Disclaimer: I do not own or Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus. They are property of Rick Riordan.

A/N: AHHHHHHH! *bow down in shame* I am so so so sorry for not updating 'what could have been'. This AU has been my baby and I don't want it to end. So inspiration ran away and started working on other AUs. This is my fault entirely. I've only finished one prompt. The ending just doesn't want to come. Summer is coming soon and I would love to finish this but who knows how my mind will work. Please review, favorite and follow! Maybe if I get a few more reviews, I can finish it. Who knows!

Other news! Um… lots of one-shots on my profile page for our favorite pair. Malceyna! LOL JK *crouch down in fear* Jeyna! Jeyna all the way! My Checkmate/Rematch/New Game series is a healthy does of Malcolm/Reyna/Jason. My main project right now is Café Jupiter and it's hopefully published soon Liper side story. So look out for that! Thanks guys!

Alpha 38

38. Smile

She has rare smiles.

It's the kind of smile that didn't fit her stoic Roman persona. It's a smile where she tries her hardest to hide but fails miserably. Percy noticed it one day when they were hanging out with Piper and Leo during the long eight months while Argo II was being built. It was a rare day when Piper was able to drag Leo away from the construction site and Percy pulled Reyna away from the training arena. They chose the docks since it was a particular warm day.

Percy couldn't remember exactly what happened. Leo most likely said something stupid and Piper shoved him. The short son of Hephaestus wasn't expecting it, which was stupid because it's Piper, and flailed his arms around like a windmill before falling into the cool water. Percy and Piper burst out laughing but then Leo emerged from the water looking like a drowned elf. The two Greek demigods laughed even harder at the sight.

"Guys!" Leo whined, spitting water out as he waded, grabbing the edge of the dock. Percy shook his head, turning to catch a peek at their Roman friend. Reyna was trying her hardest not to smile. He could see her lips quiver, fighting a grin. Her white teeth were biting her lower lip, trying to contain her laughter. When Reyna's dark eyes met Percy's sea green ones, the boy crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out. The Roman girl let a little giggle escaped her mouth before quickly covering it. Both Piper and Leo noticed the slip.

"Did she…" Piper started, pulling Leo back onto the dock.

"Just giggle?" Leo finished, wrapping his wet arms around Piper. The Cherokee girl let out a scream before shoving towards the water again but this time Leo was ready. He grabbed Piper's arm, pulling her into the water with him creating a huge splash. "Water fight!" Leo shouted, splashing Piper before ducking into the water to avoid her attack. The girl let out a frustrated scream before swimming towards the boy. Percy grinned at his two friends before turning towards the Roman girl.

"Don't say anything." Reyna threatened as she tried to cover her smile and failed. It transformed her whole face and aura. Her dark eyes shined brighter with joy. The heavy tension from her shoulders, like the weight of the world was on top of them, eased just a bit. Her silky black hair fell out of its constraining braid, framing her sharp face and softening it.

"I wasn't going to say anything." Percy lied, drinking in her appearance. Reyna looked like a normal attractive teenage girl. Not a demigod who lost their memories or the daughter of war who would kill a horde of monsters with only a dagger singlehandedly. She was just Reyna, beautiful radiant and normal.

"Sure…" Reyna replied suspiciously as she watched Percy's grin mischievously. "I don't like that look." The son of Poseidon pouted as he casually peeled his orange t-shirt. Reyna's eyes narrowed and she cautiously jumped to her feet. "Don't you dare, Jackson," she warned, taking a tentative step away. Percy was quicker though, pulling Reyna towards him and throwing her over his shoulders. "PERCY!" She screamed into his ear, laughter clear in her voice when he jumped into the cool water.

She has content smiles.

It's the sort of smile Reyna allowed to slip on her face when things were calm, quiet and peaceful which was rare in a demigods' life. It's the kind of smile that softened her whole appearance making Percy questioned if she was really the daughter of war. Percy knew only a handful of people who have seen that smile, people Reyna completely trusted with her life. What surprised Percy the most was Malcolm, son of Athena, was part of the exclusive group.

"Have you seen Reyna?" Percy asked when he found Piper and Leo at the bonfire. The two were lounging around one of the many logs. Leo was sitting on the ground at Piper's feet, inches away from the roaring fire. He had to lean his head back, laying it on Piper's lap to see Percy. The Cherokee girl was unbothered by his head, actually running her fingers through his unruly brown curls.

"Aw, is Papa Percy worried about little Reyna?" Leo cooed as he pulled his stick back with a perfectly roasted marshmallow on the end. Percy sighed and rolled his sea green eyes as he watched Leo construct a s'more and offered it to Piper. She took it with a fond smile. Leo and Piper weren't official yet but there was an ongoing bet when they would hook up. Percy was hoping it was soon, his deadline was approaching.

"Thanks for the help." Percy replied sarcastically. "I'll just leave you two to your kissy faces." Piper smacked his leg, glaring up at him with her ever-changing eyes. Percy smirked as he noted the light blush peppering her pretty face. She pointed towards a secluded fire pit. Percy squinted, barely making out two figures sitting there, star-gazing.

"Open your eyes, fish-face. She's over there with Malcolm." Percy blinked, a little surprised by the Roman girl's company. He didn't say anything for a second, focusing on the shadows which transformed into two familiar faces. He heard rumors of Reyna and Malcolm growing closer while he was off saving the world again, but he just brushed them off as rumors. They weren't.

The two were huddled close. Reyna had a checkered blanket draped over her lithe shoulders as she cradled a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. Malcolm sat on the ground like Leo, leaning back on the log Reyna sat on. He was gesturing up, pointing out random constellations. There was a grin on his face as the son of Athena spoke, probably telling some ridiculous fake story about the myths in the stars. It was one of the perks of being a child of Athena, no one questions if they're right. People just assumed.

Reyna shoved Malcolm's shoulder, calling out his obvious lie. There was an easy smile on her lips as she corrected him. Her body language was relaxed as Malcolm nudged back. Between the two of them, there was something subtle easily missed if Percy wasn't watching them so closely. The bond was quiet, unnoticeable but present if people looked close enough. Percy wasn't even sure if Reyna noticed it herself that Malcolm somehow wiggled underneath her shields.

Malcolm sighed dramatically at Reyna's boring and probably accurate explanation before sticking his tongue out childishly. Reyna ruffled his blond hair before draping a corner of her blanket over his shoulders in a familiar gesture. The Greek blond inched closer, gently pressing his side to her legs. The memory-less Roman didn't move, just gestured to another cluster of stars.

"They've been spending a lot of time together." Leo commented, munching on his s'more.

"You probably want to head over, Papa Percy." Piper mentioned, also watching the pair with curious eyes. Percy numbly nodded his head, silently agreeing. Piper would know best since she was the daughter of Aphrodite.

But Reyna's best smile is what Percy dubbed Jason's smile.

"Jason you got a package…" Percy trailed off as he peeked into the slightly opened door of the Principia. It was late. The sun was just setting, bathing the room in a soft orange glow. Percy expected to see two praetors working diligently but Reyna and Jason were lounging on the floor like two teenagers. Little work was actually getting done. The paperwork was scattered around them in messy piles. An open bag of jellybeans sat on Jason's stomach as he lay on the floor, resting his head in Reyna's lap. The girl was trying to read whatever papers were in her hands but Jason was just too distracting.

"You have no idea how annoying Octavian was." Jason said, starting his infamous Octavian impression. "We have to prioritize. You aren't seriously considering siding with the Greeks. What has history taught us?" He sounded exactly like the Roman Augur, a perfect mixture of snobbish and whiney. "I'm Octavian. I'm short, annoying and stab teddy bears to tell the future. Listen to me!"

"Jason," Reyna laughed as she smacked his shoulder. It was the sort of gasping-for-breath-stomach-aching laugh, the good kind. Percy could see how much Jason adored the girl in front of him. The son of Jupiter had this look on his face like he could sit there forever if Reyna was with him. The Roman girl had it also. She may not have all her memories but with Jason a certain smile would always tug at her lips. It was tender, trusting and clearly happy. It was the smile only she would give Jason and Jason alone. "Quit it, we have work. This paperwork isn't going to read itself." Jason groaned and held up a jellybean as a peace offering. Reyna leaned forward, capturing the sweet in her mouth. "You can't distract me with sweets."

"I can try." Jason countered, tossing a few of the colorful sweets into his mouth. He picked up a random document before sighing and giving Reyna his puppy-dog look. "Can we do this later? It's going to be here tomorrow and the day after that." The smile of Percy's face fell as he listened to Jason's comment, remembering what was going to happen tomorrow. Reyna remembered as well as she placed her papers down.

"It is but you won't." Reyna's words washed away the light mood from earlier. The smile that tugged at Jason's lips fell with realization. Her fingers were gently combing through Jason's golden locks as she looked at her co-praetor and boyfriend with sad dark eyes. "You need to go save the world." She tried to sound encouraging but the sadness seeped into her words.

Jason sat up so their faces were inches apart. There was an intense but tender look in his bright blue eyes as he held her gaze. He reached out, cupping her face as he spoke. "If I could, I would stay here and do a mountain of boring tedious paperwork with you." Reyna laughed sadly, resting her forehead against his. Her eyes were closed as she felt Jason's breath caressed her face. It was a deeply personal moment Percy knew he was intruding in.

"Aren't you sweet?" She whispered seconds before Jason pulled her into a loving kiss. Percy looked away out of embarrassment, looking at the package in his hand. It was from the local forger in New Rome. There was a messy handwritten note on the top. I'm sure she's going to love this, Jace. Good luck, buddy. – Felix