Disclaimer: Theirs is theirs. Mine is mine. No nickin' stuff. Certain
names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, and I expect
this story to be pulled in a cold second, but the message will remain.

Archiving: Share, but keep my name on it. Likewise, sending something to
me at [email protected] might be nice.

*bla* - bold
_bla_ - italics or thought
{bla} - sound effect


"Katzchen? Could you do me a little favour?"
Kitty sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not helping you like, look up
porn, Kurt."
"It's not porn!" He protested. "I'm not reading it for the porn."
"It's disgusting and I am like, *so* not helping you."
"But - I have trouble with keyboards..." Kurt wriggled a hand at her.
"I just need you to type the URL, ja? You don't have to -er- hang
around." He blushed, fur darkening around his cheeks.
"Just like, *knowing* what you're up to is like - *EEEEWWW*."
"I'm not reading it for the sex!" Kurt blurted. "It's the story that's
important. I need to know what happens next."
"Eeeeewwww..." said Kitty. "Why can't you just like, *bookmark* it?"
"And let *Logan* leap to a wrong conclusion? Are you *insane*?" His
entire face had gone dark. "No-one else would even want to understand."
Kitty glared at him. "It's *porn*. It's *sick* porn."
"It's a story about a scarred person going through a tough time," Kurt
argued. "That 'sick porn' you complain about is what they went through;
I - I need to know if the heroine survives." He looked at the floor. "I
want to know if it's possible."
Kitty sighed. "All *right*... But if I like, find anything gross on my
computer desk after you're done? I'm like, *totally* telling Logan."
"Ah'll keep an eye on him," said Rogue, emerging from her apparent
torpor on her bed. "Beats me why you got such a jones for _Gargoyles_
Kurt grinned. "Is it not obvious? Half the cast look like mein
"Okay. Like, where is this porn, anyway?"
"Uh. It's www.fanwriters.net slash gargoyles slash internetmadguy,"
said Kurt.
Kitty's fingers flew. "There. There's your porn," Kitty left the room
with a final, "Eeewwww..."
"It's not porn," Kurt murmured, voice so low that none could hear him
but himself. "It's hope. I hope." He moved the mouse, looking for the
story he was reading.
Which wasn't there.
He used fanwriters.net's search engine to find the story. No soap.
He nosed around the site, thinking that there was a new filing system,
and found the announcement.

Owing to the volume of incoming complaints, fanwriters.net has elected
to close further submissions to NC-17 stories and pull all existing NC-
17 stories from fanwriters.net. We appologise for the inconvenience to
some of our readers.

There was a discussion group. Most of them were fanwriters who had NC-
17 stories up. Internetmadguy was there, complaining that he had no
other means of hosting his stories. No website. No email for Kurt. And
the discussion group forbade attachments.
Slowly and painstakingly, Kurt wrote Internetmadguy a message.
_Your story gave me hope; I know the same pain you wrote. I wish there
was another way for you to publish... but for me, there is no more
hope. Thx NEway._
It took him twenty minutes, because his thick fingers mashed many more
keys than he wished to use.
He hit send, closed the window, and slunk quietly away to his room.

Kitty peeked through the wall. "Whew. He's like, *gone*. Like, talk
about relief."
"Leave him alone," said Rogue. "Ah think somethin's eatin' him."
Kitty wasn't listening. She was checking her email. "Whoah! Like,
twenty new emails." {click, click} "Huh? They're like, totally for
Rogue stirred, peeking over her roommate's shoulder to read a subject.
"Don't do it, Kurt?" she read.
Kitty clicked it. "Ew. They're like, talking about *suicide*."
Rogue went paler than usual. "We've gotta find him."

It was raining, which suited his mood, right now. God was crying with
It was a long way down to the ground.
There was no hope.
Not for him.
_Father,_ he thought at the weeping sky, _I can't help coming to you
with a stained soul. Forgive me. Please don't turn me aside. I need your
acceptance. But if you won't accept? At least a little miracle. Catch me
on the way down?_
Kurt stepped up to the edge.
And jumped.