
Christopher Pike had gone out on a limb and insisted the plans for promotion continue; after all, if Jim was that good previously, how much better would he be now? Jim was sworn in as an admiral December 14th, with Spock, Winona, Sarek, David, and Bridget watching. The original bridge crew of the USS Enterprise sent congratulations, and Scotty swore he had the new admiral on speed dial now.

David had explained to his mom previously that something out of his father's control had occurred and that he was going to stay after all. After December 14th, Jim gave his son permission to discuss his condition when appropriate. Carol was dumbfounded and asked the same question most everyone did – "Why didn't I see this before?" She began to thaw somewhat to her ex and relations between the parents became much more civil.

Courtney Sullivan called one last time, this time to say goodbye. She had been rehabilitated and was moving to Denub Four to start a research job. She apologized for her actions and mentioned she had heard Jim had gone to bat for her when he had returned from New Vulcan. She remained blissfully unaware of what changed his mind but eternally grateful. She was not heard from again.

McCoy continued to monitor Jim and enlisted the help of Starfleet Medical for the nitpicky, day-to-day issues he couldn't wait to check personally. Jim did wonderfully; he didn't have to have his medicine adjusted too frequently and his side effects began to dissipate after six months. But the good behavior continued. Spock finally relaxed fully and he quit henpecking his husband so much. Their relationship improved immensely and whereas in September of '71 they had been on the verge of divorce, in December of '72 they had a huge party and renewed their vows on their fourteenth anniversary. They had a portrait made of their family – everyone. Winona, Sarek, Carol and Jakob (who had married earlier that year themselves), David and his new fiancee, Bridget, and the glue that held them all together – James Tiberius Kirk adun Spock, and Spock of Vulcan.

Peace reigned in the land, and they had many more adventures ahead, but that's another story.



"Have you ever heard of edible body paint?"

Spock raised his eyes from his padd and fixed his husband with a glare. "What are you up to, ashayam?"

Jim giggled. "Not for us. God, we're way too old. We'd break a hip or something. No, for David's bachelor party. Sound like a good present?"

Spock leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling. "James, there is a reason I am not attending the festivities. Alcohol, scantily clad women, poker, and greasy foods do not appeal to me in the slightest. Nor do I wish to know what accessories are required for such an event. For the sake of our son, I beg of you, do not involve me."

"Well I'm not drinking, you know I won't pay a lick of attention to the chicks, I won't play poker but I might give my son tips so he cleans up, and … well, I can't say anything bad about the greasy food but I promise I'll brush my teeth when I get in. Will you at least help me write my speech?"

There was a soft sigh. "I cannot believe it is time for our son to be matrimonially linked to Ms. Irving."

"Ah! Mrs. Irving-Marcus."

"Not yet, t'hy'la. I will refer to her as such after the ceremony, but not before."

"You realize our nest is about to be empty," Jim warned seriously.

"I can handle that, Jim. Can you?"

The comm station went off as Jim was formulating his response. He checked the ID – it was Starfleet.

"Duty calls," Jim replied.

The stars shone brightly above them.

[Once again, as always, my deepest gratitude goes to my beta, mockingbirdhill, for being there as I hammered out the details of this story. She even was my cheerleader when I hit a rough patch and didn't know which way to turn. I'm lucky to have her in my life. Spock's pon farr being referred to as his Time I first saw in the book Sarek, by A.C. Crispin. Any Vulcan words were done with the help of The Vulcan Language Dictionary online, www .starbase-10. de/vld/ . Music is the respective work of its artist(s).]

This is where I leave you all. Jim and Spock go on to have other adventures, and I have a fifth story written for private reading, but I will not be publishing in the Desert Christmas saga again. I encourage you all to use your imaginations and give them more journeys to go on. Thank you so much for all your encouraging words. I couldn't have done this without you all. This story will be finished posting within a week after K/S Day, which I find appropriate. Take care, everyone. Good night.