Here it is... the last one! (Yep, it is pretty short. But I didn't have that much to wrap up!)

Dean walked slowly down the aisle of the airplane, searching. But why was he searching here? Still he had to find him. He had to be somewhere. But where?

The scene changed.

Dean stood in the middle of a church, still searching. He tilted his head back as far as it would go, until a beam of sunlight, tinted blue from the stained glass far above him hit his eyes. Dean blinked, stepping out of the light...

...And right next to a man he faintly recognized, wearing all black. A priest?

"Father Hennepin?" Dean asked.

Father Hennepin smiled peacefully, raising a small book so that he could read from it.

The Father turned slightly to face the crowd, that Dean realized with a shock, had not been there the first time he'd looked out at the church.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

"DEAN! It's not naptime!"

The grinning face of Ron Weasley appeared in Dean's line of sight.

Dean blinked and shot up.

"Have I missed the wedding?"

Ginny's head poked around the corner.

"We would never allow you to miss it, silly!"

Dean stretched and followed Ron and Ginny towards the sanctuary of the church. He paused outside the doors to take a deep breath. This was the beginning of the rest of his life of happiness. He took a step through the doors, and tilted his head back to enjoy the blue light, then looked across the sanctuary to where Seamus was standing, with the happiest look on his face that Dean had ever seen.

Looking back, Dean was sure that his face looked very similar, because he sure felt that way.

So! How'd I do? Was it clear what's happening? Are you excited about the end? Please please tell me how I did!