The 8th chapter of Beauty and the beast, enjoy
A flower cannot blossom with sunshine, a man cannot live without love.
The wind echoed to him, steadying him, calming him. The moon was round and full and the air was clear and soothing. Gaara had never felt more alive then ever, granted he was angry, angry for not taking the woman with him, but he now knew the source of the angelic voice that was taunting him from afar.
Gaara smirked in anticipation, he would stop at nothing next time he saw her, next time he'll grab her and take her away, far, far away.
But goddamit, those villagers are annoying as hell, now he knew what Naruto was talking about, Luckily he got in time, though he did have a few pricks from the spears they were throwing at him, he was in top shape.
following the river down stream to the castle, he realised how far he had actually came, he didn't realise before, for obvious reason, he was just too preoccupied with the angel's voice to notice. Cursing at his foolishness, he sped up on his pace and ran down the stream like lightening.
As much as he hated looking like a monster, it did have its perks. He could smell the scent of the forest, dirt and soil, as well as the fresh air the forest always seemed to have. He could see fast distance, too, he could see the foxes in the dark hunting for their prey, or the little birds or bats flying above him.
But he was still a monster.
No matter that he had perks, he would always be the monster people feared and cringed because of him. He could save their very lifes but they would still fear him. At the end of the day the skin he is in is still the person he is today. He knew he was a monster, why else would the witch curse him so? She was teaching him a lesson, a lesson he wished would end, he now knows that he was a terrible person and thought of people of looks rather then the good intention, and such should of been punished. But should he really be punished this way?
Should he really have to be consider a monster by everyone, he could save some but they would still fear him. Everyone fears him because of his apprence. His was forever condemn to suffer, forever meant to be alone.
Gaara shifted upwards up to the dark star-filled Sky, the brightly lighted stars shined so brightly it could almost light his way back home. The Stars were the only thing in this world so beautiful and so perplexing, it would put to shame his very garden. After so many night staring at the dark night sky he was able to emence himself in staring up at the stars, hoping, praying that he could find someone as beautiful as the sky.
But that was next to impossible.
Nearing the dark forest, Gaara knew that he was close back to his castle, the dead and gloomy forest was another thing the witch cursed, stopping anyone from entering the forest with its weary appreance, stopping anyone from breaking the curse.
Gaara often wondered if the witch was lying when she cursed him to find the beauty inside a woman and not look for appreance alone, sometimes he wondered if she cursed him for that because she knew no one would love him, no one would find the good in him and love him and he love her. Maybe she knew he couldn't look past a woman and her beauty... He still stands by the fact that he wants a woman to at least look decent.
Roaring when he neared to the broken gates, he saw a puffed out brown cloaked Naruto run and to catch up to his master.
"Gaara...Gaara!" He yelled.
"What is it Naruto?" Gaara asked, squeezing his way through the broken gates.
"Theres... There's." He stuttered, not knowing if he should tell his master or not.
"Spit it out Naruto." Gaara said, still walking on all fours, his back lightly bent in a monstrous way, you could see his spine in a zig-zag bent in an unusually way.
"Theres someone in the castle... A... A man!" He pointed a finger out to the dark castle.
"What!" Gaara sneered, "This cannot be!" He roared, running to the castle, he tail leasing out angrily behind him, his claws scratching the marble beneath his paws.
Jiraiya puffed, he was tired, hungry and for the love of God he was thirsty. He had been travelling with the remaining few people who were willing to cross the harsh desert to try and bring their villages income up just a little by trade for three weeks now, and they were the most hardest and harshes three weeks of hell of all of his 47 years of living.
His group, which had originally consist of 8 men, now only consist of 3 men, down by 5 men. Jiraiya shook his head, to think they all were as stupid enough to cross the undareable desert to their very own doom. All he wanted, all he ever wanted, was to have a life his wife and children could have; a safe and comfortable life free from worries and debt, to not be afraid of what lies so close ahead in their own future.
But atlas, he had failed them, he had failed them all.
"Sir!" One male called, holding the cart full of valuebales of trade and even so food for the villagers.
"Yes." Jiraiya called, holding on to his top hot and coat tightly, as for the grainy sand to not get in his eyes or in weird places.
"I don't think we're going to make it sir." He said, looking at the cart queerly, "Not unless we dumped the goods and go back with our lives." The man looked down at the ground, "Sir." He finished.
"No." Jiraiya looked at the man with anger, "We must get this back to the village, to our families." He pushed the man out the way, the hot sun beamed down hotly all them all, he pushed the cart himself, pulling and trudging through the hot sand that seemed endless.
"Sir, you couldn't possibly carry that cart all by yourself." One man put in.
"Well no one here wants to help me so I guess I have to." He looked at all three men, they seemed to look anywhere but him.
"But sir..." Another put in, "We've lost so many already." He shook his head.
"Shut up!" Jiraiya roared.
"Sir, we really-" The man was cut off with the wind picking up and the sand blindly them.
Jiraiya covered his face with his arm, trying to block the oncoming storm of sand. He pulled the cart as hard as he could but the cart just woudn't budge, his face was wet with sweat and red with the hot sun beaming down on his face, his hat all but forgotten in the storm.
Jiraiya heard the the cries of his men retreating, they were everywhere, it seemed, but the cries died down as the storm continued to get thicker and thicker. Jiraiya, still with the crate, tried one last time to pull the cart out of the sandpit, but, again, it was false hope, as much strength pulled into the cart, it just wouldn't budge.
Jiraiya slide down the cart, his hands covering his face as wet tears slide down and onto the grainy sand. He'd failed his men, he had made them cross the desert that was known to all people of the village its dangers and mysteries, yet for selfishness he had made his men go with him across the desert in search of trade and food, they had succeeded in getting trading and food, however, in the end he had failed them, he failed them all.
He'd failed his family, too. He wouldn't be able to bring food to the table anymore, he'll have to watch as his family suffer and starve themselves, maybe even sell their own bodies to those greedy no good bandits.
Jiraiya shook his head.
He mightn't be able to see what would become if his family, because he mightn't be alive to see it happen.
He debated his options, if he had any. The storm was clouding his vision and making his face feel rough and rugged underneath his palms, if he could somehow get out of this storm and head for the hills, maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to live for another day, maybe.
Gettting up heavily, he looked underneath the tarp that was covering the cart and grabbed a few water bottles and food for his travels, he grabbed a couple of bags of vegetable and fruit seeds and hid them in his jacket pockets. Cringing as another storm of sand hit him, he covered his face with his arm. He looked more further in the crate, he found some sunglasses.
Oh thank heavens whichever graceful fool brought these, Jiraiya thought. Putting them on, he ripped himself away from the cart and kept his head down know as he trudged through the endless pile of hot sand.
If Jiraiya thought he was thirsty while he was trudging through the sand, he would of thought wrong. He was halfway between the desert and some unbeknownst place Jiraiya had no idea existed, his water bottles, that he had brought from the cart, was now empty of all his savoury contents.
He had been walking for god knows how long, and the sun still gave him bilstars on his face and neck, the sunglasses kept his eyes form the sand, but he was too tired and hot to even notice that, and not only that he was thirsty.
Stopping for a few moments, he was puffing and short of breath. He stood still, looking up to the sky he saw eagles circling ahead, sighing, Jiraiya walked into the clearing of the grass he saw.
Yelping in contentment, he tiredly walked to the grassland, he was close, very close.
He mightn't be a hero to save the village in its rut but he'd at least be able to see his home and family once again, Tsunade might punch him from being so stupid and then cry in a fit of rage before toppling him over in a strong and loving hug. Then his daughters would weep in joy of his return and assure him of his failure is alright and welcome him back in a warming hug.
Jiraiya smiled at the prospect of being home. He was walking on the soft and prickly grass, he found a pond not too far. Sprinting towards the the pond he cupped his hands and drank greedily the contents and laying on the grass momentarily. He looked up to the sky, it was dawn, the purple and pink colours creating a art canvas of beautiful painting.
In that moment Jiraiya felt the sore and tired muscles in his arms and legs pulse in pain, groaning, he attempted to get up from the the ground and walk to the forest clearing.
Jiraiya walked into the forest, it was eeri and cold. The sun had set, leaving the hot sun to die down and the moon to rise with the cold.
He hugged the coat tighter to him, but the eeri chill still sent shivers down his spine. He walked, despite the pain in his thighs and legs, his still trudged on. He coughed, covering a hand to his mouth. If he didn't find a place to rest for the night, he might as well be a dead man.
"Isn't there any place around?" Jiraiya questioned out loud.
"Over here." A voice called.
"Huh?" Jiraiya questioned, "whose there?" He asked, walking over to where a voice chanted over and over.
"Over here... Over here." The chanted
"Where are you?" Jiraiya said once again, practically bolting, dispite his sore legs, to wherever to the voice was calling him.
The voice seemed more feminine, more gentle. He ran as fast as his legs could carry his poor and tired body, dodging bushes and tree trunks, squeezing his way through hedges. He was tired now, and the voice seemed so far and distant, he stopped, the voice coming to an abrupt stop, as well.
Jiraiya puffed, walking tiredly towards a tall wall. When had the mysterious voice go? What and where was the voice taking him, he didn't know this eeri place and he didn't really fancy getting acquainted with this strange place.
Banging his head on the wall, he rubbed his head and looked up. The moon was was full and round tonight, pecking behind the White pillowed clouds. Jiraiya smiled, perhaps one of his daughters was looking at this very moon right now and thinking of how much she misses her father, or perhaps all three, Hinata might, Ten-ten was still a very mystery to him, but Sakura.
Sakura would certainly miss her father more than anyone, save from Tsuande and Hinata. Sakura was his youngest and most proudest of all three, she was more bold and daring then all three wonderful girls, always being the kinder one, and certainly wise. And more so beautiful, she takes those looks from her mother, save for the pink hair, she got the pink hair from his mother. However she'd always doubt herself, never believe how beautiful or how great she truly is
Hinata was more timid, and quiet. But she was the quieter achiever, doing things at her own pace, doing a mightly fine job of whatever she is doing, she'd make the perfect wife, if there ever was going to be a husband for her.
Ten-Ten... Well Ten-Ten was certainly a most wonder out of her two sisters, loved everything a boy loves, he could kinda consider her his only son. She is a looker on the eyes, still. And she was the most capable out of the two to fight is she needed, he didn't really need to worry too much with the bandits with her.
Turning his attention to the wall behind him, he found that the wall as a continuous wall, very old and rugged, form the Middle Ages, it seemed. He put a hand on the wall and hoisted himself up he looked to the wall, it was tall and very brood, like a wall around a castle.
Looking to the vines that hung loosely like a ladder, he walked over to it. If he could just peep over the wall and see what was over the side he might be able to see if their were once people from hundreds, or maybe thousands, of years ago and see if they had left anything behind, he sure hoped they left food.
Sighing tiredly, Jiraiya stepped on the makes shift ladder and slowly climbed the steep wall. ONe hand in front of the other, Jiraiya breathed in and out, calming his nervous that were rising, he wasn't the best climber in the village and he certainly wasn't too fond of heights either.
Closing his eyes he'd hoped that if he just contrate on the feeling and not necessarily the seeing part, the climb would be over before he knew it. Scaring himself, he lost crip for a moment on the branch before he quickly composed himself again.
Fates funny ways. Jiraiya laughed, it certainly was funny to be in his position right now, he'd crossed the daring desert and has half survived his quest, half, meaning it isn't over yet.
feeling the rough and cracked surface of something hard, Jiraiya opened one eyes to see he was touching the top of the wall, but the thing that was most spectacular was the view down below. He had been right about a castle, it was tall and magnificent, what seems to be market places and tiny little homes littering the ground castle, though not as nearly spectacular, the homes themselves were an eyeful to see.
Smirking in contentment, he saw the exact same vine covering like a ladder to were he was standing, lifting one leg at a time, with much difficultly, he climbed down the wall, with as much pain, and, with a bit more speed, he found his way down the bottom of the castle way quicker then when he had climbed up.
Reaching the bottom, he looked around the tiny village that looked up to the castle. The buildings, of course, were rut down and rotting, probably for the years of neglect, but that would be expected. The fountain in the centre was still flowing with water, but scrubs and flowers littler part of it.
Many tall bushes and statues of people lines in random places, some elderly couples or children chasing imaginary bugs, others intersecting with each other with random objects, very odd and life looking.
Jiraiya looked around the village, seeing through the broken windows or doors to see if they had anything he could eat or bring back to the village.
"Wait a minute." Jiraiya said out loud, a hand under his chin, "I could just go to the castle, they'd certainly have goods." Rubbing his hands together Jiraiya grinned from ear to ear.
"Oh...My...God." Jiraiya gasped in surprise, if he though the castle and village looked magnificent, the garden in front of the castle was even more breath taking.
The fountain in the middles was grand and huge, no Srubs or weeds covering it, the water crystal clear and blue, almost sparkling. Flowers in brown pot beds, flowers of all colours and sorts. Anemones, Begonia, Bellflower, Bluebell, Buttercup, Bottlebrush, Camellias, roses, Cherry blossoms and many, many more.
The girls would just love this place, Jiraiya breathed in the fragrant smells of the flowers and just thinking of how much the Sakura would love this place.
Ripping himself away from the flowers, with much difficulty, he walked to the grand doors of the castle and walked in.
Jiraiya had looked around the many rooms and halls of the castle, paintings and object that each room and hall possession. Each looking more magnificent then the last. He was almost tempered to take them and hord them, but knowing that someone at the least lived here, for the fact everything was clean and well kept, he would do well to not take anything.
Boy am I hungry, Jiraiya thought, his tummy grumbling from the food he lacked. Patting his tummy, Maybe I could find something to eat.
Walking down a hall, Jiraiya's nostrils filled with an very aromatic smell. Oh somethings cooking. Jiraiya smiled, bolting down a hall to find a dining table with tasty looking dishes, his mouth fall open with the prospect. Running to the table he filled his mouth full of different types of food, drinking the wine that was placed beside him.
Jiraiya walked through the gardens again, with a full belly and quenched thirst, he had a much better frame of mind to enjoy the magnificent garden and have a browse that the garden had to offer, maybe even get something for Sakura and the others.
It was a fairly big garden, Jiraiya has only just noticed, it would take forever to see every nook and cranny of this place, the very least. Big as it was, there was so much and many more of the flowers to see, different colours and all smelling so inviting, he had trouble deciding of which flower he should smell next.
Yes, Sakura would definitely enjoy this place as much as he has been. With all the different flowers and how pretty it is all decorated, she would certainly appreciate it all, and the castle would just amaze her tenfold. Jiraiya sat by a bench, he had rested well before but he still had the ache in his thigh and legs, folding his coat and glasses beside him, he took a moment to ponder.
This place was breathtaking, that as a give, and it certainly had many prized possessions, that was obvious, however, it seemed someone lived here at the very least, but he couldn't as very well take anything if someone did live here, that'd be stealing, but he couldn't go home without anything either.
As Jiraiya ponder his situation, a light glimmered in the corner of his eyes, kinda glitch in like. Looking over the tiny light and saw on a golden stool, a rose in a glass box. Tiny snow like flakes sparkled, and what seemed to be... Blood dripping down.
Jiraiya titled his head and thought for a brief moment. Maybe he could take this flower back to the village, offer it to the some rich bandit who desperately wanted it and use that many then to bribe the other bandits out. It was a could thought, and very daring my risky.
But it was a risk he was willing to take.
touching the glass where the flower floated in, he pulled the whole box to his body.
"Don't... You... dare!" He heard a sneered behind him, a thunderous roar echoing the garden.
"W-What?" Jiraiya jumped in fright, nearly dropping the box.
there was nothing behind him, yet.
He heard the roar loud and clear, piercing to the ears, and very freighting. He gulped when he heard the scrapping of the marble, whatever was coming for him was certainly a beast of some sort, and not very pleasant. Seeing the shadow od something monstrous, Jiraiya cursed at himsel for not running or ding anything besides hold the box in his hands.
The monster slowed down to abrupt stop, watching him in the shadows.
"What are you doing him my castle?" He heard a tiger-like growl.
Jiraiya gulped in fear, "I-I-I w-was." He cleared his throat, "I was taking this flower... Back to my village." The beast was striking to the shadows, moving out of the way of the trees, but never going anywhere near the light.
"Why?" It sneered, holding onto one of the nearby trees, it's claws scratching the bark.
"I...I need this? I truly do. I would never steal, Never! But if I don't bring something back I-"
"Silence!" The beast cut him off, "You may not have that flower... it means more to me than your very life!" The beast growled.
"T-Then I may have something else? Of value?" Jiraiya asked, cursing at his stupidity, why he was barging with something that looked to be his predator and him it's next meal, he'd never know.
"My people fed you, gave you drinks and comfort and you want something still?" He could heard the tree almost snap in the beast hold, then the tight hold of the tree stopped, like he was pondering, "You may have... Something of value, beside that flower."
"R-Really?" Jiraiya gasped, "I can have something to free my people?" He asked with anticipation.
"If it's to free your people yes." The beast got off the tree and stalked away from that tree, always missing the light.
"Oh thank you... I humblely thank you-"
"If." He saw a hand raise, stopping Jiraiya once more.
"If?" Jiraiya gulped, he was so stupid to think he could have something with something in return.
"If you find me a girl." He growled lowly, almost like he was embrassed to ask.
"A-A girl?" Jiraiya almost laughed, but of course he held it in. So the beast was a lonely old thing that wanted a comfort of a woman, he snickered, of course any man or... Thing feel the same way.
"Yes a girl." He thought for a moment, "She has pink hair."
"P-Pink." Jiraiya gapsed, he certainly knew one girl who had pink and only one.
He could see the distort figure of its head nod.
"Yes... And she goes by the name of..." The beast trailed on, seemingly lost in thought.
Please don't say Sakura, Please don't say Sakura, Jiraiya chanted over and over.
Jiraiya's heart dropped, he couldn't breath. This beast, this... Thing knew somehow of his daughter and wanted her, bad. He had to make a decision and quick, he could make this deal with the beast and save his village, but risk losing one of his daughters or, not make this deal and be possible killed and lose all of his daughters.
The decision was hard but very clear.
"I." Jiraiya began, very tearful and sadden, "I will." He almost cried then, but just kept his head down low, to keep from the beast his feelings
The creatures nodded it's head, then pulling out a watch from his fur... Or his pockets he tossed Jiraiya the watch, which he caught with ease.
"I will expect her in three days, no more and no less. That watch is worth more then the puny village you live in and should be enough coax the whoever runs your village out, and it will because it has... Ways." He heard a sickening chuckle, "A carriage will be out front to kindly escort you out of my sight and spending the remaining few day preparing the girl for me. do I make myself clear?"
Jiraiya just nodded, putting the watch in his pocket and putting the Rose back on it's table.
"Good." He heard the gush of wind and looked up to see the beast gone.
Walking to where the beast was just moments ago he found a pavement path, following the path he walked past many lanterns and found himself in a clearing where, indeed, s the beast promised, a carriage waiting for him, but no one in it?
Getting in the carriage he lend back, enjoying the soft and coushins of the seats, then the carriage took off with a start. Startled, no one was at the front of the carriage just moments before? This castle must be cursed, or worse.
And his daughter was going to come back here. What has he done?
Well I sincerely hope you enjoy this story, a far longer chapter then any of the other chapter, please read and review, I very much enjoy feedback.