Chapter 3

A/N: I like this chapter… There is this random Tamaki/Hikaru moment that's just… dear lord. Why do I do this to myself? I have problems… Oh well, it's all good.

And thanks to said Tamaki/Hikaru moment, I didn't get as far as I wanted in this chapter, so I don't know what that's going to do to the next chapter… guess I'll find out when I start writing it!

Disclaimer: Don't own Ouran Host Club or any characters

Haruhi blinked her eyes several hours later. Even though it was surely the middle of the day, the heavy curtains didn't let in even the smallest ray of sun, leaving the room shrouded in near-darkness at all hours unless candles were lit.

After Mori had dropped that little bombshell, he had refused to answer any more of Haruhi's questions, so she had let the subject drop. Instead, she had let Mori help her out of that restrictive gown, and then he'd fed on her blood, and they'd indulged in some carnal pleasures before they'd both fallen asleep in that massive bed. It was a comfortable routine they'd fallen into.

Haruhi tilted her head, ignoring the slight ache on the side of her neck. Usually it was relatively pain-free, but even Mori's self-control wasn't perfect, and he sometimes bit her harder than he meant to… but of course she always forgave him.

Mori was perfectly still in slumber, his arms wrapped loosely around her body, loose enough that she could easily wiggle free if she chose. Even in the semi-darkness, she could see the faint tan glow of his skin. She could only imagine what he'd looked like when he was alive if that glow could survive a century of undeath.

She shifted, preparing to get out of bed, when Mori's eyes snapped open. Haruhi smiled at him. "Good morning. Or afternoon. Or something," she said with a shrug.

Mori nodded, but his expression was troubled. Haruhi wiggled from his embrace and moved towards the wardrobe to select an outfit for the day.

"If the weather's nice, I might step out to the gardens… if you don't mind, of course," she said as she flicked through her gowns, looking for something a bit looser and more casual than the one she'd worn for the Lobelia delegates.

"I don't think that's a good idea at the moment," Mori said quietly.

Haruhi froze, fingers clenching reflexively at the silken sleeve in front of her. Finally she turned her head, drinking in Mori's sculpted chest, bathed in the shadowy half-light of their bedroom. "Why? What's wrong?" she asked, her blood running ice-cold as she tried to imagine what he could be sensing that was imperceptible to her.

He shook his head slightly. "Maybe nothing. I… I want to check on Mitsukuni first."

Haruhi turned around completely to face him. "Takashi… it's daytime… you would not accompany me to the gardens anyways."

"I know."

"So… what is it?" she asked.

"I don't want to alarm you…" he began.

"Too late, I'm alarmed," Haruhi said grimly. "So you might as well tell me what's wrong… It may be better than what I'm imagining."

Mori ducked his head in acknowledgement of her point. "Mitsukuni may have recovered from the events of last night," he said slowly, "but if he has not… the rest of the clan will pick up on it. And we can't be sure how they'll react."

Haruhi understood the wisdom of this. Although the four vampires that led the clan were quite human-like, most vampires were more bestial, more prone to giving in to their hungers and their urges. They were held in check by the iron fist of Lord Honey and his closest associates, but… if he was out of commission… it could be anarchy. It wouldn't bode well for any human, but she was a relatively new human servant, and some vampires would be blaming her for the recent increase in conflict with Lobelia which had led to the peace talks… It could be very dangerous for her to wander the castle alone now, even if every vampire within the walls knew that she was under Mori's protection.

"Until I know for sure how things stand, you should remain here," Mori said quietly. "Don't leave until I come back."

"Okay," Haruhi agreed immediately. It was a sensible plan. "And then what?"

"We'll see how safe it is," Mori sighed. "You know I'll protect you with my life."

"I know," she whispered, reaching out to clasp his hand for a moment, the skin cool beneath her fingertips. Then she let go, and Mori quickly slipped on his sleeveless periwinkle blue shirt and black jacket, both of which were immaculate despite having spent the night on the floor.

Once her vampire was gone, Haruhi quickly dressed and began to pace the room, unable to sit still as she waited to find out what was going on in the rest of the castle.

Mori was grim when he returned. His cousin was still in a state of rage and disbelief, and not even Mori could shake him from it. The castle was still running mostly smoothly, but Mori insisted that Haruhi not leave their room unless he could accompany her.

The week did not improve. Lord Honey was still in a state, and Mori's worry for his cousin was obvious… and infectious. Mori became so paranoid for Haruhi's safety that he wouldn't even leave her alone in their room… when he couldn't look after her himself, he would take her to Kyouya's room where the aloof vampire or his cheerful human servant could look after her. And that was at least better than staying in her room all day, Haruhi had to admit… Hikaru would often visit as well, and the twins were at least an interesting distraction, even if they often drove Kyouya out of the room with their antics. Where he went during that time, Haruhi couldn't possibly say… but Kaoru seemed to know, and he didn't seem to mind.

Finally it was time for the Lobelia conference. The advance party had sent word that the manor house, though sparsely furnished, was both lovely and secure, in a perfectly neutral area. There was no sign of trickery from the Lobelia clan, though Lord Honey did insist that everyone remain vigilant. And the day before they were scheduled to leave, Lord Honey called a meeting with his inner circle.

"We're heading to the meeting place tonight," he said without preamble as soon as his three most trusted vampires and their human mates had assembled.

"You suspect Lobelia's treachery, milord?" Kyouya asked, sounding as calm as though he were inquiring about the weather.

Lord Honey rolled his eyes. "I always suspect treachery from Benibara and her infernal cohorts," he replied.

"So what's the plan?" Hikaru asked.

Lord Honey steepled his fingers, resting the tips against his chin. "We'll instruct the rest of the clan to follow us in the usual procession tomorrow night, just as we planned. But tonight… tonight, the seven of us will slip out of the castle and head to the manor ourselves. I want only those I truly trust to check out the area before the talk is scheduled to begin.

"We'll be vulnerable," Kaoru pointed out quietly.

"True," Lord Honey agreed, "but we'll be more vulnerable travelling in a large and obvious caravan if Benibara has mischief on her mind. The small size of our group will work to our advantage."

Mori's arms were crossed. His expression was impossible to read. Tamaki's violet eyes were wide and nervous. Kyouya was calm and poised, but his eyes flashed calculatingly, already planning the route they would take and predicting the obstacles they were likely to encounter.

"We leave in an hour," Lord Honey declared in a tone that booked no argument. Then he left the room, trailed by Mori as usual.

An hour later, Haruhi was met at her door by Kaoru.

"Kyouya sent me to fetch you," the redhead explained. "He is meeting with Mori and Honey before they rendezvous with the rest of us."

Haruhi nodded in understanding, shutting the door behind her and following her friend out to the moonlit courtyard safely ensconced in the middle of the castle. It was completely cut off from the gardens that surrounded the castle and could only be accessed from the innermost part of the castle, an area only accessible by the inner circle and those that were invited in. It was from this hidden area that they would be departing, and it was in this secluded little oasis that Haruhi and Kaoru came across a rather unexpected sight.

Tamaki was draped artistically across an ornately carved bench, his head resting in Hikaru's lap. Rather than shouting at the vampire or shoving him away, Hikaru was actually allowing this, and even running his fingers through the golden locks.

Kaoru grabbed Haruhi's arm and held her still, both of them ducking out of sight of the pair on the bench. Haruhi shot a questioning glance at Kaoru, and he just winked at her.

Tamaki's eyes had been closed as Hikaru played with his hair, but now they flickered open and he glanced up at the redhead. "There won't be any distractions around tonight."

"I'm sure you could find a distraction if you looked hard enough," Hikaru said dryly, glancing disinterestedly around the garden. The effect would have been more convincing if his fingers hadn't continued to card through Tamaki's hair.

Tamaki tilted his head to look at Hikaru more closely. "You know I apologized for that instance with Mey-Rin… It really wasn't what it looked like."

"Hm, yes, that's what you said the time before that… and the time before that… and the one before that… Shall I go on?"

"You knew what you were getting into…" Tamaki murmured, his eyes half-closing, giving Hikaru his best seductive gaze.

Hikaru rolled his eyes. "I knew that if I bound myself to you, I could stay close to my brother. Don't flatter yourself that it meant anything more."

"Does that lie help you sleep better at night?" Tamaki asked.

"Not really," Hikaru admitted.

"I don't mean to hurt you, you know," Tamaki murmured.

"Trust me, I'm thick-skinned," Hikaru said with a rueful grin. "If you keep coming back to me, and I get to kick your ass every now and then… We're just fine."

"I'll try to do better," Tamaki insisted, half-sitting up, and nearly moving into Hikaru's lap.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Hikaru whispered, his amber eyes slightly hooded as he spoke.

Tamaki said nothing, just leaned forward to press his lips to Hikaru's.

After they'd kissed for a few moments, Kaoru nudged Haruhi lightly and they stepped out into the garden. "Aww, aren't you two just adorable?" Kaoru said casually, only a tinge of mischief in his voice.

Hikaru jerked away from Tamaki as though his lips were burning him and he made an irritated noise. Tamaki just smiled innocently at both of them.

"Really, if you don't want someone to see you, you shouldn't indulge in displays of affection somewhere where others might happen across you," a voice said behind them, and they all turned to see Kyouya materialize out of the shadows. How long he'd been there was anyone's guess.

"Where are Honey and Mori?" Tamaki asked as he swiveled to sit up properly next to Hikaru.

"They've already left," Kyouya informed him, "and you might have noticed that yourself if you hadn't been… otherwise engaged. At least it was your mate this time and not another poor servant girl," he added mildly.

"That wasn't what it looked like!" Tamaki insisted furiously.

"By all means, do enlighten us… what were you actually doing with poor little Mey-Rin then?" Kyouya asked, one eyebrow going up.

Before this could become a full-blown argument and someone said something she REALLY didn't want to hear, Haruhi interrupted them. "Mori's already left?" she asked.

Kyouya blinked. "Ah… yes, he has. He didn't tell you?"

Haruhi shook her head.

"He and Lord Honey have gone ahead to make sure the trail is clear for us."

"Will they be safe alone like that?" Haruhi asked, her hands clenching.

"They're both over a century old, they'll be just fine," Kyouya told her calmly. "In the meantime… I believe Lord Mori usually carries you whenever the two of you travel?"

Color rose up in Haruhi's cheeks. She was still a novice when it came to using her augmented skills, and she would never be able to keep up with these more experienced humans and vampires… The twins had been augmented for around sixty years already, and she had managed to pry from Kaoru that the twins had once been in training to be hunters… though they had given all their loyalty to Ouran now, they were still nearly as skilled as some vampires…

"Ah, don't worry, my delicate flower!" Tamaki exclaimed, springing gracefully to his feet. "For I shall shoulder the burden myself, carrying you in my arms like the princess that you are!" And with that, he moved to swoop Haruhi off her feet. His hands had scarcely landed on her chest and thighs when Hikaru kicked him in the head.

"Idiot, do you want to get yourself killed when Mori sees you?!" Hikaru screamed at him.

"Mori will hardly object when he sees the care with which I handle his blushing bride, the tenderness with which I cradle her to my breast…!" Tamaki declared, sparkles and rose petals appearing all around him.

Hikaru kicked him again, sending the golden prince sprawling. "What kind of idiot are you?!" he shouted. "What makes you think that Mori wants you anywhere near her? Kaoru or I will take her, Mori trusts us!" He moved to attack Tamaki again, but Kaoru was next to him, grabbing his arm and silently reminding him that he really shouldn't be attacking his vampire master.

"The manor is miles away!" Tamaki protested. "You won't be able to keep pace with the rest of us if you're holding her. This obviously calls for a vampire strength and…"

Kyouya cleared his throat grumpily. Haruhi blinked, abruptly realizing that she was now in Kyouya's arms, and he was holding her firmly, but respectfully. "Mori entrusted her safety to me. Now stop fighting and let's go. We're letting the darkness slip away." And he turned away and leapt up, one black shoe-clad foot barely brushing off the wall surrounding the courtyard, giving him enough impetus to clear the rest of the castle. Haruhi gasped and turned her face into Kyouya's chest, not wanting to watch the ground recede.

On the ground below, she could faintly hear Hikaru growl out, "We'll talk about this later," to Tamaki before the twins and the vampire prince followed Kyouya and Haruhi into the night.

A/N: I just snatched the name of Mey-Rin from Black Butler… one of the best animes ever, and that girl is a stitch… Couldn't help myself… dangit… lol.