"If you are hearing this, then you are either Rothchild or Lyons. FEV samples and testing is complete. The following are my findings. As all Brotherhood know, the original FEV strain originated back in Mariposa, the strain contains proteins that seem to connect to enzymes for every major faculty of the human condition. This includes lean muscle, brain cells, and organ functionality. As we know from Super Mutants that turned neutral to the wasteland, the first generation Mariposa Mutants have greater strength, agility, tougher skin and muscle density. Also, they have higher IQ's and are able to think quickly in any situation."
"Second Generation Mariposa Mutants, the ones the Enclave created years and years later, have a different makeup. After reading the samples, it seems that the reason Gen Two is degraded, whilst they are also smarter stronger and faster, their mutation is both diluted from any muck gathered from fungus or bacteria, or even rust, from the ages it was left unused and sitting there. The mutation seems to attack the medulla oblongata, and cause a severe temper that Gen Two is known for. Seeing as several other strains can and have been discovered, it's safe to say that they are the different Projects from during the Great War. Project Brazil is still missing to our knowledge, Project China has never been confirmed, and Project Denmark seems to be a lesser version, but not as broken, of the Mariposa Gen One. Though the attack sites are less about muscle and more about intellect, so they may have been trying to create scientists and failed to rewrite the soldier DNA data."
"Project France, as we are calling the DC Strain, it would seem that it is the opposite of Denmark, instead of increasing Intelligence, it forgoes the Brain sectors and targets increase in muscle mass and density, creating ultimate cannon fodder, to be lead into battle like a horde. This is why we've seen several sizes and variations of the Mutants here, and why none of them seem to be very articulate. That being said, this strain can seemingly go on forever, which is why we see such brutes as the Behemoths, like the one that attacked GNR."
"The final strain I was tasked with, my own… After taking several samples and trying to put them into statistical numbers for data as I see from older samples, it's unclear why I am so special. At least on the surface. The FEV strain I have seems to have emotional triggers, only activating when I feel a certain way. Angry is one way, but I digress that the Strains' activity is lesser than any other. Whilst I gain super strength, agility, and have passive resistance to poisons, radiation, and illness in any way shape or form, I can only activate the former when I am in an active state of aggression. My Mutation seems to be more benign than the others as if the FEV cut off its reproduction cycle at a certain point and my cells are saturated but not overly stimulated to become the huge monstrosities we see today. My Strain does not attack growth hormones, and it does not attack any cellular division sites to create more of itself. My DNA seems to be completely stable, and I am concluding my results towards this Strain being another Project aimed towards creating a perfect Human Being. I am not, so they failed. Though this Strain does give me the potential to do very good things if I do not go mad like the Gen Two, or Nightkin did. This is my conclusion of the FEV, the Strains are different around the country and we should be wary of any new strain, and find out exactly what each strain can do."
After it was all done, the two stared in silence. Then Lyons took a deep breath. "I see. So he is not a future liability and has confirmed that we are facing a strong opponent in great numbers. Now we know the FEV here is truly different."
"So there are other strains? How dangerous are the others?"
"Not very, compared to the first sightings. The first Mutant Army we faced was being led by someone called The Master, and they were very dangerous being the first Mutants we faced, but as the Master fell, we found that, whilst dangerous combatants, they were not truly evil. Just misguided and led by something we still can not fathom."
Tenten couldn't fathom anything right now, hearing about all this. She never would have guessed something like the FEV was even able to be used in a multitude of ways. "So… These are different, but also Naruto. He says his strain was benign?"
"It would seem so. Anything else before we go to the next mission update?" Lyons was focused on hearing everything before he left.
"Just one. I hear the Brotherhood hates Ghouls and Mutants altogether… if Naruto is a mutant, why do you not hate him?" The brunette was curious.
"After the first Mutant Army, they were not exactly hostile, but also not the friendliest bunch. Mutants, in general, have mostly been hostile towards any human they find, be it murdering or kidnapping to later change them through FEV mutation, as they are doing here. That is, for a while after the Master was destroyed. Here the Mutants are hostile, but Naruto is a Mutant who is still human, in body and the heart. There's a detachment of Brotherhood in the Midwest that have Mutant, and even ghoul, soldiers as equals. So things have been changing for most sectors since the Master's defeat. It's hard to see a former enemy as an ally, especially one who depends on kidnapping and forcible mutations like the Mutants, who are sterile and cannot reproduce any other way. Ghouls are more a here and now situation. It would seem that the Capital wasteland has had its fair share of Ferals, and even bad cases of Ghoul raiders, making for trust between Humans and Ghouls hard to come by. I have been trying to turn that way of thinking, but as the Mutants rampage in the DC Ruins, I cannot go to the Mall to play diplomat and find common ground. It's not going to be easy, but know I am trying to find a way to coexist with Ghouls, and if we find any cooperative and intelligent Mutants I will give them a chance to talk. Until then, shall we continue?"
"Yes… and thank you for explaining." TenTen worried, but Lyons was smiling at her, putting her at ease.
The next mission update came on and they listened as Naruto spoke. "Naruto Uzumaki, secret mission regarding the newest weapon. After testing it against big enemies, or a group of enemies, I have found that each cartridge does specialize uniquely. The red shell fires a beam of plasma so hot and so vast I can only attribute it to being like an orbital laser strike with how big and powerful it is, taking out Behemoth heads clean off. The white shell is different in that instead of a large powerful laser strike, it fires an electrical discharge at range, it killed a group of raiders instantly, and has had half lethality on mutants, in the group I tested on half the mutants died, the others were rendered paralyzed but still capable of getting back on their feet. The third is dangerous, the golden shell takes form in creating a gravitational anomaly. When I fired it, it didn't stop till it hit the wall behind my target, but then the impact must have caused a change in the energy used and the small energy orb suddenly grew and pulled in everything, almost taking me with it if I was not taking cover behind a sturdy wall. When the pull was finished and the energy was gone, I found the raiders dead in a gruesome fashion, as if everything came and impaled them to the wall, their bodies stretched and broken like the wall sucked their bodies into each other until it fit their flesh into every pocket. I am naming the shells in this manner, Red is Laser Devastator with White being Electric Overload. Gold is Black Hole. I do not know how they made this device or its ammunition, but I suggest we destroy it the moment we finish our current supply. Either that or keep it as a backup weapon against overly powerful forces who may try to take us out in the future. I leave judgment to the Elder. Signing off."
Lyons stopped the playback and was still, taking it all in. Whilst his companion in hearing this was shocked, the brunette realizing how powerful that weapon was, and how he used it to save her. And now understanding why he didn't want to let it be known.
"Unbelievable… He went through so much for the brotherhood, even choosing to be punished for something that was beyond his control, to help everyone here and out in the wastes. Naruto sacrificed honor, glory, and even… love…" As it dawned on her, she looked up to Lyons.
Though he could not read her mind, he smiled. "Naruto's been an amazing asset to the Brotherhood, though I dare say he would make an exceptional Elder one day. I see him more like a son, and it pains me to know he's out there in danger. I cannot accept he is dead, but I know he would not give this tape to anyone unless there was no other choice, and only to the one he trusted most out of the current company. The audiotapes are finished, all there is left to do is catalog the written reports from the text files. So, with that done, I ask. What will you do now?"
It was still all very overwhelming. TenTen could not truly figure out what she wanted to do. She had made it to the Brotherhood, an ally to her family, the group that her closest ally and friend belonged to, a place she was welcome. A place that several on the outside have expressed distrust and even hate towards. "They do not seem that horrible… Yet I also do not know about them fully. I cannot just blindly accept they want to help us, I have to see more."
Lifting her head to meet Lyons' eyes, as he walked up closer to her, she took a breath and spoke as assertively as she could. "I wish to know everything about the Brotherhood of Steel. After hearing about it from Naruto, about how others in the wasteland feel about you be it good or bad, I need to be certain about your intentions."
Nodding, Lyons stood tall. "I'll give the word, you'll have privileged access to all information privy to your station as a guest of our home. Look to our archives, speak to our scribes, and when you are done finding out how much you want to believe we are here for the betterment of the Capital Wasteland, we can speak about our plans moving forward. And to what role you choose to fill. You have free reign over most of the base, Steel be with you."
As he left, she too followed before roaming around. DIgesting the information as best she could, she felt herself becoming clearer with every moment, feeling the groggy and slow reactions to flee from her mind. It was starting to make some sense, but not enough to warrant the very hateful views of the two she met vehemently against the Brotherhood. It didn't take long before she was met with a door opening in front of her and one of the Knights passing her by. "Welcome to the CItadel, stranger."
She waved at the Knight who kept going without a glance back. TenTen hummed and went to see about the Scribes. Though she knew nothing about the Scribes, or what they looked like, so she came to a person dressed in red. "Hello. Uh, may I inquire about the brotherhood?"
The Scribe turned and smiled, the young man nodded. "Of course, It's the job of the Scribes to collect and distribute information about the Brotherhood, be it past or present, even future. Most of our files regarding the past of the Brotherhood is in our server base in the room three doors down. If you need anything specific, please do not hesitate to ask me."
THat covered it, the red robes had to be the Scribes. Nodding, the young wanderer smiled. "Thank you. I think I'll look into the details."
"Steel be with you." He went back to his work. TenTen went to find the servers and did so quickly. FInding terminals, she logged in and started looking into everything about the Brotherhood she could find. And was very much surprised at how far back it all went. Back to the founder's personal logs before the war even happened, before the bombs dropped.
She was determined to understand the Brotherhood and its ideals, and why they were so divided. It took her all night to read what was important, before passing out at the desk. She groaned as she felt something shake her, and the smell of coffee. Opening her eyes to the cup of brown nectar, she looked up to see a man smiling at her. It looked familiar at first, but it clicked almost instantly when her vision focused. It was none other than Knight Colvin. "Sun's up, so should you be. It's rare to see a civilian in the Citadel, but after what the Elder said I am pretty sure I knew you were one of the few who came in."
"You're… Colvin, right? The Knight from GNR."
"Colvin of the Pride, we happened to have been deployed to save GNR's ranks from the mutants. Drink up." He had his own and did as he said she should do, downing some in an instant.
Grabbing her cup she gulped down some and was glad to feel the soothing heat of the morning brew. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." Colvin sat next to her. "Sarah's in a mood right now, wondering what's happening. As soon as the Enclave started hitting checkpoints on the road, we got the call to come in. We got into a few firefights trying to get back, but we managed to do it. Many Brotherhood patrols are being called in, bolster our forces here until we get the order to defend or attack against the Enclave."
Looking down at her cup, TenTen sighed. "I see… And Naruto's out there fighting them I wager."
That got Colvin's attention. "I figured he wouldn't be here, but is he actually still out there fighting the Enclave?"
"He was keeping them at bay as we escaped. He was trapped last time I saw him, so either they captured him, they killed him, or he managed to get out of that situation and is laying low somewhere. I am hoping it's the last one."
"I see… Me too, but we have to face facts. Dwelling on his life isn't going to save us anymore. We have to start taking steps to fight this threat." Colvin looked her way. "Sorry."
Shaking her head, the brunette smiled. "I get it. But I won't give up on him… He didn't give up on me."
After a minute passed, Colvin looked to the monitor. "What are you looking for?"
TenTen shrugged. "Information. On you all. Seeing what made the Brotherhood what it is, and why some hate you and others praise you."
Colvin chuckled at that. "I see. You know, the Outcasts think we should abandon everyone in the wastes to die, and focus solely on gathering technology, dangerous or not, just to better ourselves."
Looking at him, she frowned. "Read here you guys started isolating yourselves after awhile, and focused on just collecting technology. Even if it meant fighting others for it."
"You have to understand, it was just the beginning of the end of civilization. You try coming in with fancy armor and weapons to a populace that's been ravaged by chaos. Riots, starvation, disease, death. And you come in, all healthy and shiny, and say you have a few things to spare but not enough to feed even a dozen people for the week. Even if you try and help, they will see it as you feeling superior. Maybe we are, or maybe we aren't, but we had resources to spare, and everyone else started seeing us as some sort of high command that could have blown things up ourselves. We were the bad guys, and they started searching for ways to kill us. Very dangerous technology, we saw their desperation and they never gave us a chance to sit down and talk about it." After a small sigh, he finished as he stood up. "When you're forced to kill or be killed, survival is a priority. To survive, you have to find ways to keep yourself safe even from others who would try and kill you with something you don't know about. So we try to find all the technology that we can to preserve it or destroy it, so we do not have another Great War. That made everyone who started thinking suspicious that we were looking to stop them from growing and getting back to when life was simple and easy. So we're hated for not helping, we were hated for helping when they had nothing. So we either keep helping, or we start fighting. This divides the Brotherhood High Command. I gotta get going, see you around the base." He walked off as TenTen stared in surprise.
The amount of information he gave was pretty crazy, and she had to admit it made a small sort of sense. Though she looked back at the monitors. Everything she saw in the files pointed to them trying to change their ways to the world to survive first and foremost, which everyone does out here. "Not to mention, they were trying to make things better for all but were getting enemies rather than allies. I wonder just how things will go when they finally get the ability to show it without everyone wanting to fight." The road ahead for that thought was one she wanted to tread.
The day went and the sunset, the young brunette walking around and just watching how everyone acted. After sitting down at a random table, a little kid came along into the same room. "You must be that outsider that Elder Lyons was talking about."
Seeing him dressed up in a similar robe, TenTen nodded. "I am."
He came up nervously but smiled. "Hail. I am Squire Maxon, a loyal servant of Steel. It's an honor to make your acquaintance."
With a slight bow, TenTen gave a soft look. "Honor is all mine, young Squire." She giggled in her head, thinking it was cute how this young boy was trying to be all formal yet interested in seeing someone other than Brotherhood here.
"Oh! Well… Thank you very much, your words are… very kind!" He looked a little to the side and tried not to give away some of his feelings on the others, though the bae was not loud enough to cover his thought aloud. "Kinder than I usually hear…"
Almost immediately, Sarah Lyons came into the room. "Young Maxon, there you are!" Letting out a small sigh she instantly got her composure back. "You know you aren't supposed to go anywhere without at least one Knight as an escort."
"Sorry, Sarah. I was just curious about the commotion regarding our guest here."
Looking up to see TenTen, Sarah was instantly on her. "I heard people from the Project Purity fiasco were here… But to see you…" A moment of thought and she chose to ask. "What happened to your friend?"
Devoid of emotion, that as how TenTen thought the question sounded. "Stayed behind to give us time to escape. Considering he was trapped with no way out, and I haven't heard about any Enclave coming into the Brotherhood blockade down there, I am assuming he either managed to escape, or he was captured."
"There's a possibility he is dead, too." Sarah stayed stoic throughout, as Maxson listened intently.
But hearing that, Maxson turned to the blonde leader of the Pride. "Who are we talking about?"
Sarah held him close. "It doesn't matter who he is."
"It matters to me." Standing up, TenTen gave Sarah a small look of disapproval. "You know, he may have been cast out, but he would never claim to be Outcast. He followed the Lyons interpretation of the Codex. He helped us escape the Enclave, he saved us at GNR, he protected many settlements. And when you first saw me, you scolded me for being below your rank and file. I may not be a part of the Brotherhood, but I can contribute to the cause. Which I am going to do. Naruto is loyal to the Brotherhood through and through, loyal to the people of the Wasteland. But as his former wife, you seem to be loyal only to your organization. When you should have also been loyal to him…"
That did it, as Sarah's eyes burned with anger and she gripped the armor of the woman in front of her and lifted her. "You have absolutely no idea what you are speaking of! HE BETRAYED ME! MY TRUST! THE TRUST OF MY FATHER! He may have changed in his exile but he was not the man I married when he left! I will never forgive him, and I will never forgive you for speaking that way to me!"
"HOLD Sentinel!" Sarah turned to see someone else and instantly dropped the woman in front of her to salute the other woman there now. TenTen looked up as she huffed and caught her breath. "We are disciplined to without our emotions, we do not strike out in anger against others who provoke us! Unless she tried to strike you, then your aggressive force was unprovoked and you have stepped over your bounds."
"I apologize, Star Paladin Cross. It won't happen again…" Sarah tried hard to keep herself upright with nothing to betray her real feelings, but the long heavy huff of breath let Cross know otherwise.
"Go on and find a place to cool your head. I'll take care of things here." Sarah headed off at that and helped Maxon leave as well.
TenTen sighed and bowed to the dark-skinned woman in front of her. "I apologize for the racket we made. I shouldn't have said what I did to her."
"True, but I wouldn't expect you to understand her feelings, she keeps them bottled up because she has had to remember many unfond memories about Naruto's exile. Whilst I do not know the specifics myself, I know that his exile seems off. Yet I have no reason to distrust the Elder about why the Exile happened. Instead, I will remember the many accomplishments our exiled friend did in the name of peace and justice, and fight to keep up the good name he fought for."
The taller woman stepped closer though. "You are your father's daughter… I was with your father when you were born, helping him cross to Megaton. I am sorry to have heard of his death."
"It's… alright." Looking down sadly, the brunette knew she couldn't get away from the thoughts about her father. "Nothing you could do. Nothing any of us could do. All I can do now is try to finish the work he started."
"And what would that be?"
"To finish Project Purity, and to do it for the whole Wasteland for free. I will even fight the Enclave tooth and nail until it is done." TenTen looked at Cross with a small smile. "That's what he would have wanted, and it's what I want to. Realize the dreams of my family."
Cross could only smile, thinking of the bravery needed to realize that dream. "Then I wish you the best of luck in your conquest. I wish I could join you, help you as I did your father… However…" She frowned, closing her eyes. "The reports of your misdeeds… They are disturbing. I do not think I can stand by someone whose hands are drenched in the blood of the innocent. Not until they redeem themselves."
Normally, one would be furious being accused of such an act. Normally, one might even get defensive. But TenTen was still feeling the regret herself. With a small sad smile, she bowed to Cross. "I'll never be able to redeem such a gruesome mistake… All I can do is look towards being a better person in the future. Thank you for helping end the little spat here. I must leave you to your duties."
As she left, she didn't notice the look Cross gave her, which was one of surprise and curiosity. Though even if she noticed it, she would never accept it. "Naruto's principles drove him to what he did, to how he helped me. Cross's principles should not falter either. And now, I must follow the principles I set for myself."
The day came anew the next morning, and TenTen started her day with a plan. She spoke to the Scribes about the current weaponry of the Brotherhood and even confronted Sarah before she left to go for her next mission.
Glaring eyes were on her as she stepped up to the blonde woman. "Sarah. I apologize for accusing you of such things the other day. But you should know I do not mean to cause trouble. Whether you believe me or not, Naruto's focus has always been to help this Brotherhood. And so, I will do my part. If I can ask you something, I would appreciate your assistance."
To say Sarah was caught off guard was accurately tame. She chose to let it slide, and focus on being polite, as her father told her that morning. "Of course. Though I am still wondering why you support him. Ask away."
"After speaking to several Scribes, I am seeing a pattern. Since coming here, your supplies have depleted, and your technology has become limited. Several Paladins are even carrying ballistic weaponry rather than the energy weapons in stock. I can assume you're unable to replicate the energy needed to recharge the fusion cells, and the supply around this base is nearing depletion. And with so many weapons and so much ammunition being wasted by groups of Raiders, and the Talons, I am going to assume you're ballistic ammo is running out as well. Correct?"
That surprised the leader of the Pride, but Sarah could only keep calm and explain as best she could without spilling classified information. "We have enough energy weaponry to hand to all our infantry, we are choosing to keep our best weapons on standby for the bigger fights. But as we keep losing members we are losing a bit of weaponry and ammo to mutants and highly trained merc groups around here. Mainly just the ballistic weaponry. I can not say any more."
With a smile, TenTen nodded. "You don't have to. Understood. Then I know what I must do. Thank you, Sarah. And good hunting. Steel be with you." Sarah watched in amazement as the bun haired brunette walked off after saluting.
"What… is she planning on doing? How does that help her find a way to help us?" She would soon find out, but not until after coming back as she and the Pride left for their next mission.
TenTen pulled up schematics and was allowed entry into some all sorts of data in the Brotherhood about the world, and the science they pulled out of every radioactive grain of dirt and sand. After finding what she was looking for, she smirked and went to a Scribe, giving a list of things she wanted. "Can I get these materials in a spare room, please? Preferably a room that isn't important. I plan to do some experiments with volatile materials."
It took some convincing, especially since the Scribe was looking at her like she had fifty legs coming out of her arms. "It's.. rather strange, this list. But I suspect it shouldn't be a problem, the list doesn't have anything too dangerous overall. If this is what you require, we can do so, as Lyons has given you full access to do what you want within reason."
After a few hours, TenTen was introduced to her room, big enough to do what she needed, and enough materials to get her started. As she grabbed the barrel, with the opened wall beside it, she put a lot of the scrap wood in and started a fire, letting the wood burn. She grabbed the rifle with ammo and went to the bench with a metal shaping clamper, and stared her work.
As she started drawing out molds, she smiled. "I can not fight without weapons, but they are hard to come by. Even if I kept my gun in peak condition, ammo is scarce. Now I need to fix the problems. Dad, you taught me how to use chemicals and use them effectively in all sorts of ways, including corrosive cleaner, healing salve, and cherry bombs. And my work with our dear friend Jonas I know my way around mechanical devices and workshop materials. If I cannot fight with my hands, I'll fight with what I can make with them. I can help supply the Brotherhood and take back Project Purity. And then, we will finally fulfill the dream... Naruto, thank you. And please be safe and alive."
CLUNK! Chshhhhhhh…. The first of many sounds to be made, as TenTen started using her scientific knowledge to create the force needed to fight the Enclave and Mutants in the coming weeks. The fire beside her was burning bright, as her drive mimicked it with her forceful clamping of metal bits into place.