So I realized it's been almost a year since I've updated this story... so yeah, sorry about that. lol Hope y'all enjoy this extra long chappy, and please R&R! Feedback helps me care about writing more. -Samron

My Saturday went by pretty quickly, and was actually really boring. Mika was still grounded, and I was too lazy to go out anywhere… So I just kinda laid around at home the entire day. It was now Sunday and I had forced myself out to go shopping. I put on my jeans and white t-shirt, then comfy snow boots and my favorite sweater. It was raining out, and the fact it was cold made me not so happy about the rain. I loved rain, but not when I was already cold. I checked over my list making sure everything I needed to get was written down, and noticed my dad had added his own items.



He always wrote beer in all caps, it made me laugh but it was also kind of annoying because he was so worried I'd forget his precious beer-when I already knew he loved it. I just sighed as I walked out of the house and was pleased to see it wasn't raining as hard as it was earlier. I opened my umbrella and began walking to the store. It was as small family owned place, and I always loved talking to the lady who ran it. It was in a crummy part of town, but it's where I always went, and I knew where everything was. So this was where I always went.

"Welcome!" The old lady greeted me like normal.

"Hello." I smiled to her and waved as I walked inside, closing my umbrella. I walked back to the back of the store to look at the snack section, because I was watching a movie tonight and needed something delicious to eat while watching. I stood there and stared at all the options, wondering what was the best choice.

"It's always hard to choose the best." I heard next to me.

I turned and saw a large boy, also staring down the snacks. He had kind of an ugly face, and red hair. But what stuck out to me the most was he was wearing the same uniform that Yusuke Urameshi wore, which means he went to the same school… I felt nervous, but reminded myself that just because he went to the same school didn't mean he was like Urameshi.

I smiled. "Yeah, life is so hard." I felt nervous, but was polite.

His smile was kind as he spoke again. "I've made a list of all the things I wanna try, and then every time I come here I check the list to see what I haven't tried yet. Then I mark yes or no next to the ones I have. It helps me keep track…" He chuckled and scratched the back of his head. His voice was gruff, but soft. He sounded like a nice guy, and that fact he was talking to me made me wonder if he was trying to flirt? That was kind of nice...

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

"I'm Kuwabara." He looked to me with shy eyes as he held his hand out.

That surprised me, guys were never this polite these days. Specially guys my age. "I'm Amber, nice to meet you." I felt flattered as I shook his hand. He smiled to me so warmly again, and then looked back to the candy with a sigh.

"Sooo, what school you go to?" He said, still sounding kinda awkward. Which made me feel more comfortable. I giggled and held my mouth and told him what school I went to.

"Oh! Really!? One of my friends goes there! He's real smart."

"That's cool, what's his name?" I asked hesitantly.

"Uh." He thought for a minute, then I wondered if he was really friends with this person… "His name is Minamino." He nodded.

My eyebrows went up and my mouth opened in surprise. This guy knew Shuichi? No, it had to be another Minamino.

"Shuichi?" I asked, ready for him to correct me.

"Yeah!" He blurted out with excitement. "He's a great guy! And super smart! Top of his class!"

"You know… Shuichi?" I felt stunned. They must not be very close, he didn't seem like the type of person Shuichi would ever associate with, I mean he went to a shitty school… and looked like some sort of gangster.

"Yeah! We're really good friends, how's he doin'?" He seemed so pleased.

I frowned. 'Really good friends'? "Um, good. I just saw him on Friday." I don't know why I felt so surprised, maybe he was just exaggerating their close-ness.

"Man I miss him… I should probably give him a call." He stared off into space as he spoke quietly to himself, still wearing his goofy smile.

"Um, how do you know him?" I couldn't help myself.

"Shuichi? Oh! Well, we've worked together now for a few years! He's a great guy."

Yeah, he said that already like fifty million times… why did everyone think he was soooo great!? It was starting to bug me. "Work together? What do you do?" I smiled, now more curious about him and trying to change the subject off of the 'great guy' Shuichi.

"Oh, well we uh…" He glanced to the side and then suddenly I heard a really funny song start to play.

'Toot toot! Here comes the train! Toot toot! Dooo deee dun doo doooo!' It was a very energetic song that sounded like something a kids TV show would play, and it was coming out of his pocket.

He froze and when we made eye contact his face flushed red. He grinned in embarrassment and laughed awkwardly as he reached in his pocket; pulling out his cell. "Heh, sorry. My friend changed my ring tone…" He grumbled out as he opened the phone and put it to his ear.

This guy sure was strange, but he made me laugh as I raised my eyebrows. He looked like he could easily rip your face off with how big he was, and when he wasn't smiling his gruff face looked pretty unfriendly. But then the way he'd talked to me in the last few minutes and hearing his hilarious ring made me reminded that I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover...

"Hello?" He answered, and I tried my best to look like I wasn't listening.

"Hey! Where are you ass hole?" He started to pace a little as he plugged his other ear, trying to hear better. "No! I'm right there, I'm just pickin' up some sweets for Yukina." He nodded a few times, then glanced at me with another awkward smile.

I smiled back to him and then finally grabbed a bag of chocolate that looked good to me.

"Alright! See ya in a sec then." Then he closed his phone and pointed at my candy. "Great choice, I love those." He grinned.

"Oh good. I'm glad." I smiled to him, feeling happy that there were still nice people in the world.

"I still gotta make up my mind." He sighed out as I waved to him. "See ya around."

"See ya." I said as I walked away.

Once I found all the other things on my list, including my dad's beer, I walked up to the front and set out all the stuff for the old lady. She nodded to me and began talking to herself quietly, just like she always did, as she poked around on her little calculator to see how much I owed. I patiently waited, and even though it wasn't that much stuff she still took forever. The bell rang when the front door opened up and I looked ove-shocked to see Yusuke Urameshi walking in. I frowned and my stomach dropped as I looked away as fast as possible. Why the HELL was this guy always fucking with me!? Even when he wasn't trying to!

"There is no more beer left!" I was shocked to hear the old lady yell at the top of her lungs as she turned to look at Urameshi.

I could see his eyes grow with anger and his jaw muscle clench as he grinded his teeth. "I'm not here to buy any beer, you old BAT!" He barked out and took the toothpick from his mouth as he turned to glare at her; but then looked up to me with surprise. His eyes softened, which surprised me, and then he looked kind of embarrassed.

"I don't wanna hear it! We have no more beer." She mumbled again, waving her hand towards him in annoyance, then getting back to her calculator.

He didn't acknowledge her this time as he just looked at me, eyes becoming hard again and his mouth went into a pouty frown. I on the other hand couldn't get my eyes to leave his face, because I was so afraid to move. Why was he looking at me like that?

"What are you doin' here?" He asked softly, and it took me a second to realize he was talking to me.

"Um." I swallowed. "Just getting groceries." Then I looked away as fast as possible, not wanting anything to do with him.

I felt him stare at me a little longer, then I heard him breath out. "Whatever." He mumbled then walked back towards the back of the store. Was he here to see that Kuwabara guy? He was so nice though! Could he really be a friend of Yusuke Urameshi? Today was weird… and I just wanted to leave. But at the same time I didn't know if it was a safe idea to leave because I wasn't sure if they'd follow me home or not… this was a bad situation. But I couldn't take standing here any longer so I thanked the old lady and finally got my shit bagged up. But as I was leaving I heard the Kuwabara kid again.

"You need some help?" He walked up to me with a smile, and when I turned to look I saw Urameshi farther behind him just roll his eyes, pretending not to notice me.

I stared at Urameshi, feeling the fear in me rise, then finally focused on Kuwabara. I realized he had asked me a question so I gathered myself and forced a polite smile. "Um, I think I'm alright. But thank you." I said having kind of a hard time holding all my stuff... this is what I got for rushing.

Kuwabara looked at my bags and then glanced back at Yusuke, he held his gaze with him for a little, I couldn't see his expression but I did see Yusuke glare at him in annoyance.

"What?" He snapped, and I just felt so out of place right now, I wanted to leave.

"Really?" Kuwabara said to him, then looked back to me. "Let me help ya out, at least to the bus stop?" He smiled.

I didn't know him, so I didn't trust him, especially since he associated with Urameshi. "It's really okay, I'm fine." I smiled, but kept my eyes serious.

He looked to me with disappointment, then just nodded. "Alright. Be safe then, and tell Shuichi I said hi!" He smiled as he waved to me.

"Okay!" I turned quickly to leave as I rolled my eyes. That Urameshi sure was an ass.

"Great job, jerk!" I heard Kuwabara say as the door finally shut. Apparently they were pretty close, but I didn't care anymore... Kuwabara was just another disappointment like all the other fucking guys around here.

Even though that kind of soured the last bit of my weekend, it didn't completely ruin it. I enjoyed my movie all by myself, and the chocolates I picked out were really good, just like Kuwabara said... After the movie I went to bed, and was pleased to fall asleep quickly.

The next morning I woke up in a bad mood, just like every Monday morning, and forced myself to shower and get ready for the day. The only highlight of today was that I got to see Mika... the things I wasn't looking forward to was possibly seeing Jason, or Urameshi, since he was now taking over the school... I was also curious slash scared to see Shuichi... the last time I had seen him he was screaming in his sleep and running into walls so hard he burst his lip opened. But I didn't want to allow myself to really think of that guy, so I shoved that thought out of my head quickly.

My outfit today was a dark blue navy lace shirt. The sleeves went to the middle of my forearm and it was kind of low cut. I didn't normally wear low cut shirt, but I made the acceptation today because Mr. Mayes was coming back, I could ask him about his sister and his new niece or nephew. I also wore my tight light wash jeans that I loved the most because the front pockets had lace on the inside... and obviously I was a little obsessed with lace. I left my hair down to air dry because I was too lazy to blow dry it, and then since it was Monday I forced myself to put on some eyeliner and blush... at least that was better than nothing.

Once I arrived to school I just felt my mood becoming more and more dark. I hated being here, and even though Mr. Mayes and Mika were here... I never felt safe, especially lately. I got to my locker and sighed out loudly as I shoved my shit inside.

"Hey you." I heard next to me, and I smiled as I turned to face Kiba.

"Hey jerk." I greeted him.

"What's up?" He seemed pleased by my greeting, and I was surprised I was so happy to see him. Guess I'm just glad to have a new friend... Our heart to heart must have bonded us a little.

"Nothin' just fuckin' hating Monday." I sighed again.

"I hear ya sister." He sighed too, and then it was quiet.

"You okay?" I looked at him.

"Hmm?" He looked surprised. "Yeah." He forced a cheesy smile like normal. "I'm almost as great as your awesome shirt."

"Thanks." I lowered my head, I was glad he noticed my shirt, cause it was one of my favorites.

"So. I'll walk you to class?" He grinned.

"Sure. But I gotta wait for Mika."

"I already talked to her, she's clinging to Shuichi." He shrugged.

I just rolled my eyes. Figures. "Okay, then let's go."

Once we turned to walk I was surprised to see the prince himself walking down the hallway with Mika, of course, stuck by his side. His lip looked tons better today, like almost completely healed, which was surprising due to how much it was bleeding on Friday. I frowned and stopped in my tracks and Kiba looked to me confused.


I ignored him as Shuichi and Mika walked up.

"Hey girl!" Mika waved and looked way too freaking happy to be standing next to Shuichi.

"Hey." I smiled to her, glad she was here, but wondering why the hell he was.

"Shuichi just came to help me with my shit." She said it so cute it was okay that she swore.

Shuichi just smiled to her, and the face he was making made him look kinda hilarious. He seemed awkward and looked like he felt out of place, which made me chuckle. Woops.

"You making him carry your crap for you?" I smiled to him, hoping us talking wouldn't be awkward after what I saw. But he just laughed, and never looked at my eyes, which was unexpected, but made me glad. No awkwardness to deal with.

"Yes!" She smiled to me, and gave me a look. She wanted me to be nice. "He's a gentleman." She smiled to him then walked to her locker and began to turn at her padlock.

"Soo." Kiba said as he made a funny face. "You Minamino, huh?" He smirked.

"Yes." Shuichi smiled to him with a nod. "And you're Moto?"

"Yeah, how'd you know"?

"I like to keep track of my fellow students." He smiled, still not looking at me.

Was I not here?

"Um." I said flatly, as they now both looked to me. "So I met your buddy Kuwabara." I smirked, knowing he probably didn't really like the guy. I mean Kuwabara talked about him like all his other fans did, so Shuichi probably felt annoyed just by hearing his name. I thought I'd mess with him for a sec because he was for some reason ignoring me. …Why did I care though?

But to my surprise his face lit up. "You saw Kuwabara?" He smiled for real, and it made my heart jump. His normal smiles didn't look quite as nice as that one did. Guuuuh, what the hell was this guy made of?

"Yeah..." I wasn't really sure what to say now. He surprised me with his unexpected reaction.

His smile stayed, "How is he?" his voice sounded so much friendlier than normal. What the heck? Were these two completely different people really friends? Apparently they both really liked each other too... which was shocking. This frilly prince enjoyed the company of that giant gangster? This was so weird.

"He was good. He told me to tell you 'hello'." I couldn't believe I was in this conversation right now. "How do you know him?" I don't know why the hell I cared, but I was curious. I'd admit that.

Kiba just looked awkward as he smoothly shrank out of the conversation and walked over to flirt with Mika as she got her shit together. Thanks ass hole, for leaving me with the flower. God I'll have to smack him for that.

"Oh, I met him through a friend." He smiled, seeming as though he was enjoying his reminiscent thoughts. "I'm glad he's doing well." He smiled even bigger this time and now I wasn't sure if I remembered how to speak. Being shocked and taken aback by someone's good looks was tough. Why did he have to be attractive? Fuck.

"Cool." I forced out as I stared at his lip, suddenly feeling awkward. When I looked back to his eyes it seemed he knew what I was thinking. Because his face was serious now, but his eye contact with me was strong. Guess he saw me looking at his lip.

"Miss Watson, I wanted to apologize for startling you the other day." He spoke quieter this time, apparently he didn't want anyone else to hear this convo. That made me feel weird.

"It's okay." I felt super awkward and just wanted to get the hell out of here, so I'll tell him what he wants to hear. "I was just wondering why the lab was open so late and barely noticed you sleeping. I shouldn't have been in there in the first place. I probably startled you, and that's why you slammed into the wall…" I was really good at bringing up things I didn't want to remember.

He looked surprised and blinked a few times, yeah yeah, I couldn't stop myself from talking. Then he smiled and actually looked kind of uncomfortable again as he looked at the ground.

"Yes. Forgive me. I don't normally sleep walk." He laughed quietly, still staring at the ground.

"Are you… okay?" I remembered Urameshi going in there and yelling at him. I had to remind myself that everyone gets bullied, apparently even the prince of the high school… but it made sense, he didn't look like he could defend himself too well.

His eyes shot up to mine and there was a tense silence. I didn't like it, but it just confirmed to me that he was indeed probably being bullied. I mean, guys never liked talking about that shit because it made them feel weak or whatever… especially guys like him.

Then he put on his normal fake smile. "I'm quite alright, really. Thank you though."

Of course he says that, and now the subject had been dropped. All guys say the same shit, but I guess if Urameshi threatened my life I 'd probably not tell anyone in case he heard I was tattling. Smart move.

"Okay." I just stared at him a little longer, and he almost seemed guilty as he quickly looked away from me. Maybe he wasn't as cool and collected as he made himself look. Did I feel bad for him?

Did I?

I couldn't tell.

"Alright! You ready?" Mika said as she held out a very large bag to him. He smiled to her and grabbed it with ease as he put it on his shoulder.

"Yes." He nodded to me. "Nice talking with you, Miss Watson."

"See ya." I waved sloppily to them both. She was doing some sort of art project for her end of the semester something… and that was probably the beginnings of it. I saw her finished plan all drawn out on paper, and it was going to be pretty big. So obviously she was going to get her knight in shining armor to help her carry all the shit she needed. I just rolled my eyes as they both left, why did I feel so negative? I hate this place.

"You ready?" I heard Kiba say.

"Yeah." I mumbled out as we both walked to my first class. I was sad when he left, but forced myself to suck it up.

All my morning classes went by fast, and after lunch I was excited to talk to Mr. Mayes. So I got to math early, just so I could. I walked into the classroom and saw him taking out all of his material. He was wearing a white button up with a skinny tie, my favorite, and then dark wash jeans. I loved when he wore ties!

"Hey!" I smiled as I walked in the classroom.

He looked over to me and smiled. "Hey you."

"So, was it a boy or a girl?" I asked as I walked over and leaned on his desk.

"Boy." He looked really happy, and that made me happy.

"That's so great! What's his name?"


"That's super cute." I said as he pulled out his cell phone, then held it up to me. It was a picture of his sister, who looked fucking tired by the way, holding the tiniest little baby ever. It looked super cute and actually looked kind of like Mr. Mayes!

"Oh my gosh, he looks like you!" I laughed.

"What? No way!" He said as he looked at the picture quickly and I could see the pride dripping from him. That was so cute.

"She did good." I said, as he happily stared at the picture.

"I agree." He glanced up to me with his goofy grin.

Once everyone got into the classroom, math actually went really well. Mr. Mayes seemed like he was in a really good mood, and even made jokes during class. And every time he smiled at me when he said them. Which made my mood turn from sour to awesome. His sister should have babies more often! Class ended almost too quickly, which was weird, and I was proud to say I got almost everything taught today. Didn't mean I knew how to do them, but I could keep up. And I freaking owed Jason like crazy.

There was a student who looked like he was going to be talking with Mr. Mayes for a while, so I just waved to him as I left. He winked at me with a nod and I smiled. He always knew how to cheer me up. I went to my locker and put my books inside, glad that the day was now over. I could go home, get in my PJ's and finish off those delicious chocolates! Which reminds me… I ate those last night, and am planning on eating them tonight as well? I should probably swim before going home. Yeah. That was a good idea. So I got my swimming gear and walked to the locker room. Thankfully freshmen had their PE at the end of the day, so no one would be talking to me in here.

"Did you hear?" A little girl said to another.


"Apparently one of the seniors said that Shuichi threw up today during their biology class." I felt my stomach drop, was he okay?

What the hell. I didn't care!

"Awwww, what?" The other one said, sounding way too upset.

I looked over to them. "Why did he throw up?" What the hell was I doing? Did I really care about him now because I knew he was being bullied? This was really stupid. But I guess I did promise Jason I wouldn't be a jerk to him anymore and try to see if he was actually a nice person or not… and I guess relating to him was a good start.

They both looked to me with surprise, and then fear. Wow, I wasn't going to beat them up or something.

"I heard that he didn't look like he felt too good the whole class, then he just threw up, apologized and then left quickly." She looked upset. And the other one listened with a worried expression as well. Was every freaking girl in this place keeping tabs on the poor flower?

"Hmm, maybe he's sick."

"Maybe." The little girl said.

"Well thanks." I nodded to them, and then changed into my swimsuit. I made sure to take my time so that no one would be around when I was swimming. And when I walked out to the pool and saw no one, I felt satisfied. This was the best. I walked over to the bleachers and set my things down, pulled out my goggles and cap, and sat down to start braiding my hair. It was so quiet and peaceful, I was thankful that the day had gotten a little better. Once I got my hair up into my cap I pulled on my goggles and dove into the pool. Swimming was always something that made me feel relaxed and cool all at the same time.

After I had been swimming for about twenty minutes I stopped to take a rest, and drink some water. But I froze when I heard the doors to the pool area open. I looked over to them quickly as I felt my heart start to race even harder than it already was. Who was here? Was it Jason? Or could it be Urameshi? Shit.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." I heard a familiar voice say, as my stomach began to swirl with anxiety.

Why was Jordan looking for me? That was a dumb question, he was always looking for new ways to torment me. I almost felt like I was about to cry as I was helpless in the pool, so I jumped out as quickly as I could so I could at least be on my two feet.

"Why would you be looking for me? I don't wanna talk to you." I grinded out as I quickly walked to the bleachers.

I heard him walk up to me quickly. "Amber, look at me." He snapped, and I felt myself panic as I stuffed my towel into my bag as fast as I could.

"Stop!" He yelled as he grabbed my wrist roughly.

I jerked away and felt the fear beginning to rise. "Don't touch me!" I yelled back.

"Shut up, Amber." He whispered as he stepped closer to me and slammed his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

I pulled away again and shoved his hand away from me. "Let go of me! I don't want to talk to you, and you know that!" I felt tears beginning to swell in my eyes, there was no one here? Was he going to rape me this time? I was panicking now as I tried to run away. Screw my stuff.

He was too quick though as he grabbed my wrist and jerked me back. I almost fell due to the strength of his pull and when he wrapped his arms around me I freaked.

"Let me go!" I screamed out and hoped that at least one person could hear me.

"Shut up, Amber!" He yelled again as I barely got out of his arms.

I started to run towards the outside doors but he caught up quickly, and I screamed. I was so scared right now, this was what I was afraid was going to happen this entire school semester! I knew he wanted to do this, but I didn't think he'd actually follow through.

"Help me!" I screamed to anyone as he twisted me around to face him, rage apparent in his expression. My eyes widened as I knew how angry he was right now, and when he raised his hand to hit me I closed my eyes and held up my arms. Thankfully I was quick enough and his hand slammed into my forearms instead of my face. I yelled as I ran back towards the bleachers to get my cell phone, arms not pounding with pain. If on one at school would help me, maybe I could call 911.

"Amber! Stop running! You bitch!" I heard him chase after me as I grabbed my cell phone and ran around to the back of the bleachers. It was a small enough area that maybe he couldn't fit. So I quickly stepped behind the steal bars that were holding up all the bleachers. This area kinda looked like a spiderweb made out of steal. There were tons of bars going in lots of directions that made the frame of the whole thing, and thankfully they were pulled away from the wall just enough that I barely fit through. It was a much tighter fit than I first thought so I slammed my head against the bar hard. I screamed again as he finally got close enough to reach out and grab me. Thankfully he was too big to follow, but he did get my arm. I screamed again and pulled away from him as hard as I could. To my surprise my wet arm slipped out of his grip… I pulled way too hard and wasn't ready to catch myself as I was now falling fast, and when my head slammed into another metal bar I couldn't tell if I was still falling or not. My head was now ringing and my legs were all tangled in the stupid bars. My head hurt way to fucking bad as I reached up and felt where I slammed it. I pulled my hand up to my vision and saw blood.

"What the fuck!? I yelled.

"Amber? Are you okay!?" Jordan yelled, now sounding panicked. Fucker.

I felt dizzy all of the sudden and then my entire body was extremely heavy. Even though everything hurt I some how couldn't feel my limbs, and then my eyes became extremely heavy. They shut and as the darkness began to take over, and all I felt was fear, knowing that Jordan was right there while I laid here completely helpless.

My eyes were still heavy, and my head was pounding. I felt something digging into my back, and my ribs. And it killed. What the hell was hurting me so bad? It was quiet too, all I could hear were some voices that sounded far off. Where was I? And what the hell was going on?

I blinked and when I tried to move my entire body ached, then I remembered what had happened earlier. My eyes shot opened wide and the fear going through me was just as strong as before. I forced myself to sit up slowly as I looked around, and to my relief I saw no Jordan. My back was pulsating with pain now, and I realized I had landed hard on one of the bars, and I had been resting on it for who knows how long I've been blacked out back here. It was such a small area, honestly I could have died back here and no one would have found me till my body started to stink. That thought scared me a little, and I was relieved that I had just bumped my head… the space was so small that I'm sure Jordan tried, but failed, to get back to me. Haha, fucker.

"No, no, I think I'm ready you fuck." I heard from across the pool. The bleachers were blocking my view, but if I sat up a little more I was able to look through the skinny opening that was between each seat. I squinted my eyes as I finally was able to see Urameshi standing by the pool side, what was he doing here? And who the hell was he talking to?

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I heard a calm voice ask.

"Yes. I'm sure! And you better hold still this time so I can kick your face off." He chuckled. Was he beating someone up!? I felt panic as I sat still, and held my breath so he couldn't hear me.

Then I saw someone walk up next to him, and to my surprise that someone was freaking Shuichi! Oh man that poor guy! Urameshi was definitely bullying him, and I was about to witness his abuse. Should I do something? Fuck no! I was already fucking stuck back here, and it would take a long time to get up and untangle my limbs from the freaking framing. My head was probably still bleeding, and my entire body hurt. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to stand even, so for my own safety, I was going to stay back here and stay quiet. Sorry Shuichi… I actually was really sorry, the poor flower didn't stand a chance.

"You ready?" Urameshi asked as he got into a fighting stance. I felt my anxiety rise as guilt rushed through me… I couldn't help him, but it didn't mean I didn't feel bad.

"I guess so." Shuichi sighed out, and for some reason he didn't seem too upset. But that was probably just his normal façade that he always kept up. At least he wasn't begging like some loser… I guess he was kind of cool actually. Keeping his pride, even while he was about to get pummeled.

"Alright." Urameshi said. And then there was silence. I felt tense as I watched them stare each other down. I was surprised that Shuichi was holding his own so well.

Then Urameshi quickly ran at Shuichi, and I immediately cringed. But to my surprise some how Shuichi smoothly glided out of the way of his assault, like it was so smooth he made it look easy. I felt my mouth hang open as I watched Urameshi try again to kick Shuichi, and this time Shuichi blocked it with his arm, and the noise it made when their limbs collided was amazing. My eyes widened as they continued to fight like professionals. I couldn't believe I was seeing such skill right in front of me, and especially between the two weirdest characters I knew.

"Hold still!" Urameshi yelled as he flew with extreme speed towards Shuichi, trying to punch him directly in the face. Shuichi once again stepped back and some how got a hold of Urameshi's arm, twisted it back around him and shoved it upwards; making Urameshi cry out.

"Fuuck!" He screamed in pain, and then Shuichi finally let him go. What the hell was going on here? "That hurt, bitch." Urameshi smirked as he wiped some sweat off his brow, then began bouncing a little as he put his guard back up.

Shuichi looked confident and was hardly out of breath, which was like impossible considering how fast they were both moving just now. He just straightened up and placed his hands behind his back, not seeming worried at all. Okay… I was completely lost now. All of the sudden the helpless flower was some sort of kung fu master, and he was beating up the most notorious bully around!? I must be hallucinating or something, cause I hit my head pretty damn hard.

"Yusuke. You can't even get close to beating me, you obviously haven't healed completely." He said so calmly it was almost intimidating.

"Shut up! I told you, I'm fine." He breathed out.

"You're still limping." He said with a softer, more caring tone.

Yusuke looked annoyed. "I'm fine." Then he charged Shuichi again, and I held my breath. Why were they fighting? Were they friends, or did they want to kill each other? I didn't even know anymore!

Yusuke reached out and tried his hardest to grab Shuichi's hair, and he surprisingly got a good chunk in his grasp. He then pulled hard and Shuichi's head went down and slammed hard into his knee. I heard him gasp out in pain as he grinded his teeth and looked pissed. He then reached up and grabbed Urameshi's arm again, digging his fingernails into it and then some how amazingly raising his leg up high enough to wrap around Urameshi's neck, and all in one quick movement he threw Urameshi to the ground. But he didn't stay down for long, he lifted himself off the ground and went for Shuichi again, this time though, Shuichi was ready and he kicked Urameshi hard in his leg.

"SHIT!" He screamed out as he began jump in place and hold his leg as he hoped on the other. To my surprise Shuichi had no mercy as he used Urameshi's momentum against him as he round house kicked him into the pool. His face was cold as he looked at the pool and quickly wiped the blood off that was now dripping out of his nose. Apparently Urameshi had given him that bloody lip, but not in the manner that I thought.

I stared and then blinked a few times, hoping maybe this hallucination would stop. Did I really just see what I saw? He kicked him so hard he flew into the pool! Was he okay!?

Urameshi swam up and spit out water as he coughed and made a moaning noise of pain. "Jeez! You didn't have to get dirty on me!"

"You pulled my hair." He said calmly.

"Yeah yeah, I got dirty first. But I'm handicapped." He chuckled as he slowly swam to the wall, groaning in pain as he did so.

Shuichi smiled to him, and it wasn't one of his faked smiles. "Here, let me help you." He said as he reached out his hand. Urameshi smirked as he reached up quickly and grabbed his hand, then with his other hand he reached out and pulled Shuichi's foot out from under him as he jerked his wrist hard, which pulled him into the pool. Urameshi just started laughing as Shuichi swam up and pushed all the hair out of his face as he glared at Urameshi.

"What?" Urameshi said with a huge goofy grin… it was a much better look for him than his usual angry pout.

"Oh, Yusuke." Shuichi sighed out as he swam over and pulled himself out of the pool. He looked at himself and kind of shook out his hands. He was soaked! Urameshi just laughed as he too jumped out of the pool, but he had a little harder of a time than Shuichi. Guess his leg was still hurt.

"Come. We'll do what we did yesterday."

"Fine…." He sighed out, acting like he didn't want to but wore a huge smile.

Shuichi walked over to the bleachers where I was hiding. I felt myself freeze, and I couldn't even think of what I'd say to them if they saw me. Why were they coming over here!? Why didn't they just leave so I could get the hell out of this freaking place!

"Lay down." Shuichi pointed at the bleachers.

"Yes mommy." Urameshi mocked as his smile was now bigger than before, and he lay himself down on his back. "Aaah, it fuckin' hurts." He cringed as he held his thigh.

"That's because you don't listen." He said calmly as he walked to Urameshi's feet, then stepped on each side of him so he was now standing over his legs.

"Uh-huh." Urameshi rolled his eyes.

"Yusuke." Shuichi glared at him.

Urameshi just sighed as he didn't look at him, obviously trying to ignore the subject of his leg.

"You need to let yourself heal. The tournament took a toll on all of us." He whispered out.

"Pretty sure you're the one who almost died, not me." Urameshi mumbled back.

Who... WHAT? Shuichi almost died!? What the hell was I hearing right now?

"Yes, but I take care of myself. And you injured your leg badly, Yusuke." He spoke softly as he leaned over and placed both his hands onto Urameshi's thigh, pressing all of his weight onto it.

"Uuuh." Urameshi groaned out in pain, and as Shuichi leaned in closer he looked up to him and they made eye contact. I couldn't really see Shuichi's face because his hair was hanging, but the look Urameshi gave him made me blush. Their eye contact was strong, and the way they stared at each other told me they must be super close…. Like, super. And this just flipped my whole world upside down. Apparently the scariest bully around, and the most popular flower were best friends, or something? This was the weirdest day of my life…

"One of the little freshy girls told me you threw up today. You okay?" Yusuke barely whispered, seeming almost nervous to bring it up. This guy was scared of upsetting Shuichi? I swear I'd wake up any minute, because this just all seemed so wrong.

Shuichi just smiled as he pressed down on his leg again. "Don't change subjects."

Then out of no where I felt a tickle on my arm. I looked down and saw a GIANT ass spider crawling on me. HOLY SHIT! I freaked as I gasped out loudly and swiped it off as fast as I possibly could. And then I heard silence. My eyes widened as I looked back up to them, and as my body began to shake with adrenaline and fear my eyes locked with Urameshi's. His scary ass expression was fierce as I felt my breath stop.

I was gonna die today. Wasn't I?