Rosario + Vampire

I do not own Rosario + Vampire.

Hey guys, this is my first story so far so you gotta give me some credit...
Nah, that's up to you :0...
On with the story...

*Thump* *Thump* Went the man's heart as he boarded the bus to Yokai Academy. *Thump* *Thump* Was the only sound he heard until

the bus driver said," I hope your ready kid, because Yokai Academy can be one SCARY place."

"By the way, what's your name, kid?" the mysterious bus driver asked.

"Tsukune, Tsukune Aono." Tsukune responded.

As the bus creaked forward into the tunnel, the bus driver looked at Tsukune and took in his features to remember as most people do subconsciously. Tsukune was a raven-haired boy around 15-16 years old and seemed mediocure. When the bus driver did so, Tsukune was already thinking about going back home due to the fact that the bus driver had glowing eyes.

'I mean who has GLOWING EYES in the first place, anyways?!' Tsukune thought.

As the rainbow colored tunnel danced and flourished as they drove along, Tsukune wondered what school would be like.

'If it's called Yokai Academy then i think that it will be PRETTY scary.'

Truth be told, when they exited the tunnel the surrounding area was quite...scary.

Tsukune looked at the scarecrow and immediately started his way to school when he noticed the blood red water down below the strangely shaped cliff.
What Tsukune couldn't notice, as he was human, was a pair of Black eyes following his movement down the road.

'So it seems that the Exorcist wanted another human,eh?' The mysterious thing thought.

'Can't say that i'm worried for the kid.' The mysterious thing thought.

With a flourish of a cloak that came from the darkness the figure dissapeared as quickly as he came.

Tsukune was still walking down the road when he noticed a small noise coming from his right. Tsukune immediately started to run, due to the fact that this *cough* realm was quiet scary.

*Creak* *Creak* *Creak* *Creak*

Tsukune ended up in a dead sprint as he ran for his life.

*Creak* *Creak* *Creak* *Creak*

"Watch out!" Screamed a girl from nowhere.


'Ouch...' Thought the two.

A bicycle was placed 10 feet ahead of Tsukune and he noticed a girl laying down across from him.

She slowly got up and as she did Tsukune took in her features.

'So cute...' thought Tsukune.

"Oh my goodness, are you OK?" she asked.

"Uh..." Tsukune said.

"Oh your bleeding..." she said.

"Who are you?" said Tsukune as she slowly started toward him she stopped suddenly.

"Oh I'm..." said *blank*

Victory or what?

Tell me your reviews!

Thanks for reading.

Quote of day.

"As the shadows flew across the earth,

Following the sun as the stars gave birth,

Shining was the moon as it bathed,

In the following of the day."