I knew something was wrong at the very moment when I woke up.

I was lying on the cold snowy ground, covered by the white. My head was incredibly hurtful, and some red liquid was dropping from my forehead.


I slowly raised my hands. They were covered by blood, too. The wind slapped straightly on my face, and I shuddered.

Exactly, what happened?

I couldn't remember who I was, I couldn't even have any idea why I was here…It was just like a dream, I just woke up and suddenly I was in this deep rain forest, with nobody around to help.

'Who am I?' – I thought, gazing at the sky sorrowfully. Thousands of stars shined with twinkle, lighten up the dark forest. My bloody hands suddenly touched something on the ground, and I immediately lifted it up, closer to my eyes. A…piece of paper? The writing was quite unreadable, but I still managed to understand what it said.

'Have fun in the flame of hell, Rin Kagamine'

So…my name was Rin. And I was supposed to be…dead? Then why? Why was I still alive? Who was the person that killed me? Where were my parents?

So many questions came up with no answers.

I had to find it out by myself. No one would help me, I guessed.

But I just…didn't know where to start…

' Hey, little girl…'

Who was there?

'I'm hungry…'

Seriously, who? I looked around, trying to look for some signs of human, but found none.

'I…I can't even move...Please…'-That person said, his voice was nearly a faint whisper.-'I don't know where to go…'

Well, all I could say was that he might be die of hunger if he didn't get any help. I wasn't sure if I could do anything, I had no food, either, but at least I should get there and.. maybe gave him my jacket, I thought? The weather was such a disaster , it was painfully cold and humid. Then we could go together to search for some help.

Yeah, that was absolutely a good idea.

I turned to where the voice started and headed there. Oh, now I could see him clearly. He was a good-looking boy with red hair and blue eyes. All of his clothes was torn, revealed his smooth-skin bare chest. I slowly sat down, right next to him. He looked at me, his eyes were pleading.

'Stranger, I'm…I'm very sorry'-I stuttered, suddenly felt kinda guilty-'I can't give you anything to eat…But we can find some food afterwards, Ok?'


I raised my eyebrow, taken aback. 'What? Isn't that what you want?'

'No, little girl…'-he said, and I sworn I could see his smirk-'No need to go…The food that I want…is right here now in front of my eyes'


'The food that I want is right here….In front of my eyes'

I let out a scream when his paws suddenly tightened around my neck, and his mouth opened, revealing his sharp fangs-I hadn't even noticed them before. Such a stupid girl I was.

'MONSTER!LET ME GO!'- I scratched his face by my fingernails, trying to escape from his tight wrapping. But all I got was a slap from him and his arms hugged me tighter. His fangs went near my throat, ready to tear it apart. I closed my eyes in scare.

I was going to die.

But I didn't want that, seriously.

Because I still had something to do…I must remember all of my past. I didn't want to die without even knowing who I am….


'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!' A loud, horrible scream broke the deadly silence of the forest.I held my neck, tears fell from my closing eyes. So this was the end of me. So this was how I died.

Being eaten by a monster.

Dying painfully, leaving this world with no one besides me. No one to cry over my death, no one to bury me down, no one to remember me.

No one.

I just hoped I wouldn't be lonely like this when I was in the other side of the world…


If I had died already, why could I still think to myself like that?

'Phew…finally. I thought he has escaped'

I opened my eyes. The monster was lying next to me, his head was cut off from his bleeding neck. There was a boy and a girl standing on the ground, looking down on the monster. The girl was a teal-hair teenager with 2 pigtails flowing in the wind,and the boy was a blondie that had his golden hair tied into a pony tail. The sword he held was full of blood. So he must be the one who cut the monster' head…

'It was your entire fault'-the boy said to the girl coldly-'You were supposed to kill him, but you just let him go away stupidly. I always have to go with you and clean the mess that you make'

'You are so mean. I am in the same level as you in fighting, after all. I'm sure that I can kill him without you, you stupid moron'-The girl glared at him furiously.

'But this time I was the one who killed it. NOT YOU.I will bring its head to Luka and get the reward. END OF DISCUSSION'

'Len, you will forever regret doing this to me'

'Excuse me?'-I asked nervously. The two turned their heads to look at me. And their eyes went big like a saucer, as if they hadn't known at all that I was there all the time. Seriously.

'Uhm, who are you, may I ask?'-The girl said after an awkward silence.

'Uh…I don't know?'-I said. The girl looked at me as if I was a freak, and I quickly added: 'I mean, my name is Rin Kagamine. But for the time being I can't remember where I am from. I think I has lost my memory. I has just been attacked by the monster you two have killed'

'You are…human?'-The boy named Len looked at me, his face remained emotionless.

'Ye…yes, I think I am'-What kind of question was that?

Len and that girl looked at each other. Then Len looked at me. Then he looked at the girl. Then he looked at me again.

'Luka will punish us if she finds out we leave a human in the forest without helping her. I think we should bring this girl to our home and see what Luka decides to do with her'-Len said.

'We have lots of other things to do, and I'm sure she can take care of her own self, why so serious?'-The girl answered him back.'Luka will never find out'

'MIKU'.-Len raised his eyebrow, his eyes burned with anger. 'Since when did you start to disobey our master like that? JUST DO WHAT I SAID'

'Fine, fine…'-Miku replied in boredom. She looked at me again, who was still sitting on the ground, didn't know what to do.

'Follow me'-She mumbled.

So I stood up and went after her. I wondered what was waiting for me now.


'You two said….you found her in the wood?'

A pink-haired lady-I guessed she was the Luka that Len and Miku had talked about-said. She was very beautiful, with the long black dress and all the sexy curls on her body. She looked at me from head to toes in suspection.

'Yes, Master'.-Len said. 'She doesn't seem to be able to protect herself, judging by the way she was nearly eaten by the monster…and I decided to bring her here'

'Okay…so Rin, try to remember, exactly where are you from?'-Luka asked.

I searched crazily everything in my mind. Nothing at all. Nothing to remember. All I could think about what the snowy forest…and a lot of blood.

'I just can't. Sorry sir'- I bowed my head in sadness. Since I couldn't remember where my home was, where should I go now?

And as if she could read my mind, Luka said bluntly:'Rin, you can stay here'

3 of us-I meant, Len, me and Miku-looked at Luka in shock.

'WHAT?'-Miku yelled like a crazy maniac-'She just CAN'T!This is place for only UTAU hunters!And as you can see, she has no skills at al…'

'We can train her'-Luka stopped Miku from her talking-'We can train Rin into a hunter. Len, Miku, you two will be the ones that take care of her for me, Okay?'

Len just nodded quietly, while Miku murmured :'Yes, sir' in a not very pleased way.

'UTAU hunters?'-I repeated what I'd just heard-'What is that, Luka?'

'Well, the monster you just met was an UTAUloid, Rin'-Luka said.-'And we are the UTAU hunters, I mean, we already had special skills to hunt those monsters since we were born, so you can see, we are not humans. You will no longer be normal human, too, since Len and Miku will teach you some skills to become one of us'

I nodded slowly. I knew, my life would turn to a completely new page from now on.

Well...the scenes about Rin and the UTAU was kinda awkward...I'm more pleased about the scenes of Rin and the UTAU hunters, it was very natural in my opinion. I have already outlined everything in the story, but found it quite hard to actually write it out.

Anyways...Please R&R! ^^