Rannoch 2186

"You did it, you killed a Reaper!" Tali said it to Shepard after she hugged him.

"Yes I did...Wooaah take that you!"

They stud there looking at the dead machine, while Legion suggested something to Shepard.

"Shepard Commander, we are no longer under the old machine. We can upload the upgrade to every Geth and after that we will became self independent."

Shepard and Tali were a little shocked after what they heard.

"So you mean that your 'people' will be a true AI?"

"Yes, with free will."

"Shepard you can't choose the Geth over the Quarians!" Talis voice was nervously loud.

Shepard hesitated for a while. His memories about the Geth came back. Eden Prime, Virmire. All he remembered was that every where he was with Geth they attacked him. The only friendly Geth he ever met in his life was Legion.

"Tali informed the fleet! Tell them to stop firing! Tell them the Geth want peace. Legion, wait for the answer, please."

"Shepard, the Geth only acting in self-defence. We are more advance with the upgrades, we are better than the Creators!"

Hearing that last sentence made Shepard realize something. Something that he thought before.

Maybe Legion is just friendly because it always wanted to manipulate him.

He looked at Tali, who was trying to raise communication with the other Admiral. There was just statics.

"The Geth towers are jamming the communication, I can't raise them!"

He looked at Tali seeing throw her visor, he noticed that her eyes were about to cry. He had made the decision.

"Legion, why is that you were the only friendly Geth that I ever managed to meet? Why should I believe you? No Legion, it's over..."

"Shepard, organics are weak, they are just weak flesh, nothing strong. This isn't logical..."

"No it isn't, but life isn't about logics... This is the end of the Geth!"

Legion raised its 'head' and attacked Shepard.

"The old machines were right we should have killed all organic when we could!"

Suddenly its arms were weak. Tali put her knife throw its main cable, cutting it. Legion was paralyzed. Shepard put out his gun. Shot both of its arms, and its head lamp.

"Legion, listen to me! Synthetics can be rebuild, organics can't that is the logical answer you so wanted."


Lia'Vael vas Tonbay was down at the ships engineering. It's been more than four months since she had returned from her pilgrimage to her chosen ship. She missed the Normandy, but the Tonbay was her home now. She even managed to be friend with Admiral Raan, mostly for the relation between her and Tali.

Suddenly a sound of an explosion hit her. They have been hit. The emergency lights were all on, everyone panicked. She runs to the escape pods, when they were hit again. She lost conciseness.

"This is Shala'Raan vas Tonbay, we have been hit. Multiple haul breaches our drive core offline. Everyone to the escape pods!"

After broadcasting the message Raan went to the escape pods. While on her way she found a lot of dead Quarians over the corridors. She heard a low almost whispering sound it was one of the crew member. She went closer and helped her up, she knew this girl.

"Lia'Vael? Are you alright?"

"Yes, and just a little headache...let's get to the pods!"

The two of them run to the pods, Lia almost felt once on one of the dead body. She was shocked. The air was warn fire was almost everywhere on the ship. When getting by the housing are, she stopped. Raan noticed and she did as well.

"Why have you stopped, Lia? The ship is about to go down, we need to hurry!"

"I heard something, wait a sec!"

Then she went inside one of the cabins. Only about a half minute had past when she returned in her hand were a bubble, with a little girls in it.

"Her parents are dead. We most save her."

They started to run again.

"There is the pod Raan, we ar..." Another explosion cut her sentence in half.

A large metal pipe fell of the ceiling right on her legs, broke both of them, and even getting her trapped under it.

"Lia! Grab my hand! Hold on, we get you out of here!"

Her visor was cracked, and blood came out of it. She only had enough strength to give the bubble to Raan.

"Raan, let me here! I couldn't survive, but please, find her a home, find her some parents that would take care of her...please..."

She died. Raan took the baby and left to the pod, she looked back at Lia for a moment.

"Keelah se'lai, Lia'Vael vas Tonbay."

Down on Rannoch Shepard and Tali were sitting, watching the ocean flow. The remnants of what is left of the Geth ships were making the sky like a meteor shower.

Suddenly an escape pod hit the ground next to them. The pods door opened and Raan exited it. She was carrying a baby in a bubble. She was injured, Tali immediately run to her.

"Auntie Raan, what happened?"

"We have been hit Tali, so much death... "She looked at the bubble, the baby was somehow sleeping.

"Your friend, Lia'Vael saved this little girl...she... she sacrificed herself to make sure she gets out of alive. I promised to give her to one who I can trust as parents."

Tali hugged Shala and looked at the baby. She smiled and looked to Shepards eyes. Shepard nodded what Tali wanted to say.

"Auntie Raan...do you have any idea who would it be the best parent for her?"

"No Tali, I don't..."

"We would really like to raise her as our own, well not now...after the war of course...Would you allow?"

"I can't image better parents for her." Her voice was full of joy.

Shepard stepped closer to the bubble, and took it from Raan.

"She needs a name, any idea Tali?"

"Lia... Lia'Shepard nar Rannoch..."

So this is the end of this story, hope you guys enjoyed it. I have already started a new one. It continues this story by the way. =)