"Callum, wake up!"


"Don't growl at me, you weirdo!" Lilly protested, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him awake. Callum playfully tried to bite at her fingers. She pulled back and glowered at him.

"Hi." He smiled casually, rubbing sleep from his eye. "Where's Theo? Did you eat him?"

"No, I didn't eat him! He's over there with Megan."


"Megan Chambers. She left a few months ago, but she's back."

"No, don't know her." Lilly sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. Her brother was impossible. Callum sniggered mischievously and got up, crushing his sister in a hug. "You love me really."

"Get off." She shrugged him away and left him standing on the bleachers, neatly hopping down and over the barrier. Callum stared after her for a few seconds before remembering he had to re-introduce himself to someone. He bounced down the benches with less grace, making a complete idiot of himself. Theo jumped up, a cheeky grin in place. Callum knew that look. He was wearing it too.

They stood on a bench about six or seven up. Lilly groaned in defeat, hiding her face promptly in Charlie's shoulder. Their cousin attempted to comfort her with one of his warm hugs, but he was beaming up Theo and Callum.

The boys bounced down the steps, acting in unison as they clapped to the side and kind of danced their way to the gym floor. They landed on the laminated wood flooring with a flourish, throwing their arms out with simultaneous 'Ta-da!' Charlie cheered and led the round of applause and laughter while Lilly muttered, "Why? Why, why, why?"

Callum just growled at her.

It was his thing now. Growling at people to annoy them further.

It suited his other half, as Annabeth called it.

Never werewolf. Just his other half. Obviously, no-one outside of the family knew, but Callum didn't really help the 'top secret, hush hush, shush shush, air-tight-safe, keep-quiet-about-it' situation. He tried to bite people; he growled at people, pretended he had claws and would often run around pretending to be a wild animal on the loose.

Everyone just thought he had simply and finally lost the plot completely. He agreed.

"Can you do that again?" Charlie asked, pulling his phone from his pocket. "I want it on video."


"'Cos. People dig the twin thing. Oh! The triplet thing would be better! Lilly, you too!"

"No!" Charlie jumped back at the scary force in her tone, ducking behind Joe.

"Charlie Michael Valdez, are you picking on my sister?"

"No!" Charlie looked desperately over his shoulder as Sage pushed her way forward.

"Hi Megan." She smiled.

"See, Sage remembers Megan!" Lilly glared at Callum.

"Hey, she remembers everything." Callum defended, waving his hands by his head in a declaration of innocence. He glanced at Megan. "Hi." He smiled lopsidedly. She gave a shy smile.

"Hi." She replied quietly.

"Hey, everyone! The whale's back!" Her smile faltered and she bit her lip, bowing her head. Callum didn't get a chance to react to the Barbie's snide comment, because Charlie did his immense distraction thing.

"Oh my gods, is that a Gucci bag?" (I don't know fashion, so if that's wrong, my bad!) He bounced over to the Barbie and collided with her, scattering her group. He managed to take her bag from her, studying it from all angles and frowning. "Yeah, it is." His over-enthusiastic tone had gone, replaced with a bored tone. Then his smile returned, devilish and Charlie. "Hey, fake hair extensions! I see those!" The Barbie's hand shot to her hair and she snatched her bag back, whacking Charlie with it. He barely noticed, shouting at the top of his lungs that she was wearing a dead animal in her hair. He pointed at Megan without looking round. "SHE'S NATURAL! YOU'RE FAKE! NO-ONE LIKES BARBIES!"

"Charlie!" Sage dragged him away, clamping a hand over his mouth. He struggled, but she threw him at Joe and he was under restraint instantly.

"You broke my bag!" The Barbie screamed.

"What?" Charlie looked bewildered, innocent even. He may or may not have 'accidently' left scorch marks all over the bag…

"You'll pay for this!"

"Scared!" Charlie clung to Sage, pinning her arms to her sides. Sage squirmed, but Charlie was looking to her for protection, his eyes wide and round in that puppy dog look.

"You're freaks! The lot of you!"

"Yeah, freaky!" Callum darted forward, raising his hands and snarling at them. They stumbled back and he laughed maniacally. They left hastily.

"See! His evil laugh is worse than mine!" Charlie protested.

"I can't feel my arms."

"Hahaha! Feel the burn!"

"No, my arms. I can't feel my arms." Sage looked over her shoulder at her cousin as best she could, frowning. "Don't make me hurt you." Charlie backed off sharpish, hiding behind Joe again. Sage dusted herself down and straightened her jacket. "Megan, you OK?"

"I'm fine." Megan smiled weakly. "Thanks."

"Hey, we don't like bullies."

"Or Barbies."

"Charlie, I will break you." Charlie gave a frightened whimper and grabbed Phoenix, using her as a meat shield. "Idiot…" Sage muttered, shaking her head. "Callum, do you remember Megan yet?"

"Um…" Callum studied Megan. Her eyes were still nervous and slightly hurt from the whale comment, but they were a warm golden-brown colour and surrounded by long lashes. Her mild brown hair fell in soft curls about her shoulders, her fringe tumbling over her forehead. She was casually dressed, trying to make herself as covered and as unnoticeable as possible. The spiteful comment only spawned from the fact that she was a few stone heavier than average.

Not that the Jacksons and present company- Charlie- cared. People were people and if they treated you with respect, they'd treat them with respect. Simple as.

And bullies. They hated bullies. Percy had drilled into their heads to not let bullies get away with it, but no violence (much to Sage's disappointment).

And Callum's. Whenever someone picked on Lilly, he wanted to tear them limb from limb. He could if he wanted to, especially since his other half came onto the stage.

OK, OK, the changes every month hurt- like, A LOT. Imagine being turned inside out, bones crunching and reshaping, blood boiling and organs freezing and then frying in deep heat. Then times that by ten and add the amount of pain gathered from trying to fight it. He knew he shouldn't fight it, but it was a natural instinct, according to Athena.

The only positive spin he could put on it was that he got a day off school every month, every full moon. And Athena did give him a potion that helped reduce the pain, so it was tolerable, and it kept him under control, locked in his room and under his bed instead of prowling the streets for meals. His parents left piles of bacon in his room before the change. He loved bacon. It was his weakness. Like Charlie with his chocolate cake.

"Callum, wakey wakey."


"You haven't had your ADHD stuff, have you?"

"No." Callum pressed his lips together. "Should I?"

"Yes!" His siblings demanded. "Stop taking after Tobias!" Lilly added.

"I'm not! I just agree with him that you shouldn't try and restrain this much awesome."

"You haven't changed much, have you?" Megan laughed softly.

"I have. I just can't tell you 'cos I'd have to kill you." Megan's smile faded into bewilderment. It was hard to tell if Callum was being serious or not sometimes. He learnt that from Charlie.

"Callum, shut up. Ignore him, Megan. He's even more of an idiot now than he was then."

"That's possible?"

"Oh, ha ha, aren't you funny?"

"Hilarious." Megan confirmed, smiling and folding her arms triumphantly. Callum stuck his tongue out at her, crossing his own arms in a sulk.

"Aw, you've upset him." Charlie cooed, moving around Joe and tucking his arm around his cousin's shoulders. "How about we go and find something sugary?" Callum grinned and nodded enthusiastically.

"No sugar!" Phoenix made to grab Charlie, but he expertly dodged around her and ran for it, Callum laughing and on his heels. Phoenix sank onto the nearest bench and put her head in her hands. "I'm going mad."

"Should've stayed with Ava." Lilly smiled, nudging Phoenix with her foot.

"I know, I know. Charlie's threatened to glue himself to my side though and I could really do without that."

"Are you and Charlie going out?" Megan asked.

"No!" Phoenix shot to her feet, waving her hands. "No, no, no! Why does everyone think that?"

"Um, it's obvious."

"Even I can tell that." Theo said. "And I'm the frigid one."

"Ha! He admitted it! Ooh, wait until I tell Dad." Lilly hopped about happily, one of those rare, evil smiles in place.

"What? No, don't do that!"

"Yeah, but you can have a girlfriend, if you want. We're not allowed to talk to boys."

"We're not allowed to look at boys." Sage corrected. "Especially the ones outside of our… circle or whatever."

"Oh, but Josh Hutcherson…" Lilly sighed dreamily. Sage smiled.

"No, Sam Clafin." Her sister nodded in agreement, while Theo had his fingers curled in his hair, staring at them like they were from another planet.

"I'm going to get something sugary." He finally said. The others hastily agreed and left the two sisters to fangirl about their favourite characters/actors.

Callum was lying on his bed. Yeah, OK, the day off from school was nice, but instead of changing at night, like he thought all werewolves did, he could change at any point during the day. The potion was sat, ready, on the bedside table, alongside stacks of now stone cold bacon. The second he felt a stabbing pain in his stomach, he was to grab that potion and drink it in one go, even though it tasted like seafood.

Seafood was horrible. Percy and Louisa had recounted the one time they had gone to a seafood restaurant and quoted from Annabeth that they had looked like they had 'seen a ghost'. They had their hands over their ears and their heads on the table. Fish tanks had exploded and many sea creatures had mysteriously escaped that night, but the twins had been driven near-insane with the pleas for them to free the sea animals.

Sighing, Callum sat up and looked around his room. There had to be something to do, right?

There was that stack of comics for him to read, but he couldn't be bothered to get up and walk ten paces across his room to rummage through the pile and find one with the most pretty colours.

He gave another sigh and forced himself up, dragging himself over to the comics. Theo was borrowing them and they sat in a neat pile in alphabetical order on his bedside table. Callum rifled through them, messing them up on purpose. Theo hated that.

A knock on the door pulled him from his search and he peered over his shoulder as Annabeth walked in with a tray of fresh bacon sandwiches and blue cookies.

"Hiya, sweetie. How are you feeling?"


"Yeah, I know, but it's safer in here."

"You scared of me, Mom?" Her expression hardened and she glared at him defiantly.

"Scared? Of you? Ha!" She smacked the tray on the bedside table, making the plates rattle. Callum smirked. "If I was scared of you, I'd quite happily hang my knife up and retire from the demigod life."



"So… are you scared of me?" She raised her eyebrows slightly, hands on her hips. "No. But you will be." He growled menacingly, but that was cut short by that familiar stabbing pain in his stomach. "Mom…" Annabeth hurried the potion to his hands, kissed his forehead.

"It'll be OK." She assured and then left. It was better if he went through the change on his own- less disturbing.

His hands shook as he drank from the goblet. He wrinkled his nose and choked slightly at the seafood smell and taste.

That was the last thing he remembered.

OK, just a bit more on the werewolf stuff and new character, Megan. Hopefully, she'll be around, considering I don't forget my ideas.