Chapter 6

Ash woke up.

He saw Brock looking down at him.

"Where are we?"

"We are in jail."

"What did we do." Asked Ash.

"Apparently Max revealed Jessie and James' identities as we were healing you up. We were taken in as criminals."

"How long have we been here?"

"2 weeks. You have been stirring every now and again. You are tougher than a tauros to survive a gun shot."

Ash looked down, there it was. The newest addition to his scars.

"Right let's get out of here." Said Ash

"Okay Ash right with you. We were waiting for you anyway." said Jessie as the trio got up.

Ash used his aura to open the door.

They ran round the corner into some police.

Ash took two of them down before they know that they were there. The others were painlessly taken down. They walked into the evidence room and took their pokéballs and walked out casually.

They walked up to Gary's lab to see the betrayers partying. Misty was not there. They knocked on the front door.

Max opened it and gasped as Ash punched him through the corridor.

Gary comes in to see Max on the floor clutching his abdomen.

"Wha.." he says before he is tackled to the ground by Pikachu.

The others come in in open mouth horror at the scene. The people that they thought that they had finally got away from were right there.

"Misty come down" says May slightly scared.

Ash hears a sniffle from upstairs followed by Misty seeing the scene.

A day later

Ash was outside the rocket secret base.

He had taken the others to a holding cell with evidence behind murder and cooperation of murder. Well attempted murder anyway.

Ash walked up to the front door quickly followed by the other three trainers and month. They walked in and called out their teams. The grunts did not know they were there until they were overwhelmed by the power.

They continued to walk through the base. Giovanni's Persian appeared.

"Go follow it Meowth" said Ash.

A few more minutes later and the numbers were beginning to wear down their Pokémon.

"I think it is time." Said Ash.

"Go darkrai" said James

"Go Cresselia" said Jessie.

"Come on out regigigas."Said Brock.

"Mew and Mewtwo support me" yelled Ash.

A few minutes later there were hundreds of Pokémon and Rocket grunts down.

They continued forward some of their Pokémon were getting tired so they brought back all their Pokémon but their legendries, Arcanine, Drapion, steelix, charizard, Lucario and obviously Pikachu.

After another minute Meowth caught up looking pleased with himself.

They burst into Giovanni's room to see a terrified Giovanni.

He had thought that he would be able to stop them with the grunts but that had not worked.

Giovanni looked at them looking ten years older than before.

"Come with us" said Ash roughly.

Giovanni got up amazed that he had not been attacked by Ash for what he had done.

Five minutes later they were leading Giovanni out through the door.

There were police all around the building with Max and the other betrayers there in front of them.

"Officer have you come to take Giovanni away from me and return these people to their cell."

"No I am here to arrest you on being an accomplice in team rocket's plans."

"What, have you not looked inside their. The whole of team rocket has been knocked out and I come out with their bass as the prisoner. How on earth did you come up with that?"

"You are in charge of team rocket and have punished your men and kidnapped a gym leader." Replied the officer.

"No he is not" yelled Misty coming out from nowhere.

"Max how could you become so evil as to lie to the police to get Ash punished."

The other betrayers looked at the ground I shame but Max yelled out seemingly forgetting about the officers.

"I am one of the team rocket admins you idiot. I have the police wrapped around my finger."

"Excuse me twerp" said James "but I just caught that speech on camera."

"I sent it to the officer Jenny department and they will be here any second now."

A loud squealing of tyres could be heard as the real police came to arrest the criminals.

Two weeks later

Ash had just got off the phone to the Jenny's. They had been talking about the punishment for his friends. He hated them but did not see the need for them to rot in prison. He had bailed out all of them except for Max.

"Hey Ash" said Misty knocking on the door,

"I'll get it" said Ash to the others.


"I am so sorry for what I did and I know that you should never even talk to me again let alone take a bullet for me. But I was hoping that you could forgive me."

Ash grimaced as he fought with emotions of hate, love, and anger.

Love won.

In response hi kissed Misty on the lips.