A loud, high pitched ring was in her ears when she woke. Lifting her head, she felt Steve pulling her from under her armpits. Seeing his lips move, she knew he was saying her name, but no words could be heard. After a few minutes of the ringing, it finally faded. Rapid gun fire was heard around her and she clutched her head.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. What happened?"

"They rammed our vehicle. Spun us right off the road." He answered and pushed a rag to her head. "Your bleeding."

"Where's Kekoa?"

"He's fine. He and Shelia are waiting in the woods for us."

Angel nodded slowly before attempting to stand.

"AGH!" She yelled and fell into her husbands chest. Looking down she could see the problem. The sight of her knee cap being in a spot where it shouldn't be made her shudder. "Eww. Why is my knee cap on the inside of my leg?"

"We were t-boned in your door. I'm happy your knee is the only thing that's busted." Steve answered and lifted her into his arms. He trekked through the snow as quickly as he could. They could hear yelling around them and Angel knew they wouldn't last long.

"Steve. Stop." Angel said and he set her down gently against a tree.

"You alright?"

"No. I'm not." She said and looked at her husband lovingly. "You need to leave me here."

"What? Are you crazy? No way!"

"You need to get Kekoa out of here. Get him back to Hawaii so he can give his testimony." She told him and ignored his angered remarks. Placing her hands on her knee, she pushed and twisted her knee cap back into place. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Not from the pain of her knee but of the thought that this could be her last night alive.

"Absolutely not." He argued.

"Yes. Steve. You have to."

"Are you FUCKING CRAZY!" He whispered angrily. "I AM NOT LEAVING YOU HERE!"

"Steve listen to me."



"Shut up. I don't want to hear it." He ordered and picked her up. Throwing her over his shoulder, he moved through the dense forest.

Back in Hawaii

Joshua Johnson pushed through the doors of HQ and approached the team quickly.

"We have a problem." He said, giving him worried looks the trio gave him their full attention. "The car Steve and Angel were driving to the airport was totaled. Thankfully the only bodies found were a couple of hired goons."

"Steve and Angel are on the run." Kono concluded.

"Kekoa has to be with them. Knowing Steve, they probably dumped their phones to avoid being tracked." Chin added. There was silence between them for a few minutes before Danny spoke up.

"They way I see it, we got two choices." Danny told them. "One, we stay here and keep digging up information on Marcum. Or, we go and get our friends back home safe."

Chin and Kono shared a look before giving Danny a nod.

"Evidence can wait. This is Steve and Angel we're talking about." Kono answered for the group.

"I'll call Jerry. See if he can gather up anything else on Marcum." Chin said and pulled out his phone.

"I'm going with you." Josh added.

"No. I don't think that's a good idea." Danny told him with a shake of his hand.

"This is my sister! I am not leaving her or my brother in law out in the middle of nowhere to die. I'm going." Danny gave him one last look before shaking his head. "Thank you. I have a couple of buddies over in Pearl that might be able to get us a fast plane."

"Lets keep contact to outside sources minimal. Lord only knows how many people Marcum or Konapiliahi have on their payroll." Danny ordered the team. Three hours later, they were in the air.

"So where are we even headed?" Kono asked.
