A/N: Here's part two and final. Sorry it's late Elise!

Disclaimer: I do not own HNKNA

Warning: Language and sexual talk.

Thanks to:

Reaper .death

Elise the Writing Desk



Turnabout Wonderland Final

"SQUAK! But I heard gunshots!" King squawked, flapping it's wings while Vivaldi tried to calm him down.

Boris sighed, shaking his head. "But no guns were used! You can't have!"

Prosecutor Blood smirked, "fighting with a bird, how low can you go?"

Boris response was to glare at him.


"If that bird is just going to repeat that sentence then get out! I'm not wasting my time hearing this argument!" Judge Black growled, scaring the crap out of the poor bird.

"No wait! King saw something else as well!" Vivaldi called out, making Boris curse.

Damn, now he has to listen to the bird even more.

"I like that bird," Ace said.

"Well freakin get a move on!" Judge Black ordered.



"SQUAK! I did hear a bang! It ruined my relaxing time! Left cage! I left cage!"

"HOLD IT! You left your cage? Wouldn't have been locked?" Boris asked.

"We leave the cage open for King to fly around the room," Vivaldi answered for the parrot.

"Hmm, is the little kitty attorney thinking of trying to snack on the bird?" Prosecutor Blood joked, again pissing off the pink haired attorney.

'One of these days Blood….one of these days.'

"SQUAK! Flew out window, peaked into other room!"

"HOLD IT! You leave the window open too?! Robbers could come in! Or your bird could fly away!" Boris exclaimed in disbelief while Vivaldi shook her head.

"We are honoured that the cute kitty cares for our well being, but anybody who would try and steal from us would lose their heads!"

The court silenced at they looked at the purple haired woman, Boris had a feeling that she would actually go through with the beheading.

"SQUAK! Saw Girl in blue! Girl in blue!"

Boris was startled at hearing that phrase again.

"HOLD IT! Girl in blue? Can you tell me more about this girl in blue?"

"SQUAK! Two men talking! Hid in closet! Hid in closet!" The parrot replied and silenced itself.

The court allowed this information to settle in before Prosecutor Blood sighed.

"Well, I do have two other witnesses but I was hoping not to bring any of them in. I mean, it's obvious that it's the defendant.

Boris scowled at him. Though, he needed to bring the other witnesses in. The bird was useless apart from notifying them that there was three people in the victims place.

"The defence asks for the other witnesses to testify!" Boris called out.

Judge Black sighed, twirling a piece of red hair around his finger before glaring at his bailiff-a red haired boy with some yellow highlights and bright green eyes.

"Oi, Bailiff, help the prosecutor prep the other witness." He demanded, getting a squeak from him.




13th June, Monday

Tuggly Woods Court


Boris sighed, taking a sip from his coffee. Man, this case was going nowhere. All he knew was that there were three people in the room at the time of the murder-according to a parrot.

And from what he can guess, those three people must be the victim, the defendant and a girl.

Unless he managed to get more information….

"Hey, freeloader! There you are!"

At hearing the loud bellowing voice Boris cringed and glanced up, seeing the happy face of detective Gowland.

"What do you want, old man?"

"Hey, is that anyway to greet your father? Meh, whatever. Anyway, I've got some new evidence just arrived in. The boys went to tell that stupid prosecutor and because I hate him, I'm going to give some evidence to you."

He didn't know if he should be grateful or not.

Gowland opened his black suit case and dug around in it.

The first thing he gave to Boris was a photo. It was of the victim, like the one before, but instead it was taken at a different angle. From what Boris could see, the victim had his arm reached out with a cup lying a few feet away from him.

But…there was two things different about this photo.

First, it was all in colour, which meant Boris could finally see that this victim had orange hair. And second, the cup had a bright blue colour around the top of the inside cup. That was strange, there was no way that colour was part of the cup design-the cup looked old fashioned and had an orange theme.

Second crime photo added to court record.

The next thing Boris was given was a mirror. The mirror was cracked, but Boris noticed a piece of hair stuck in the cracks.

Cracked mirror added to court record.

"Why did you give me this mirror?" Boris asked.

"Because, it was found near the victim. I think it's important but everyone else doesn't. Prove them wrong son!"

Gowland was getting to into this.

"And here is the last thing I'm giving you," Gowland said, suddenly pulling out a metal detector out from behind his back.


"Son? What's wrong?"


"Ah, I knew you'd like this! I never leave without it!"

Gowland handed the metal detector to Boris before patting his head and prancing off. Ace, who had been sitting nearby, cracked up.

"Oh man hahahaha!"




13th June, Monday

Tuggly Woods Court

Court 3

Now normally Judge Black would be banging his gavel away, but instead he stared at Boris with the famous 'WTF' look-along with prosecutor Blood.

Because Boris entered the court room with a metal detector.

Boris was currently pissed. If Gowland hadn't interrupted and shocked him, he could have interrogated Ace about the people in the room. But instead he was stuck with two possible useful evidence and a metal detector.


Shaking his head, Judge Black growled and pointed at Blood.

"Witness, now!"

Prosecutor Blood nodded before snapping his fingers. Pierce Villairs, the bailiff, came in with two people following after him.

The first was a girl with long dirty blonde hair and turquoise eyes. She looked nervous walking into the room and was clutching her right arm tightly.

That was weird…

The other person following after the girl…shocked the entire court. Because that person was an exact double of the judge.

Judge Black took one look at the double and smirked. "Ah, so it's you two, heh."

The double smirked, "of course."

'Alice' glared at him in response.

Judge Black just shook his head before gesturing them to take the witness stand. Boris was still in shock that there were two Judge Black's.

"Greetings. My name is White Joker, as you can see I'm the judge's twin brother, and this is Alice Liddell, my cousin. I am not the witness for this case, she is, but unfortunately Alice has to have a translator with her most of the time." White explained, standing next to Alice on the witness stand. Alice curtsied.

For some reason, Judge Black started snorting to which his brother smirked in reply. Something's going on.

"Oh, hey Alice!" Ace suddenly exclaimed, getting the attention of the girl. She stared at Ace before shaking her head.

They knew each other…

Prosecutor Blood sent a charming smile at Alice, but she ignored him. White smiled at him, though his eyes were cold.

"Can we get on with the testimony please?" Boris asked, catching the attention of the girl. She stared at him before smiling.

Oh shit, that wasn't good-especially with the deadly looks he was getting.

"I hate my life…"


"What I saw"

"Icka rna dah nja lopmne janmdlj keiba (Hello my name is Alice Liddell and I'm a writer)" Alice spoke, getting a shocked silence from everyone.

"Alice suffers from a disease that makes her speak gibberish most of the time. Allow me to translate. 'I'm Alice and I like boobs."

Alice's face flushed before she whacked White in the arm. Judge Black smirked and whispered to himself, "oh man, I love it when this happens."

Boris managed to hear this and sighed. Something tells him that he's probably going to have to decode most of the information.

"Isha na la toa sdjdn!...ma to ka la radn usa ruan jaski hdbsj (Shut up White!...Anyway, I was there at the time of the murder)!" Alice yelled.

"Thank you White for telling them but don't forget I'm partial to naked men too…anyway, I was there at the time of the murder." White 'translated.'

Boris was thankful that at least White did translate some reliable information although he did feel sorry for Alice who was getting redder by the minute. Blood looked like he was ready to jump her.

"Ah Alice, always misunderstood," he heard Ace say.

"Wait? You understand her?"

"Yeah! I took gibberish as my second language!"

That explains so much.

"Mahs tehn peps ku rpa le tos ahdn hsji kins jdso hjsos naoaji iosajsn shgwkdhwdok kdnsmsms ksns akdbsks quwjsxnak klsjaansks jdndnslsk petahanis jdsnskwn elitisms kimjsnjs kdnsak. (At the time I was running away from my stalkerish friend Peter and saw Elliot's door open. He normally allows me to hide in his room when dealing with Peter so I quickly ran in there, hiding in Elliot's closet.)" Alice carried on, choosing to ignore White. He wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"I grew bored of having sex with Peter so I went to Elliot's to see if he wanted a BJ. When he wasn't in there I decided to wait in his closet so I could jump him."

Prosecutor Blood shook his head, "what a naughty girl you are, Alice."

"Haha! Alice, you should have come to me!" even if Ace knew what she really said, he would still milk it to get her madder. She was cuter that way.

Alice fumed.

"HSKSHCWD JCHERVCKMAxk ciknckaSMXWNC CM NHD! ~Sigh~ njwbd jsblm jedbekld dimly ndkn3knd qdx cnnkdnqmsdm lkmdl1q. (WHITE FOR FUCKS SAKE! IT'S NOT FUNNY! -sigh- It took a few minutes to finally know that it was safe to leave the room however before I could leave I noticed that Elliot had come back...with a guest." Alice spat out, still glaring at White.

White placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her before turning back to the court. "I grew bored waiting for him to come, my boobs could only pre-occupy me for so long. It was then that I noticed Elliot had returned...with a guest."

Boris perked up at that, having tried to ignore the testimony. If the guest could be proven it was someone else…

"Hgws hdhckws gafedb ljkfowk bcnqamcbn ieujkdmndanka xkwkdakxso fdhrjndw wkdhskxndkv dvijgndns cshsdnsm jbmdh jfbdmb djds jndmsndcn hdhg kkjsn sjksknd yruwen shm. (I don't even know why I bother. The guest he brought was someone I had never seen before. Whoever it was, Elliot clearly didn't like him. I decided to stay in the closet so as to not make it awkward.)"

"Elliot's guest was someone I had never seen before, so perhaps he would be easy to please, if you know what I mean. But I decided to stay in the closet just to make sure he was worth the effort."

End of testimony

Boris smirked before pointing his finger at Blood. "Ha! Her testimony has proven that my client is not the murderer!"

The court gasped at this and chatted loudly.

"Oh? And how did you come to that conclusion through that vulgar testimony?"

Alice flushed at that.

"The witness said that she had never seen the guest before, meaning that the person who visited the victim wasn't Ace, seen as they seem to know each other."

The court spoke even louder after that.


"Quiet! Geez," Judge Black growled.

Prosecutor Blood flipped his hair and smirked, "Ha! Not so fast little kitty. We can't really rely on the witness, because she was good friends with the defendant. I want proof she was even there."

The court gasped while Boris bit his lip in frustration.

Proof? He needed proof that was there? Wasn't the parrot enough?

"Hurry up with the evidence pink head, you'll be penalized for false evidence." Judge Black said, twirling his gavel.

Boris opened up his court record, trying to look for some proof. Obviously the metal detector and autopsy was no proof. Boris then picked up the first crime photo he received and glanced at it.

There's the body, the blood and the armband….the armband!

"OBJECTION! I have the proof right here that Alice was there at the time of the crime." Boris said, waving the photo round.

"What about the frickin photo?" Judge Black asked.

"Look judge, there's an armband in the photo. I believe this belongs to Alice because she keeps gripping the place where it should have been."

The court turned their attention to Alice who was indeed gripping her arm. She gasped and accidentally moved her hand away, showing marks on her wrist where the armband should have been.

Boris allowed victory to swell in him…until Blood started chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing…except that you've just shown that Alice may be the murderer."

The court gasped again while Alice froze. She looked at White then Boris desperately. Boris knew enough about people to know she wasn't the murderer.

Blood just smirked, "But…we all know she isn't. I have more evidence to prove that Ace was the murderer. Here you go."

Blood gave out his evidence which was a bunch of letters addressed to Ace and 'Julius.' Ace seemed to clench his fists at this.

"What's this crap?" Judge Black demanded.

"It's letters from the victim to the defendant and another person. They are all threat letters."

Boris gasped at this. Shit! That gave a reason and motive for Ace to kill Elliot!

"It's obvious that they had a grudge against each other and gave the defendant a reason to kill the victim." Prosecutor Blood said, confirming Boris's thoughts.

Ace, oddly enough, calmed down at this. What was that about?

Boris needed time to think about a comeback and turned his attention back to Alice.

"Could you please describe the guest you saw?" he asked, getting an unsure look from her.

"Hudf akhjdo jdjnsjd codlpsld lklofd wdjfen kdfklqosd poinsn duhicnkjk lspmcbvc kdn xX kmn cjdkmqwdn jfnm,x od odjkwxsncwe oksjsd…. (I could only look through the tiny opening of the closet so I didn't see the guest very well, but from what I could see, the person was male and had long hair…)" Alice stuttered.

"Unfortunately In could only see some of the guest, so I couldn't check if the person was a hottie or not but I do know the person had long hair…"

Well at least White didn't input anything dirty this time.

Ace froze up again.

Boris sighed, "is there anything important that you heard between the two?"

"Oh! Nhjbfcujen jdnmxp onvmwkx dunlin c onconvmsc klcj voencls vsmkfnmwlvndmc foedvnekc wdngm cwlfnoxc eopcjhenbwcfmnrwsn cfikenfvelnekvlnbdvsemvcspvmnedvnedclmskvmsdvjkjeofv voevnevndkvcm (Oh! I do remember them arguing. Elliot kept mention that it was the guy's fault everything went wrong. After that, it was silence and then I heard a thud.)"

To the shock of the court, White actually translated what she said correctly. He smiled at Alice, "I can be lenient…sometimes."

Prosecutor Blood shook his head, "Your honour, I think we've heard enough from the witness. She's not trustworthy with the fact that she's dating the defendant."

Everyone in the room gasped at this while Alice slammed her head down on the podium. Judge Black banged his gavel before pointing at Ace.

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere!"

"OBJECTION! How is the witness not trustworthy just because she's dating the defendant?"

Prosecutor Blood smirked, "she could be lying about the guest to save him. There's npo rpoof that there was somebody else in the room besides the defendant, the victim and her."

Boris bit his lip. Now he had to prove there was somebody else there. Looking at Ace, he was shocked to see the glare aiming at him. Why was Ace so against being proven innocent?

Digging through his court record again, Boris was stumped. He had nothing to prove that there was another person. Seeing the struggling from Boris, Ace smirked.

But his smirked was wiped off when he saw Boris pick out a mirror.

Boris leaned closer to the mirror and looked at the strand of hair closely.

It was the colour blue.

Boris smirked.

"OBJECTION! I have proof that there was somebody else there!" He showed the mirror to which Blood laughed at.

"How does this mirror prove that there was somebody else?"

"Because! It's a blue colour and was found near the victim. The victim has orange hair, the witness has dirty blonde hair and my client had brown hair! Thus, this proves there was somebody else!"

Ace grinded his teeth, Blood froze in shock and Alice blew out a sigh of relief.


"Okay, so there was somebody else. Big fucking deal. I want to know who! Tell me who was there at the time." Judge Black demanded.

"Your honour, I think I have an idea of who it is…" Boris said slowly before turning to Ace. "I don't know why you're trying to stop me from bringing this person in, but I'm sorry."

"Your honour, I think the other person who visited the victim that night…and had just about the same reason for murder as my client…was Julius."

The court gasped and chatted loudly.


He didn't shout that….looking around, he noticed that neither had Blood, Black or the witness had said that…then the only person who would.

The court turned their attention to Ace, who had managed to take the witness stand much to his girlfriend's shock.

"I want to testify your honour," Ace grinded out much to the shock of Boris.

"What are you doing?!" Boris exclaimed.

Ace ignored him while Judge Black thought about it. He smirked.

'Entertainment…fuck yeah.'

"Alright, you can give your testimony. But it better be worth it!"

"It will."

"Ah, before we begin. I would like to hand some evidence over to the court. The young attorney may find this interesting," Prosecutor Blood said, handing a sealed envelope to Boris.

Mysterious envelope added to court record.


"I did it"

"It was me who killed Elliot. He was pissing me off to much and kept getting in my way. It didn't help that anytime I wanted to go somewhere, he'd yell at me for 'going the wrong way.' Anyway, he was threatening my friend too much, so I killed him."

"Julius is a great friend of mine and very serious! Why would he get involved anyway? Elliot knew that I cared about Julius and probably threatened him to get to me. There's no connection between them."


Boris slapped a hand to his head as Ace happily sat back down in the defendant corner. How the heck was Boris going to get Ace out of trouble. He basically gave a confession and Boris had nothing to prove the connection between Elliot and Julius besides the letters.

He glanced at the prosecutor side, expecting to see Blood smug, but saw that he looked annoyed instead. Why would he care…wait, Blood said that Elliot was his friend…perhaps Blood is just trying to catch the murderer who ended his friend's life.

It was then that Blood looked over and smirked before making a gesture with his hand. He was indicating for Boris to look at the envelope.

"Well, fuck, he gave his confession. I don't think I need to hear anymore of this crap, so-"

"OBJECTION! Your honour, I have proof that Elliot and Julius have a connection!" Boris exclaimed after opening the envelope.


Ace cussed under his breath while Blood smirked.

Boris held the sheet up while talking, "It seems that Julius had sent Elliot to prison a few years ago and according to all notes from his warden, Elliot never forgave Julius."

"Alright, bring this fuckin guy to the stand." Judge Black sighed out, slumping in his seat. He then banged his gavel again just to make some people jump.

Blood smirked, "you're in look your honour, he was my second witness."

Boris could see that Ace was not happy.


13th June, Monday

Tuggly Woods Court

Court 3

The court watched as a man with long blue hair was escorted to the witness stand. If they hadn't already known he was a man, then everybody would have thought he was a woman.

"State your name witness," Judge Black demanded, pounding his gavel.

"My name is Julius Monrey."

"Do you know why you are here?"

"Yes and I would like to confirm I am the murderer." Julius replied, crossing his arms. Everyone in the room gasped, having not expected him to come clean.

"W-what?! You're admitting it?" Boris gaped.

"Yes. I do not see the point in lying and you have enough proof to say it's me." Julius said, glancing at his watch.

"Julius…"Ace muttered.

Julius shook his head, "Ace, do not even attempt to protest. You're not a child anymore."

Blood sighed, shaking his head. "And how, may I ask, Mr Monrey are you the murderer, when the murder weapon has the defendant's prints on it?"

The court chatted about that but silenced when Judge Black banged his gavel.

"Allow me to explain," Julius said, "I used a poison to kill him. I placed it in his drink."

Ace laughed, "See Julius couldn't have done it because there was no poison found. Stop joking Julius!"

Julius glared at Ace, who was gripping his armrest tightly.

Boris picked up his evidence, having an inking of where the poison was. Upon looking at the second crime scene photo, he looked at the mug and smirked.

"Is this the poison?" Boris showed the picture with the blue coloured rim.

Julius nodded, "it turns blue after a while."

Ace slammed his hands on the table, still grinning. "Ah, but where's the poison's bottle. Julius is saying this crap to get me out of trouble! I'm the murderer!"

Julius shook his head, "the poison is in a metal bottle."

It seemed that was all Julius was going to say, but he glanced at Boris with an expecting look.

What was that about? There's no way Boris has a metal container and how the heck was he supposed to know where it was, it's not like he had a metal detector-oh wait, he did.

It seemed his old man was useful for something.

"Your honour, may I use the metal detector on the witness?"

Judge Black snorted while Blood shook his head. Oh what has the court room turned into?

"Yeah, fuck, use a metal detective on a witness ha!"

All I can say in the end is that a metal bottle with blue liquid was found in Julius pocket.

The case was closed.

Ace was not guilty.

6/12 6:45pm

He ran as fast as he could before arriving at the opened door. Alice had already ran off, having left her armband but his friend was still there.

"What are you doing here?" Julius asked, still next to the dead body.

"You know what this is about," Julius continued after getting silence from Ace.

Ace just looked at Julius before slumping, "No! I won't let you do it!" 'I won't let you leave like Jericho…' is what he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry, but you should have followed the rules," Julius said, having directed the quote to Elliot before picking up a mirror and slamming it onto his head.


The mirror cracked and had pieces of blue hair in it. Julius laid the mirror next to the corpse, he planned to get caught. He wasn't going to let his actions go unnoticed.

Ace couldn't stand to see this and withdrew his sword. He suddenly stabbed the body multiple times.


"…" Julius stared in disbelief before sighing. "It's not going to work Ace, I'll be found out and when I do, I'm not denying it."

He left the room leaving Ace alone.



13th June, Monday

Tuggly Woods Court


"And so another case is solved," Boris sighed.

"That took a lot out of you, rookie," Blood spoke up, walking towards him.

"I get the feeling you knew the whole time."

"Elliot was a dear friend, I would know who killed him instantly. I do like justice brought on the right people and it's enough that your client is suffering by being forced not to be guilty."

"I never got that. Why was he obsessed with getting the guilty verdict."

"That's simple rookie. Julius Monrey was his older step brother, along with Jericho Bermuda. They had to stick together but Jericho died in an incident, leaving them alone. Julius was all Ace really had, apart from Miss Liddell. Ace couldn't stand to lose Julius and tried to take his place. I guess he never counted on a rookie finding it out."

With those words, Blood walked away.

"Ndjd ndjmedcnw djwncks oxnxm;wmlxc poxd. (Thank you for helping Ace, I'm grateful.)" Alice spoke up, approaching the attorney, White directly behind her.

"Thanks for saving Ace and I still like boobs," White 'translated' with a smirk, getting a kick in the stomach before his cousin marched off.

Boris chose to ignore those two.

The last person to approach him was Ace, who looked determined about something.

"Urh, Ace?"

"I've decided!"


"I am going to be your assistant until I get Julius free!"


"Let's go out for burgers, partner!"

And so Boris's karma was having Ace as a new partner. Gowland watched Boris get dragged out by Ace with a smile.



A/N: I'm sorry that it took so long. I've been obsessed with Professor Layton so it was hard to try and get into my HNKNA mode. Hope you liked it!

Sorry, I can't write gibberish.

-A Little Carefree