Disclaimer: I do not own or Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus. They are property of Rick Riordan.

A/N: I will admit. I haven't read anything from the Heroes of Olympus series. But I have been reading an insane amount of fanfic about Reyna. I love her character, all the hardships and heartbreak she has to endure. The prompts are from the 50 sentences set but I really wanted to write drabbles. I love Jeyna to death. Hope you like it! Review please! Tell me your favorites.

Alpha set: 1-5

001. Comfort

Jason let a soft sigh escaped his lips as he sat down on the steps of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. A small smile tugged at his lips as he watched over his camp. It still felt weird. Not bad but different. All he knew before was Camp Half-Blood but now he was here in Camp Jupiter which felt right. The memories were slowly returning. He could recall running drills with Fifth Cohort. The faces of various shop keepers in New Rome were slowly returning. Jason closed his eyes as he felt the cool wind brush through his blond hair and the babble of the Little Tiber as background sound. He has never felt so relaxed before.

"Dakota!" Someone screamed from the base of the hills. Jason opened his eyes and smiled as Gwen chased the Kool-Aid drinking boy. Bobby, Hazel and Frank were laughing from their spot underneath a tree, clenching their sides. Jason could hear the sounds of footsteps against the stone steps.

"Hey stranger," Jason's content smile grew even bigger at the sound of her voice. He couldn't believe he could forget her. Reyna stood a few steps below him, trying to hold the strands of her dark hair from blowing into her face. Out of her praetor clothes, Reyna looked beautiful and normal but the blond knew the girl was anything but normal. A tiny unreadable smile tugged at her kissable lips but Jason could already read her dark eyes. They were gleaming, happy he was here. Jason held his hand out for her and when they touched, he knew. I'm home.

002. Kiss

Their first kiss was a tactical move.

"Arg!" Reyna groaned as she strained against Jason's harder blows. Their swords clashed and could be heard from the other side of camp. Various campers slowed down as they watched their praetors spar. It was an amazing feat of strength and speed. They always went all out with each other. It was a constant competition between them since they were twelve. Who was better? Jason laughed as he easily blocked and returned Reyna's quick stab. The two glared at each other before jumping apart, circling each other. A fierce scowl twisted Reyna's pretty face.

"A little frustrated, Rey?" Jason asked with a huge grin. The dark-haired girl huffed and clenched her jaw, trying to figure out a strategy against Jason. When they were younger, she used to easily overpower him. She was the daughter of Bellona. War, tactics and brawls were her specialty. But as the years passed, things started to shift. Jason grew stronger and taller while Reyna grew curves and got periods. She frowned, hating how the scale seemed to tip towards Jason.

A thought passed Reyna's mind and she smiled. Jason, suspicious of Reyna's extremely pretty smile, tightened his grip on his sword. The daughter of war charged, swinging her sword down so it clashed loudly with his. Their faces were inches apart before Reyna skillfully tilted her sword so Jason's would slip. The boy instinctively stepped closer and she found her chance.

All Jason could remember were the feel of her soft lips against his, the taste of sugar from jelly beans and the scent of coffee. His blue eyes closed automatically and his grip slacked. One second, he was kissing his co-praetor and the next he was on the floor pinned with a dagger pressed against his neck. The boy blinked, trying to process what the heck happened.

"You kissed me!" Jason shouted, glaring at the girl straddling him. Her left hand controlled his sword hand while her right held a dagger dangerously close. The sixteen year old boy tried to ignore how close her chest was pressed against his, how her face were inches away from his, how if he lifted his head just a bit he could capture her lips again.

"As is fair in love and war," snapped Jason out of his thoughts as the cold of Imperial gold left his chin. Did she just say love? Jason thought as Reyna hopped off him and laughed in triumph.

003. Soft

They told him she was going to be ok. He believed them, of course they had no reason to lie, but he still wanted to be close. Just in case. Reyna lay on the bed. She looked so fragile with her hair down from its signature braid. Her skin appeared pale in the white light of the infirmary. A thin sheet was pulled over her form but Jason could still imagine the knife wound, bleeding red in her abdomen.

His hands grasped her limp one. Running his thumb over the callous skin, he pressed his forehead against their clasped hands. His fingers wrapped around her wrist, searching for her pulse. It was faint but present. Jason sighed in relief. He was so close to losing her. The dagger just slipped underneath her defenses, finding the vulnerable spot in her armor. He remembered her face. Her small mouth gaped open in a little o. Her dark eyes open wide with surprise and pain. The whole Legion watched as their praetor fell.

Jason tightened his grip on her. She looked so soft. Jason never associated the word with her. Strong, yes. Soft, no. She always had an edge to her everything: words, looks, actions. But right now as she lay in the small cot, breathing slowly and steady, looking almost like a doll. He couldn't think of any other word but soft and he didn't like it.

004. Pain

"The search parties returned, Praetor." Gwen reported, entering the room with the other Centurions filing in. Both girls already knew what the results were. Those five words said it all. Every senior centurion was present in the principia to report to the cool girl. Gwen gave her friend a worried glance which the steely girl didn't acknowledge. Everyone looked weary. Everyone but one.

"Jason Grace, second Praetor, son of Jupiter, was not found. Unfortunately." Octavian announced, unable to keep his sneer from his voice. There was a gleeful gleam in his eyes. Gwen clenched her fist and shoved them into her pocket, resisting the urge to smash it into his rat-like face. Others centurions glared at the pale boy but Reyna stood up to address them.

"Thank you for your report." Aurum whined beside his owner, uncomfortable with the white lie. Her voice was steady and emotionless like a true Roman Praetor. "Get some much needed rest." She nodded, dismissing the group before turning to her desk to pick up some stacks of papers. The centurions slowly filed out but Gwen lingered, studying her friend. "What is it, Gwen?" Reyna asked, searching the desk for something.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find him." Gwen offered, hugging herself. It's been two months since Jason's disappearance. The cracks were slowly starting to appear on Reyna's strong mask. No one but her closest friends have notice. There were dark circles underneath Reyna's midnight eyes. Her braid was falling loose from constantly running her fingers over the tight hair. She wasn't eating, only surviving off of jelly beans and coffee. But she was still act so strong.

"It's not your fault." Reyna replied softly, absentmindedly reaching up to touch where her necklace would be. She stopped herself though, curling her fingers so her nails would bit the inside of her palm. Pain was good. Gwen knew Reyna would rather take physical pain than emotional pain. Gwen knew she was crossing the strict praetor-centurion line but she didn't care. She wrapped her arms around the younger girl's shoulders and held her close. She thought Reyna would resist but the girl caved, wrapping her arms around Gwen and buried her face into the older girl's shoulder. "I miss him, Gwen…" She admitted, sounding like a sixteen year old girl.

"I miss him too, Reyna."

005. Potato

"Hey couch potato, time to get up." Jason started as he opened Reyna's door, stepping in. "We have… work to do…" He trailed off as he observed the picture in front of him. Reyna was out of her armor, dressed in a comfortable outfit of sweatpants and a tank top. Her hair was in a low braid, draped over her lithe bare shoulder. The television was on, playing a random movie softly in the background. Documents were scattered on the ground, slipping from her grip. Reyna was slumped on the couch with a soft purple blanket covering her lap. Argentum was laying his head on his owner's lap, staring at Jason with his dark ruby eyes. Aurum wandered up to the blond, sniffing Jason's leg. "Hey boy…" he greeted, still looking at Reyna.

It was a rare moment for Jason to see Reyna like this. Her face looked relaxed as she slept. The dark circles underneath her eyes were slowly fading. The worry lines which marred her pretty face seemed to disappear. Jason slowly entered, flickering the television off and approached the pretty sleeping girl. Her soft breath fanned his face with every exhale. He could smell sugar and chocolate on her lips. Jason gently caressed her smooth cheek, amazed how an incredible strong girl fell in love with him.

"Jason…" Reyna murmured, turning towards his touch and hugged her pillow close. Unable to resist, Jason inched closer, kissing her softly. It was lethargic, alluring and so different than their usual kisses. The girl immediately responded, blindly reaching out and pulled him closer. Jason chuckled against her lips and gently pulled away. An unsatisfied sound escaped her lips as she playfully glared at him. "I wasn't done with my good morning."

Jason grinned rakishly before leaning in, murmuring to her. "More like good afternoon." He leaned in to kiss her before Reyna stopped him. "What?"

"Afternoon…?" She repeated which Jason nodded too. "JASON!" The girl jumped over him, rushing towards her room to get ready. Jason threw his head back, laughing at her reaction with Aurum and Argentum beside him. He really did love Reyna.