I'm trash, I'm sorry DX

Von Verlust Und Liebe

Chapter 23: The Beginning of Their Story

A few days passed in hectic bliss. Felicia got to spend time with his niece and nephew while catching up with his brother. He learned a bunch of things about the last several months he'd been gone and was welcome to come work at the castle to raise his children. He was currently lying out on the beach, sunning himself on a towel. The waves crashed up ahead and he smiled in relaxation, dozing off every now and again. Ludwig had run inside to get them something to snack on because baby was hungry.

Ludwig came running out, "Feliciano!"

Feliciano turned to look up at him, "Yeah?"

"Kiku had the baby..."

Feliciano's eyes widened, "Really? Isn't it kind of soon?" he was suddenly filled with the worry that he'd go into labor early.

Ludwig nodded, "Tessa said he was stressing when he found out what happened to his brother. He sent himself into an early labor. It's not too early, so Tessa said the baby will be just fine."

Feliciano nodded and lied back again, "We should get them something."

"Like what?" he asked, looking at him.

The Illonian hummed in thought, "A teddy bear. They don't have any toys for the baby."

Ludwig let a soft smile slip and he nodded, "Teddy bear it is..."

A few hours later, Feliciano was able to go see Kiku.

Kiku was resting, the little bundle of joy cuddled up in his arms. Feliciano stared in amazement and walked over to see them.

The merman looked up and smiled softly, "I named him Dorian..." Little Dorian had dark hair and soft skin. He grunted and shifted a bit, not quite used to being in the world with everyone else.

After making sure Kiku was okay, the two headed for their quick dinner and then bed.

Months passed and a plan was in action to finally take on Ivan and release those he'd captured. Antonio was to lead a small group of his own men along with King Francis and Ludwig to the dragon's keep. Feliciano trembled as he waved his fiance goodbye. He turned to his brother for comfort.

Some more time passed and both he and Lovino began showing. Feliciano spent most of his days lying around and waiting for some news. Soon, the men returned with news of defeating Ivan and releasing those he held. Antonio wasn't sure it was over, but things were safe enough for them to return home. And so they did.

Feliciano was happy to have Ludwig back and the two were married as soon as they could be. It was only a small ceremony in which Lovino and Gilbert were invited.

Feliciano walked through the castle, carrying an armful of laundry to his home just on the castle grounds. He hummed softly and folded them up to put them away. Life was good lately. He had a loving husband and a baby on the way. And if he played his cards right, there would be one or two more little ones to follow. He sighed happily pressed his hands to his swelling belly. In only another two months or so, he'd be a father to a beautiful little one and he couldn't wait. He looked up around the room at the half finished projects Ludwig was rushing to finish and he couldn't help but smile more. Ludwig was rushing to get everything for the baby built before they got there, but he couldn't focus on just one at a time.

Ludwig was going to be such a great daddy.

Feliciano lied back to nap while he waited for his husband to return. There would be many more a struggle, many more challenges and many more surprises brought to them through time, but that is another story for another time. After all, this is only the beginning of their story.

The End

~Lady Pyrien

I apologize for this. I didn't truly have much more planned for this and I don't want to drag this out like I did with Kismet, mostly because I don't ship gerita as much as I used to... and mostly because after this one had so much action, the slice of life transition wouldn't have been as great

I love you guys and I'm sorry for the wait for just a short ending, but I thought this would be best and wrap up the story. One day, i'll have Kismet's sequel out and you'll see more there~