Chapter V

It was almost a week since the dinner at Peck's house and it was almost as long since the last time Gail saw Holly. It was not only her fault per see, she was busy at work and she was really tired at the end of the day. So she spent most of the nights alone in her room, ignoring everyone as much as possible. When Holly texted or called, she hadn't in her to ignore the blonde completely, so she responded with texts like: - sorry, not tonight – maybe latter – just need some time – call you latterOK – NO.

The only person she actually talked after the dinner was Steve, that's mainly because he ambushed her while she was heading to her card after shift.

"We tried to call you?" he said

"We… meaning?" Gail asked

"Me and Tracy"

"Yeah of course… Well I wasn't really in the mood for talk, I'm still not, so if you don't mind" she shrugged

"Hey, I'm sorry for what she said"

"Steve I'm not interested in apologies, not from you and let's be honest, we both knew what was going to happened" she said pushing Steve aside, and getting in her car.

"Dad was pretty pissed at Mom" getting in to passanger seat.

"I don't want them to fight" she said sadly "I just want to forget anything happened"

"Did you spoke with Holly?"

"That's none of your business"

"You should call her"

"Seriously Steve get the hell out of my car"

"Ok, but you should call her." He said opening the door "and stop hiding!"

"I not hiding" she shouted at him, while he was walking away.

Gail was hiding. That's what she did when she was hurt. Letting herself to be vulnerable was extremely hard for her. She always hid behind this bitch persona she created. Usually it worked, she barked here and there and people left her alone. But for some reason with Holly it just didn't seem to work. Every time Gail said something mean and bitchy, Holly just smiled and brushed it away.

That's why Gail was actually hiding in her room in the middle of the night, with her head was swimming with thoughts and feeling she didn't know where to place. She never exposed herself like that in front of anyone and the problem was she had no idea why. Why from all the arguments she had with her mother, why she decided to spill her guts that night.

She was lying on her bed when she heard knocking on her door.

"Yeah I'm coming" she called thinking it was Chris or Dove. But when she opened door she was faced with the exact person because of whom she was in her room in a first place.

"Holly?" she said surprised.

"Chris let me in, they went to Penny…You are a cat" Holly mumbled all of the sudden heading to the living room.

"What?" blonde asked, following Holly with raised her eyebrows.

"I had this whole speech prepared. I wanted to say that I'll wait for you until you ready to talk, that I will give you the space…but all of the sudden there is this thing stuck in my head….You are a cat" Holly said her back turned to Gail.


"This is not your emergency situation" Holly explained turning to blonde. "I understand that you are hurting. What happened at the dinner sucked and I'm sorry, but I really like you and I'm pretty sure you like me too, so don't try to escape from me. If you need time tell me, but you're too good to just let go so… I'm not letting you down form that dam tree just yet."

"You remembered that?" Gail features softened

"Well it was pretty good analogy"

"H-how do you do that?" stuttered Gail, after processing what was actually said.


"You just keep calling me out on my bullshit"

"Well I guess I just get you" smiled Holly taking a step towards Gail

"Yeah you do." Gail did the same.

"So what now" asked Holly when they met in the middle of the living room "should I go and give you more space? Or will you let me do the girlfriend thing when I hold you and comfort you while you hurting. Tell you it's gonna be ok and make you a hot chocolate."

"Hot chocolate?" sneered Gail

"Or tequila, whatever you are in mood for." Holly smiled pulling Gail on to the hug.

They hugged for a little while, when Gail decided to continue this more horizontally in her room

"Sorry for avoiding you, it's just I have never done that" said Gail

"What?" asked Holly spooning Gail from behind.

"I never actually stood up to her. It's ridiculous, I don't know why, but it was just too much." Gail said sadly

"It's ok…" brunette whispered dropping small kiss on Gail's cheek.

"What you saw that's pretty much our relationship." Gail continued "My parents were never home, when I was a kid. I remember trips and vacation, but they were never really home. It was after I got in to the academy my mother actually started to notice me. It felt like for the first time she cared, but as it turned out it was more so I don't embarrass her." Gail started sobbing a little.

"So tried, I tried to be best, when I did finally excel, people just though I get there because I was a Peck" she sniffed. "They either kissed my ass, because of my parents or judge me for the same thing."

When she finally opened herself up Gail felt like she couldn't stop. "I'm not like her, I'm not social, I'm not easy going, I don't even like people…You know I have this huge phobia from speaking in front of the crowds. I get all sweaty and gross."

"Hey Gail… looked at me" Holly said turning Gail around "you are You, and that's more than enough ok, you are good person. You are funny, smart, really hot-"

"Oh shut up…" Gail put her hands on her face smiling and wiping her tears.

- and when you think no one is looking huge dork." Holly continued

"Oh look who's talking…"

"Seriously? You knew every Disney reference I ever used, and I saw the star wars t-shirt in your closet. You are not fooling anyone." Brunette said lightly poking Gail between the ribs.

"Tell me something...about you. You heard my sob story, what's yours?" asked Gail after a moment.

"It was not a sob story…"

"I was sobbing, that's by definition sob story"

"I don't know? What do you want to know?"

"You live in huge house, you are loaded, but you still work as pathologist, who does that?"

"My father is a lawyer, he owns a company on Bay Street."

"Stewart and Ryes?" Gail asked ablently.

"Yeap" confirmed Holly.


Stewart and Ryes was one of the largest, and probably the best law firm in Toronto. Making Holly, daughter of one of the richest people in city. 'Well that explain the house' Gail thought

"So I get the ass kissing trust me. But I have just the usual story. I have two sisters; they took off on the family business, so I just did my thing no one really cared that much." Holly continued

"I get that, but corpses really? The livings were too boring for you?" inquired Gail

"I wanted to be a doctor, but soon after I started med school I realized, I like the science more than I liked actually treating patients, so when came moment when I had to choose, I decided to do thing I liked, rather than pretend to be something I'm not" answered Holly.

"I'm sensing this had double meaning"

"Kinda did" brunette said

"So when did you actually realized that you are….you know?" stuttered Gail

"Gay! You do it, you should be able to say it" laughed Holly

"Smart ass, yeah when did you realized you are lesbian?" Blonde asked again, not able to stop the huge smile, forming on her lips.

"First year in med school, there was this really cute nurse-" said Holly with dreamy expression.

"Auch…you asked" Holly laughed after being punched to a shoulder. "But I guess I always knew. It just never clicked for me with guys, I felt like I was trying too hard. To be certain way, to feel certain things. When I was with guys, It was just not me. Plus the sex with them sucked compared to girls" she smiled at the end.

"You make everything sound so easy…" said looking closely at Holly.

"It's was not easy, it took a lot of soul searching and convincing myself. And then convincing everyone around me that what I feel and who I am, is real a genuine. But it was worth it."

"What if I not the same? I liked being with guys, I suck at relationships with them, but I liked it." She turned around facing the wall.

"You know that's the fun part, no one is ever the same. Do what feels right to you."

Gail's chest rose as she took a deep breath. She turned around again and pushed Holly on a back, and gently laid on top of her.

"What are you doing?" Holly asked looking Gail in the eyes, that were somehow darker than, she remembered.

"Doing what feels right to me" Gail softly smiled and kissed Holly fully with everything she had.

A/N Thank you again for all your wonderful reviews, following and favorites.