Preceded By Freshman Year

After watching each episode of season one of Victorious I was always left with Jade's perspective on my mind, wondering why she was so jealous, why she felt threatened by Tori, and so forth. I was also left developing different scenarios in my mind, like how did Jade move past Beck kissing Tori in the Pilot and how did Beck feel when he discovered Jade had faked the black eye in Stage Fighting. Thus, I took these questions and the answers I developed in my mind and I finally wrote them down. I wanted my stories as realistic as possible so my goal is too put our beloved characters in believable high school experiences, so you will see them go to parties, get their driver's license, and receive the sex talk from their parents. I should also add that Beck does not live in an RV because sadly it is not realistic for a teenage boy to live in a bathroom less air conditioner less rv unsupervised. But you say how can he have special visits from Jade? Well, his room is on the opposite side of the house from his parents room and has sliding glass doors so that Jade can sneak in and out. As a last note, in keeping with fanfiction cannon, which let's face it is part of our own head cannons now, I have included the basic tenets tying our universe together, such as personality aspects and activities are characters take part in. You will know them when you see them. Here's my third story...

Sophomore Year

Chapter 1

Sophomore Year August 2010

Sophomore year has officially started. We have Sikowitz for improv this year. He still dresses like a blind insane hobo. Our lunch group is still intact. Robbie still has Rex and hasn't been carted off yet by white coats. Cat's hasn't gained any IQ points. Beck's hair still looks like a shampoo commercial. Sinjin is still a creep. Many girls were saddened by the news that Beck and I are still together. So, not much has changed. I am looking forward to ruling over the freshman and even intimidating the upperclassman. I have the good-looking boyfriend, people obey me, and I have and will continue to win roles. May my reign begin!

New Girl (Pilot) September 2010

I have never been so angry. This new girl Tori Vega is now attending HA. My first time meeting her did not go well. First off the school was buzzing with excitement that Trina Vega actually had a sister that was oh so talented and had saved the performance night at HA. She was offered an invitation to HA on the spot. When I got to Sikowitz class that girl was touching my boyfriend. I of course called her out on it and Beck told me to chill. I was still mad about it so during improv I poured ice coffee on her head. I knew I could get away with it because in improv doing something surprising is creative. After class Beck called me out on it. I don't see what the problem was, I mean it was ice coffee not hot coffee. Beck told me that I should apologize, if she comes back to school. I said I would try because I figured that she would never come back. He also told me that I have nothing to worry about. Guess what? The next day Tori Vega came back. During improv she kissed Beck! Beck kissed her back! After, I stormed out of the room. Beck caught up with me in the janitor's closet where I was taking my scissors to some rags. We fought it out. I told him that he humiliated me in front of everyone and allowed her to get revenge on me by using him. He said he kissed her because if he didn't she would be even more humiliated as everyone was egging them on and it was improv. The number one rule of improve is to say yes. Saying yes is a rule in improve but Beck didn't need to give me an improv lesson by sticking his tongue down someone's throat. He assured me that there was no tongue and it was a stage kiss that meant nothing. I countered back asking him if he was going to kiss everyone I was mean to, because I said some pretty nasty things to Robbie last week. He knew what he was getting into when we started dating. I warned him. We fought for quite a while. It was the worst fight we've ever had. After everything was said he asked for forgiveness. He told me that I would have to find a way to move past this and it might take some time but he was willing to wait for me. The only other alternative was breaking up and he didn't want that. He didn't think I wanted that either. I didn't want to break up. So, I ended up telling him that I would try to look past this but if he ever did anything like that again I would never forgive him and cut off all of his precious hair.

Recovery September 2010

For the past month Beck has tried to get back under my good graces due to "the incident". He bought me a really cool pair of scissors. They're gold and the top part looks like an owl. They have really great sciss. He didn't complain at all when we watched The Scissoring for the second time in a row; the second time was with the director's commentary. He's also randomly showed up with coffee for me. He's been trying to compliment me and say sweet things to me. It sometimes sickens me but he's trying. I'm just not the sweet nothings type. Although it is a little hard to move past "the incident" with Vega hanging out with our group now I am trying because I can tell Beck regrets what he did and loves me. He also told me that Vega's breath wasn't very nice. In return I dragged him into the janitor's closet to give him a kiss that he wouldn't forget for a long time.

The Bird Scene September 2010

Today Tori Vega passed the bird scene. I certainly enjoyed watching her attempt and fail at it. But that's over now as she has finally passed. I was actually surprised she passed the scene so soon since she seems so naïve and obedient. Although she did kiss my boyfriend on her second day here so she shouldn't be underestimated. Everyone at HA is so happy for Vega. She's the new "it girl". Everyone, the students and staff, go on and on about how she didn't even have to audition to get into HA. She's even hanging out with our group now. Beck's invited her to eat with us. He says we owe her since I screwed up her first day. I say wasn't a kiss from the hottest guy in school enough. We then got a little distracted because Beck started teasing me because I called him hot. Now the question remains, will the new HA "it" girl live up to the hype? Anyone can sing or act well but can they live up to expectations and succeed at any performance no matter the circumstances? Can they be a true artist? There comes a time when an "it girl" can either sink or swim. Being on top doesn't last long unless you fight for every chance and opportunity and work harder than everyone else. Does Vega have what it takes? I've never been given anything by chance or happenstance. I've had to work hard for everything. It's not that performing doesn't come naturally to me, it does. But because of my personality people don't always see my talent first. My parents have money, especially my father , but in that world performing is frivolous. I've had to fight to even obtain the right to perform so I have to work extra hard so that I can retain the right to perform. No one can say I got a role because of my father, my popularity, or because I was nice to the director. I have gotten every role and A plus because of my talent and because I have worked harder than anyone else. So excuse me if I am a little bitter because someone like Vega waltzes in and is the talk of school. She will flicker out. I will remain.

PS Andre and Robbie signed up for ballet. They did it to meet girls but there was only one girl in class. They had to wear tights and be each other's partner. They hurt themselves. It brightened up my week.

Health Class September 2010

Today was that embarrassing day that occurs every year starting in fourth grade. We didn't know today was the day. But it happened today. We didn't know it was happening until the school nurse walked into anatomy class. Today was the day we would be reinformed about puberty and talked to about sex. By the way it's kind of awkward to get the sex talk from a sixty year old woman while sitting next to your boyfriend. Andre, as is his specialty, enjoys making things awkward as well. I caught him winking at Beck and I. I'm pretty sure that Beck kicked him under the lab table. I think I saw Robbie praying. He was probably praying that puberty would hurry up and get to him. Lindsey Rowe looked incredibly bored and she's most likely to be featured on the next 16 and Pregnant so she should really be listening. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the look on Sinjin's face when the nurse started talking about sex. He looked, um, I can't even say it. Let's just say he looked pleased. He is such a creep and pervert. As per every year the nurse tells us that she is only allowed to tell us that sex is a psychological and physiological process but she would tell us a little more. Well, what a hero. What does she expect, a medal? Just step off the ego train and tell us what we need to know. Of course, she still didn't tell us much. Movies, tv, and standup comic routines have taught us more. Adults complain that they don't want the media teaching us about sex but they never actually tell much about it. They even separated the boys and girls at one point in the lesson. For homework we had to fill out a worksheet with pictures of the male and female reproductive system. Beck and I did our homework together. I filled out the female worksheet for both of us and he filled out the worksheet for the male. While we were filling out the worksheets Beck's mom walked in the room and we both instinctively hid our worksheets. All this sex talk in class made things kind of awkward. When Beck walked me home he was going to kiss me like usual but then hesitated, missed and only got half of my lips.