SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 6:00 AM EST


"Uuurrgghh," A tired voice groaned from underneath a cover of sheets.

From under the fort of white sheets a arm reached out and slammed their hand on top of the annoyingly beeping alarm clock that wouldn't stop beeping.

"Five more minutes Mom," a tired female voice moaned from under the covers as she threw her pillow over her head.


A Blonde haired woman was sitting at a small table for 2 or 4 people, drinking a cup of coffee, as she was some papers in her other hand while the sun began shining through a window.

" Your finally up," the Woman said taking a sip of her coffee and setting down her papers.

" Hey Artemis," a Red headed woman in a plain black tank top and purple pajama pants walked towards a counter with a coffee machine still brewing coffee.

"What happened Barbara? You fought with the bed or something?" Artemis asked referring to Barbara's tussled red hair and the rings under her eyes.

Without turing around Barbara flipped Artemis off

Artemis just smiled as she picked up her papers and continued reading through them.

"So why are you so dressed up?" Barbara asked turning around with a coffee mug in hand.

Artemis was in a white blouse with black cotton pants and black heels.

Artemis's blonde hair which now reached her shoulders instead of mid back(thanks to Barbara's constant teasing of looking like Repunzel) was loose and a little curled now that Barbara looked at it more.

She looked professional and hot at the same time.

"Well I have a job interview at a local lab as an assistant to a scientist," Artemis explained looking up from her paperwork.

She looked up at Barbara who had a peaceful look as she continued drinking her coffee while leaning on the counter.

" Speaking of which don't you have a job interview at Wayne Enterprises?" Artemis asked raising her eyebrow at her red headed roommate.

And just like that the peaceful feeling was gone.

Barbara's eyes widened in horror as she remembered the interview.

"Shit what time is it?!" Barbara cried.

Artemis pulled out her phone.

"Umm…. 7:30" She said putting it away.

"I don't have time!" Barbara cried throwing her cup of coffee into the sink making a crashing noise indicating that now the blue mug with a pretty little rainbow was broken in many pieces.

"Red Heads," Artemis scoffed going through the stack of papers which consisted of her birth certificate, grades from school, diploma for both high school and college, various papers, and her medical record.

While the blonde was peacefully going through her papers on the other side of the house a red head was running around trying to choose an appropriate outfit like their was no tomorrow.

Finally after was seemed like forever( actually only 7 minutes but hey who's counting).

Barbara walked into the kitchen with a black folder in her hands.

"Looking good BG," Artemis smiled at Barabra.

Barbara threw Artemis a not-in-the-mood-look as she rummaged through her paperwork in her folder.

Barbara was in a white button up blouse, a black pencil skirt that reached above her knee, black high heels, her lips were blood red, a little mascara,and her red hair was loose and straight reachin past her shoulders.

She looked really hot but like Artemis still professional.

"What time is it?" Barbara pleaded still going through her papers.

Artemis pulled out her phone again and grimaced teasingly.

"I think the world may be out to get you Barb," Artemis said putting her phone away.

"Why?" Barbarasaid still going through her paperwork.

"Its now 7:45" Artemis said casually looking at Barbara.

"Shit," Barbara swore as she closed her folder and ran out the room.

"I could drive you!" Artemis shouted.

"No time!" Barbara yelled already pout the door and slamming it behind her.

"That's karma for making me cut my hair!" Artemis yelled know Barbara was long gone (actually she was past the mailbox).

Artemis grabbed a lock of her hair and frowned.

"I did not look like Repunzel," she muttered before going back to look through her paperwork for the hundredth time that morning.

AUTHOR NOTE:Well that's the first chapter please ignore the other story problems happened so this is the official story and since I'm still new at this please be patient with me and ill try and make a schedule on uploading thanks

Please review no flames please