Sesshomaru stared impatiently at the young woman in front of him. Beautiful as she was, he could not help but wonder about the human boy's comment. Not worth it anymore. Sesshomaru didn't know what could make such a powerful young woman not worth anything. She carried herself with an understated grace; she had gotten herself the ability to protect herself; she was able to provide for herself- and she looked like a being that only the most idealistic men could imagine. She had to be worth something. Sesshomaru noticed Rin squirming under his gaze. She clearly wasn't going to tell him anything any time soon.

"You don't need to tell me." He said finally. Rin let out an audible sigh, and leaned back against the wall. It was clear there were many thoughts racing through her mind, and something inside Sesshomaru wanted to quiet her thoughts. He leaned back too, allowing himself to looked relaxed for her sake. He shut his eyes to try and force his body to relax. During his attempt to relax, he felt a small weight thump onto his shoulder. He looked down to Rin asleep against him. It occurred to him that she hadn't slept the night before, but had been resuming her daily duties as per (what he assumed) was her norm. He remained perfectly still, unsure of what would happen when she woke.

After a while, sleeping Rin repositioned and rested her head on his lap. Sesshomaru stared down at the sleeping beauty, wondering how long he had been sitting there. Hadn't Rin told the strange lady who bought herbs that she had somewhere to be tonight? It was getting late, and he began to ponder waking her. His thoughts were interrupted by an abrupt knocking on the outside wood. Slowly, Rin opened her eyes, and mumbled for whoever was outside to come inside.

A well-built older man walked into Rin's hut but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Rin laying on Sesshomaru's lap. The two stared at each other and then at Rin, who had fallen back asleep. Sesshomaru gave Rin a light shake to try and rouse her. She let out another small mumble, but resumed her sleeping. The man sighed.

"She's been a deep sleeper sleeper for as long as I known her." said the man. Sesshomaru looked at him, confused.

"She wasn't when she was younger."

"You must be her Lord then, aye?"

"Yes, I supposed you could say that."

"I've been teaching her combat skills."

"She had said she had a Sensei. I did't think she had any interest in weapons." Sesshomaru gave Rin another quick shake, and this time she actually opened her eyes. Rin pulled herself off of Sesshomaru and quickly apologized to him for her sleeping. Sesshomaru shook his head, dismissing her apology. He didn't need it- He didn't mind that she had fallen asleep on him.

"Sensei!" Rin jumped to her feet and gave her sensei a very polite bow. "Am I late for training?"

"Just a bit, child. The sun is almost down now. We can still train if you'd like, but I see you have company..."

"Oh... Lord Sesshomaru won't mind. Will you?" Rin turned back to Sesshomaru, who shook his head again. He could use the alone time. Rin smiled a large smile, and followed her sensei out of the hut. Sesshomaru was left alone, surrounded by Rin's belongings.

He stepped to her garden door, but decided against going outside of the hut. The humans here seemed to be too nosy for him to allow himself to be seen too freely. Instead, he wandered small room that was Rin's house. He counted and named the herbs hanging above her fire, and sniffed some of the stew in a large pot sitting just to the left of the fire pit. At the very back was Rin's bed, and at the end of Rin's bed was a small pile of clothing. Sesshomaru noticed the fabric of a kimono he had given her when she was a child amidst the pile. To the immediate right of the entry way was a small shelf full of herbs and vegetables; Sesshomaru assumed they were what Rin had been selling in order to buy herself so many articles of clothing.

Sesshomaru realized that if he had ever doubted leaving her with the humans, he shouldn't have. She had done the last of her growing up with her own kind of people. She had even been given the opportunity to have a mother-figure, thanks to Lady Tomoko. She had received experiences that he knew he couldn't provide for her. Perhaps, if he had stayed away she would've been given the chance to wed a human and become a mother herself.

As Sesshomaru's thoughts turned to the idea of having kids himself, an exhausted-looking Rin walked back into her home and threw her body onto her bed. Sesshomaru slowly sat down beside her, and gingerly placed his hand on her arm. He didn't fully comprehend why he felt like he had to touch her, but it was quite clear she enjoyed up. Pulling her knees towards her chest, she curved her body around his hand.

"For an old guy, he trains hard." she said to Sesshomaru.

"You look very tired." he stated.

"I am. He wants to train first thing in the morning, but I don't think I'll have the energy..."

"If you don't test your limits, you'll never know them, Rin. It might be a good idea to go in the morning."

"Yeah," Rin let out a heavy sigh, "You're probably right, Lord Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru nodded in response, noticing that Rin was no longer stuttering to talk to him. He was pleased by it.

"I can't sleep in the same clothes I trained in..." Rings voice had dropped to a low whisper, and she looked away slightly. Sesshomaru stood up to leave the hut, but Rin grabbed his hand. "You don't need to leave. Just... Don't look."

Sesshomaru remained stationary with his back to Rin as he heard her rustle around. After a few moments, the room fell silent. He turned his head slightly to see the moonlight reflecting off Rin's bare back. He watched as she lowered her body into the blankets, and the slid herself towards the wall, gesturing for him to lay down as well. Sesshomaru's body felt stiff, like something was wrong. But he moved towards her regardless. He rested his body a few inches from hers, but remained above her sheets. Rin's eyes fell shut and she let out a deep sigh. Within minutes, she was snoring. Unsure of how to react, Sesshomaru slid his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He rested his head just above hers, and she curled into him even more. And for a while, he felt like his world was at peace.