Wake up, Jason.

A/N: This story is going to be a series of one-shots! If you have ideas I would love to hear them, and I will give you credit in the chapter if I use it. Thanks!

"Jay?" Dick opened his eyes and blinked a few times to wake up. "Jason?" He repeated the question. The fifteen year old had been studying all night and had fallen asleep with his face on a textbook, when he was interrupted by the thirteen year old. Jason had crawled over to the couch and sat beside Dick, and woke Dick up when he had layed his head on Dick's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Dick was assuming Jason had a nightmare. Jason took his head off Dick's shoulder and stood up. "I'm sorry! It's okay, you can just sit here, I won't ask questions." Dick frantically tried to keep Jason, but he was already moving to the next room. Dick thought he had pressured Jason to much into sharing and chased him away.

"Jay-bird, it's okay." Dick followed the boy. He was starting to feel like he was calling a dog. Jason, heeere Jason. His target stopped in the middle of the kitchen. He moved around the teen so he could look at him in the face.

"Uh... are you... are you okay?" He tried to read the unreadable expression on Jason's face. It was blank, and his eyes were glazed.

"How, uh, how much...?" Jason trailed off sleepily.

"Jason are you sleepwalking?" Jason walked sluggishly up to the refrigerator and opened it.

"How many...? I need another pillow," Jason was murmuring. Dick figured out what was going on. Jason was sleepwalking. He put his hand on the thirteen year old's back and guided him back to the living room.

Dick sat the boy down and went off to the closet, where he knew Alfred kept spare pillows. When he got back, he held the pillow in front of Jason. Jason did not respond, so he gently put it in the boy's arms. Jason abruptly snatched the pillow from him and layed his head on the other end of the couch.

"You want to sleep down here, Baby Bird?" Jason did not reply, so Dick shrugged to himself. He sat on the couch and leaned against the opposite headrest from Jason. It wasn't a few minutes later, when Dick was nearing complete sleep, when he felt pressure on his chest. He cracked open his eye to see that Jason had moved the pillow to the center of Dick's chest and layed down.

"Goodnight, Baby Bird. Sweet dreams." And please don't murder me in the morning. Dick added silently in his head.


Bruce shuffled downstairs for his morning coffee. No day was complete without coffee. He stretched at the end of the stairs and lazily made his way to the kitchen, but was stopped short. As he passed the living room he noticed Dick. Probably fell asleep studying again. Maybe if he didn't take all advanced classes he could do something other than have his face in a textbook... well when he's not kicking the snot out of criminals...

That is when he noticed another shape on the other side of Dick. He blinked his groggy eyes and looked again. The left side of his nose twitched in a mix of confusion and anger. I swear if that's a girl... He marched over to the couch, but grew considerably more quiet when he saw that the other person on the couch was not a girl, but Jason.

He stared for a few seconds at the adorable sight, before turning back to the kitchen, where Alfred was waiting with his coffee. I don't know what's going on there, but if they're able to sit in the same room as each other without killing each other, I'm not asking questions.

"Everything alright, sir?"

"Ya, it is," Bruce answered happily.