A/N: ahahaa can you tell that I'm torturing myself writing about levi and the death of his squad im such a masochist. Well anyway, please READ and REVIEW! It would mean a lot! If you have any requests, I could write something short like this, and check out my other SNK one shot on my profile. (I accidently filed it under 'Attack on Titan' instead of Shinjeki No Kyojin).

He never intended to toss the bodies.

"These guys aren't anything special," he had said hurriedly trying to press a point. Toss the bodies, they're already dead, they're just sacks of meat at this point, weighing you down. Yes, that is what he was trying to press, trying to make the soldiers listen to reason, push aside emotion.

He was already frustrated, angry at himself. It had been a long time since he had been injured, since his body had failed him. He could've taken the Titan out, it would've been harder with the lack of foliage and buildings, but still possible, however he couldn't fight through the searing pain shooting through his leg with every jolt that his horse made.

"We have to!" yelled one of the soldiers. It was clear that it pained the soldier to make such a rash decision, it felt so inhuman, so unethical. Some poor housewife won't get to say goodbye to her husband, but it had to be done. With much reluctance, the two soldiers began tossing out the bodies, one by one, with much hesitation before throwing them out of the rapidly moving carriage, cringing when one corpse was mangled by the Titan's foot.

Honey colored hair caught the corner of his eye. His eyebrows furrowed. The pain in his leg subsided for a moment, the Titan running after them disappeared, and the soldiers in the carriage, close to tears, ceased to exist. Petra's hair whipped around her face, obscuring her face from view, but he had learned to recognize her simply by her shadow from all of their training exercises. He had learned to decipher her footsteps from their other teammates; light and soft footsteps, but never gentle. Never wavering.

He felt his face paling, losing color quickly, and suddenly felt the great need to sit down for a moment. His steely blue eyes betrayed emotion, his usual taciturn, reserved demeanor absent for a moment facing vulnerability.

Then in a split second, she was gone, her body hitting the ground with a cringing thud, then rolled violently off to the side, just missing the Titan. Life, and its priorities, came back. Petra would understand, along with the others.

He never intended to lose her twice.