Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Hallie and the BTVS series is owned by Joss Wheadon. Rose Tyler and Doctor Who belong to the BBC.

A/N: This has been in the back of my head for awhile. I'm thinking of maybe of extending it into a multiple chapter story but I wanted a few opinions first.

Rose Tyler, The Bad Wolf, Defender of the Earth. Sulking in the corner of a pub nursing a broken heart. The place was filled with dozens of people, their voices a dull buzz in the background of her thoughts. She couldn't remember how long she'd been sitting at the bar starring at the same drink. Just weeks ago she had received her last goodbye from the Doctor. An unfinished goodbye. Just before he spoke those three words she'd been so hoping to hear, his image had faded from existence. Since then, her disposition had turned despondent. She loved him. She had loved the Doctor and couldn't have imagined a life without him. He changed her entire perspective of the world and everything else out there. After being with him, seeing the size of it all, and now being stuck here. Life seemed to have little meaning now. She would often stare off into space as she did now, and imagine what the Doctor would be up to. What was he doing? Was he off running around the universe? Was he in much the same state she was, or had he jumped back into the swing of things like nothing happened? Was he alone? Had he replaced her with someone else? Did he even think of her at all?

As she bitterly stirred her drink, she hardly noticed the curly-haired brunette woman taking a seat beside her.


She looked up briefly at the gentle greeting and gave a small nod.

"I'm sorry! I know I'm a stranger and it's none of my business, but I couldn't help but notice you looked a little down in the dumps."

The woman, obviously American, gave her a gentle smile.

Rose eyebrows lifted forced a quirk of the lip. "You could say that."

"Man trouble." The woman stated with a perceptive nod.

Rose snorted. "Is it that obvious?"

"Oh, I like to think I know a thing or two about heartache."

A round of small talk ensued, which led to a long conversation, and was followed by a few more drinks. About an hour later the woman, who had introduced herself as Hallie, learned all about Rose's woes. Of course, barring anything about aliens and traveling through time and space. Rose didn't know why, but she just had the urge to get things off her chest. She didn't even know this woman and yet she told her things about the Doctor she hadn't even told her mother.

"So he just left you? He doesn't sound all that great to me!" Hallie said with disbelief.

Rose frowned. The Doctor hadn't left her. Technically she had left him, but not because she wanted to. She got pulled into this parallel Earth and if the Doctor had tried to get her out he could of destroyed the fabric of both universes.

"Well, not exactly...There wasn't really much of a choice."

Hallie rose a brow in a manner that showed she thought Rose was kidding herself.

"We didn't want to separate!" Rose defended, fiddling with her straw. "...Things just happened. It was complicated."

Hallie shook her head and sipped her drink. "I just think that if he loved you so much, shouldn't he have tried a little harder." She put a hand on Roses arm. "Aren't you angry with him? Even just a little?"

Rose sighed and thought for a minute. "I guess...but it's not his fault...not really. I just think if I had done things a little differently it would have turned out better." She huffed, "I wouldn't be here...It's not fair."

Hallie smiled sweetly and patted Rose's arm.

"I just wish..." Rose shook her head with a bitter grin. "Never mind."

Hallie leaned forward encouragingly. "Oh no, c'mon! If you could've changed one thing what would it have been? You just wish?"

Rose chuckled while rubbing her eyes.

"No, c'mon!" Hallie nudged her in the side with an elbow . "Pretend I'm your Fairy Godmother."

Rose gave her a look that said 'oh, please!' before giving in. "Alright then," She leaned on her arms, "I wish I could go back to right before it all went wrong. I wish I could've held on just a bit longer." She sighed. "I wish I could have a second chance to do it right."

Hallie once friendly smile melted into a devilishly pleased smirk. Rose had a moments pause to wonder at the change before her visage dramatically shifted. Rose felt her brow furrow and her jaw drop the slightest bit. Hallie's face had become veined and wrinkled. Like something out of a monster movie.

"Wish granted."

Well, that's all I got so far but I may post more eventually. I have a few ideas. Please let me know what you think! Criticism is welcome, but please be gentle. This is my first post.

Thanks for reading! :)