Hey all! This is iheartphinabella05 with a new story! I'm not sure how long this story will be. I'm thinking only 2-3 chapters. Anyway, this takes place in that ending of Bee Story. This is my contest entry for the Oblivious Phin CHALLENGE by Purpl3Pickl3. Anyway, uh...here it is. It starts out Isabella's POV but for most of the story it will be Phineas' POV. Here it is.

Please R & R!

Isabella's POV

I must be hearing things…did Phineas just say "Hey, Isabella, we're having some iced tea. You want some, Hunny?"

I mean, seriously! Did Phineas just call me 'HUNNY'? I think I'm gonna pass out! I mean…wow…then again…I could be in Phineas Land again. I mean…I imagined him as Fabio earlier…I guess it's possible I'm just in Phineas Land. To confirm what he said, I asked him what he said. He then sounded…different…his tone, the way he phrased his question…

"I said we're having some iced tea," he said, "You want some honey?"

He held up some honey this time, and I realized it was just my imagination that he called me hunny…oh well.


Phineas' POV

Isabella just got here, and she played in the pool with Mom. Gosh she looked cute in that purple swimsuit of hers. Unlike her red one she wore when we built our backyard beach, this one matches her bow…wow…has her hair always been that shiny and silky? Oh! What was I saying? Oh right.

"Sorry we're late, Phineas," Isabella said, "our bee ceremony ran long."

"No worries, Isabella," I said trying to maintain my infatuation, "Go ahead and join Mom in the fun."

Isabella and the other fireside girls went to the pool and played with Mom. Isabella was so cute…I remember when we were on Meap's planet and Mitch had me under a cute trance. Isabella was the one that snapped me out of it since she is like the cutest being in the universe…I remember that was probably the closest chance I'd ever get to admitting my feelings for her.

"I-Isabella," my cute trance was gone! It was a miracle! "Hey! Wait a minute! Isabella, we've had a secret cute weapon all this time! You!"


"Don't you see? You can take him! He's only cute on the outside, but your cuteness goes right to your core," I said…a little too late did I realize exactly what I said.

"So what you're saying is…you think I'm cute?"

It was now or never…I mean I already admitted she was cute…but what if she didn't like me back? I don't want our friendship to be ruined…but…what choice do I have? I mean, I already admitted she's cute! How do you save that statement?! Then I felt the cute tracker in my pocket, and I knew what I was gonna say!

"It's a scientific fact! I had to put an 8000 Ohm resistor on the cute tracker just to keep you from burning it out," I said and fiddled a bit with the cute tracker, knowing I saved myself from utter embarrassment…probably disappointing many Phinabella fans too though. I couldn't bear to look into her eyes and see the disappointment. I mean really! Who says cuteness is a scientific fact?!

"Close enough, I'm on it," Isabella said, and she headed off to stop Mitch.

I'm gonna hate myself forever…

Truth is I still hate myself for that. That was the closest I could ever get to finally telling her how I felt about her…how I've always felt. Before I knew what I was doing, I said something to Isabella that I thought I wouldn't say…well unless I'm married to her in the future.

"Isabella, we're having some iced tea," I said, "You some, Hunny?"

Isabella and everyone else looked at me awkwardly…and then it hit me…OH MY GOSH! Did I just say that?! Way to go, Phineas! Way to go! You just accidentally gave a huge hint of your crush on Isabella AGAIN! I had to find a way to fix this one…but how? How can I fix? 'You want some, Hunny?' with something out here?! I then saw the honey bottle…people put honey in their tea right?

"I said we're having some iced tea," I said differently, "You want some honey?"

Saved it again. That was close. After that, we all drank our iced tea, swam a bit, and then Isabella and the Fireside Girls left, leaving me, Ferb, Buford, Baljeet and Candace…although I think she's gone emo on us, but whatever. Mom went inside to do some knitting. I smiled at Isabella as she walked away back to her house. Her raven hair cascaded down her back so beautifully and when she looked at me a final time, her eyes sparkled like sapphires. The gate closed and I still stared toward it. Then I noticed Ferb, Buford and Baljeet giving me smug looks.


Well there's the first chapter. Looks like the boys are onto Phineas now. As Candace would say 'BUSTED!'

Candace: whatever

Me: oh right...you went emo on us

Candace: whatever

Me: Anyway R & R

Carpe Diem!