Damian, contrary to popular belief, is not simply a ball of angst and loathing. No, he is a misunderstood, sad, intellectual ball of angst and loathing.
Of course he can also be described as meticulous, presice, and efficient. Like father, like son. An adjective that describes him that he vehemently tries to disprove, is insecure.
To the point of repression, Damian denies to himself his insecurities. He is far too proud to ask to be carried to bed, even though he knows Dick would gladly oblige him, so many nights he would pretend to be asleep in the passenger seat of the Batmobile. Sometimes he would even act asleep at his desk.
He refused to admit to himself that he acted out of self consciousness. He would hear Dick approaching and quickly lay his head down and steady his breathing. Somewhere in his abused, and fractured mind, he wanted to know that someone cared enough about him to carry him to the comfort of his bed. Damian always had to shove down his own thoughts on those nights. He didn't like to admit the hole in his chest that was filled by gestures of kindness towards him. 'He did it! He went out of his way for me! Someone cares!'
Tonight, Damian was sketching in the library with a baby blue blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His eyes were drooping and the light was almost too dim for him to see what he was drawing, but his stubborness was the reason he would not go to bed. Then he heard footsteps.
'Dick?' Damian assumed it was his oldest brother, so he layed his head down and closed his eyes. He heard a slightly startled gasp when the room's other occupant realised Damian was there.
"I wasn't expecting you here, Demon Spawn," Tim whispered quietly, it almost sounded affectionate despite the insulting nickname. Tim was a softie, and seeing the ten year old curled into sleep made him look... well, ten years old. Tim glanced around, even though he knew they were alone.
"You're going to hurt your neck if you sleep like that all night..." Tim wasn't sure why he was trying to rationalize to Damian what he was about to do. He decided the book he was coming down to the library for in the first place would have to wait. He took a few steps closer to the 'sleeping' boy, and put a hand on his shoulder.
After a moment of standing in awe of how much Damian changed when he slept, Tim picked him up. He tried to be as gentle as possible, but he didn't have as much experience with kids as Dick.
He was concentrating so hard on finding a position to hold to boy in that would ensure he wouldn't be dropped, that he missed the telltale signs that Damian was awake: The hitch in Damian's breath as he realised who was holding him, and the moment Damian closed his eyes tighter. Damian acted on impulse and gently wrapped his arms around Tim's neck, just as he would if it was Dick carrying him. Tim smiled at his little brother, who still looked asleep, and decided he liked Damian better when he wasn't talking. Finally, Tim began the walk to Damian's room.
"Are you really not sharing the popcorn, Dick?"
Dick shoved a handfull of popcorn in his mouth and shook his head, "No, because I made it." With the mouthful of popcorn it sounded more like, 'No, buhuz I may ib.'
"Weren't you the one telling Damian about the importance of sharing with family?" Bruce crossed his arms over his chest. Dick shrugged and popped another handful into his mouth. After a few seconds, he reached over and gave his mentor and father exactly two pieces of popcorn. Bruce mock-glared.
That's when Tim crossed the hallway outside of the living room. Bruce and Dick were almost too busy arguing about popcorn to notice Damian in Tim's arms. Dick had to do a double take, but Tim had passed the room before he could see him clearly.
"Was that Tim?" Bruce broke the silence first.
"...and Damian?" Dick added to the question.
"Should we check on them?" Bruce suggested.
"I... I think Timmy was carrying him to bed..."
"You don't think they got into a fight and Tim is hiding the body?" Bruce asked. For a moment Dick couldn't tell if it was a sarcastic question or not.
"No... If Timmy was hiding the body, I think he would at least enlist in Jason's help... But I guess we'll see in the morning." Dick shook his head and clicked the play button on their movie, deciding to ignore the strange event that may have just happened.
Bruce shook his head as well, but returned his attention to the movie. Tim and Damian getting along without a Crisis? He stole some of Dick's popcorn while he was distracted by an explosion in the film. Surely it was some sort of miracle.