Hello everyone! I'm cheater boy - A, your author of this story. This is my first fanfic by the way and I'm glad to have you here. I hope you guys will like this, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.

Angel's Last Song

First Song: SIGNS

A loud explosion was heard throughout the town *** where four teens were fighting off a mass of demons known as akumas. The two opposing teams were fighting for more than an hour and at last it ended leaving one-fourth of the town in casualties but fortunately no civilians died during the battle.

"Guys!" yelled the young Chinese lady in pigtails as she landed gracefully in front of her two friends. "Are you guys alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, injured but we're okay." said the red-head young man with an eyepatch on his right eye. "Right, Al-" he turned to face their other companion but was cut when he saw the white-haired teen unconscious on the unevened ground. "Allen?" asked the red-head as he kneeled down and shook the boy. The young lady walked nearer at them worriedly. She bent down to see if how their friend was.

"Lavi, how is he?" she asked.

"He has a wound in his left side. It's pretty deep. But don't worry, Lenalee, he won't die in this kind of injury. We just have to patch him up and let him rest." Lavi looked over his shoulder and smiled at Lenalee to assure her. Lenalee smiled back at him and straightened herself. "Hm. Let me help you, Lavi."

"Ah, thank you."

Just as they finished, a raven haired in ponytail samurai appeared behind them. He has a brown bag on his left hand and a Japanese sword, katana, on his right. "Hey." Lavi and Lenalee looked over their shoulders to see who spoke. "Kanda!" they said. "Let's go and look for an inn to stay. We have to report to Komui." and with that said, the samurai, Kanda, turned his back and stormed out of the place without taking a single glance at their white haired comrade.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

"Do you have the innocence?" a man on the other end of the phone asked.

"Yes. We already cleared all akumas in this town, no civilians died, only a part of the town was destroyed."

"Thank you for your hard work, Kanda. We will have the finders to fix it. You can come back now."

"Ah. By the way, moyashi's injured.."

"Oh, how is he?"

"He's unconscious but he's fine. Lavi and Lenalee did a first aid on him. Nothing to bother about."

"Okay. But you have to come back now so we can look over Allen's injury."

"Alright." Kanda hanged the phone and went upstairs to their room, his golem followed suit. He walked pass 4 rooms then turned right and opened the door where their room was. He went inside, closed the door, and leaned on it crossing his arms. "Let's head back to HQ. Komui said they will take care of the moyashi."

"Right now?" Lavi, who sat by the window, asked.

"Yeah. Right now. Got a problem?"

"But Allen-kun has fever." said Lenalee who sat at the end of the bed.

"That's why we have to get back, hand over these two innocences to Hevlaska and have them treat that idiot." he deadpanned.

"Oh, you're right. Can you carry him?" asked Lenalee.

"No way in hell." he said and went back out of the room.

"So mean Yuu-chan."


The door was kicked open by no other than Kanda the great. He stomped his feet, unsheathed his mugen, and caressed it on Lavi's neck. "Did you say something? Baka usagi?" he snarled.

"N-n-n-no-nothing... I said I-I will ca-carry Allen-chan, K-K-Ka-Kanda." Lavi stuttered.

"Good. Now let's go."

Kanda then left the room and headed out of the inn to wait them. The two inside sighed.

Lavi slowly held Allen up in a sitting position. Lenalee helped him to placed Allen on his back.

"Thank you, Lenalee."

"You're welcome. Let's go?"


+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

Komui, Lenalee, Lavi, and Kanda went together to Hevlaska to give the two innocence that they have retrieved. After that, Lavi went to see Bookman and Kanda to cafeteria to have dinner while Lenalee followed her brother to his office and made him coffee.

"Thank you, Lenalee." said Komui as he took his mug from his sister. "Aren't you going to cafeteria?"

"I am. I just want to make you coffee first then I'll go check on Allen and eat dinner." she smiled.

"Oh. Okay!" Komui chimed.

"I'm going, nii-san."

Lenalee went out of her brother's mess of an office and headed to infirmary to check on Allen. She slowly opened the door and closed it with a soft 'click'. No one occupied the room except her white haired friend. She smiled a tired smiled. She made her way in and sat on a chair besides Allen's bed. Lenalee stroked his white locks and said "Get well soon, Allen. Your wound is healing itself already. I hope you'll feel better once you wake up." Lenalee didn't stayed for so long and went out of the infirmary and headed to the cafeteria to have dinner.

Two hours later, Komui decided to check on Allen but...

"Section Chief Reever~! I have to check on Allen. Please do my work while I'm gone." said Komui as he stood but two hands collided with his shoulders and was pushed down. "There is no way in heaven for God's sake that I will let you do whatever you want, Supe. Allen's fever has gone low and his wound is healing. There's no need to go out of here to check on him. Besides, the matron won't let you see him. It's 11 in the evening already and he's resting."

"But Reever~! I don't wanna stay here in dungeon!"

"See? All you want is to escape. I'm sorry Supe but I have to lock you up here until you finish your work."

"What?" Reever grabbed the knob of the door and reached the key in his pocket. He went out of the mess of an office and locked Komui inside. "How come he has the key with him? For all I know I-" Komui stopped mid-sentence and panicked. He just realized that he left the key on his table. "Nooooo!" he screamed as he clutched his head. There's no way in hell he'll stay inside the dungeon. He has to find a way to get out and check on Allen or rather escape his work. Well, he could just sleep and leave it there but no. He just can't stay. The dungeon is too much for him and so, a brilliant idea struck him.


"Komurin X!"

He yelled at the top of his lungs. Not long after a loud explosion was heard throughout the walls of HQ and woke every sleeping creatures save the scientists who work like a walking dead late at night trying to accomplish the tasks that were assigned to each of them. Everyone knew what made that loud noise and so, everyone got up on their beds and the scientists left their tasks for awhile to kill someone who disturbed them. Every single finder, exorcists, and scientist went to check the source of trouble.

"That idiot..." the almost zombie-like Reever muttered. His palm met his forehead in frustration. As they come in contact of the so called supervisor's office which was now a complete mess. The door was destroyed so as the walls."I suspect it's Komurin again?" inquired Lavi who just arrived. He had a sweet-sweet dream at the library when he heard an explosion. Yeah, he slept at library while reading books that the bookman told him to. Luckily, bookman was not around the time he slept.

"He's so troublesome." said Lenalee groggily. She hadn't much sleep yet and now this?

"Tch. I'm going chop him and that stupid robot down." annoyed, Kanda in his white long sleeves and pants turned around to look for that man when an ear piercing scream echoed. They knew where it came from and who it was.

"Allen!" as fast as her feet could without activating her dark boots, she run straight to the infirmary followed by Lavi, Kanda and the rest of them. When they finally reached the infirmary...they saw Komui knocked unconscious on the wrecked bed, Pieces of Komurin X's parts, and the bloodied Allen who sat on the floor and rested his back against the wall. He clutched his reopened wound on his side. His breaths were of labour. "Moyashi?" Kanda inquired as they approached him. "Oi, what happened?"

"K-Komurin attacked me. He d-drunk something p-pink and went on a-a rampage." Allen answered. Slowly, he stood up with the help of Lavi. "Looks like your fever is gone but we need to tend your wound." Allen nodded. Lavi sling his arm on his neck and walked out of the ruined room. Lenalee dragged her brother out and Kanda went back to his room. Poor finders, they have to clean all of the mess that their executive created until morning and the scientists went back to their work.

"He really is an idiot." Johnny sighed and followed his fellow co-workers.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

Morning came and here was our all-time favourite protagonist sitting in his usual table and incredibly devoured his mountain of a food. "Ah! Allen!" came the familiar voice. Allen halted his little feast, his hand holding a stick of his mitarashi dango was on mid-air ready to stuff it in his mouth down the bottomless pit of his. "Hi Laffi." he greeted, mouthful. Lavi settled his tray and sat across his white haired teen. "How's your wound?"

Allen swallowed and pulled his shirt up to show to Lavi before he answered. "It's completely healed. Nothing to worry about. I can now go back on mission."

"Hmmm." Lavi placed his hand over his chin as he examine the boy's then wounded flesh. "It's a miracle that it healed so fast. Your wound is pretty deep and yet after the night it miraculously healed. Perhaps your Noah genes healed you?" Lavi then averted his gaze to his food and began eating. Allen's face became solemn. He don't want to be one of them. No, he don't want to disappear. He don't want to kill his friends like what his master had told him. No. Lavi didn't failed to notice this and apologized. "No, it's okay." Allen smiled awkwardly. "I will never betray my innocence. I would rather die before I become one of them."

Lavi smiled wearily. He's a bookman in training and must not feel any assortment of human emotions but...he just can't hide the fact that he cares for his friends well-being. "By the way, Allen." he spoke. "I'm not sure if you ever notice this, but...you sure eat a lot lately."

"Really? Well, I have to to maintain my innocence."

"True. But you eat more than your usual. Let me guess...this is your second mountain, am I right?" said Lavi as he pointed to where Allen's food was. Allen nodded, his mouth is full. "Not only that. You even eat at the middle of the fight, easily get tired but can pull out a massive amount of energy if necessary and after that you collapse and would sleep for almost 24 hours. Tell me, Allen." he said as he pushed aside his emptied plate. "Is there something wrong with your innocence?"

Shocked, Allen forced to gulp down all of the remaining food, drink his milk and stood much to Lavi's surprise.

"Come." is all what Allen said. Lavi knew what to anticipate and so he followed his friend.

That's it for the first chapter. Please do leave me a review, this is my first fanfic so I wanna know if how is it.

Thank you for reading!

Until next chapter. *smile*

#cheater boy - A