What makes a date a date?

Daria looked up from the card that she was reading and stared at Tom. Reading greeting cards ... really? REALLY? This isn't a date - this is a joke. Why am I even wasting my time? Yeah, he's smart and kinda cute - but come on, he wouldn't know how to show someone a good time if they smacked him over the head with a how to manual. Who am I to say though, I mean he is my first boyfriend. A boyfriend that I shouldn't have been with in the first place. I deserve a shitty date like this, because of the shitty way we ended up together. Just look at him, oblivious to the fact that I've been standing with the same card in my hand for well over five minutes. I wonder if Tom and I will ever go on an normal date like a normal couple? A few minutes later, Daria signaled to Tom that she was ready to leave. Tom put the card he was reading down and the two walked out of the store holding hands.

Tom drove Daria home in relative silence. Every so often, Tom would look over at his girlfriend and attempt to start a conversation, but Daria would never respond. When Tom stopped his car in front of the Morgendorffer house, Daria gave him a quick kiss then headed towards the front door. Once inside, she headed for the kitchen and saw her mom reading over a stack of briefs. Helen watched Daria walk past her and the looked down at her watch. Daria grabbed an Ultra Cola from the fridge and sat down at the table.

"You're home early. Did you and Tom have a good time on your date?"

"I wouldn't call it a date, more like sharing the same general space with the other person," Daria sighed then hesitated a moment before continuing. "Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure sweetie, I need a break from this file for a minute." Helen closed her briefcase and turned to her oldest daughter.

"What makes a date a date?"

Helen thought for a moment. "Well, Daria - a date isn't about where you go or what you do, a date is when you get to spend time with that one person who makes you feel happiest when you are around them. Trust me, your dad used to take me to the weirdest places. Did you know that when he and that group tried to lift up the Pentagon with their minds, he actually considered that a date!"

"I guess the trip to the hospital afterwards was part two of the date," Daria smirked.

"Yes, it was - I didn't mind though, because what mattered to me was just being around your father and how happy being near him made me. When your father and I went out, he made me feel like I was the most important person on earth. Daria if you are not happy about being with that person, than no matter where you go or what plans you have, it will never feel like a date." Helen and Daria stared at each other for a moment.

Daria looked at her mother, soaking in what she had said. After a minute, Daria slid her chair out, thanked her mom, then left the kitchen and went upstairs wondering if she would ever find someone who could take her on an actual date.
