Matthew sat at the dinner table with his family. There was silence all around and from what he remembered, it always used to be his favorite time. Alfred would talk about what he did with his friends or beg their parents to let him go to this birthday party he was invited to. Francis, his Papa, would be a bit "touchy." Arthur, his Dad, would be complaining about his day. That USED to be their family dinner.

Nowadays, everyone was quiet. Alfred would no longer talk about his friends. Arthur would just get drunk and Francis... he was cut out of the picture 9 years ago. Matthew could still remember the day he left.

Matthew was playing with his stuffed polar bear when suddenly he heard Daddy and Papa shouting. Curious, he walked to the stairs and saw Alfred already at the bottom listening. He walked to the bottom of the steps where his brother was and listened to the fight going on.

"What happened Al?" Alfred shrugged.

"All I know is that Daddy came out of his office and slapped Papa then started shouting about something. I don't know why though." Matthew nodded and walked off to listen closer and maybe even watch. He knew that Daddy would shout at Papa sometimes and Papa would shout back but it was never like this.

"Why would you do this to me?! We're married with a pair of twins! Did you even think about them at all?! Did you ever think about me you bloody git? Answer me you damn frog!"

"You want to know why? I'm sick of you always insulting me! I'm sick of you getting drunk all the time!"

"I do NOT get drunk all the time!"

"Need I remind you when the boys were babies?! I had to take care of them all the time while you were out with your friends having a beer chugging contest then I had to pick your ass up from the bar when you passed out drunk! I'm fucking sick of having to be the one person you lean on all the fucking time! Grow a pair and take care of your sons!" Arthur slapped Francis and that almost generated another fight when little Matthew cried.

"Daddy stop it!" Tears blurred his vision as tears came down like a waterfall. Arthur grabbed Matthew by the shoulders.

"Listen here young man," He started in a serious tone, "this is a matter between me and your father. Stay out of it for it isn't any of your business, got it?" The little boy nodded as he father let go of him but left the room. He came back with a suitcase and chucked it at Francis almost hitting him in the face.

"Get your clothes and leave. If you want to turn your back on this family, then you can just go and be with your little lover. Just get the fuck out of my home." Matthew's eyes widened when he saw Papa start walk out and heard his footsteps go up the stairs.

He ran up to their room and Alfred followed. They went to their parents' room and saw Francis packing his things. Matthew's lips trembled and he let out a silent choked sob. Francis turned around and saw his boys standing in the doorway and put his shirt down then patted on his lap. The boys got the message and crawled into his lap.

"Where are you going Papa? Are you coming back?" Alfred asked while trying not to cry.

"Boys, you are five years old and never going to understand this until you get older, but when one parent makes a dumb mistake that the other one finds out about, they fight badly. When they fight like that they use things against each other and it causes the one that made the mistake to leave. So that is what happened today. I made a mistake, Daddy got mad at me and now I have to leave."

"How long?" Matthew asked.

"Forever." Matthew and Alfred looked at their Papa surprised and started bawling after a minute.

"We don't want you to go!" They chorused in their crying. Francis hugged them tight and kissed their foreheads.

"Just because I'm leaving forever doesn't mean that I'll be completely out of your lives or that I don't love you anymore. I'll always be thinking of you and you two have to promise me the same thing, okay?" They nodded as Francis put them down and kept packing his things. They ran down the steps and blocked the front door. Papa had to stay if they never left from their spot.

Francis came down the stairs and Arthur was silently walking to the door. The now broken couple stopped when they saw their five-year old boys in front of the door. Sighing, Arthur bent down to their level.

"Boys, I know you don't want Papa to go but he has to."

"Why?" Alfred asked.

"Papa hurt us in a way, you wouldn't understand if I told you now but someday when you're older and you know, you'll understand. Now step aside." Matthew moved but Alfred didn't. He was going to stay right there and stop Papa from leaving but Arthur wasn't having any of it.

"Alfred, I said move out of the way." The boy shook his head and stayed right where he was. The Englishman had no choice but to pick up Alfred who had started to kick and scream. Francis watched and Arthur glared at him and jerked his head toward the door.

The French man nodded and walked out. Matthew did the only thing he could and latched onto his father's leg.

"I'm not letting you go!" Francis tried to move more but Matthew stayed in place until Arthur had to come and pick him up after putting Alfred in time-out. He squirmed and tried getting out of his grasp. Papa's car backed out of the driveway and was going. Matthew bit his daddy's hand and when he dropped to the ground, he ran full speed after the car.

"PAPA DON'T GO! PAPA, TAKE ME WITH YOU PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!" But it was too late, Papa was too far away. Matthew dropped to the ground on his knees crying as he saw Papa's car driving off, not backing up in anyway. Suddenly he was lifted up off the ground and was turned around to see Daddy's not amused face.

"Matthew, you are in time-out for biting my hand! Do you know how much this hurts?!"

"I'm s-sorry D-daddy!"

"Sorry won't cut it! Let's go mister." Matthew cried the whole way home.

Matthew let a tear fall into Dad's crappy cooking which he was sure had come to life. To this day, he missed Papa. He missed how he would sing to him when he had a nightmare. He missed how Papa would cook, even better than what Dad calls cooking. Arthur took notice to his son acting like this.

"Matthew, why aren't you eating anything off your plate?" The blond looked up then back down again.

"I'm not hungry." He said in a soft tone.

"Not hungry? You have to eat something! The doctor said that you have to get some food in your body otherwise your brain will slow down. Now stay seated and eat this delicious food." Alfred scoffed.

"This shit you call food would only be edible to animals, people with no taste buds, or someone with no sense on what good food is." Arthur hit the back of his son's head.

"Do you realize how much work it is to raise you two by myself! I have to cook food for you, buy you clothes, get Matthew to hockey practice, get you to your Eagle Scout shit, get your asses to school and I have to make sure you two have what you need! Do you realize how much effort that is? The worst part is that there's no one to help me!" Arthur yelled.

"Maybe if you didn't chase Papa out you'd have someone to take care of us while you go get drunk!" Alfred shouted as Arthur grew furious. Matthew had a feeling that this would turn into one of those nights again. Dad and Alfred fighting.

"That is enough young man! I will not have any of this, do you want to go to bed without supper?"

"Heh. If it means being spared from this vomit inducing crap you call food, then yes I would like to go to bed without supper." Arthur pointed the way out of the dining room which Alfred was glad to leave. Matthew was going to make a move too when a hand grabbed his wrist and plopped him back down in the seat.

"You are not to make a move until I see at least half of that plate eaten. Also, not one word from you." Matthew sighed at he started to eat. Once he was done with the half he was supposed to eat, he ran to the bathroom to throw up. A pair of hands held his hair back as he purged. When he turned around, Alfred handed him a cup of water which he gratefully accepted.

"Why did you eat Dad's crap?" Was the first thing that came out of Alfred's mouth.

"You heard Dad. I had to eat something."

"Why not just go over to that Albino's house like always?"

"It's Friday so Gilbert, his brother, and some friends of theirs from Germany are having their weekly German Sparkle Party."

"What the hell do they do at those German Sparkle Parties?"

"Eat, drink from beer boots, dance to dub-step. At least that's what Gilbert bothered to tell me. What up with you and that girl Natalia?" Alfred sighed a little.

"Why does everyone think we have a thing?! We're just friends! Just as Papa would say in this situation: friends first, relationship later." Matthew chuckled at his brother's outburst then his thoughts drifted back to Papa. It had been so long since he last saw him, he was still amazed he and Alfred remembered him. Alfred caught on to his brother's sad aura and sat next to him.

"You miss Papa a lot, don't you?" Matthew nodded as he started to cry and Alfred took his brother into his arms.

"It's okay... I'm still here." Matthew cried until he fell asleep leaving Alfred to carry his brother to bed. When he got Matthew to his bed he placed his polar bear plush, Kumajiro, in his arms and smiled when he held it tight to his chest.

He heaved a sigh as he went to his computer and typed in his other father's name. So many results came up for the name Francis Bonnefroy. Christmas was coming up in about two months and one thing Alfred had been trying to get himself and Matthew was a chance to see their Papa again.

Ever since their first Christmas without Papa around, Alfred made a promise to his brother that they'd see their father again. One Christmas he had actually tried walking through the snow in the direction Matthew said that Francis' car had driven off in. Almost got frostbite that year. Then there was another Christmas when he'd called about every number in the phone book trying to find their father's number. Arthur was down-right pissed when the phone bill was so high that month.

This year was going to be different. He was going to get his family back together so he could make his brother happy. This year he was going to find Papa. After almost an hour of dead end searching, Alfred called it quits for the night and turned the computer off. He looked up on a shelf resting in it's place was his old toy alien, Tony. Papa gave him that for Christmas one year when they were two, the same year Papa got Kumajiro for Matthew. He took the plastic thing off the shelf and remembered what happened the day he got him.

Alfred and Matthew got their presents from their Papa and excitedly opened them. Matthew pulled a stuffed polar bear out of the box and hugged it close. Seeing his brother so happy with his thing, he opened up his box slower expecting to get the same thing as his brother but instead got a toy alien! He looked up at his fathers with lit up eyes.

"I noticed how you loved it in the toy store so I went back when you weren't looking and got it for you!" Alfred ran up and hugged his father tight.

"I love you Papa, this is the best present ever! I love it!" Alfred let go and ran back over to his brother to show him what Papa got him.

Alfred cried a little at the memory. That was when all of them were a happy family. But now... they were broken. Arthur stormed into the room half-drunk when he saw his son still up. He walked over and harshly grabbed his shoulder.

"What the hell are you still doing up? Shouldn't you be in bed you wanker?" Arthur slurred.

"I was getting ready to."

"Good. I'm gonna be at work tomorrow so you're making breakfast for you and your brother." Then Arthur stumbled out the door. I always have to make breakfast for me and Matthew you lazy ass drunk. Alfred thought as he went to bed with Tony in his arms. He was going to bring Papa back, even if it killed him.

Me: Okay I was thinking of something angsty with the FACE family so I cooked this little thing up.

France: Why did you write something so angsty? Going through your "teenage angst" phase?

Me: Shut up Francy pants! You are so lucky that I even considered writing this and that I'm even considering writing a sequel to Romeo and Cinderella!

America: Oh! Oh! Oh! Am I going to be in it?!

Prussia: No! More like are you going to bring AWESOME into it!

America: Nu-uh! She's gonna put me in it!

Prussia: No ME!

Me: Ladies, ladies please you're both beautiful and besides, it's everyone's choice on which pairing I do the sequel on. If everyone votes that I continue with FrUk then I'll write them adjusting too life after running away and eloping, if GerIta wins then their story line will be Ludwig trying to help Feliciano coping with Arthur leaving, PruCan wins their story line will be Gilbert trying to get used to having a boyfriend all while getting over his best friend leaving, GiriPan win their story line is Heracles trying to help Kiku out of his depression, if RusAme wins their story will be Alfred trying to learn to love and Ivan helping him, if Spamano wins then their story will be Lovino learning to trust people and let them in with Antonio's help. But then there's the option of alternating between all six like a chapter a pairing but then everyone would have to wait or their favorites... there's a poll in my profile you can vote on and voting ends on Halloween and the next day the votes will be counted!

England: Those story lines don't look too well thought up and planned out.

Me: Neither was your story when I first started it out but it stuck and got a crap ton of views! Anyways I am running out of time, remember to vote on the poll and tune in next time for some more FACE family angst! This is Janae A.K.A. OrgyMemberXVII signing off! Bye :D