Meep. I didn't expect to be done with this so soon. I guess I never wanted it to be very long anyway. This is actually kinda a bonus chapter, I didn't plan it originally.
SO, let's get on with this-I'll talk more later.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Soul Eater or space on my manga shelf .
Chapter Sixteen: Epilogue
"Lord Death," Maka said into the mirror, "Do we really have to come back right away?"
Inside the hand mirror, the shinigami appeared to take a breath in preparation, though no one could tell due to the dark robes and skull mask, when he was interrupted. A familiar red-headed man appeared, his eyes wet with tears.
"Maka! Daddy misses you-you've been away so long and you want to leave me even longer?" Spirit whined, Maka gave him a blank look.
"Actually Maka, I need you and Soul for something," Lord Death used one of his oversized hands to push Spirit away from the mirror. "It would appear there is a Kishin elsewhere that you two should really hunt down."
Maka sighed at the news, she had been hoping to get back home and spend a little time with Soul, without having to worry about missions. No rest for the wicked, she thought begrudgingly.
"Sure, we can do that." Soul replied, sliding onto the dusty sofa next to Maka. He threw his arm around her shoulders as he kissed her on the cheek, making them turn pink.
"Oh, ho! So you finally realized you're hopelessly in love with each other?" Lord Death said, looking between the two.
"Wait, what?!" the two yelled-why did their headmaster even think that?! (Although it was true.) At this Spirit appeared back in the mirror image.
"Hey octopus head-what are you doing to my Maka?" he glared at Soul, who's satisfied smile just widened.
"Oh, yeah. We're together now," he said in a tone similar to that of one discussing the weather, before he turned Maka towards him and kissed her on the lips.
She was slightly hesitant as first, but after a moment held Soul close to her as they proceeded. They only broke away when Lord Death cleared his throat and blushed a little as they turned back to him.
"Is Black*Star there?" he asked, they noticed that Spirit was lying on the floor, crying.
Maka nodded and crossed the room to hand the mirror to Tsubaki, who she trusted a lot more than Black*Star with a breakable.
"Thanks, Maka." She smiled at her friend, before turning to Lord Death.
"You two are in serious trouble when you get back here!" the Shinigami's mask appeared to frown. "What were you thinking? Tagging along on a dangerous mission that wasn't yours-what would have happened if you couldn't handle it?"
Tsubaki winced, she hadn't wanted to do it, Black*Star was really the one who had dragged her along. Though she'd be lying if she said that she hadn't wanted to come and hadn't enjoyed herself-despite all the danger.
"I'm sorry Lord Death, we'll be more careful next time," she said quietly, knowing that Black*Star would never apologise for what he did.
"You make sure you are. You two will be in detention for quite a while before I allow you back onto the field." Lord Death replied, crossing his arms in an attempt to look menacing.
Tsubaki nodded glumly, her bright mood dampened from the bad news. Black*Star however, didn't seem to care and was currently talking very loudly to Ron about quidditch teams-he sure was going to miss that sport. The group had returned to number 12 Grimmauld place dirty and tired at around seven the previous night. The witch hunt had tired them out so much that they slept as soon as they came in.
They next day they decided to phone Lord Death to let him know what was happening. It felt quite surreal to everyone involved, for instance, no one could quite believe that Soul and Maka were leaving already.
Shiku was effected a great deal, obviously, the witch that had turned his life upside down and started to transform him into a demon had been killed. He had practised relentlessly with his powers whilst the group was gone, also in that time he had decided to come back to the DWMA to train as a Meister. He and his kneazel, Vallata had bonded and he was feeling very close to Lupin, with whom he related to on an emotional level.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were pretty down-heartened to see they're new friends leaving so soon, having hoped to get to know them and maybe come to Death City at one point with them. Maka assured them that they would no doubt be in Britain again and promised that if the situation with 'he who must not be named' worsened then she would persuade Lord Death to help them. They all vowed to write to eachother (email had been suggested but at Ron's confused look was quickly scrapped).
Stein and Marie were mainly just relieved that the problem had been dealt with so easily, as they really just wanted to get back to normal.
The time quickly came when the DWMA group was heading back home. Stein wouldn't tell them how exactly they were getting home, so they had to say goodbye on the doorstep of the house.
The boys mainly played it cool, just shaking eachother's hands and saying "see you around."
"Bye Hermione-I'll write as soon as we get back." Maka said, hugging the bushy haired girl, who hugged her back tightly.
"Sure. Expect my owl soon." She pulled away, putting on a brave smile before hugging Tsubaki too.
With that, the DWMA students, meisters, weapons and Shiku headed off, leaving Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sirius waving their goodbyes on the steps.
"I'll miss England." Maka said wistfully.
"Yeah, it was pretty cool, huh?" Soul shrugged, his arm around her waist. "But I think it's time to go home."
*Sniff* So...that's it. It's going to be so weird not updating this anymore, our being able to picture the voices (lol, whut?) as I write them. This is truly the end of an era.
So, I only really had one point for this; and that's that I wrote Spirit as more of a comedy character as opposed to showing both personalities. It upsets me since I really tried to avoid that with Black*Star and since Spirit is voiced by Vic, I really wanted to write him perfectly. ;-;
MAYBE I'll have to write a fiction about Spirit and Stein at one point to correct this. MAYBE
KrazyFanFiction1: I always look forward to your review X3 Your theory seems pretty legit, but if Maka was injured enough that she needed Soul to do that their might not even be a way of healing her and since she's not got a kishin soul there could be the risk that her soul starts to have a negative effect on Soul. idk, but that would be a pretty interesting storyline. And you're completely right, I didn't say anything about another story-I would love to do another one-a sequel would be a lot of fun and I have a sketchy idea for it-but right now I'm going to take a break from these guys. Maybe after a couple of others I'll be able to come back to Soul Eater/Harry Potter.
Tris PhantomEvans: Thank you so much~! \(^^)/ and yes, we will all be in therapy together one day. Also, I hope you'll be happy at this next announcement:
I'VE GOT ANOTHER FANFICTION IN THE WORKS! (Well, I say in the works I have a very messy plan, half a chapter and blue sharpie all over my arm) It's a Pandora Hearts crossed with Black Butler fanfiction, I'm not too sure what I'm calling it yet. It looks likely to by 'the red queen' or something cool and mysterious. If you guys want to read it, then you've got two options.
1.) Click to follow me so that you'll know when I upload anything new.
2.) Keep checking that particular crossover section until you see my one appear.
Anyway, my dearest readers, this has been a wild ride that I will never forget as my first full-length fanfiction I'm proud of. It takes up 127 pages of Microsoft Word without the author's notes and has 47,776 words. 71 of you guys have followed and 40 of you have favourited (wow-that's over half and it makes me so happy! *tears*) There have been 29 reviews that have been absolute pleasures to read.
So I thank you all for coming with me on this journey and hope you stick around to see me grow as a writer!
See you all in rehab!
~20p) (13