Parasoul wasted no time acting on the "intel" she received about the Skull Heart, so without delay she finds herself and her crew in the main lobby of the Sea King Casino, in disguise of course. Parasoul dyed her hair blonde, putting it in a double braid style, as well as a color swap with her clothes. The rest of the group were wearing formal wear. Juju was in a china dress and Roxie wore a simple black dress, and the others, black suits.

"Princess Parasoul, I highly doubt the effectiveness of your disguise." Wolfram whispers in her ear.

"Now now, Sebastian... Please ease yourself and enjoy the thrills of gambling." Parasoul hisses at first before switching to a fake jolly tone while adjusting his blue tie.

"Sebastian? I don't think I can really pass off as a..." Wolfram couldn't finish his sentence as his princess walks away to lead the group.

"Um, orders princ... I mean Mira." Adams fumbles with his words.

"Just blend in and search for the target, you know the checkpoints so commence the operation." Parasoul commands, heading off into the crowd.

The group just looks at each other and shrug their shoulders before heading off in random directions. Though it appeared obvious that Adam was more keen on following Parasoul; Wolfram and Juju decided to go together to the slot machines.

"It's pretty obvious why we're here you know?" Juju boredly comments as she puts coin after coin into the machine.

"Annie?" Wolfram with the same air replies, pulling the lever on his.

"Annie." She confirms then breaks even on her machine.

Wolfram and Juju continue playing, eventually moving seats, but everytime they do, Juju takes over his machine and suddenly wins big. This leaves Wolfram with a sense of betrayal as he directs his lifeless, blue gaze her way. After another victory fist is thrown in the air by Juju, she looks over to Wolfram who had nothing left in his bucket. He held a gloomy and cold aura, and the buckets of gold on her end made it more clear as to why.

"Oh, come on. You might have lost, but this is a victory for the entire troop. Now help me lug these to the checkout counter." Juju demands playfully, handing him five buckets so that she is holding only one.

"I'll even buy you a drink." Juju attempts once more to cheer him up.

"Aren't you underage or something?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't her that... and I'm 21 you dummy."

Upon reaching the counter, Juju cashes out a big sum and like she promised, she dragged him to the bar. Apparently, Roxie got bored too and spots the two heading to the stand.

"Anything good on the menu?" Roxie asks, taking a seat next to Wolfram.


"Geez, I told you I'll pay." Juju says after taking a shot.

"You're cold. Wanna a beer instead?" Roxie offers.

"I'm good."

"Hate owing favors or money I guess. Would you let me buy you a drink as repayment for something though?"

"Depends on what it is"

"I took your gas mask apart and I can't seem to put it back together."

"You what?" said Wolfram in a surprised yet tired manner, however before he could actually scold Roxie, someone appears behind them.

"Sebastian, I require your company. I lost Adam, so you're only one that can help." Parasoul sternly says, tapping his head with Krieg.

"Why doesn't Adam have a code..." He gets cut off again after he is forcibly removed from his chair by his tie.

"Juju, Roxie, return to base."

With that Parasoul drags Wolfram through a thick crowd and disappears.

"Wow, princess needs to cool her head." Roxie motions.

"We were hanging around her childhood friend after all."

"Everyone standby, there's a possible S class parasite in the area." Molly buzzes in through their earpieces.

"Well, knowing princess and Wolfram. I'm certain they can handle it." Juju says and continues to drink with Roxie.

Just as Wolfram and Juju suspected, there was a booth with the girl of the stars, Annie. And waiting in line was a fan who wished to keep her fandom a secret. Parasoul waited in line both eager and nervous, and Wolfram just gazes off in the distance to see a wrestling match. Just as he was about to identify one of the wrestlers as Talbot, he is pulled by his hand as the line starts moving.

"Mira... we got a message from Molly that a S class parasite is in the area." Wolfram whispers to Parasoul.

"Until it starts acting up then we'll attack, but for now we blend in."

Before long they make it to the front where Annie was kicking back, yawning and seeming annoyed. As soon as Parasoul speaks up, Annie gets into character shaking her hand.

"P-p-please to meet you, A-Annie. I've watch your show and movies from the very beginning."Parasoul mumbles, breaking into a nervous sweat.

Wolfram takes in the sight of Parasoul but gets sidetracked when the eye inside Annie's stuffed rabbit turns his way meeting his gaze. Instinct almost takes over, when Wolfram reaches into his jacket and puts a hand on his pistol. Before he could even pull out the gun to shoot the odd doll, Parasoul blocks his as she pets the doll.

"S-S-Sagan is cuter in p-person."

"Sure is, how about an autograph or something."

"Of course! Um... I'll also take that and these..." Parasoul begins to shop around her booth almost emptying her stock.

"Please continue to support me." Annie gives Parasoul one more hand shake after stuffing a large stack of bills under the table.

"C-c-count on me, Annie."

Wolfram's eye twitches as he carries multiple gift bags, witnessing his princess being easily manipulated by the star. As they walk away with the bounty, Wolfram couldn't help but run a hand through her blonde hair, causing her to jump a little.

"W-what's wrong Wolf...Sebastian." Parasoul asks, stopping in her tracks.

"I just prefer your scarlet hair is all."

"We're on a mission." Parasoul warns him, but as she acts serious, her flushed face gives off a different message.

"And what do so suppose I do with this merchandise when the parasite acts up?"

"We'll quickly put it the car, so stop loitering around."

Wolfram let's out a sigh and follows his princess to the exit, then slows down when he notices a familiar face.


"Oh, good evening, Wolfram. I see you're enjoying yourself." Ryushi greets him while preparing some seafood.

Just as Wolfram was about to speak, Talbot lands on the counter with a loud crash.

"That was waaaay over three minutes! Hm? Hiya, Ryushi. Even Wolfram." Talbot says his greetings as he brushes off the dust on his body.

"What are you doing here?" Wolfram asks Talbot.

"Making some cash, but more importantly I'm... hunting parasites. And one in particular is close by." Talbot whispers his warning.

Talbot runs back to the ring and Ryushi continues his duties. Wolfram felt a chill down his spine, but Parasoul breaks him out of his trance.

"Hey, what's wrong? We better hurry to the car, I think Adam is waiting."

"Right away."

Wolfram thought the night was over after he filled the trunk with Annie merchandise, but he never expected Parasoul to disappear back into the casino.

"Where's the princess?" he asks Adam.

"I believe her highness went to retrieve Agent 13 and Roxie."

Wolfram thought nothing of it and decided to wait next to the car. However thirty minutes is a long time to wait so Wolfram signaled Adam to wait for him. Upon reaching the bar where he last saw Juju and Roxie, his heart sinks in his chest when a drunk Parasoul comes into view yelling at her sniper to take shot after shot. Roxie was already passed out and Juju wasn't that far behind.

"Let me get you another drink." Riccardo offers the princess, but gets a hand on his face that pushes him away causing him land on his bum.

"Do you know who you're dealing with?" He sternly asks Wolfram as he rubs his aching back.

"Aww, what a cute little rascal. C'mere. Upsy daisy!" Wolfram coldly addresses him and takes him by the suspenders then tosses him in the air and into a fish tank.

Wolfram then turns his attention to the trio who were attracting a crowd. First, he takes a sleeping Roxie onto his back then Juju in one arm. Finally Parasoul would get carried but she was making it more difficult than it needed to be.

"No~, stoooop, I'm not done. Why do you always ruin everything." Parasoul whines as she sluggishly pushes against his face.

"Calm down, princess. Your Annie goods are all packed and ready to go." Wolfram says in a low tone, causing her hissy fit to cease.

"You don't watch Annie with me anymore." With tears forming, she buries her face into his jacket.

"I-I'll watch it with you later, just calm down."


"Yes." Sounding slightly irritated.

With all three sound sleep and tipsy, they're bodies were radiating too much heat, making Wolfram wish he had Bane with him.

"Mmmmm cold." He hears Parasoul murmur, snuggling closer to his neck, only resulting in him to walk faster.

He quickly loads the girls in the middle row of the car and takes a sit in the back. Adam without question drives off, but it wasn't long until an explosion was heard in the background. As rubble came flying towards the car, Wolfram reaches for Bane and forces it through the back window then opens it open to shield everyone. After putting Bane back to his side, he watches a figure fly out of the smoke and onto a building rooftop. It was Annie riding her stuffed rabbit like a scooter and not far behind was Talbot, doing a flying kick to where she stood.

"Turns out the parasite Molly talked about wasn't Talbot, but Annie."

"What happened!?" Adam asks.

"A turf war between parasites, it has nothing to do with us. Our top priority is getting the princess to safety."

"I'm burning up...Ugh I need something cool." Parasoul mumbles.

She accidently hits the switch that lowered her backrest right on Wolfram, trapping his legs. Upon seeing her, she already undid more than half her buttons in an attempt to remove her top. Embarrassed, he tries to button the blouse, but feels a pair of hands on the back of his head then gets pulled into a kiss. He attempts to escape, however Juju and Roxie were also in search of something cold to the touch and rest their heads on top of him, trapping him. He could feel Parasoul exploring his mouth as well as taste the alcohol. It felt like he was in that position for some time and though he could escape if he did one strong lift off. So he gathered some strength and managed to snake his hands on each side on Parasouls head. Occasionally Parasoul would part from his lips then quickly get back into it, throwing him off balance.

Finally in position, he lifts himself up with his arms but he didn't expect Parasoul to release her grip as well as Juju and Roxie getting off. As a result Wolfram bashes the back of his head on the low bearing roof. Parasoul hits the switch for the backrest again and hits Wolfram's chin. Wincing in pain, Wolfram was just relieved that they made it to the Canopy Kingdom.

"Finally back." He says in an exhausted tone.

Getting out of the car first, he opens the door for the drowsy trio and holds a hand out to help them. All three attempt to get out of the car and stumble into Wolfram's chest. They all slowly look up to his face and at the same time they're faces turn green, cheeks puffed out and then...

"Aww snowballs."