It's been over a year since I posted an update on this fic, officially putting on indefinite hiatus; a move that undoubtedly upset a lot of people. For that, I sincerely apologize. The main reason for abandoning the fic was because, in all honesty, I had no idea where it was going. I had a beginning and an end, and I was completely ad-libbing the rest. This led to some sloppy character development, a poorly paced plot, and overall, something I just wasn't happy with.
But, for those who have been hoping for an update, I have some good news. I'm finally going back to this story and working on it once again. I have actually taken the time to write out an outline that I'm happy with, and I've officially started on the first chapter of a rewrite. For those of you interested in this rewrite, whether you're coming back to this story after a year, or you're just discovering it now, the rewrite will be posted as its own story, so following this story won't give you any updates.
Since I know I have disappointed people in the past with incomplete fics, and I want very much to prove that I can complete something I've written, I want to ask all of you for a favour. Keep on me about this fic. If a while goes by without me posting anything, and you're worried I've left it in the cold, hound me about it. Send me PMs; send me reviews. Encourage me, or kick me in the butt; which ever you feel is most effective. I want to see this complete as well.