Chapter 5: Halloween

"Eric, do you think we have enough decorations?" Ariel asked, trying to hold onto several jack-o'-lanterns and paper witches. Ariel threw decoration after decoration into the cart.

"Ariel, I think we're good. I think that we have enough decorations." Eric tried telling her. Melody came over to the cart, holding up a costume of a teenage pirate.

"What do you think Mom?" Melody asked.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do Melody? Does it look revealing to you Eric?"

"Come on Mom. I think it would be fun; I found costumes for you and Dad too."


He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess." The three of them continued down the aisle and suddenly their cart crashed into Aladdin and Jasmine's cart. Aladdin looked apologetically at Ariel and Eric and Jasmine was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello Aladdin, what brings you here?" Ariel asked.

"Jas and I are shopping for our Halloween costumes for your ball at the end of the week. She's run off somewhere and I can't find her." Aladdin explained. Eric glanced into Aladdin's cart and noticed a lot of black make-up, some wigs, and what appeared to be black clothing.

"What did you decide you are coming as?" Eric asked.

"That's a surprise for the ball or at least that's what Jasmine asked me to tell you if you asked. But I can tell you what I'm not dressing up as…a street rat." Aladdin chuckled to himself; Eric and Ariel didn't get it. "You know…because before I met Jasmine…I was…a street rat. Never-mind, anyway, I'm going to go find my wife now. See you on Saturday." Aladdin pushed the cart down the aisle and left to find Jasmine.

On Halloween day, Ariel and Melody worked their fingers to the bone trying to pin every decoration all over the ballroom. Black and orange streamers hung from the lights, the windows, and even the doors. The paper jack o' lanterns were resting at the food tables, on either end. Tonight, during the ball, there would be a costume contest for everyone in attendance. All contestants can enter as a family, as couples, or separately. The prize for the most creative and most popular costume is a bucket of candy and fifty dollars. The doorbell rang and waiting behind the door was the first guests to arrive, Mulan and Shang.

Mulan and Shang decided to go with a vampire theme; Shang had a red outfit with a black cloak and vampire fangs while Mulan had a black dress, with fake blood stains up and down from her chest to her feet. Each of them put white make-up with black lipstick and eyeliner.

"You guys look fantastic!" Ariel complimented, hugging Mulan and Shang as they came in the door.

"You do too. What are you?" Mulan asked her.

"I'm a pirate; the whole thing is both ironic and clever at the same time. And it was Melody's idea."

"It looks great." Shang complimented. "I can't wait to see the rest of the competition." Jasmine and Aladdin were the next to arrive; they also chose black make-up but what shocked Ariel the most was the green Mohawk wig Jasmine was wearing. Along with it, she had black skinny jeans, a black tube top, and knee-high boots. Aladdin had a black vest, similar to the one he wore on the streets of Agrabah, but he also had black skinny jeans on. The two of them carried fake guitars on their shoulders.

"I'm not sure what you guys are." Ariel said.

"We're rock and rollers." Aladdin explained, jamming out on his fake guitar for emphasis.

"Nice." Eric cheered from behind Ariel, high-fiving Aladdin.

"That Mohawk is…interesting Jasmine." Mulan said.

"I made it myself. The dying was the hardest part, believe me. Carpet didn't appreciate it, let's just put it that way. If it wasn't for Genie, Carpet would have stains on him the size of Europe."

Everyone laughed at Carpet's expense. Thankfully, he was outside and didn't hear a word that was spoken. Next that came through the door, Tiana dressed as a fairy and her husband Naveen dressed as an ugly green troll. "Wow, Naveen, I love the troll costume." Eric complemented.

"It was Tiana's idea; she wouldn't let me dress up as a prince."

"Naveen, you are a prince, therefore it cannot be considered a costume. You have to dress in a way that you wouldn't normally on Halloween." Tiana said.

"But you didn't have to make me ugly. I am a charming prince for frog's sake." Naveen complained.

"You'll get over it and live." Tiana said, nipping that conversation in the bud. Right after Naveen and Tiana settled themselves by the punch bowl, Snow White, David, and Emma showed up as the Three Musketeers.

"Those are so cute!" Ariel gushed.

"David thought the idea was cute too, he came up with it. The three of us are so close and all so, it only makes sense. I just don't like these pants; they don't fit very well on a woman." Snow White said, uncomfortably, tugging at her pant legs.

"Snow, if you didn't want to wear these costumes we could have come up with something else."

"No David, its fine. Besides, I think that Emma really likes her costume and next year, I will be choosing costumes." Snow gave David a sly, mischievous smile and giggled at David's surprised look of horror. Ariel escaped the awkward conversation thanks to the doorbell; John Smith and Elsa had arrived.

Elsa was dressed in a rose pink gown with white trim, a bright blonde wig, and a golden tiara; next to her, John was dressed in a red plumber's outfit with a gaudy black mustache. "Ariel, thanks for inviting us." Elsa greeted, pressing her hands together in front of her chest.

"I remember inviting Elsa and John Smith not Mario and Princess Peach." Ariel teased. "You two look absolutely adorable."

"Thank you." Smith said.

"I almost didn't recognize either of you, it was only after I heard Elsa's voice that I knew who it was." Eric said, appearing around the threshold.

"Well it wasn't like I could freeze the place to let you know that I had arrived. Speaking of which, Ariel, do you still want that ice sculpture we talked about?" Elsa asked.

"Oh yes, thank you for reminding me, come on in and I'll show you where I would like it." Ariel took Elsa's arm and led her into the ballroom. Elsa removed her Peach gloves and rolled up her sleeves. With powerful force, she blew ice and snow all around the space next to Ariel, imagining the skeleton with a pumpkin head that Eric drew for her. In a matter of minutes, Elsa formed a perfectly carved imitation of the drawing, everyone stopped to admire her craftsmanship. "Elsa, it's just beautiful. You are so talented."

"Thank you." Elsa put her gloves back on and wrapped her arm around John.

"She's right Elsa, it's stunning. How did you do that?" Jasmine complimented.

"I just imagine what I want the snow to do and then I use my powers."

"Well, now that your work is done, why don't we go get something to eat?" Smith directed them to the buffet table and eyed the roast beef. Melody ran for the door when she heard the doorbell, while Eric and Ariel talked more with Elsa about her divine powers. When Melody opened the door, she found Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip with new baby Prince Michael. Aurora and Phillip were dressed as Greek gods and little Michael was a baby Pegasus.

"Mom, Dad, Aurora and Phillip are here." Melody called into the ballroom. Ariel came rushing to the door as fast as possible and gasped at the sight of the new baby.

"Oh my goodness! He looks amazing! Oh Aurora, he's beautiful, what's his name?"

"We decided to name him Michael Phillip. He was seven pounds, twelve ounces when he was born."

"Oh wow, well come on in, I know everyone is excited to see you and the new baby." Ariel ushered them into the ballroom while Eric caught the next doorbell. Tarzan and Jane arrived; Tarzan dressed up as Sabor the leopard and Jane dressed like Clayton, the guide she hired for her trip to Africa that led her to Tarzan; the only difference was that her gun was plastic.

"It's good to see you two. Great costumes; let me guess, you two are hunter and prey." Eric joked.

"We're villains, our villains." Tarzan explained. "I killed Sabor a long time ago, Clayton too." Tarzan said.

"Well, that's very clever, come on in." Eric said. Next to arrive, Cinderella's trio; Cinderella entered in the contest separately from Thomas and Alexandra; she wanted to dress as a witch, dressed in black stockings, a small black dress, a green wig, and a broomstick in her hand while Thomas and Alexandra painted their faces green and wore torn clothes as zombies. Cinderella even helped them with their bloody make-up and fake wounds. Emma was scared of Alexandra at first but the moment she recognized her, she showed her the secret candy stash she found.

Flynn and Rapunzel arrived as Buttercup and Wesley from Princess Bride. Rapunzel had grown out her hair and dyed it back to blonde but it still wasn't as long as Buttercups so she purchased a wig similar to hers. Flynn kept itching at his blonde wig, he couldn't place it on his head quite right and it irritated his skin. Milo and Kida arrived, shortly after Rapunzel and Flynn, dressed as minions; they were full body suits with holes for Milo's and Kida's heads where the eyes were supposed to be.

"Explain to me again Milo, we dress up for what?" Kida asked.

"Well it's a holiday about dressing like someone else and getting candy." Milo said.

"But why?"

"Well…I….don't really know how to explain it. It's just…fun. We have fun."

"Milo, Kida, glad you could make it. Funny costumes." Eric greeted.

"Thank you." Milo thanked him.

Belle, Adam, and Chip arrived next, Belle and Adam were entering the contest together and Chip was entering by himself. Belle and Adam were devils, and Chip was an angel. Belle's costume was a black body suit with red trim and red horns while Adam's outfit was all red, with a red cape with a red trident. Chip's costume came with a white robe, white feathered wings, and a halo headband.

"Opposites attract huh?" Ariel said. "You three look great."

"Thanks Ariel." Belle thanked.

"We're almost ready to start but we are still waiting on Esmeralda, Phoebus, and Zepher, as well as Pocahontas and John Ralph."

"Don't forget Anna and Kristoff." Eric said.

"Oh right." Ariel said.

"Ariel, I actually think we should get everything else started on time so that we will have time for the costume contest. Grimsby can handle making sure everyone else comes."

"Well, if you think so Eric." Ariel picked up a wine glass sitting on the buffet table and clinked it, gaining everyone's attention. "Everyone, we're going to get started. I'm sure you've noticed that we have quite a few things set up. We have buffet tables with lots of food, help yourself whenever you'd like something to eat. We also have a kid's area for the children to play some Halloween games, like bobbing for apples, pin the pumpkin in the patch, and there's lots of candy for them to take home. We'll be starting the costume contest at precisely 10:45, those of you who are drinking tonight are welcome to spend the evening in our guest rooms and we will have a room for the children as well. Alright everyone, let's have a good Halloween." Ariel signaled for the music to begin and just as Ariel was about to join her husband, the doorbell rang again.

Pocahontas and John Ralph arrived dressed as salt and pepper shakers, Pocahontas was pepper and John Ralph was salt. "I'm so sorry we're late Ariel. We meant to leave earlier but John had some problems with his costume."

"It's quite alright Pocahontas." Ariel assured her. "You're just in time." She led them to the ballroom and they melded into the swing of things. Shortly after they began talking to Tarzan and Jane, Meg and Hercules arrived dressed as Cat Woman and Batman. Anna and Kristoff came dressed as Barbie and Ken and the last to arrive was Esmeralda, Phoebus, and Zepher. Esmeralda and Phoebus entered the contest as Donald and Daisy Duck while Zepher dressed like Quasimodo.

"Why did you dress up like Quasimodo, Zepher?" Ariel asked. "And why didn't he come tonight?"

"Quasimodo is my hero! When I grow up, I want to be just like him and just like Papa." Zepher proudly announced.

"And to answer your other question, Quasi and Madeline had their own Halloween celebration and they were not able to come with us." Esmeralda said.

"He and Madeline have been spending a lot of time together lately. And from my last conversation with him, a proposal isn't far behind." Phoebus grinned.

"Well that's fantastic. Come on in, we've already started but you haven't missed much." Ariel directed Zepher over to the kids side of the ballroom, where Eric set up an area for Bobbing for Apples, and a station for Halloween movies. Ariel and Eric asked Grimsby to observe the children while the ball was in progress. Music sounded from the stage, husbands grabbed their wives and pulled them to the dance floor.

Pocahontas stuck around the buffet table, picking up appetizer after appetizer. John Ralph noticed her absence and tried to find her. Ralph walked up behind Pocahontas and wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulled the last shrimp puff from Pocahontas's hand and put it back on the tray.

"John, what are you doing?" Pocahontas complained.

"Come and dance with me." Ralph said.

"But…I just…" She attempted to pick up one more shrimp puff but John thwarted her attempt and set it back down on the tray.

"No, no more eating. Come and dance with me." John took her hand and led her to the dance floor. John Ralph pulled her close and twirled the two of them around. They passed by John Smith and Elsa, and the look Smith gave the two of them worried Elsa.

"John, is there something you aren't telling me?" Elsa asked.

"Well, I can't say it here." John stopped spinning Elsa and took her to the balcony. The crisp evening air swirled around the two of them. John gazed at the yellow leaves blowing in the breeze, swaying so elegantly, setting the mood. "Elsa, there is something that you should know about Pocahontas."

"What is it?" Elsa placed her gloved hand on John's chest in concern. John turned away, took a deep breath, and let it out.

"Pocahontas and I used to go steady. I mean, we hadn't known each other long but when I had to return to England, we lost touch. And then, I never saw her again until it was too late; she was in love with another man, with the man she's here with tonight." John sighed as he awaited Elsa's answer.

"And does it bother you that you're seeing the two of them together? Because over the last few months, it didn't seem to bother you when they showed up to the other parties." Elsa said.

John turned to Elsa. "Actually, it doesn't. I found someone else too." He smiled at Elsa. He grabbed her hands and held them close to his heart. Elsa smiled. Suddenly, Anna and Kristoff came out onto the balcony.

"Hi Elsa, hi John. What are you two doing out here?" Anna asked.

"Just talking." Elsa said. "It's good to see you Anna."

"It's good to see you too Elsa. This is so nice." Anna said.

"We need to get inside, the judging is going to begin." Kristoff informed them. The four of them went back into the ballroom and gathered with the others.

"Alright everyone, first of all, Happy Halloween." Ariel started. "Second of all, you all look fantastic and we can only pick one winner. But we will have the top 3, Eric, why don't you pick number 3."

Eric cleared his throat. "For third place, I choose Aurora, Phillip, and Michael, the Greek gods and Pegasus." Aurora and Phillip claimed their small bag of candy and cuddled up to their little Pegasus.

"Melody, please pick 2nd place." Ariel said.

"I like…Tiana's costume." Tianna took a slightly bigger bag of candy over to Naveen.

"And now for the grand prize for the most unique costume this year is…Flynn and Rapunzel. Congratulations." After the contest ended, the guests began leaving pair by pair. The three of them said goodbye to their last guest and dispersed upstairs to change into night clothes. Ariel tried to scrape off her pirate make-up while Eric snuggled into the bed.

"So what did you think of tonight's ball?" Eric asked.

"I think it went very well. I hope everyone had a great time." Ariel said.

"I'm sure they did. Happy Halloween my love."

"Happy Halloween Eric."