This trailer has been rated T for 'Totally does not break the Rules and Guidelines'.

Coming soon...

A red sun rose on an enormous colosseum.

The sequel to the halfway-decent story you all know and kind of enjoyed

Jack watched as the shadows of the night were slowly chased away by the dawn.

Double the action.

Jack roared in fury and conjured up a raging inferno of golden flames.

Double the drama.

"NO," Jack shouted. "YOU LISTEN!"

Double the suspense.

The Predator grinned maliciously.

Double the romance.

"So you're the Lucario I've been hearing so much about," Launa said. "I thought you'd be taller."

Jason froze in place and gave her a confused look. "Wait, what?"

Join Jack Storm once more, as he travels across the entire region,

"Who knew plane tickets were so expensive," Jack sighed.

To find out who he really is,

"I... I'm not who you think I am," Jack said.

And who is stalking him from the shadows.

"You're really starting to tick me off," Jack said menacingly. "Now tell me why you've been following me all this time."


"Why are you doing this?!" Jack exclaimed.


Leave him to me," Thomas said.




"If I don't make it back..." Jack said.

"You will make it back," Jason insisted. "You've never given up before, so don't start now."

Coming this September:

To a computer near you.

"Wow," Jason said sarcastically. "That went even better than I expected."

"And cut," I said, walking on-stage. "Great job Jack; that should get them excited."

"It had better," Jack said, "Because we are totally getting flagged for this. Did you even read the rules? It says right in there that we're not allowed to do previews!"

I shook my head, grinning smugly. "But this isn't a preview, it's a trailer; the rules don't say anything about trailers. And besides; if people actually went around flagging stuff, where do you think Keldeo the Critic would be?"

"On YouTube, probably," Jack dead-panned.

"Good point," I said with a shrug. "In any event, for all you reading at home, this is our official update. We will be starting work on Rising Storm: Book 2 one month from now; and come Hell or high water, we will have the first chapter out by the end of September."

"Now you may be wondering," Jack said, "Why we're posting this so far in advance of the deadline. To put it frankly, we want to give everyone plenty of time to follow our profile; because as most of you probably know, if you don't follow our profile you won't get the update when we post Book 2."

"So hop on over and follow our profile if you haven't already," I continued, "And while you're waiting for Book 2, maybe try some of our other stories; like Tale of a Mage, which follows a boy destined to either save his country, or destroy it. Don't let the obscure source-material turn you away, it's going to be a tale worth seeing; and I'm even giving it a complete re-write to bring it up to my current standards of writing. So what's not to like?!"

"You're starting to sound desperate," Jack commented dryly.

I shook my head. "Anyway. In other news I'm also in the process of revising the earlier chapters of Rising Storm: Book 1, in response to Arceus the Critic's review of it; I aim to fix at least most of the problems he mentioned. If you want to see my story ripped to shreds in Arceus's trademark sarcastic/comedic manner, why not go and take a look; it's worth reading, if only to know how royally I screwed up the earlier chapters of my story."

"And that about wraps things up for this preview... Oh sorry, 'trailer'," Jack said sarcastically. "And if it weren't already painfully obvious how desperate this guy is for attention, let's go over the key points; follow our profile, read our lesser-known side projects, and also go read Arceus the Critic's review of Rising Storm: Book 1. To quote Porky Pig, Th-th-that's all folks!"

"Until next time," I said. "See ya later."