AN: Hey guys! So I've made my very first Amazing Spider-Man fic, go easy on me. I've chosen to have the main character be Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman in the comics.

I am aware of her true origin as well as her lack of a childhood. So I wanted to give her a childhood in this story. There is a twist to her origin To fit this universe.

So anyway, enjoy the story. Warning there are swear words.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter One: Roll Call

Why do you want to know this story? Why do you want to know mine? A story like mine where it's just lies piled on top of secrets. Life ruining and life changing secrets. But if you really wanna know, who better to tell than you?
It's Wednesday as I look up at my high school, Midtown Science. I never liked the name, it was too odd sounding. I'm only attending here because my mother is making me. Truth be told I don't want to be a scientist like most of these students here, I'd rather go into the law enforcement career. Maybe a detective or private investigator in journalism.
I stood here frozen in front of the school, and no it is not my first day. I've attended this school for the past three years and one an a half months. I've never noticed how small it looked on the outside, it certainly felt bigger inside. Who am I kidding, I'm just stalling.
"Standing outside won't make the test go away," I heard a voice say in my ear. When I turned to see who it was i saw Gwen in her lab coat. She had her black headband in her blond hair. Mine use to be blond when I was a child, but as I got older it turned black. Talk about weird genes.
"No, but at least I can miss it," I responded to her comment.
"So you can just take it tomorrow?"
"I'll have more time to study," I said as we started to walk into the building. It was two minutes until class started. Tragically, our Calculus Honors class was on the first level near the offices.
"Who are you kidding, Jessica, we both know you still wouldn't study if given an extra day," Gwen teased. Well, it was true.
"No, but I could've gone back to bed."
"And leave me here alone? Very selfish."
I smiled at her, "I'm selfish, she says."
"Come on, you'll do fine on the test."
"Says Midtown Science High's number one in class," she laughs as we step into the classroom. I took my seat by the window near the back. I liked my seat, no one bothered me. I'm not much of one for chatter, except to Gwen, but she sat a few seats in front of me.
I sometimes wondered how she put up with me. I wasn't the life of the party, i wasn't a genius like her, I wasn't even popular like that pig, Flash. I was nothing. If anything I was infamous. By that I mean I was know to be a bit of a trouble maker. I never started anything like bullying "nerdy" people, I ended things like picking on bullies.
Of course I was always to blame, I was this devil while everyone else was an angel. What can you do? Bullies can't change and neither can I. My teacher, Mr. Cranston, took roll call.
"Marvin Adler?"
"Here," the boy raised his hand.

"Liz Allen?"
"Here," the girl said smugly. She combed her straight, brown hair behind her ear. Liz was such a bitch just sitting there in her cheerleader outfit. Ever since we were children she was always shitty to everyone. Her and Gwen use to be best friends in third grade. That was until Liz started making fun of Gwen's braces and called her ugly. When I saw this on the playground I knew I had to get back at her for being so mean to a girl that never did a thing to her. When we got back in class I took a pair of scissors and snipped off one of Liz's pigtails. Needless to say I got sent home early for bad behavior. I did make Liz cry. I guess she didn't like it when I told her she looked ugly.
Snapping back to the present, my teacher called my name after a few people, "Jessica Drew?" He sounded so unsure of himself. He seems to know who everyone else is except me, guess I don't blame him.
"Here," I raised my hand up. He nodded and continued, "Gordon Fincher?"
I can't really say much about my home life. I live with my mom, Miriam. She works in the lab over at St. Mary's Hospital, you know running DNA tests or checking blood, stuff doctors need. She use to be a scientist over at Oscop with my Dad, back when he was alive. My dad died when I was eight years old. I remember I would go into his office at our old house and ask him what he was doing. He would literally drop everything for me and set me on his desk and ask me about my day. I do remember at times he would take blood out of me, but he just told me it was to make sure I was feeling fine.

"It will be fine sweetie, I just want to make sure you're okay. You never know if something is wrong with you."
"It still hurts," I pouted.
"I know, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," he kissed my forehead, "Remember that, Jessica. Remember that."

Way before I was born, my parents lived on Wundagore Mountain in Britain. From the stories I hear from my mom it was beautiful. They moved to New York when Norman Osborn offered them a job at Oscorp.

"Harry Osborn?"
Harry just raised his hand, not even saying a word. He doesn't say much in class. Must be his father's doing. Norman Osborn, such a crockpot owning a crockpot company and being the king of all crockpots.
I feel sorry for that son of his, Harry, heir to the crockpot throne. Harry was kicked out of his fancy private school for poor grades. That's why he's going to school here, his dad has to prepare him for the day he takes over Oscorp. Truth be told, Harry does not have a future in science. I can see from the way they act to one another, the aura they share, that Norman is always disappointed in his son. He seems like he just down talks him and criticizes him non stop.
Whenever I see Harry, he gives me this look. This ugly, mean look like everything is my fault. He's giving it to me right now. I never did anything to him. He's probably just mad that I didn't bow down to him like everyone else when he got here. I treated him like everyone else.
"Peter Parker?" Mr. Cranston looked around for a hand, but saw nothing but an empty desk next to mine. I can't really say I talk to Peter Parker. I never really noticed him, then again, I don't pay attention to anything, not since my father died.
"Peter-?" The door opened and a hunched over boy entered. He had this brown Ramones shirt on with a hoodie and greenish jacket over that. He carried a skateboard with him and his back pack seemed full. A camera was dangling from around his neck. He looked sweaty like he's been running. I have to say though, he was rather cute, genuine and I can't believe I have never noticed him sitting next to me until right now. Did I really shut out everyone?
"I'm here," he was trying to get his breathing under control. Mr. Cranston looked over to him and shrugged, "You're late, Mr. Parker, again."
"I know, I'm sorry. I was in a tight space," he looked right at Flash when he said that. Flash snickered to himself. He probably locked him up in the janitor's closet, the jerk. Good thing Stan was a nice guy to get him out.
Peter shook his head, "Go have a seat Mr. Parker so I can finish up roll call." Peter was walking down the aisle making his way over to his seat.
"Rodrigo Ramirez?"
He was careful not to step on anyone's backpacks.
"Jerry Reed?"
Peter was getting closer.
"Gwen Stacy?"
"Present," Gwen raised her hand lightly.
Flash stuck out his foot just when Peter passed him causing him to trip and face plant the floor. Everyone laughed, everyone except Gwen and me.
"Settle down," the teacher said. Peter sort of remained on the floor for a moment.
"Watch where you're going, Parker!"
"Zip it. Are you okay, Peter?"
Peter stood up and went to sit down in his seat laying his face in his arms. I looked over to Flash who slowly stopped laughing.
My blood was starting to boil the more I looked at that pretty boy, obnoxious, 'I can do what I want' face. I clutched my notebook in my hands.
"Eugene Thompson?"
Flash raised his hand just as I threw my notebook at his buzzed shaved head. I was scowling at him when he turned to look at me, "What the hell, freak?"
"Watch your head, Flash. Wouldn't want your IQ lower than it is."
"Little b-!"
"Do i have to write someone up?" Mr. Cranston looked right at me.
"You can write Flash up," I shrugged at my suggestion.
"Are you kidding me? She just through a textbook at my head!"
"You threw a textbook?"
"Notebook!" I corrected.
"Why would you throw a notebook at his head, Ms. Drew?"
Peter looked up from his arms to see me. I locked eyes with him for a second and turned back to Mr. Cranston, "Because he's an asshole," I said bluntly.
Mr. Cranston turned and got out his Dean Referral pad and began to write.
"Assault and Profanity will not be allowed in here. You will have to take the test another day. Right now, head to the Dean's, Jessica."
I sighed, grabbed my green backpack, stood up and walked up to get the slip. I turned back to see Gwen have this cringed look. She always hates it when I get in trouble. I did steal a glance at Peter and he smiled at me right before I walked out the door.

AN: So let me know what you think in the reviews. I want to actually thank BrookeErinMelton for inspiring me to write this. If you liked this you guys should read her story with Jessica Drew in TASM it's called Untangling the Web. It's great.

Thank you for reading! See you all next time.