School Days are Over June 2011

The end of the year sophomore class field trip was dinner theatre last Friday. The dinner theatre was great. The performers include the guests into their performance a lot so they made fun of Sikowitz and Robbie a lot. Robbie was holding back tears. The food was great. I really liked the dessert. That being said the performers must have like no dignity left. I'm sure they all had dreams of stardom and are now performing in dinner theatre. As I sat eating dinner I looked around me and guessed which members of my class would one day be performers here. Today was the last day of school. Finals weren't too bad. We all crammed for anatomy and Algebra II. The rest of the finals were a cake walk and most of them were projects that had been due sometime within the last month. I'm glad the school year is over. Due to budget cuts there won't be a summer play and there are only a few workshops. I'm taking a costume design class and Beck and I signed up for a SAT prep class that starts a few weeks before junior year starts. Other than that I have a lot of reading to do for AP English next semester. Beck and I are also spending the summer doing SAT prep. I have mapped out an entire study plan for us to do in three weeks. We will study reading on Mondays and math on Thursdays. On Wednesdays we study vocabulary and every other Thursday we will practice writing.

The First Time June 2011

Beck and I had sex. I have no regrets. It happened yesterday morning. I figured it was a good way to start the week. How many people can say they lost their virginity on a Monday morning? It was also lightly raining, which doesn't happen a lot in Los Angeles. I thought the rain added a nice touch. We talked about it before, waited, we were safe, we couldn't really wait any longer, and we were ready. We had decided that we were ready and would have sex in the very near future. We were prepared and didn't want to plan it down to the hour or anything. We also didn't want to lose our V card in the car, like had almost happened a few times. We sort of had an unspoken agreement that it would happen this summer. We are not supposed to be alone in our houses together but we often ignore that rule because otherwise we would never see each other. School has been out for summer for a week and I went over to Beck's house. We have this summer tradition where I go over to his house in the morning when his parents leave for work sometimes. Usually, I come over after I have babysat my brother when Kelly goes to yoga early in the morning and Beck was awake early too because he was mowing the neighbor's yard. I go to his house usually because his parents are more likely to come home unexpectedly. If this were to happen, it only has once, I hide in the closet. This wasn't one of those mornings. I just woke up early and texted Beck to see if he was awake. I came over and we started watching a movie (The Big Sleep with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall), started making out, and we ended up having sex. Beck asked me like a million times if I was sure and if I was ok. I was nervous but at the same time I felt so sure that it was right. I could tell Beck was nervous too, which made me feel good to know that we both took it seriously and that we are in this together. Beck was really scared of hurting me. I told him it was unavoidable and unfair that it hurts girls to lose their virginity but not guys. It hurt, like badly and awkwardly bad, but it turned into a good kind of pain, I guess you could say. It felt bad and good at the same time. I think all of the stuff that's supposed to happen occurred so way to go us. Afterwards we just laid in each other's arms for a while. Beck would occasionally ask me if I was ok and we eventually nodded off. When we woke up it was kind of awkward, which is silly because we had just participated in the most intimate act together. We got dressed without letting our eyes wander, Beck fixed us a snack, and we finished the movie, we had paused it earlier. Every once in a while he would interject to ask me if I was o.k. It was getting close to the time when Beck's mom would be coming home so Beck walked me home. We ended our time together at my front door. We kissed goodbye, exchanged I love you's, promised each other that we had no regrets, and proclaimed that we would miss each other (which is ridiculous since we will see each other tomorrow but I think we both felt like it needed saying). Beck called me about 30 minutes ago to say good night. He asked me if I was ok again and we made plans for the rest of the week. I hope that no matter what happens I always remember this feeling. The feeling of having a sweet boyfriend and knowing that I may frustrate him from time to time but I can also give him butterflies. I hope I remember that I am capable of letting go and being nervous in front of the boy I love. To conclude, losing your "scared gift" is an event filled with oxymorons. It feels good and bad. It is awkward yet filled with a feeling that is definitely the opposite of awkward. It makes you unbelievably nervous but unbelievably certain. It is gross but beautiful. It finds Beck Oliver to be nervous and scared and Jade West to show vulnerability. It also leaves Jade West finding a smile on her face. Seriously, at dinner my mother asked me what I was smiling about. I told her I just liked the food. I don't think she believed me.

Beck Falls for Tori June 2011

Vega is most definitely a wimp. I guess that is not surprising but now everyone knows it. Vega got a job as a stunt double. She got the role because she lied on her resume. Everyone lies on a resume. Vega sure did pay for it. The drama club had a meeting the other day to discuss what plays we should put on next school year. Afterward, our usual group stayed behind with Sikowitz and Vega used our time to complain about her dilemma. Her job was to use her special skills to fall of a chair and through the balcony railing several feet below. She was to fall on an air sack. Vega couldn't do it. We all headed down to the studio for moral support. I was there to watch Vega fail. She ended up falling, except for the fact that it wasn't her. Beck fell for Vega. I now realize how that sounds so let me explain. Cat used the sewing skills she was developing in the costume workshop at school to create a dress identical to Tori's dress. Beck put on the dress, a wig, and sunglasses. He did the stunt for Tori. It was Cat's idea. Beck claimed he did it to help a friend, gain experience doing a stunt, and he says at one point all great male actors wear a dress for a role. He also explained that whenever Cat has a surprising idea that makes logical sense it should be indulged. Maybe then she would be encouraged to get more logical ideas. Anyways, when "Tori" was doing the stunt I thought something seemed off and that her legs looked familiar. Now we know it was Beck making the very adult stage hands swoon. Perverts. Tori finally did the stunt for real courtesy of me pushing her off a ledge. Dreams do come true!

Ice Cream for Kesha July 2011

I now hate ice cream. Those people I hang out with wanted to win a contest. If you found all of the letters spelling Kesha, found in ice cream, you win a Kesha contest, and she performs a private concert. Only the people that help find the letter get to come, voiced Vega. It's summer so it was either help win the contest or get stuck babysitting my brother or sit around Beck's house with his mother's judging stare. The ice cream started to remind me of my childhood. When my dad first moved out he promised to come by the house and take me out for ice cream. He showed up but he and my mother started fighting. I was sitting upstairs in my room. After fighting for half an hour my father left. He never even said hi to me. My mother never even apologized on his behalf. I got no ice cream. I broke things with a hammer. It became my favorite toy. After mountain loads of ice cream we found all the letters. Robbie got hurt and humiliated. The concert was pretty cool. Kesha thought Trina was embarrassingly desperate and puts on a decent show.

Hell Beach July 2011

I just got back from the beach. I am red all over. A dolphin tried to harm me. In case the picture isn't clear enough I am never going to the beach again. Beck wanted to go to the beach. He was all, "Jade its summer and we live in California we should go to the beach." I have never been a fan of the beach. Now I hate the beach more than I hate Tori and Sinjin combined. Well, maybe not as much as I hate both combined, because I hate them a lot. I don't know. I hate the beach! Beck picked a less popular beach to go to because I really hate crowded beaches, so it was a long car ride to the beach. The seagulls kept eyeing my sandwich and four girls said hi to Beck. When we went in the ocean a dolphin, as Beck puts it was just being friendly. Well, I am not friendly. If the dolphin wanted to be friendly it should have stayed far away from me with its dolphin friends. I ran out of the ocean as fast as possible. I'll admit I was pretty upset. There may have been a few tears. Beck admitted it wasn't the best beach trip and said the next one will be better. Yeah right, I am never going to the beach again. It's easy for Beck to say the trip wasn't so bad. He got to see his girlfriend in a bikini and comfort her after she was attacked by a dolphin. To top it all off, I am extremely sunburned. Beck says I should reapply sunscreen ever hour. He should know I never do anything anyone tells me to do. It's stupid that they don't make sunscreen that lasts longer.

PS: It has been a couple of days since the beach trip. Beck and I were hanging out at my house and Beck wanted to have sex. I don't want to have sex when I'm sun burnt. He told me he would be gentle. I don't care about that. I'm all pink and peeling and don't feel it doing it.

When Revenge, Pandas, &Jacuzzis Meet at a Hollywood Party (IPartywithVictorious)July 2011

I just got home from a party at Kenan Thompson's house. Andre's uncle sold him the house. Andre met Kenan and he said Andre could have a party at his house. I don't know why an actor would want a teenage party to be thrown in his mansion. Andre informed us that Kenan felt it would help him keep his street cred and he hadn't moved in much of his stuff yet anyway. Andre planned a small party but of course word got out and an enormous party formed. It was a rather eventful party. Kenan Thompson even showed up and some weirdo showed up in a panda suit. LA. I swear. Of course, Sinjin was also there and some Northridge girls came uninvited so it wasn't all good. Revenge was had so that's a plus.

It turned out, that Tori and the ICarly girl from Seattle were dating the same guy. So they broadcasted a live web show to humiliate him. He was humiliated. However, I feel strange that I was not needed. I always assumed if someone needed to be humiliated or revenge acted upon them I would be the go to person. Revenge and humiliation were had and I was not a part of it. Anyways, while the revenge and humiliation was being dueled out I was with Beck in the Jacuzzi. I like to pretend that witches are turning me into soup. That thought makes me nostalgic. When I was in third grade I wrote a story about three witches that use a Jacuzzi to turn a little blonde girl into soup. That also brings back bad memories because I had to see the guidance counselor because she was concerned about me due to my story. She called my parents into a meeting and then they had a huge fight when we got home and didn't stop until I took my favorite hammer to a dinner plate.

Back to the Jacuzzi, might I add that we were not alone? Sikowitz and some other grown man were in the Jacuzzi as well. They were in there the entire time we were. Sikowitz was trying his hardest to scare Beck, who is unscareable. I mean if Beck were easily scared would I be dating him? Seriously, I would not date a wuss. Also, many people think I'm scary and Beck not being scared of me is what made me give him a chance in the first place. Sikowitz never succeed in scaring my boyfriend but he did scare me. Thanks a lot Sikowitz. Sarcasm intended. We played some good improv games until Sinjin ruined our games by falling into the water. Then I had to hear him choking on the water he swallowed for like five minutes. Jacuzzi time was then over. Beck and I changed back into our regular clothes but not before we had sex in the changing room. Where else are we supposed to do it? Cars, parties, and a (quickie before we have to start our homework when school starts) are our best options. I ended up throwing on Beck's flannel shirt because I felt that we needed to hurry up and join the rest of the party before anyone came looking for us. I joined in on some karaoke, heard all about the revenge/humiliation fest I had missed out on, listened to Sikowitz (why is he even at a teen party)tell a story about when he got hit in the head with a coconut while climbing a coconut tree, and then I went home. Overall, I had an alright time.

Good Bye Summer August 2011

There are a lot of things I hate about summer: the sun, sunburns, the smell of sunscreen, people wearing ill fitting bathing suits, barbeques, and did I mention the sun because I really hate the sun. I also hate girls with the name Summer. Beck posted a status on the slap saying, "Goodbye summer I'll miss you". He meant the season not a dumb blonde beach bunny whose future profession is stripper. Let's move on shall we. This summer was pretty nice. Beck and I continued are tradition of spending Tuesday and Thursday mornings together alone unbeknownst to our parents. Knock on wood, we still haven't gotten caught. The ante has now been upped because we started having sex. FYI summer is the perfect time to lose your virginity. I mean how are you supposed to concentrate on graphing linear equations and mapping out the countries in WWII if…. the mapping out of bodies is also occurring and graphing the responses in your mind for future reference. In the beginning of summer things were a bit awkward, like after when you're getting dressed you feel self conscious and turn your head away when the other person is getting dressed. It's ridiculous because minutes earlier you were doing the horizontal tango. It wasn't until like the third time that each of us snuck a peak. But by the end of summer it doesn't matter and any shyness goes out the window. Also, in the beginning of summer you'll think things were enjoyable but by the end of summer you really have things figured out and you realize that in the beginning of summer you were amateurs. By the end of summer you will also have mastered being able to do it anywhere, your bed, a chair, against a wall (we high fived after that one, he had been on vacation for five days with his family), in a car (wear a skirt), in a changing room at a famous actor's house, etc. You will also learn how to have a satisfying sexual experience no matter the constraints, such as time, energy, or location. You need to be fast and quiet because you're at a party done. If you're tired and don't feel like exerting a lot of energy you can still get the job done. Want to take your time but rip each other's close off at the same time, check. Basically, Beck and I are doing well in the sex department.

Thanks for reading. Junior year is coming next. Please review this story and my previous story Freshman Year so that I know whether or not my stories are mediocre,interesting, or atrocious.