Naruto/Tsunade fanfic. Please rate and review. Suggestions to improve the story are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I shouldn't have this feeling. Why?

Naruto was lying on top of the Hokage Tower. He was contemplating, thinking of what clouds his heart. It was just a few hours after he had saved Konoha from Pain. The village is still struggling especially when they received the news of their Hokage being on a coma. Of course all of the villagers took it hard. They knew that their Hokage just saved each of them before Pain delivered his destructive jutsu (technique). Naruto took it hard the most. Even if he shows to everyone his cheerful smile, deep inside he is hurting. Tsunade, the Godaime (fifth) Hokage, his only close relative, in a state of coma. Naruto knew that these 'weird' as he calls it, feelings that he has for the woman is not normal. He knows the risks if he pursue such feelings and even if he still try to tell himself that he likes Sakura, there is still a big part in his heart that screams 'Tsunade'.

Few hours passed, and still staring at the starry night, he reminisced his memories when he first saw her.


" … Let's get ramen instead." Naruto complained to his master, Jiraiya.

" … You are stupid. You get information in places like this." Jiraiya said hoping that Naruto would stop complaining.

Jiraiya looked for an empty booth but his eyes caught something familiar. Naruto noticing Jiraiya looked at the way he was checking out. Jiraiya squinted his eyes to better see the familiar face.

On the other side, the blonde gambler noticed the eyes looking at her. She also had a feeling of familiarity to the eyes eyeing her. Since the alcohol was slowly making it's way to her system she squinted her eyes, hoping that it was just somebody else.

" Tsunade!"

"Jiraiya?! Why are you here?"

"Boy, I finally found you." Jiraiya said and went to join their company. Meanwhile, Naruto stood there, mesmerized at what he just saw.

" That nee-chan is Tsunade?" Naruto thought. Is she really fifty?


Naruto let out a chuckle remembering that time. Did I really think that she was fifty that time? She doesn't even look like those village elders. Naruto stayed for a little longer filling his mind with Tsunade. After a few minutes, he decided to pay some visit to her. Of course he knew that she would be heavily guarded given their current situation but he knows how to sneak in and not get caught.

A few minutes later he was already inside the makeshift Hokage mansion, he totally got passed the ANBU guarding inside and out of the mansion. He was already in front of the bedroom of Tsunade when he heard the door opened. He immediately hid in the ceiling and disguising himself. He saw Shizune left the room, with tears in her eyes. He felt sorry for her. He knew how close they were. After Shizune left he sneaked into the room. When Naruto closed the door behind him, he looked around to see or sense if anyone is there, lucky for him, there wasn't any. He made his way to where Tsunade is. He could see the true old form of Tsunade. Normally for a guy his age he would see Tsunade as just an old lady but for him she wasn't. She was beautiful. He gently tucked in the loose hair in her face at the back of her ear.

" How are you doing?" Naruto asked. He was talking to her in a whisper-like tone. He was aware that when someone was in a coma, that person could still hear. So he was talking to her even if he knew that she wouldn't answer.

" I won." Naruto's voice was breaking. He was preventing any tear to drop from his eyes.

" I kicked his ass. You better wake up now… or I'll… steal your hat." Naruto joked. He was hoping for her to wake up but all he could hear are the beeps from the heart monitor.

" I miss you. I know you also miss me." Naruto said since he knows that Tsunade would never admit that she always worry for him.

" Please… wake up." Naruto pleaded as he held her hand. His voice was already broken and tears won't stop falling.

" When Ero-sennin died, I vowed to myself not to take you too… why? Because you are the closest to me like a family and like…" Naruto wiped his tears and gulped.

" I love you." Naruto told her. He was hoping that words would change her situation but it didn't.

" I know that I shouldn't be having this feelings for you, but I can't help it. I keep telling myself that I love Sakura but you always appear. I don't know what to do, it's the first time I felt something like this. I know that it would be hard for you to open up to me because; I think you have shut yourself a long time ago. But if you would give it a chance, maybe… just maybe…"

" What am I even saying? This is ridiculous. But please, wake up already." Naruto kissed her hand and stood up. He wiped his tears and took a one last look to her. He gently placed his lips to hers. After that, he reached for the window and looked back.

" I love you."

And he was gone.


" How are you doing?"

" Huh?" Tsunade rubbed her eyes to see clearer to the voice that she heard.

" I see you're awake."

" Uhh. Yeah… where am I? Who are you?" Tsunade asked and slowly getting up.

" This is your mind and you really don't know who am I? Geez, you really are getting old."

Tsunade flinched on his words and took a better look at the person in front of her. He was wearing a black and orange jacket, orange jeans, black shinobi sandals, and hitai-ate. He has a striking blue eyes, blond hair and whisker marks on his face. Her head began to pound as she tried to search her memories. She felt a familiar feeling towards him.

" I see that you are having trouble remembering me."

" Yeah. What's this about anyway?" Tsunade asked.

" Nothing, this is in your mind."

" My mind? Why would you be on my mind?" Tsunade asked.

" I don't know either. I should be out there training."

" Training? For what?" Tsunade's head is now aching. She is still searching her mind.

" To protect you."

" Protect me? From what?

" From those who will or try to hurt you."

" Why would you do that? I didn't ask you to."

" True, but I want to protect you."

" Why?"

" Because I love you." the man gave her his famous foxy smile. The smile warmed Tsunade at the same time it hurt her.

" Why do you love me? I'm fifty years old and you are what? 15? How could you possibly love me?"

" I don't for myself either. And yes, I am 15."

" Don't screw with me. I have experienced a lot and don't you dare to mess with my feelings."

" I'm not and never will."

" Then why do you love me?!"

" I guess words aren't enough to describe it."

"Stop it!"

"Stop what?"

" Stop this."

" Is that what you want?"

" Yes, just leave me alone."

" Ok, but I won't leave you alone. Because what you are seeing right now, is what your heart wants."

" What do you mean?"

" Listen…"

I kicked his ass. You better wake up now… or I'll… steal your hat

" Huh… That voice." Tsunade was frantically searching through her memories.

I miss you. I know you also miss me.

Please… wake up

" Wake up?"

When Ero-sennin died, I vowed to myself not to take you too… why? Because you are the closest to me like a family and like…

" Who are you?" Tears started to flow non-stop from her eyes. She knows the voice but couldn't put a finger on it. But the next words, she didn't expect.

I love you

I know that I shouldn't be having these feelings for you, but I can't help it. I keep telling myself that I love Sakura but you always appear. I don't know what to do, it's the first time I felt something like this. I know that it would be hard for you to open up to me because; I think you have shut yourself a long time ago. But if you would give it a chance, maybe… just maybe…

What am I even saying? This is ridiculous. But please, wake up already

I love you


" Naruto" Tsunade mumbled in her coma state. Tears ran down from her closed eyes.

Reviews please.