever happened changed him in more ways than one and he's become overprotective with Derek's little sister; question is why? What happened to Scott and can his friends save him before it's too late or is it already too late?

Chapter 1: war

-Cause you can't feel my anger you can't feel my pain you can't feel my torment driving me insane I can't fight these feelings they will bring you pain you can't take away make me whole again-

-Everyone's at war with different things I'm at war with my own heart…-

McCall Residence

Alone. That's how he felt, ironically he was home alone so no one could come in and ask him what was wrong with him. Assuming if there was anything wrong with him then again he was Scott McCall when wasn't there something wrong with him?

He looked out his window out into the darkness; he couldn't help but smirk at the irony, every bad thing that has ever happened to him was at night so why shouldn't this be any different? Why shouldn't his thoughts be portay in the darkness? Its been a week since they've came back from that crazy motel that almost drove him and the other wolves into suicide.

From what Stiles told him whatever was controling them made them see their worst fears or in Boyd's something that brought him guilt and like a parasite was eating him from the inside out. Everyon agreed with that hteory due to the visions they saw; however for Scottit affected him in more ways than one. His friends thought that all he saw was Decualion and how he made him feel hopeless and weak but what no one knew was Scott saw more much, much more; he didn't know if what he saw was a warning of wahts to come or to scare him water the reason was it scared in more ways than one.

Scott looked down at the palm of his hand, funny how scars had the power to remind him that it was real even when he tried so hard to forget. His musing were inturrupted by a vibrating sound. From the corner of his eye he saw his phone vibrating.

Turning his gaze from the window Scott walked up to his desk and picked up his phoneon the desk. He looked at the caller ID, almost immediately Scott growled when he saw her name on the screen. He dropped his phone with a loud thud. Out of everyone she was the only one he didn't want to be near in fact he was doing everything he could to push her away and so far it wasn't working.

It was both annoying and sweet that she refused to leave him then again she was a fighter; it was in her blood. Not only that but she was stubborn just like her brother. Ever since he met her Scott has been intrigued with the youngest Hale. She was different from anyone he's ever met.

Stubborn, strong, sarcastic, overprotective when it came to her loved ones and yet she always had her guard up. She never allowed herself to get close to anyone not even Derek. It was as if she was scared to get close to anyone for fear that she may lose them. When he first met her he didn't understand that fear if fact he sometimes thought that she was being a bit stupid for not making any friends but after losing Derek he understood it perfectly; he now knew what it was like to lose a loved one or at least someone you had high respect for.

He laid down on his bed and stare at his celing as if all his answers would miracuosly apperar on it. His phone vibrated again and again he ignored it going straight to voice mail.

He knew that Stiles asked Cora and pretty much all of their friends to call and check up on him. But Scott also knew that Cora was doing this because she was genuily worried about him but like him wouldn't say anything.

"Scott its Cora,"

The werewolf felt his heart stop when he heard her voice. He tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach fluttering around and focoused on what she was saying.

"Look I know you don't want to talk to me and I honestly don't know why I'm even trying."

Scott actully laughed at that; they both knew why she was still trying to talk to him. It was the same reason he was avoiding her and yet neither one of them was willing to admit anything their stupid pride kept getting in the way.

"But whatever's wrong with you snap out of it! Your friends are worried about you," pause.

He waited for her to say something else because he knew she wanted to but her Hale pride wouldn't allow her to speak; stupid pride.

"Look…at least call Stiles back, after all the shit you put him through; out of everyone he deserves an explination he's your brother Scott just…just tell him your okay and stop worrying him…"

The call ended after that. Scott sat up and looked at the phone. He was tempted to call her at least to hear her voice because if he was being honest with himself her voice was the only thing keeping him sane.

With Cora

Cora hung up the phone and threw it and herself on the bed. She turned to her side and stare at the picture of her family. God did she miss them. A part of her was angry at herself because she didn't even tried to get close to Derek-to rebulid that conection they once had-while he was still alive. She could feel the tears threating to fall and she quickly whiped them away. She would not cry she will not be weak.

Cora closed her eyes and tried to escape into her dream world were she was happy with her family…and with Scott.

The next day

When Scott arrived to school he spotted Cora; as always she was by herself. Once again he was tempted to go over there and talk to her but like always he restrain himself. The young Hale flet that someone was watching her, she turned to face him. For a few seconds her hazel eyes met his dark brown ones. Cora could feel her heart rate picking up but forced it to calm down she didn't want him to know that he had a huge affect on her.

Scott was having an internal battle within himself. He wanted to go over there just to be with her, at least to check up on her and make sure she was okay but another part of him knew that if he went to her he'll want to do more than just talk and he knew that the last thing he wanted was ruin what little friendship he had left with her. Cora was the first to break off the contact and headed for class.

Scott was tempted to follow her but restrain himself. A part of him was angry that he was always stopping himself from going near her at least to say hi to her. He hated that heas so weak that he was being a coward; like always the only thing that was stopping himself from being happy was himself.

With Cora

"Okay class please open to page 88 amd work on problems 1-25,"

Cora stared at the book and that's it. She just stared off into space while her mind was a million miles away. She was once again thinking about Scott. In all honesty she didn't understand why he plauged her mind 24/7 sure she was somewhat attractied to him but why was she always thinking about him? He was like a fly; something that annoyed her and wouldn't leave her alone she honestly didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Ever since she met him Cora has been intruiged with the boy.

He was different. He genuily cared about people he wanted to protect all his loved ones; another thing that Cora found interesting was how he didn't even wanted the bite how at first he didn't want it because of fear.

Fear that he'd hurt someone he loved and care about, fear that he'll become a killer like the alphas or the darach. Cora could understand the fear of hurting someone. She understood how it consume you and ate you alive till there was nothing left. Its one of the many reasons why she never made any friends. Like Scott she didn't want to hurt anybody. Not only that she wouldn't allow herself to get close to them out of fear. Losing her family scared Cora and it was diffucult for her to open up to anyone because if she did she'll probably end up hurting them or worse.

Maybe that's why Scott's been acting different. Maybe the whole hopeless thing scared him a lot more than he'll ever admit. Of course since he was the 'hero' always having to act all brave and strong-never allowing anyone to see him be weak-he'll never say anything. Hell the boy would rather suffer than admit anything was wrong with him.

"Just like Derek,"

"What's the answer Ms. Hale?"

Cora was pulled out of her musings by the teacher, she looked up to see his stern expression; guess she was stuck in her dream world longer than she thought.


"The answer to number six? Whats the answer?"

Cora looked at her paper than at the teacher.

"Don't know,"

"Why not?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

Cora shrugged her shoulder.

"Because I didn't feel like doing it," the teacher wasn't surprise by her answer. Cora never did her work and yet she would always get the highest grade on quizes and tests. He just shook his head and walked back to his desk. Cora just rolled her eyes; she wasn't surprise that the teacher didn't do anything he never did.

The bell rang signaling the end of class which meant that her next class was with none other than Scott McCall.

With Scott

Class was finally over which meant that his next class was with Stiles, Issac, the twins, Lydia…and Cora. It sucked because aside from his first class Cora was in all his classes. In a way that was good since he got to not only see her but to protect her. He knew she could take care of herself but the fight with the alphas really scared the hell out of him. Not to mention Ethan's warning was still fresh in his mind; he already lost Derek, he refused to lose another Hale that was important to him. When he got there he spotted Cora but she wasn't alone.

He could feel his blood boiling and his wolf was fighting to gain control so that he could ript the throat out of the boy talking to his Cora.

Scott quickly dismissed those thoughts. His Cora? When did she became his Cora? More importantly how can he think about claiming her when he should be protecting her.

"She's not mine to call my own,"

He thought to himself.

"Yet," his wolf reply. Ignoring that Scott walked up to Cora and his fellow teammate.

She was going to kill him, she honestly wanted to kill him. The boy has been bugging her ever since she came to Beacon Hills High; never leaving her alone. The first she kindly told him she wasn't interested and by kindly she gave him her famous Hale glare and said no. A week ago she told him to leave her alone or she'll rip his penis and shove it down his throat now she was going to kill him.

"So are you busy this Friday?" she glared at the cocky boy, apparently words weren't getting through his thick skull so maybe a good kick or punch will litteraly knock some sense into this guy. Just as she was about to kick him were the sun don't shine Cora felt someone's arms wrap around her waist; the next thing she knew her back was pressed against a stone like chest.

Cora could feel her heart beating like a drum in a rock concert. She didn't have to turn around to know it was Scott, only he could get her heart beat like that.

Scott couldn't help but smirk and feel proud of himself for being the only person who could make her heart beat like that. However he came here to deliver a message and that's exactly what he was going to do.

He rested his head on her shoulder pressing his cheek against her own. Scott could feel her cheek warming up as he pressed her body closer to his making sure there was absoultly no space between their bodies.

"Uhh hey Scott," his teammate said akwardly. Scott remember this guy it was the same idiot that Lydia introduced Allison to when he didn't want to play and now he was moving in on Cora. Big mistake.

Instead of answering him Scott's hand left Cora's waist, his finger traced her jawline and turned her head so that she was their eyes met. The way he was looking at her made her weak in the knees.

Cora tried to calm her heart from jumping out of her chest. Turning her gaze away from him she tried her best to ignore him even though it was quit difficult.

Scott could tell that she was trying to ignore him something he honestly didn't like. Well guess he had to show her that Scott McCall can't be ignored.

He lowered his head and rubbed his nose against her own he pulled back and stared into her eyes he then stroke her cheek and offer her a loving gaze the minute her eyes met his. Scott couldn't help but admire the color of her eyes, they were beautiful.

Cora could feel the eyes of her classmates and she could tell that they were both confused and enjoying this little show that Scott was putting on for them. A part of her wanted to pull away and literally slap some sense into him but another part a stronger part of her wanted to stay where she was sadly that was the part that won.

Scott was glad that Cora stayed in her place if he was being honest with himself he loved how well she fitted in his arms; as cliché as it sounded to him it was as if she was made for his arms and his arm alone. He bend down and kissed the corner of her mouth.

Cora could feel Scott's lips on her and she hated that he wasn't fully kissing her…wait, what?

As soon as the bell rang he pulled away from her lips. Scott was loving the face she was making. She looked like a fish out of water. To end it Scott pushed a strand of her hair back in its place and released her.

Cora suddenly felt empty the minute he released her. Scott could see the disappointment in her eyes and it took all his will power to not pull her back in his arms were she belonged.

"Mr. McCall, Ms. Hale, Mr. Mitchelle please take your seats," the three students took their seats ignoring the looks their classmates where giving them.

Scott could feel Issac's Lydia's Stiles' and the twins' gaze on him something he chose to ignore.

Cora kept her face burried in her book and did her best to hide her blush. Normally she wouldn't care what people would think of her but this wasn't just anyone this was Scott someone who's opinon did matter to her. Wait what?

She quickly dismissed those thoughts and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying and not the fact that she could feel everyone's gaze on her.

Scott could hear the whispers of his classmates. He rolled his eyes at half of the things he was hearing. Seriously? Didn't these idiots had better things to do than gossip about his life? He heard some rediculous rumor about him sleeping with Cora to get back at Allison. Well that answered his question. These baboons had nothing better to do than gossip. He tried to focus to what the teacher was saying and not the brainless idiots.

Class finally ended and of course Cora was the fist one out. She didn't bother to turn around she just kept walking.

Scott looked annoyed, if he was honest with himself he was annoyed with both Cora and himself. Grabbing his stuff he was about to leave but couldn't due to the fact that someone placed their hand on his shoulder; turning around he came face to face with Stiles.

"Scott…is everything okay?" that would be the first thing out of his mouth. Scott forced himself to laugh a little and asked,

"Why would you ask that?" he asked a little more harsh than he intended to. Stikes on the other hand wasn't affected instead he just shrugged it off and continued.

"Why would I ask that? Well let see for the past week you've been ignoring everyone including Allison which is a shock by the way,"

Scott almost rolled his eyes when he heard Allison's name…almost.

"Not only that but you've been acting weird and distant yourself from everyone, to top it all off you nearly made out with Cora Hale!"

Okay now he rolled his eyes. He didn't made out with Cora (even though he wanted to) it was just a small peck.


"I'm worried about you, I mean one minute your this happy guy willing to do anything for his friends and now…your acting like none of us exsist, I just want to know if your okay."

A part of Scott actually felt guilty for worrying Stiles. Cora was right, Stiles was his best friend his brother the one who was always there for him. Maybe he should tell himwhat was wrong, maybe he could even help him.


"You two get to class before your late," their teacher yelled at them.

Both boys walked out of the class room and headed their next class.

Stiles continued to study Scott ever since they came back from that crazy ass motel he's been acting cold…distant whenever they wanted to hang out with him Scott would ignore them and just act like they didn't say anything; whenever they pass each other in the halls he'd act as if they weren't even there.

Snapping out of his daze Stiles saw that Scott was a few feet away from him.

Stiles caught up to him and palced a comforting hand on his shoulder. Scott turned to his best friend.

"Whatever's wrong with you just know that I'm here for you,"

For the first time in a week Scott actually crack smile.

"I know Stiles, believe me I know."

He turned around and headed for class.

Maybe Cora was right maybe he shouldn't keep Stiles in the dark after all he's been through everything with Scott he also helped him out many tough situations. Not only that but Stiles has been an amazing friend while Scott's been a shitty one. He turned around and gave Stiles a hug.

Even though he never showed it Scott was thankful for him; which is why he deserved to know the truth.

"Come over at my house around six," he released him and looked him straight in the eye.

"I'll tell you everything," Stiles nodded his head in agreement and headed for class. Scott followed after him. He hoped he was doing the right thing. Then again it was Stiles he could trust him with anything.

Hell maybe he'll even be able to help him with this little problem of his and afterwards he'll finally be able to swallow his goddam pride and finally talk to Cora.

A/N: Well love it hate it tell me what you think ^^

A/N 2: Anyone out there good with either drawing or photoshoping pictures? If so can you please be kindly enough to do a cover page for this story with Cora and Scott? Anyone who kindly does it will be rewarded with a sneak preview of what's to come and I will also add you as a character in the story I would be forever thankful to anyone who does ^^ one more thing if anyone does it just sent the link to my tumbler page.

Vasilisapcxscxse (tumbler page)

Thank you for your time

~Goddess of night out