A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this in such a long time. I haven't felt my creative juices flowing.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. My soul isn't even mine.

Alfred listened in a bored manner as the other countries bickered back and forth in the world meeting he was currently attending. It was annoying but he was used to it. What he was really looking forward to was proposing his new idea to end world hunger. He was sure that once he proposed it, everyone would be so up for the idea that they would cooperate for it! He grinned at the very thought, causing his brother Matthew, who was sitting right next to him to look at him curiously.

"What are you thinking about Al?" he asked in his quiet voice.

Alfred turned to him and smiled widely. "Sorry, Mattie, you're just going to have to wait for my turn!" he whispered to him. Matthew gave him a slightly confused look but dropped the subject. Soon, after the bickering had gotten to be extremely loud, Ludwig's booming bellowed through the chaos.

"ENOUGH!" he yelled, standing up and slamming his hands on the table, causing several glasses of water to tremble. "YOU ARE VASTING ZHE VALUABLE TIME OF ZHIS MEETING! NOW IF YOU ARE DONE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN, CAN VE PLEASE GET BACK TO VHAT ACTUALLY MATTERS?!"

Francis and Arthur, who had been the ones bickering, sank back down into their seats, glaring at each other all the while. Ludwig gave them a stern look before continuing. "Now zhat zhat is over," he said, "ve can move forvard vizh zhe meeting." He shuffled a few papers around and said, "Now, as ve all know zhe host country alvays goes first for new ideas so..." He looked at Alfred, who sat up straight and attentive, and nodded for him to begin.

Alfred grinned appreciatively and stood up with his papers in his hands. He looked out at the faces around him, which were looking at him in either curiosity, boredom, or complete seriousness. He cleared his throat importantly and began his speech.

"World hunger is totally ravaging not only my country but everyone else's too," he began, reading off of his notes. "New mothers work from dawn until dusk to feed their thin children and come home with very little money to feed their families. The case is worse for single mothers. They are the only breadwinners and still don't make enough. People who are unemployed and/or homeless and do not qualify for any benefits that their country may have to offer. So I have a proposition to end this for good."

This seemed to captivate everyone's attention for they have never seen Alfred be so serious and yet so eager at the same time. Alfred smiled at them all and said, "My scientists and I have been working on a machine that will potentially change the particles of substances like water or certain plants into edible food! It's still a work in progress so with your help and resources-"

"Wait a minute," Arthur interrupted sharply. "Why would you need our help and resources? Do you have plenty of your own?"

"Shi, that's right!" Yao declared, glaring across the table at Alfred. "Why you think we will just go along with this aru?"

"Nii-san," Kiku said gently, putting a hand on Yao's shoulder. "I think Arfred-san may be on to something-"

"But why should we give resources?" Ivan demanded, completely ignoring Kiku. "We have given resources before to America. They are usually wasted by the end of year da?"

"Oui," Francis said, flipping his hair in a huffy sort of way. "And he said zhat zhe food is edible not zhat it will taste good!"

"Papa," Matthew interjected, as he saw the look of his brother's face seemed to grow crestfallen. "I honestly don't think that that matters-"

"Besides," Arthur said, interrupting Matthew as if not hearing him. "How do we know that this plan won't fall apart like the rest of your plans, Alfred?"

"Asa-san!" Kiku began, sensing the mood coming from Alfred. "That is not-!"

"All of your stupid plans end in ruin!" Yao stated standing up. "That is reason why my country is still in debt!"

"Yao, please-!" Matthew begged.

"Typical American," Ivan said with somewhat of a sneer. "Only thinks about own ideas without regards to anyone else-"

"ENOUGH!" Kiku, Matthew, and Ludwig all shouted, jumping to their feet. Everyone looked at the first two in surprise. They were usually so quiet during meetings but this seemed to have gotten to them. They looked angrier than anyone has ever seen them, with the both of them glaring at the room. Ludwig clear his throat and said, "Zhat...vill do."

No one said anything until they heard Feliciano's voice softly say, "Ve~ where are you going Alfredo?"

Everyone turned in Alfred's direction, eyes widened. The American had his head down and his hand on the door handle, getting ready to open the door. Then he looked up and glared at everyone, his eyes shining brightly. "Fuck all of you," he hissed. "I try and I try but it's never good enough for any of you is it? I have problems but no one here has the right to judge me for it. God knows that all of you aren't perfect. But you as hell act high and mighty. All I ask for is help for something that can better all of our countries and I get this? No. I'm done." With that he opened the door and stormed out, slamming it behind him.

For a few moments no one said anything. Then Matthew and Kiku shared a look and began to fast walk to the door.

"Wait!" Arthur said. "Where are you two going?!"

Both of the countries stopped and turned to look at Arthur, glaring at him hard. "We're going after him," they said in unison before walking swiftly out the door.

A/N: There you have it. For the record, I don't ship AmeCan and I ship Ameripan until I die. Please review.
