Destined for Greatness

Chapter 27

Dimly, Ares sat in the tower far away from where the battle had taken place. The sound of violence was no longer in the air. In fact, an eerie calm seemed to take over the entire atmosphere.

He was not fully aware what happened during that battle, but judging from how the outside looked bright and sunny once more, he was willing to bet that his little brother finally came through.

In a flash of light, Hercules appeared before him.

"I take it everything went well?" asked Ares.

"Let's just say Angra Mainyu will never be bothering any of us again," replied Hercules.

"Good," smirked Ares. "Glad to see you've put my powers to good use."

"Speaking of which, a deal is a deal," Hercules walked forth to his half-brother.

After hearing that, Ares got up just as Hercules extended his hand.

"Well, guess everything's going to go back to the way it used to?" asked Hercules. "Back when we saved the world from the Four Horsemen and the Archangel Michael, you told me that nothing's changed between us."

Hesitantly, Ares looked at Herc's outstretched hand. All the while when Hercules was in battle, he had thought long and hard about what he was about to say. And now was as good of a time as ever to finally tell the favored son of Zeus.

"Actually, I've been doing a bit of thinking," Ares told Hercules finally. "The two of us have been going at it for years."

"Can't argue with that," Hercules nodded.

"After everything I've experienced with Alexander… with Angra Mainyu…" Ares bit down on his lip, "I'm starting to have a change of heart, as crazy as it sounds."

"Didn't know you had one in you," Hercules smiled teasingly.

"I'm serious this time," Ares stared at his brother.

"What are you proposing?" asked Hercules. "A truce?"

"Not exactly," Ares answered. "You see after this is all done and I get my powers, we'll still go back to beating each other up and the same-old-same-old."

Hercules nodded, realizing that he should have expected as much from the god of war.

"However," added Ares, "from now on, you have my solemn word that I'll never again threaten any of your friends or family. What happened with Serena will never happen to anyone else you love or choose to love in the future."

Immediately, Hercules stared at Ares in shock, not knowing what to say. He had not expected this to come from the god of war.

"You have my word," Ares promised, finally extending his hand. "Now let's make it binding."

"Thank you Ares," Hercules finally smiled. "I mean it."

The two clasped each other's hands, effectively binding the contract as Hercules transferred all of Ares' divine powers back into his body.

Finally overcome with emotion, Hercules and Ares embraced each other in a hug… only to pull away after a few seconds after realizing how uncomfortable it was.

"Yeah… about that," Hercules said uncomfortably.

"Well that was awkward," Ares looked away. "Anyways, I gotta be heading out."

"Sure, see you next time," Hercules whistled. "Maybe your next plan will be harder for me to foil."

"Oh it sure will!" Ares replied, full of bravo. "You won't escape my clutches next time, Hercules!"

With that, Ares walked off.

"Hey Ares," Hercules called out before the god could disappear.

Ares turned around.

"Frenemies forever?" asked Hercules.

Ares smiled and let loose a good laugh.

"Frenemies forever," Ares waved and disappeared.


Quietly, Hercules walked towards the door in the battle-damaged Persian castle and knocked.

Jason opened the door. Inside were Falafel and the rest of Alexander's generals.

"What's the situation?" asked Hercules.

"Not good," replied Jason. "I don't think he's going to make it."

As soon as the weakened Alexander saw Hercules, he beckoned for the demi-god to come towards him.

Now bed-ridden, almost all remnants of life seem to have left the young king. He shooed away the retainers by his side as Hercules came over.

"All of you may leave," Alexander told his generals. "I wish to have Hercules by my side."

"But sir," protested Seleucus. "We are your most loyal generals. I hardly think allowing Hercules—"

"That was not a request," Alexander said to Seleucus firmly.

The general sighed. "Very well, sire."

Seleucus beckoned for the other generals to follow him out the door.

"We'll give you some time alone," Jason promised Herc as he and Falafel also headed out the door.

Sitting down on the chair, Hercules put his hand on Alexander's wrist.

Alexander tilted his head towards the demi-god and smiled weakly.

"I don't think I need to tell you that I'm dying," he said to the older man. "Angra Mainyu has drained too much of my life."

"I know," Hercules said softly. "I'll be here for you. Whatever you need, just tell me."

"I've led my men so far," Alexander looked up at the ceiling. "They are tired and exhausted. It is time I allowed them to return home."

"You're doing the right thing," Hercules told him reassuringly.

"Hercules…" said Alexander. "I started this quest for greatness and ended up on my death bed. How will history remember me?"

"I don't know," Hercules clasped Alexander. "I'm not a prophet so I can't see into the future."

Hercules struggled to find the right words to say. Alexander had indeed been a great leader and a conqueror. However, he had also shed much blood and begotten much violence. Now, though, he was on his death bed and the right balance of words needed to be found.

"What I do know is this," Hercules said to the young man who once admired him. "You've accomplished a lot of things, both good and bad. But at the end of the day, you've proven yourself to be an extraordinary man. Above all, history will remember you as that."

"Thank you Hercules," Alexander mumbled weakly as his eyes finally glazed over.

Hercules said nothing more as the life faded from the young king's body. When Alexander breathed his last breath, Hercules got up and let go of his hand.


In the halls of the Persian court, all of Hercules' allies had gathered there to talk amongst themselves as they waited on Hercules.

"We found her finally," two soldiers came in with Roxana in tow.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in!" Autolycus smiled.

"You are fools, all of you!" screamed Roxana hysterically. "Angra Mainyu will cleanse this world! He will destroy all of you!"

"Take her away," Jason told them. "She's insane. She belongs in a jail cell, not on the throne."

"I am a princess!" Roxana screamed. "This throne is mine!"

Soon enough, the guards dragged her away, kicking and screaming.

"Huh," Autolycus shrugged. "And I thought my ex-wife was crazy!"

"Excuse me sir," Sherlock Holmes came up to Watson at his side.

"Hello future me," Autolycus waved.

"I couldn't help but hear that you said your profession was…" Holmes looked reluctant to say the word.

"Redistributing wealth?" offered Autolycus with a chuckle.

"Thievery," Holmes looked as if he almost choked spitting the word out.

"Well, I am the King of Thieves!" Autolycus declared proudly.

"Look, I realize I am not from your time period," Holmes told the King of Thieves, "but perhaps you could consider a more… reputable career?"

"Reputable?" Autolycus looked confused. "What could be more reputable than stealing from the filthy rich and giving it to those less fortunate?"

"Perhaps this man is a Greek Robin Hood?" Watson said to Holmes.

"Robin who?" Autolycus looked confused.

"Listen, all I am saying is that our features look remarkably similar," Holmes pointed out. "So there is the chance that I'm speaking with my very distant ancestor. And if you are part of my family tree, all I desire for you is your well-being. And part of maintaining your well being is having a less… dangerous line of work that could get you killed by the authorities."

"Well, now that you mention it, I guess I can't keep robbing jewels forever," Autolycus noted in a moment of insight. "Say, what is it that you and your partner here do?"

"Holmes and I run a detective agency where we are from," answered Watson. "We solve mysteries and work with Scotland Yard to fight crime."

"Is that so?" Autolycus glanced aside to see Salmoneus talking with Falafel. "Hey Sal, get over here!"

"Yeah?" asked Salmoneus.

"Listen, times are tough," Autolycus told his buddy.

"Yeah?" Salmoneus nodded.

"I'm not making all that much as the King of Thieves nowadays," Autolycus added.

"Yeah, your schemes usually leave you empty-handed!" Salmoneus laughed much to the taller man's chagrin.

"As I was saying," Autolycus coughed. "Maybe it's time for a career change!"

"Sure, what is it?" asked Salmoneus.

"You and I," Autolycus put his arm around Sal. "We're going to create Greece's first detective agency!"

"We are?" Salmoneus looked confused.

"Yeah, think of it!" Autolycus added. "Rather than steal for a living, I'll fight crime for a living! And you, Sal, will be my sidekick!"

"But… I didn't sign up for this," protested Salmoneus.

"Sal buddy, you just did," grinned Autolycus.

Holmes put his hand on his head and shook it.

"This is not what I had in mind," he said to Watson.

In the meantime, Iolaus and Twanky found themselves interacting with Pecos Bill and his gang.

"So what's it like in your time era?" asked Iolaus.

"Let me tell you," replied Bill. "It's a rough place. Every man for himself is the only law of the land."

"Hmm, doesn't sound too different from Greece," Iolaus mused.

"Say, you don't look too out of place from where we come from," Paul Bunyan said to Twanky. "You remind me of one of those salon girls from back in the Wild West!"

"Why thank you," Widow Twanky smiled. "I do enjoy a good song and dance in front of a wide audience."

"So what was it like teaming up with Hercules?" Iolaus asked Pecos.

"Well, when we first met, he mistook me for you!" answered Bill.

"The resemblance is uncanny," Iolaus pointed out.

"That boy's even stronger than an ox!" Bill pointed out.

"Yeah, he gets that from his dad," smiled Iolaus.

"Too bad he couldn't stay with us in the Wild West," Sue told Iolaus. "Hercules was a real gentleman!"

Iolaus looked at Bill who appeared to have quite a jealous look on his face. It was a feeling he knew all too well. There were moments in the past where he also felt envious of Hercules and his fame.

"Well, be happy for the gentlemen you have in your life," Iolaus smiled at Sue. "They may not have the strength of the gods but they'll be there for you in your era."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Iolaus," Bill grinned.

"C'mon!" Sue turned to Bill. "You're jealous again, aren't you?"

"I am not!" Bill protested.

As the couple bantered back and forth, Iolaus walked away from the group. He needed to find Hercules and right now, the demi-god was completely absent from the setting.

"Iolaus, is it?" the Monkey King appeared next to him.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Iolaus shook Wukong's hand.

"Your friend is upstairs at the top of this tower," Wukong told Iolaus. "I believe one of the gods has something important to discuss with him."

"Alright, thanks for letting me know," Iolaus acknowledged.


Standing placidly next to the stone fortifications before him, Hercules stared off into the distance contemplatively.

The battle had finally been won. Alexander's war had been put to a stop. The dark god Angra Mainyu had finally been vanquished. His own brother Ares even promised him a truce of sorts. And yet, there was still a part of him that was uncertain.

All he wondered now was what came next.

"Hercules?" Iolaus came up the stairs to meet his friend.

"Iolaus, good to see you," Hercules turned around.

"What's on your mind?" asked Iolaus.

"Oh, you know," Hercules smiled. "Lots of things."

"Such as?" inquired Iolaus.

"What comes next," Hercules answered plainly.

"Something's on your mind again, isn't it?" asked Iolaus. "It's not about Zeus again, is it?"

"No," confessed Hercules. "It's something different this time."

"Oh?" Iolaus was puzzled.

"I've always wondered about my own mortality," admitted Hercules. "There were multiple instances during this journey where I very well should have died and yet here I am, standing."

"Hey, you're Hercules!" Iolaus told his friend. "We already know you don't injure easily!"

"But what if this time I really am an immortal?" Hercules asked his companion. "What if I really will live forever? What if I really do have to stay alive while you, Jason, Autolycus, and the others pass away? What kind of life will I be living when all the people I know and care for are gone?"

"Herc, take it from a guy who's died who-knows-how-many-times," Iolaus said to his friend. "Even if you are a real immortal, it's not going to change a thing. You're the best friend a former thief like me could have. Even if you do outlive all of us, we'll still live on with you…"

He pointed to Hercules' heart.

"In there," Iolaus finished.

Finally, the pensive looked on Herc's face disappeared as he began smiling again.

"What would I do without you, Iolaus?" Hercules put his arm around his buddy.

"I don't know," confessed Iolaus. "But I think I still got a few more decades in me for us to continue these adventures of ours."

"Want to head down?" asked Hercules.

"Sure," Iolaus nodded. "I think some of the people down there are waiting on you."

Before the two reached the stairs, however, a blue light from the sky came down, coalescing into two distinct figures, one of whom was the young Mabon. The other was the god Ahura Mazda.

"You have done well, Hercules," Mabon congratulated the demi-god. "Thanks to you, the world has been saved from several eons of darkness."

"Thanks," Hercules said graciously, "but I didn't do it all alone. I had my friends and allies with me."

"Your humility precedes you, Hercules," Ahura Mazda bowed. "We are all in your debt."

"I'm grateful for all you've done to help me," Hercules said in return, "but I assume this isn't just a social call?"

"You are correct," Mabon confirmed. "There is something of great importance we wish to discuss with you."

"I'm listening," Hercules promised.

"You were once granted godhood by the order of the Greek gods," Ahura Mazda sat down. "I realize you have a checkered history with them and that you believe the world would be a better place without them."

"My feeling go back and forth," admitted Hercules honestly. "Sometimes their actions drive me mad. Sometimes they've driven me to despair. But at other times, I realize they're my family and I've seen the good in them."

"What I wish to offer you is a chance at pure godhood once more," Ahura Mazda told the demi-god. "And this time, you would not reside in Mount Olympus. As the demi-god son of Zeus, you've done so much for mankind. You've saved lives, changed people for the better, and touched so many souls. You have done much good… and you can still do more."

"You're right," agreed Hercules. "My job is never done. There's so much more I can do for mankind. But… it was my mother who taught me what it was like to be mortal. I thank you for your offer but in the end, I want to help mankind… as one of them."

"I respect you decision," Ahura Mazda smiled. "You're a good man, Hercules."

"There's one more thing I want to ask," Hercules said to the god. "My father Zeus never gave me a clear answer on the matter. Am I really an immortal?"

Ahura Mazda looked at Hercules deep in his eyes before answering.

"Yes," he confirmed.

"Then that means," Hercules bit down on his lip.

Ahura Mazda looked over at Iolaus sadly and nodded.

"Cherish the time you have with your friends and loved ones," Ahura Mazda advised. "Through your love for one another, they can live on forever in your heart."

"Thank you," Hercules said quietly.

"I must leave now Hercules," Ahura Mazda extended his hand. "Remember, your life has only just begun."

Hercules shook the ancient god's hand. After that, Ahura Mazda disappeared in a flash of blue light.

"I too must take my leave," Mabon got up.

"Mabon," Hercules said to the boy. "Thank you for all you've done for us."

"There is no need to thank me, Hercules," Mabon smiled sweetly. "All of creation is in your debt."

Mabon's body glowed as he flew into the air.

"Goodbye my friend," Mabon waved at Hercules.

"Goodbye, Mabon," Hercules nodded.

After Mabon had ascended into the sky, only Hercules and Iolaus were left.

"You were always blessed with the strength of Zeus," Iolaus said wistfully. "But I never knew you had his immortality."

"To think… I'll still be here after everyone I care about is gone," Hercules looked down at the floor.

"So what do we do?" asked Iolaus.

The implications of his immortality were now numerous. What would he do once Iolaus and his friends were no longer there? Would he ever grow weary of living for so long? How could he possibly endure centuries of a long life?

Then he remembered back to what Ahura Mazda had told him. All he could do was cherish his time with the friends he had with him.

Finally, Hercules stopped staring at the ground and looked back up at Iolaus with a happier expression.

"We live every moment like it's our last," Hercules told him resolutely.

With that, the two friends embraced each other.

"Friends forever, Herc?" asked Iolaus.

"Friends forever," replied Hercules, patting Iolaus on the back.


By morning, Hercules had been well rested from the previous night. Now, he was on his way to address the combined Greek and Macedonian armies in addition to his friends and allies from the future.

"Hello Merlin," Hercules walked past the old wizard.

"Good morning to you, Hercules!" Merlin said cheerfully.

The medieval mage was had created a time portal and was currently in the process of sucking several things back inside. As Hercules got a good look, he realized that they were things that came from the future that Merlin was sending back to their original time. There were guns, bullets, shrapnel, and other such contraptions that some of his more modern allies had not picked up on yet.

"There was a lot left behind from this battle," Merlin said as he directed traffic with his wand. "All these things will have to return to their proper time."

From the skies flew down Talos and several of his roc brethren.

"Greetings," Talos said to Hercules and Merlin. "Old man, your magic did wonders to heal my wings!"

"It was my pleasure," Merlin nodded courteously.

"Hercules, it is time that we parted ways," Talos told the demi-god.

"So soon?" asked Hercules.

"Aye, we regret we must leave so soon," Talos replied. "But the dark god Angra Mainyu has decimated half my clan and we still have eggs back in our mountain lairs that we must attend to. Now, more than ever, is the time we must return to our nests to nurture a new generation."

"Good luck to you and your people, Talos," Hercules told the roc leader. "Your children have a great leader to look up to."

"Farewell Hercules," Talos acknowledged. "May our paths one day cross again!"

With that, Talos lifted his wings and flew into the sky. Soon, he and the rest of his clan were off into the distant skies.

Without a word, Hercules walked past the throngs of cheering people. He walked past his allies from the future and soon, his friends from Greece. Walking on top of the podium, he looked down upon everyone to address them.

"We all have our definitions of being a hero," Hercules told the audience. "To some, heroes are the strong defending the weak. To others, a hero is someone with divine attributes, set head and toe over all others. Well today, I stand before you to tell you that none of that is true!"

He looked upon his friends and allies proudly.

"Heroes can be anyone," Hercules continued. "Heroes can be ordinary men or women. Heroes can be divine beings. What makes a hero is his or her courage in the face of adversity. A hero is willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others, like Victor!"

He paused to take a look at the coffin that contained the fallen Victor. In the end, Frankenstein's monster had finally found peace and died a hero's death in battle.

"A hero is not bound by the circumstances of his birth," he reminded everyone. "A hero is not bound by geography. A hero is not bound even by time itself!"

Hercules beamed proudly as the crowd cheered him on.

"On this day, you have all proven yourselves to be heroes!" he said to thunderous applauses.

Hercules stepped down from the podium as many of his friends and allies greeted him.

"Awesome speech, big guy!" Autolycus patted Herc on the back.

"Yeah, you really inspired all of us!" Falafel smiled.

"Everything that happened to save this world…" Hercules told his friends. "It was a true team effort."

As they walked down the street, they saw Merlin there, along with the rest of the heroes from the future.

"It is time, Hercules," Arthur told the demi-god. "We must return to our own time."

Merlin raised his staff into the air and summoned a portal out of thin air.

"Well my friend," Arthur went up towards Hercules. "Avalon awaits me. Take care of yourself."

"Take care, Arthur," Hercules shook the former king's hand.

As Arthur left through the portal, Pecos Bill and his gang came up towards Hercules and his friends.

"Never in all my days did I expect to travel through time," admitted Bill. "Gotta say, I'm really gonna miss you guys!"

"Cherish the moment," Hercules smiled, shaking Bill's hand. "Cherish the memories you have with your friends and loved ones."

Bill and Sue looked at each other lovingly and embraced.

"The future is in good hands," Hercules told all the heroes of the Wild West. "Your hands."

Bill then went up to Iolaus and took his arm as well.

"Look after your partner, hombre," Bill told Iolaus. "You've got a true friend in Hercules."

"Trust me," smiled Iolaus. "Compared to Herc, I'm the one who needs looking after."

After Herc's gang and Bill's gang made their final rounds of goodbyes, Bill and his companions went off and vanished through the portal, returning to their own time.

Finally, Sherlock Holmes and Watson were up.

"Well all in all, I'd say this trip has been most enlightening," Holmes walked up towards Hercules with Watson.

"We've had a jolly good time meeting you, Mr. Hercules," Watson tipped his hat.

Hercules and his friends shook hands with Holmes and Watson. After their rounds of goodbyes were said, Holmes and Watson paused at the time portal.

"And as for you two," Holmes reminded Autolycus and Salmoneus. "Stay out of trouble, you hear?"

"Yes, and don't do anything we wouldn't do!" Watson added.

"Hey, you know me!" Autolycus grinned. "I never go looking for trouble."

"Yeah, it always finds us!" added Salmoneus.

After waving their final goodbyes, Holmes and Watson left through the portal. Merlin was now the final person left.

"I will bring Victor back to his own time to give him a proper burial," Merlin said with the casket of Victor next to him. "Take care, Hercules."

"And you take care as well Merlin," smiled Hercules.

In a flash, Merlin and the deceased Victor vanished through the portal as one more person came over to say goodbye.

"I'm glad our paths crossed Hercules," Wukong leaped down from the building. "You taught me what it meant to fight for something other than myself."

"And I have you to thank for helping me and my friends," Hercules replied in kind. "We owe you a great debt of gratitude."

"Yeah," added Salmoneus. "Plus our journey with you really taught me the meaning of courage!"

"Goodbye all of you," Wukong leaped onto his flying cloud. "May our paths cross again someday!"

With that, the Monkey King flew off back the East.

"It's over," Jason said at last. "It's finally over. Alexander and his war have been stopped. Angra Mainyu has been stopped. What do we do now?"

"We go home," Hercules smiled, patting Jason on the shoulder. "That's what we do."

"We are rather far from home," Twanky came up to the group. "And I'm feeling rather homesick right now. What say we hitch a ride back together?"

Her dance troupe came up next to her with several spare horses.

"Yeah, I like the looks of this," Falafel glanced at Twanky's dancer girls.

"What would we do without you, Twanky?" Hercules grinned.

"I could think of several things you could do with me," Twanky leaned suggestively towards Herc.

"Uh yeah," Hercules moved out of her path, avoiding her. "In any case, we should get a move on."

In only a short while, Hercules and all of his friend mounted their horses. They soon approached the Persian gate that opened up for them.

"Greece, here we come!" Falafel rode out first.

"Yes, home is where the heart is!" Twanky rode out second.

"At this point I think I'm losing track of how many wars I've stopped with you two," Jason said to Hercules and Iolaus. "I must be getting old."

"Old but spry, Jason!" added Iolaus. "Old but spry!"

"Besides," Hercules said to his old friend. "What is age but a number?"

"You're right," agreed Jason. "There's still a lot for me to live for, even now. Thanks."

As Jason rode out, Hercules, Iolaus, Autolycus, and Salmoneus remained.

"I gotta say, I'm going to miss this adventure of ours," confessed Autolycus.

"Yeah, it's not often we get to go out of the country and see new things!" added Salmoneus.

"And how about you guys?" asked Hercules. "What will you do when we return to Greece?"

"We've got it all planned out!" Autolycus replied. "You see, Sal and I are going to start the first detective agency of Greece!"

"A detective agency, huh?" Hercules raised an eyebrow.

"Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a front for some of your other activities?" Iolaus rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'll be there to keep him honest!" Salmoneus insisted. "After all, Autolycus agreed to make me an equal partner!"

"Right," Iolaus smirked. "Because if the King of Thieves says it, then it must be true!"

"Former King of Thieves!" protested Autolycus. "I'll have you know I've turned over a new leaf!"

"With all the mysteries we solve, we're going to get rich in no time!" Salmoneus said excitedly.

"So… do you two know the first thing about crime investigation?" asked Hercules curiously.

Salmoneus and Autolycus looked at each other, realizing that Hercules got them there.

"Hey, leave it to me, big guy!" Autolycus grinned a cheesy smile. "If there's anyone who knows a thing or two about crime scenes, it's me!"

"Think of Autolycus as an inmate who's running the asylum!" added Salmoneus.

"That makes me feel so much better," Iolaus murmured sarcastically.

"In that case, I wish you two the best of luck," Hercules told them.

"Thanks guys," Autolycus told them. "We'll be seeing you around!"

"That's for certain!" promised Salmoneus.

After Autolycus and Salmoneus rode on ahead, only Hercules and Iolaus were left.

"You've got a long life ahead of you," Iolaus said to Hercules softly.

"That's true," Hercules confirmed. "I always suspected I was immortal but didn't know it until now."

"Herc, promise me one thing?" Iolaus requested.

"What's that?"

"When I'm gone, promise me you'll continue fighting the good fight," Iolaus answered. "I'd like nothing more than to be at your side forever, but it seems like fate has other plans for me."

"I promise Iolaus," Hercules swore. "You have my word."

"Speaking of which, think I'll live to be a hundred?" asked Iolaus in a more light-hearted nature. "That would give us a few good six to seven decades to go on adventures together."

"Anything's possible," Hercules mused aloud. "I'll be sure to get you a cane in the next twenty years or so."

"Hah hah," Iolaus nudged Hercules. "Real funny."

"Hey Iolaus, is that a wrinkle on your face?" asked Hercules.

"What?! Where?" Iolaus panicked.

"Got you there!" Hercules smiled.

"C'mon, Herc!" Iolaus frowned. "You know I'm sensitive about my age!"

"Well don't be!" Hercules told his friend. "Iolaus, I don't know what the future has in store for us but what I do know is that whatever time we do have together on this earth, we'll live it to the fullest."

"Then what do you say, Herc?" Iolaus grinned. "Ready to ride back to Greece?"

"As always," promised Hercules. "Whatever the future brings, we face it together."

"Want to go to the hot springs near Athens when we get back?" asked Iolaus.

"I don't see why not," Hercules patted Iolaus on the shoulder. "We've got all the time in the world."

"Then let's go home!" chuckled Iolaus. "I have to admit I'm relieved this adventure is over."

"Over?" Hercules rode on cheerfully. "It's only beginning!"

As Iolaus rode his horse out first, Hercules looked behind him one last time at the Persian capital. His journey had taken him far and wide, to places he had been before and places he had never been to in the past. He had traversed foreign lands and even different time eras, meeting heroes and villains that he would remember forever.

And all of it was because of Alexander. Hercules realized that he wasn't able to save the young king's life in the end. However, he still took solace that Alexander, with his dying breath, had come to realize that his war of conquest needed to end finally.

Side by side, the two friends rode together off as the mid-day sun shone brightly above them.

Thinking back to what he had said before, Hercules realized that he truly didn't know what the future would bring despite all his travels in time. However, there was one thing he was certain of… his legendary journeys had just begun.

The End.

Author's Note: Well, the story's finally over! I started this story sometime around this month last year and I've had a blast. With regards to Hercules finding out he's immortal, I wanted to tie my story in with Hercules The Legendary Journeys and their two episodes "Yes Virginia There Is A Hercules" and "For Those of You Just Joining us" where it's revealed that Hercules did indeed survive to modern times.