/ Hey all. :33 Okay, here's a short story that I was thinking about for about ten minutes and wrote it on a whim. I tried to keep the girls in character as much as I could. I don't know if it's canon for trolls to rarely get sick, but in this story they usually don't.
Warning: This has some swearing (nothing terrible) and it has self-neglect. If these bother you, then I suggest you don't read it.
Kanaya Maryam paced around her hive, sneezing into her elbow. She growled softly. It was uncommon for a troll to get sick, especially if the troll took care of themselves. Of course, Kanaya had been too busy the past few months, between making sure her friends don't kill each other, taking care of her Lusus, and many other things that had to do with everyone who wasn't her. She had hardly had enough time to sleep at night, let alone keep herself fed. Kanaya's ears perked up and she sat down when she heard a familiar "DING!" come from her computer. Oh yay, just what she needed. More troll drama. Kanaya opened the chat to see that Vriska was trolling her.
arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling grimAuxiliatrix [GA]
AG: Heeeeeeeey Kan ::::)
GA: Hello Vriska
AG: How're you doing?
GA: I've Been Better
AG: What's wrong? ::::(
GA: I Think I'm Coming Down With Something
AG: You're getting s8ck? How does a troll even get s8ck?
GA: Well Usually When A Troll Doesn't Take Care Of Themselves They Get Sick
AG: Damm8t, Kan. Why a8n't you taking care of y8urself?
GA: I Don't Need This Talk Vriska I'm A Big Troll And I Can Take Care Of Myself
AG: O8viously you c8n't.
AG: Kan?
AG: It's 8een like 8 minutes.
AG: Where are you?
GA: I Apologize For Disappearing
GA: And It Was Only Five Minutes
GA: Hold On Someone's At My Door
Kanaya sighed and pushed herself off her bed to open the door. When she did, a smirking Vriska was standing on the other side. "How did you-?" Kanaya was cut off when Vriska pushed past her and into the Jade blood's hive.
"I was in the area and decided you needed a visit. You sound like shit, Kanaya. You need to rest." Vriska said. Before Kanaya could protest, Vriska carefully grabbed the taller troll's horn and pulled her over to her couch. Kanaya made a strangled sound of pain when one of her horns was pulled. They were one of the most sensitive parts of a troll's body, and Vriska knew that. That didn't stop her from tugging the horn so that Kanaya fell onto the colorful furniture. Kanaya glared up at Vriska and swatted her hand away from the offended horn.
"That was completely distasteful and literally a pain in the horn. Please, if you do that again, I'll have to cut you in half." Kanaya threatened, unable to hide a small, playful smirk. Vriska flashed a fanged smile, knowing that it was nothing but an empty threat.
"Stay here or I'll tie your horns to the chair. I'll be right back." Vriska muttered, making her way to the kitchen. After about three minutes, Vriska came back with a steaming bowl of soup. "If you don't eat this willingly, I will cram it down your throat." She grinned, setting the bowl down on a small table and helping Kanaya sit up fully. The action pushed the Virgo's shirt up slightly, and Vriska frowned when she saw a practically withering torso. "What the hell, Kanaya? What's going on?" She demanded, pushing Kanaya's shirt up a little so she could study the girl's torso for any sign of self harm.
Kanaya's face was a deep jade when Vriska saw her torso, she forced her shirt back down to hide from the prying eight pupils. "It's nothing to concern yourself with, Vriska." She growled, holding her shirt down with one hand and hiding her flushed face with her other. She was embarrassed that Vriska had seen her in this condition. Vriska rolled her eyes.
"I swear, if you don't let me check you over, I'll kick your ass." She threatened, moving so she sat on Kanya's hips so she couldn't move away. She shoved Kanaya's hand out of the way, and pushed the Virgo's shirt back up far enough that she could see Kanaya's ribs and stomach. She was slightly confused when Kanaya barely fought back. Her stomach dropped when she realized Kanaya had used up a lot of her strength to make the feeble attempt at getting Vriska away. "Kanaya, when's the last time you ate?" She asked skeptically, recognizing malnutrition as easily as she recognized Kanaya's ribs. Kanaya sighed softly. Vriska cringed as she watched Kanaya's torso twitch awkwardly at the action.
"I don't actually remember." Kanaya mumbled, moving her hand to hide her stomach subconsciously. Her other arm covered her eyes in embarrassment. Vriska glared up at Kanaya.
"Where is your Lusus? Isn't she supposed to take care of you?" Vriska's tone had softened a little when she thought she saw Kanaya sniffle. It wasn't normal for the jade-blooded troll to show much emotion other than stubbornness and caring, and it was even weirder to see her cry. The sight made Vriska's stomach clench.
"I got into a small fight with her told her I could take care of myself and that she wouldn't have to worry." Kanaya's dark green lips quirked into a sad and shaky smile. "I guess I was wrong."
Vriska carefully moved Kanaya's hands from her eyes and pulled the jade-blood up so they were both sitting up. Vriska awkwardly wrapped her arms around Kanaya. It took Kanaya a second to realize the Scorpio was hugging her. She wrapped her arms around Vriska's torso and hugged her tight, resting her head on Vriska's shoulder.
"You weren't wrong, Idiot. You just weren't right yet." Kanaya could hear the slight smirk in Vriska's uncharacteristically caring tone. "You'll be ready eventually, but right now, you're only 7.4 solar sweeps old. It's stupid being alone, and you aren't supposed to be the stupid one. You'll have more time to be independent and stubborn, but for right now, you need your Lusus." Vriska blinked and peaked down when she felt her shoulder grow wet. She watched jade tears fall on, and disappear into, her cerulean jacket. She smirked a little. "Now, wipe your face off and eat some damn soup. You being sick and underweight isn't a good combination." She grinned when Kanaya let out a slightly strangled chuckle.
"Thank you, Vriska…" Kanaya mumbled into Vriska's shoulder. Vriska's grin turned into a smirk.
"No problem. If you ever tell anyone that I softened up, I'll cut you in half with your own chainsaw. Now eat."