Angel tilted to the side and brought up her forearm to dodge a punch before throwing one of her own. Steve grabbed her wrist to pull her around and back into his chest. Before she could be slammed into him, Angel pulled her weight forward and flipped him over her body. He landed on the mat with a thud and a grunt when she sat on his chest.

"Got ya." She smirked. He laughed before shifting his weight and flipping over. Angel gasped when she hit the mat and frowned at her husband.

"Now I have you." He smiled. His lips quickly found hers and it soon became a heated moment of passion. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind them broke the embrace and the two looked to the stairs breathlessly.

"Sorry to interrupt but your phones have been ringing endlessly for the past ten minutes." Doris told the pair with a smirk. Steve jumped up and ran up the stairs quickly. Angel followed behind Doris slowly and shook out the soreness of her limbs from the sparring session. Angel opened the fridge for a bottled water and waited for Steve to end the call. A moment later, he gave her a smile and jerked his head toward the stairs.

"Get cleaned up. We got a case."

An hour later, Angel stood at the computer waiting for facial recognition to complete its process. The photos of the charred remains of their victim made an uneasy churn start in her belly to which she had to continuously look away from the screen. Seeing a burned body wasn't the easiest thing in the world. But soon enough a picture flashed on the screen and the man who appeared had been recognized as their victim.

Chin waved a malasada in the air next to her and she gave him a large smile.

"Mahalo brah!" She said and gratefully accepted the treat. Immediately digging in, she savored the taste. She had gone back on her diet in order to tone up once more and Steve said it was best she stay away from the fried deliciousness. "Steve doesn't find out about this!" She demanded with a mouthful and gave Chin a wink when he gave a loud laugh. A beeping sounded on the computer and there was a request for a Skype chat. When Chin accepted the request and Steve's face flashed on the screen, Angel tossed the malasada over her shoulder and quickly wiped the evidence from her face.

"Chin, Angel what do you got?" Steve asked from the crime scene.

"Our vic is Aiden O'Connell." Angel answered, nearly choking on the large chunk of sweetness she had swallowed.

"You alright?" Steve asked, concerned as he watched her coughing roughly. She put her thumb in the air as an ok and went to his office for a drink.

"He's a Honolulu local." Chin was finishing when she re-entered the room.

"What was he doing on Maui?" Steve questioned. Angel shrugged her shoulders toward the screen.

"According to phone records he made a bunch of calls to a Dr. Olivia Victor."

"A bunch?" Steve furrowed his brows at her.

"Yeah. 27. Each went unanswered until he finally reached her. They spoke for eight minutes around six p.m." Angel answered.

"Does this doctor live on Maui?' Kono asked next.

"Actually she's a psychotherapist in Waikiki. But a cell tower placed her on Maui at the time of the call." Chin confirmed.

"She must have been the last person he spoke to before he died." Steve said.

"Or the last person he saw." Angel suggested and turned to the smart computer. "He bought a plane ticket to Maui and rented a car when he landed. But local police found the car abandoned at a gas station with only one address programmed into the GPS." After giving Steve and Kono the address and the video chat was turned off, Angel turned and frowned at the pastry lying on the ground. Chin patted her on the shoulder with a smirk.

"Its alright. I bought extras if you want another one."

"No thanks. After nearly choking on that one, I think I'll be ok for a while." She said and picked up the discarded food to throw it away.

An hour later, after looking up information regarding Olivia Victor, Angel stood alongside Chin and Danny as they watched a helicopter come in for a landing. Steve and Kono exited the chopper quickly and Steve immediately gave out orders.

"If she thinks she committed the perfect murder, shes wrong!" He barked, anger evident in his voice.

"The story with losing her cell phone is weak but it could be true. I mean I lose mine just sitting on the couch." Angel told him with a shrug and he responded with a smirk and a nod. Knowing she had a point.

"Whats your theory?" Danny questioned his partner.

"She was Aidens shrink. That's a pretty close bond."

"So your thinking that she should know if Aiden was into anything that could have gotten him murdered." Kono concluded.

"Exactly. But instead of telling us, she's lying and claiming complete ignorance. Whatever happened causing him to call her 27 times is damning to her." Steve demanded.

"Well she surely wouldn't be the first shrink to sleep with a patient." Chin added.

"So if she broke it off and he threatened to turn her in for professional misconduct, that's motive."

"That's a theory." Danny shrugged.

"That's my gut." Steve argued firmly. Angel cocked her head at her husband, curious about his woman and how she had gotten under his skin after ten minutes.

"Does your gut have any evidence we can use?" Danny asked.

"Not yet." Steve answered and received strange looks from his team. "Listen if he was sleeping with her, maybe his wife knew something about it." He finished and opened the car door. Angel nudged past him and pushed the seat forward to sit in the back.

"This is going to be interesting." She said as they sped out of the parking lot. Keeping an eye on him as they drove, she noticed this woman had definitely gotten to him. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tight, his jaw was clenched just as tight, and a vein was prominently showing in his neck.

They pulled up in front of Aidens home and Steve sneered.


"What?" Danny and Angel asked simultaneously. Angel leaned forward into the front to look out the window. A woman with long dark hair, around 5"5', mid thirties, and very tan was talking with whom Angel assumed was Aidens wife.

"That's her. That's Olivia Victor."

"She's cute." Angel shrugged. The two men gave her strange looks and she shrugged again. "what? Look at her tan. I wish I could get that tan. I would be a damn lobster if I tried tanning like that." When both men shook their heads at her and turned back to the woman, she sighed. "I was just saying." She mumbled to herself more than anyone. The three watched as Olivia walked down the steps toward her vehicle and Angels eyes widened at the look she sent Steve's way.

"Did you see that? Tell me you saw that." Steve told the two.

"We saw it." Angel answered and sneered at the woman when she drove by before climbing over the now vacant drivers seat to exit the car.

"You didn't step in my seat did you?" Danny asked and looked down to see a footprint in the leather.

"Of course I did. He didn't give me a chance to push the seat up." She said and followed after Steve.

After his wife let them in, Angel stood next to Steve and gave the woman a sincere look.

"We are very sorry for your loss Mrs. O'Connell." She told them woman with a sad smile.

"Its such a shock. I feel, I feel like I've been ambushed."

"We couldn't help but notice, Dr. Victor leaving when we arrived. What was she doing here?" Steve asked. Angel gave him a look about his straightforwardness, to which he ignored completely.

"She was offering her condolences."

"Do you know your husband tried to call her the day he died?" Angel shot Danny a look and he just gave a quick shake of his head.

"She told me that. She said she felt terrible about losing her phone. She said maybe if she could have talked to him, she could have been able to help him." his wife answered sadly.

"What do you think? Do you think that's true?" Danny asked curiously.

"I'll never know." She replied. "I'll never know a lot of things." She continued on to explain to them that Aiden was a recovering alcoholic and had been going through the normal phases of recovery.

"Mrs. O'Connell I don't mean any disrespect but I have to ask. Is it possible there could have been more to your husbands relationship with Dr. Victor?" Steve asked. Angels eyes widened and she nudged him lightly.

"Steven." She whispered.

"Our relationship wasn't perfect. There was a time I suspected Aiden was cheating on me but Dr. Victor was part of the solution. Not the problem."

"Thank you very much for your time. Again we're very sorry for your loss." Angel told the woman and gave Steve a look before walking out of the home. She was silent for most of the ride back to HQ as she listened to Steve and Danny argue about Olivia Victor being the suspect or not.

"She needs to control the narrative." Steve said and then Angel interfered.

"I'm sorry. The narrative?"

"Yes the narrative." He confirmed.

"What the hell is a narrative? You know what dont answer that. Listen, have you ever thought that maybe, I don't know, she is possibly a caring therapist? I mean it is possible there are some of those out there." She argued.

"Which personally I think you should seek out because I have no idea what it is about this woman that has you so nuts." Danny added in agreement. Steve looked between the two incredulously before continuing his argument.

"You didn't see her on Maui! This whole thing is like a game to her."

"A game?" Angel asked skeptically.

"Yes. She's getting off on it and besides PISSING me off, it makes her dangerous."

Angel threw her hands in the air and leaned back into the seat shaking her head.

"You have a problem with shrinks." Danny said as more of a statement than a question.

"I have a problem with shrinks who kill their patients." Steve retorted and answered his ringing phone. Angel quit paying attention to the conversation in the back seat. She simply stared at the back of her husbands head in total confusion. Something about this Olivia bitch clearly sets him off and she was very determined to find out what it was. When she tuned back into the front seat conversation she heard Steve say they were go to Dr. Victors office.

"I look forward to meeting this lady. I think she and I will get along great." Angel said interrupting their little argument. Steve shot her a look in the mirror and she simply raised a brow in response. The ride was short and before she knew it, she was standing behind Steve and Danny on an elevator going up. A beep was heard and the doors slid open revealing a chic office. A woman sitting at the front desk gave them a smile when they approached.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah you can actually. I'm Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett, this is Detective Danny Williams, and Angel McGarrett. We're with Five-O. We're looking into the death of Aiden O'Connell, he was a patient of Dr. Victors. We were hoping we could take a look at his file." Steve told her with a smile of his own. Angel sat in a chair against the wall and waited. Knowing that even asking nicely, he wasn't going to get the file.

"I'm sorry but you're going to need a court order." The woman replied. Steve continued to plead his case with her until a door opened and Olivia Victor stepped out.

"Commander McGarrett. You seem to have an unhealthy attachment to me."

Angels forehead wrinkled and she looked to Steve for a response.

"Nope. Just looking into Aiden O'Connell's murder." He answered. "You want to help us find his killer right?"


"Then you wont mind letting us see his patient file." Steve smiled.

"Well then you know that no matter what jurisdiction, there is a doctor-patient confidentiality clause."

"Unfortunately that doesn't proceed death." He retorted. Olivia's eyebrows raised and she nodded to her receptionist.

"Give him whatever he wants."

Angel watched in amusement at the two bickering back and forth. A small smile started to stretch across her lips until she brought up his marriage.

"I bet its mommy issues. I mean that would explain why you would marry someone so immature. Couldn't find anyone your age to love you, so you had to brainwash a little girl into marrying you."

"Excuse me?" Angel interjected and stood from the chair. As if she hadn't noticed her presence before, Olivia looked startled to see her. "Want to run that by me again?"

"You must be the Mrs."

"Damn right I'm the Mrs." Angel replied sternly.

"Have you been checking up on me?" Steve asked with a tone. Angel looked at him angrily.

"Seriously? That's what you come back with?"

"Don't flatter yourself. I knew she was your wife as soon as I saw you two. She looks at you like a lost puppy."

Angels eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and started to say something but Danny stopped her.

"Alright. Why don't we all just calm down before someone says or does something they will regret." he smiled. Angel shook her head and went to the elevator.

"Hey. Where you going?" Steve asked but she ignored him and entered when the doors slid open. "Angel?"

"I'm waiting down at the car. This lost puppy is getting out of here."

And the doors closed before he could respond. But she didn't wait at the car. The Dr. bitch pissed her off so she took a walk. Not being far from home, she took off in that direction. Seeing Catherine's car in the driveway, she cocked her head to the side and furrowed her brows. Reaching the porch, she could hear Catherine, Doris, and a man speaking. When she heard Catherine say something about a man resurfacing as soon as Doris resurfaced, she opened the door. Two guns were drawn at her and she immediately put her hands up.

"Whoa! Friendly here!"

Catherine dropped hers but the man kept his raised.

"It's alright. It's my daughter in law." Doris told him and pushed his gun down.

"Doris whats going on?" Angel asked curiously.

"Nothing sweetheart. Just having a conversation with Catherine and her friend here is all."

Catherine's weak smile answered her suspicions.

"Ok. Then who's Mangosta?"