POLL: Don't forget to vote which story would like to read NEXT!

I know it's been long and I'm so sorry! I haven't given up on this story, not even close, I've just been busy with school and exams. But good news, I'm finally done with my exams and I start my 3 week vacation today. Hopefully that will mean I will be able yo write again, yay.

That being said I've sort of lost my drive with this chapter because I found out it hadn't saved my last update, so this is a quickie towards the end. So, I hope it's not too bad.

Anyway, I don't have time to write a reply to your reviews, sadly. But I can say that your reviews mean the world to me and I love them tons!

Disclaimer: Cassandra is the owner of TMi character. I only own the OC's and the plot of this story

Warnings: -

28. Chapter

Magnus groaned and turned over, his face colliding with Alec's chest. He blinked his eyes opened and glanced up. Alec had his arm flung over his eyes and his mouth was wide open. Magnus chuckled as the snore of a squeaking pig went through the room. He removed Alec's arm and Alec mumbled something and his breathing went back to normal. He turned his head and snuggled it against Magnus's hair. Last night had been long and exhausting, and absolutely amazing. They had all gotten a little too much to drink and they were all going crazy on the dance floor. Magnus sat up slowly, wincing from the pain from his lower back and the soreness of his feet. It had been a long time since he had danced that much and for so long, and he felt old whenever he had to take a break and the others kept dancing. He flipped over grabbing his phone glancing down at a message form Catarina.

Catarina Loss 10.36 pm:

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well, but next time don't text in the middle of the freaking night. And check your spelling you drunk douche. Also, Lilac is fine, please stop worrying. It's not like I've gotten her ears pierced and put pink color streaks in her hair *coughs. She misses you though and wont stop talking about how much fun you and Alec are going to have when you get back. And don't bother answering to this text, because I'm going back to sleep. Good morning and goodnight.

Magnus chuckled and felt Alec turn around, his back against Magnus. He looked through his old messages and felt a bit embarrassed that he had drunk texted his best friend who was kind enough to babysit his daughter. He would have stop to get a big chocolate cake before returning home. He placed his phone back down on the bed table and leaned against the wall behind him.

It was odd being in Alec's old room. It was clear it was decorated for a 13 year old but it was kind of nice. He got a different feeling of whom Alec was. He loved reading books, some books more than others. He liked old classics like, Huckleberry Finn and Frankenteen. He collected toy cars in pretty colors, standing in line in sizes. He had a medicine set on his desk, with a big fat book, probably about medicine and many picture frames on his windowsill. Magnus removed his blanket slowly and climbed out of bed trying not to make to much noise. He walked slowly towards the windowsill and looked at the many pictures.

There was an old picture of his parents getting married. His mother was standing tall with a big smile on her lips, and her long hair hanging over her shoulders and his father next to her, holding her tight, like she was the most precious person in the world. There was a picture of Alec and Isabelle by a crib and in that crib was baby Max, looking only a few weeks old. Max was busy holding Alec's finger in his and Isabelle was staring down with big brown eyes like she couldn't understand that there existed so small creatures. Magnus smiled and turned his attention towards another picture. It was a big family picture and Jace was there, sitting next to a beautiful woman who had her arms around him and next to her were a beautiful man. That must have been Jace's parents. And there were the Lightwoods, Alec was sitting opposite Jace and was staring at him and Isabelle next to him sipping a smoothie not looking at the camera and Max was sitting on his mothers lap.

Magnus was always jealous at pictures like these. Sure he had a few of these at home, but whenever he looked at them he could see that he didn't look as happy as the kids in these pictures. Magnus shook his head and looked at a few others, Jace's and Alec's graduation, Max smiling up at the camera, Isabelle ice skating and the last picture was of Alec. He looked uncomfortable and it looked very new. He was standing with bags behind him and a ticket in his hand and the other hand was tucked down his pocket. He smiled sweetly at the camera and it seemed as if he was about to laugh at something. This must have been a picture taken before he went to New York and Robert had probably put it in here. He kept staring at the picture, at those pretty and streaking blue eyes. The same blue eyes that had caught Magnus's attention, those blue eyes there always made his body all warm and fuzzy.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice asked and a pair of arms embraced him around his waist. Magnus smiled and let his hand slide up those arms before he grabbed his hands.

"I don't want to go home," Magnus murmured and felt Alec place his head on his shoulder.

"What about Lilac?"

"I'll have Catarina bring her and then we're going to stay here forever," Magnus said and sighed placing his head on Alec's.

"I like that idea," Alec said and chuckled. "We're going to have a small house by the beach."

"And our bedroom is going to be right with the sunrise," Magnus continued and glanced up at the sun trying to pass the big clouds. "And we're going to just stare at the beautiful orange colors and then I'll get breakfast on the bed." Alec moved his head and turned Magnus around.

"Are you worried about something?" He raised an eyebrow and Magnus blinked not sure what to say. He wasn't worried so to speak, but he couldn't help but think how Alec had been acting and it had worried him. Yes, it seemed like nothing was wrong because they kissed, talked, had sex and were acting just as normal. But there was something about Alec that just seemed so wrong. But as Alec had said it was just a shock to him that his father was accepting him and he was still confused about it. And Magnus chose to believe it.

"No, I'm not," he said and smiled and leaned against the desk behind him. "I'm just being silly. I think it's the pressure I will get when I get back. Work and Mr. Scott and Lilac." Alec smiled and grabbed his hand and brought him to the bed. He gestured for Magnus to sit all the way back and Magnus did, looking at Alec as he brought his feet up on his lap.

"Let me help you relax," Alec said and grabbed a foot and started to massage it. Magnus smiled and made himself comfortable. Alec let his fingers rub against the side of Magnus's foot and Magnus moaned falling further down the bed.

"I couldn't help but think of my own family when I looked at all your pictures," Magnus sighed and closed his eyes. He felt Alec's eyes on him and he knew he waited for him to continue. "I know I haven't told you much about my past and family."

"I haven't exactly asked either," Alec said and looked up at Magnus and saw him look at him. "I'm not going to lie, but I've been thinking about it and argued with myself how I could ask you." Magnus laughed and shook his head.

"Oh Alec, you're adorable," he said and jumped a bit when Alec put pressure on his foot. "You can ask me anything you want."

"Okay," Alec said and smiled and then started to rub up his ankles. "Then tell me about your parents. Your past life. Everything you're willing to share."

"God, were to begin," Magnus smiled and looked down at Alec's hands. "I was born in Indonesia by Asmodeous and Ada Xia Darmali Bane. They were one of those people who marry in a very young age and realize to late that they shouldn't have. My dad was abusive and to put it nicely a real asshole. I was a year old when he decided to bail on us and I haven't seen him since." Alec stopped and stared at Magnus. Magnus looked up and smiled sadly at his boyfriend.

"I don't need to see him, in fact I never want to see him. But a few years later my mom met this Dutch man, Bram Tanis. She fell in love with him immediately. But I would like to think she just fell in love with the ticket out of our misery. He took us to Holland and they got married and, well, it was nice at first.

"The problem with Bram was that he wanted his own family, meaning he didn't really approve of me. In fact he hated me, he told me so every day before I went to sleep. It was his goodnight story to me." Alec blinked and he felt his eyes water.

"Oh my God," he gasped and moved his hand up his boyfriends legs and grabbed his hand.

"Well, erm-" Magnus took a deep breath and caressed Alec's knuckles with his thumb. "When I was eight, my mom found out she was pregnant. Obviously Bram was ecstatic, and my mom was happy to finally be able to give him what he wanted. Except, the baby was stillborn. My mom went into a deep depression and Bram was just a big man of anger. And he put his anger towards me. And one day it went horribly wrong and when he slapped me I fell and tripped a candle. A stupid candle ruined everything." Magnus laughed sadly and shook his head.

"The candle caught fire and it all went so fast. My mom came running and pulled me up from the floor and she started screaming at Bram and then he started acting out, going crazy. My mom ran towards the door but Bram was faster and he grabbed her and started hitting her, telling her she couldn't leave him. There was flames everywhere and I tried to get him off of her but he was too strong and then he knocked me out."

"I woke up in a hospital a few days later and they told me that my mom had died. He had killed her and he had tried to strangle me, while I was unconscious-" Alec could hear the anger and sadness in his voice and Alec wanted to say a few comforting words but he could already feel his voice crack in his throat. "- I was lucky someone had seen the fire and come to my rescue. I'm going to skip all the other sad parts of my childhood and skip to when I was 11 I was adopted by a very American and amazing couple, Steven and Lulu Hollies."

"That is a very American couple," Alec commented and they both laughed lightly.

"Yeah, they are amazing. They took me back to the states and we lived in Oregon and moved to Brooklyn when I was 15, and the story from there you already know," Magnus smiled brightly and tightened his grip on Alec's hand. "They saved my childhood and me, and they are the amazing people you will ever meet."

"Then I can't wait to meet them," Alec said and moved up to straddle his boyfriends hips and leaned down for a light kiss. "I cant wait to meet the two people who brought you here. To the USA. To me." He took Magnus's face in his hands and lightly kissed his lips over and over.

"I love you so much," Magnus mumbled against his lips and leaned in for another kiss. Alec smiled and hummed in satisfaction before pushing forward, feeling Magnus's erection against his own. He pulled away with a smack and placed his forehead against Magnus'.

"Before this goes where I know it will go," Magnus smirked and pushed his hips forward. "I just want to say thank you for sharing your story with me. And I'm sorry that all those horrible things happened to you. No one deserves that, especially not a child who doesn't know what to do or how to defend themselves. And I'm glad that Steven and Lulu saved you and brought you here. But one very big and important question is, what happened to Bram?"

"No clue," Magnus shrugged and grabbed Alec's hips. "The person who saved me said that he ran away, and he couldn't exactly run after him because he was busy saving me. But I like to think he ended up in hell where he belongs." Alec smiled and agreed with a nod. It was nice having Magnus talk so open and freely about himself. And in some way Alec felt so much closer to Magnus. He felt like he was a part of Magnus's life now and he knew everything that mattered and now they could focus on their own future and their shared memories. And in the near future they would be able to share stories of the past about themselves, and hopefully their shared past would be cheerful.

Magnus digged his fingers into Alec's skin and Alec yelped out of his thoughts. He looked down at Magnus and saw his eyes roam his body and it made his breath shake. Magnus leaned up and pressed his lips hard against Alec's. It was livid and totally hot and Alec wasted no time in pushing his tongue against Magnus's. Magnus hooked his thumbs down Alec's black briefs and gently tugged them down until Alec felt the cool air against his flushed and dripping cockhead. Alec loved kissing Magnus, his taste was amazing and his kisses were beyond any other kiss he had ever gotten. Alec would love nothing more than to kiss Magnus forever and Magnus being the only man he ever kiss. They opened their mouths wider and their tongues battled for dominance.

Magnus pulled down the black briefs until they were tugged underneath Alec's ass and clinging to his thighs. His fingertips were clammy and cold against his skin and it made Alec shiver. Alec pulled away and suddenly jumped up on the bed looking down at a confused Magnus. He pulled down his briefs all the way and kicked them off into the room. Magnus smiled and leaned in before giving the pink head a kiss.

"Not that," Alec gasped and Magnus glanced up at him through his long eyelashes. God, why did he look so good down there. "It's not that I wouldn't appreciate you sucking me off, but-" Magnus hummed and leaned in again dotting out his tongue to lick up the erection. Alec gulped and bit his bottom lip trying to stay calm.

"Baby, no," Alec gasped again as he felt the tongue tickle the slit. "Fuck!" Magnus giggled and leaned away, grinning up at Alec. Alec fell down on his knees again, his ass bumping against Magnus's thighs. Alec grabbed Magnus's briefs and Magnus lifted up his hips and Alec yanked them off. He grabbed onto his cock and started pumping it slowly, feeling it getting bigger in his hand.

"We-we need to talk about something," Alec moaned and squeezed gently making Magnus arch up his hips.

"Can't it wait?" Magnus closed his eyes and licked his lips and arching up for more friction. "If you hadn't noticed we are kind of in the middle of something."

"I want you to fuck me," Alec said and stopped, waiting for Magnus to open his eyes. Magnus opened his eyes and looked at him confused.

"Erm, yes," Magnus said sounding even more confused than he looked. Alec laughed and let his fingers slide up and down his boyfriends length.

"If you haven't noticed you're not wearing a condom and I don't exactly have one laying around," Alec said and licked his bottom lip. "I know we've been having unprotected sex the last couple of times but I was just wondering if it was something we should discuss. I mean are you okay with that?"

"Of course I'm okay with that," Magnus said and chuckled. "You had that test done a long time ago and you were clean and the last time I had sex I had a crying pooping baby. Besides, I love feeling you."

"Okay. Good. That's great," Alec said and sighed relief. "I probably didn't choose the best time to talk about this but I figured it was now or never."

"Mhm," Magnus hummed in agreement and leaned down to kiss Alec's collarbone. It didn't take long before they were both hot and heavy again, and Alec had been working on Magnus's cock for what felt like hours and Magnus was sucking on his fingers. Alec pulled them out and moved his hand behind himself and eased a wet finger inside. He hissed and threw his head back, giving easy access for Magnus to suck on his neck. He worked it good and properly before lining up a second and then a third. He considered making it a fourth considering it had been awhile since he had bottomed, but he was way to horny and way to hard for the wait. He pulled his fingers out and moved closer and moved Magnus's cock against his ass creak. He stroked it a few times and Magnus moved his hands to Alec's ass and separated the cheeks.

"Oh God," Alec moaned and hid his face in the crook of Magnus's neck. "Fuck me, please." Magnus smirked and pushed his cock in between the parted cheeks. Alec moaned harder and his breath was hot against Magnus's neck. Alec was desperate and needy and he nibbled on Magnus's earlobe, and pushed his ass against the hardness.

"If I could, I would make you suffer much longer," Magnus hummed and slid his cock up and down the wet and hot skin. "I would make you beg me to fuck you and then I would make it slow and desperate that you would fuck yourself on me until you came."

"Yes. Yes!" Alec cried and leaned back to grab onto Magnus's shoulders.

"But I'm just as horny as you that I'm going to do it harsh and so, so, good," Magnus grabbed onto one of Alec's wrists and moved his hand back towards his cock and helped him line up. Alec pushed in the head slowly and gasped at the full feeling. He eased down slowly, taking and enjoying every inch he could. Magnus felt so good inside of him and he loved how he could feel every bloodline and the warm feeling of his skin against his every nerve. He breathed as soon as he was settled, his cheeks touching Magnus's thighs and he leaned in for a small kiss.

It didn't take long for Alec to pull up and then slowly lower himself, and it didn't take long for them to find a rhythm. Alec's hands were in Magnus's hair and Magnus's hand was holding onto Alec's hips. Their lips were touching whenever they could and if they weren't, their lips would ghost each other and they breath each other in. It was sweet and slow, and Alec loved being the one in control. He rolled his hips making Magnus beg and he slammed down harder and harder and they both started sweating.

"You feel so good," Magnus mumbled and leaned forward to embrace him. Alec smiled and rolled forward, feeling his dick getting caught against both of their stomachs. It was tight and the room was filled with sex and moans of, 'oh's' and 'ah's'. And it didn't take long for Alec's lower body to tremble. He was so close and he could feel that Magnus wasn't there yet. He bit his bottom lip and started rolling and slamming harder and harder. He grabbed onto Magnus's hair and pulled his head back and pulled him in for a passionate and wet kiss. Magnus moaned and his hands fell down towards Alec's ass and he pushed his finger into the skin.

That did it.

Alec smirked with pride and with one last roll, he pushed his cock hard against Magnus's abs and came loud and clear.

"Oh. Oh, God!" Alec gasped and his movement became shallow. He heard Magnus's chuckle, it was a dark chuckle that send a shiver down Alec's back.

Everything went so fast and it was in such a blur that it took Alec a few minutes to register that Magnus had in fact thrown his back down against the madras. Also, managing not to pull out, he hooked Alec's ankles behind his back and grabbed onto Alec's hipbones and thrust in so fast that Alec could actually come again. He snapped in a few times and suddenly he burried himself so deep that Alec hissed in pain and shut his eyes, but the feeling of his boyfriend coming so deep inside him eases the pain.

"Fuck," Magnus said and leaned down to kiss Alec on the lips. "Sorry about that." Alec hummed in pleasure and smiled in daze.

"Don't apologize for that," Alec shifted and felt Magnus still inside of him. "That was incredible." Magnus smiled and pulled away before slowly pulling out. Alec moved his legs up, placing his feet on the madras. He didn't even bother closing his legs and just enjoy the way his boyfriend is staring wide eyed at him. He shifted up on his elbows and smirked. He knew what Magnus was looking. He was looking at his own work, how wet and properly red his hole was and how the sperm was leaking out and down further between his cheeks.

"Wow," Magnus said keeping his eyes wide. "We- we should probably go downstairs and enjoy our last meal here." Alec licked his lips and spread his legs wider and Magnus finally looked up at him.

"Or-" Alec moved his hand down his stomach and passed his hipbone and down between his legs and touched his hole teasingly. "- we could go for another round. Make up for all those times I've taken you. I know how much you love being inside me." Magnus smiled and grabbed onto Alec's ankles and pulled him close in one sweep. Alec yelped in surprise and laughed when Magnus hovered over him.

"You little teen tease," Magnus said and pulled Alec's bottom lip in between his teeth making him shiver. "You're fucking sexy do you know that?"

"Fuck me and prove it to me," Alec whispered and the kiss became tongue, teeth, lips and harsh. And Alec knew he wouldn't be able to walk for a whole week.

Magnus and Alec came tumbling down the stairs, both out of breath. Two times turned into one handjob and then a blowjob and Alec's mouth was aching and so was his ass. And Magnus's dick was probably dying and so was his hand. It was like they were newlyweds and Alec turned to Magnus with a smile and leaned up and gave him a sweet peck on the lips.

Someone coughed and they jumped apart and turned to the noise. There, in the middle of the room, with delicious food and steaming coffee cups was everybody. Jace was smirking into his cup and Clary was chewing a bun with a smirk on her lips. And everyone else just looked chocked. Alec blushed and leaned into Magnus as if that would comfort him. It didn't. Magnus just smiled at them, pretending not to care and walked towards the empty chairs.

"Good morning everyone," he said and grabbed a bun and some marmalade. The silence was awkward and Alec felt like taking a run around the beach or maybe back to New York. Alec sat silently next to his boyfriend and glanced up towards Jace who winked at him with a cheesy smirk on his lips. Alec frowned and grabbed the cup of coffee in front of him.

"Did you two sleep all right?" Jace asked and his smirked widened. Alec wanted to hit him. Magnus smiled next to him and shrugged a bit.

"I think I'm a bit buzzed from last night, other than that," Magnus glanced towards Alec and smiled sweetly. "I feel very relaxed."

"You probably had a good release then," Jace said and Alec couldn't help but gasp in surprise. The others snorted except Robert who glared at Jace, clearly not finding any of this funny.

"Jace, would you please not talk like that while we're eating dinner," he said.

"Oh come on," Jace said and tried to sound mad. "We've been listening to these two going at it for the past hour. And when I mention the word release it's a disgrace. But hearing these to having an actual release is completely fine." Robert sputtered and looked away from them all. Alec hid his face in his hands and leaned towards Magnus, shoulder to shoulder. He could feel the vibrations of Magnus's chuckle and it made him peek through his fingers to look up at him. It was hard for Alec to even try being mad at Magnus or tell him to be quiet. Magnus had this easy heat that made Alec comfortable. And now when Alec thought about it he couldn't see a reason to be mad at Magnus, because Magnus was perfect. Who couldn't imaging anyone being mad at him.

And that's where they were different, people found it easy to be mad at Alec. And sometimes it happened very fast. And sometimes Alec didn't see it coming. Also, it has to be something with the fact that Alec isn't very good at pleasing people. When he tried to stay out of peoples way they somehow found a way to be mad at him anyway.

As the day went by Alec couldn't help but think about what him and his father had been talking about. When Magnus would find out he would be mad at him. He would be mad at him either from keeping it a secret from him or the fact that he had already made his decision without consoling with him. Alec had learned that when you were in a relationship your partner should be a part of any decision you made. Like, if he wanted to buy a new car he had to talk to Magnus about it. Or did that only count when you were married? He wasn't completely sure about that. But still, some decision you should make together, especially when it had an impact on the relationship.

They were all getting ready to leave. Jace helping Clary with her bags and Izzy was saying goodbye to Simon by holding him close. Alec was sitting on the steps on the terrace watching them all. It was a rare sight, seeing everyone he cared about together at one place. Max was sitting on the car with a manga and next to him was Magnus who was talking the phone. Even though it had been an amazing trip and relaxing, Alec couldn't wait to get back to New York. Back to all the busy and rude people, back to all the cars and honks and even back to school. He sighed and felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw his father smiling down at him.

"I'm really glad you came along, Alexander," he said and sat down next to him

"Me too, Dad," Alec said and actually meant it. "I'm really glad you got to meet Magnus and- yeah." Robert nodded and looked towards the others. It was kind of weird being able to sit next to your previously homophobic father who was now very accepting and happy for you. But it was still awkward.

"So have you given it any thought?"

"Dad," Alec whined and rolled his eyes. "I told you I'm not sure yet."

"He needs an answer by tomorrow," Robert said and looked at his son. "Is this about Magnus?"

"No," Alec answered a little to fast. He looked at his father who raised an eyebrow. "Maybe." Alec stretched his arms and flushed. "Yes."

"A decision shouldn't be based on whom you're dating," Robert said and Alec raised his eyebrows. "I'm just saying if you love each other your love should be able to hold no matter where you are."

"Did you and mom ever-"

"We did," Robert said and smiled. "You were only 1 and you don't remember but I was called for a job in Canada and I went. Of course, your mom and I talked and we agreed that it could be best for me to go. I was there for 3 months and when I came back we still loved each other."

"You can't compare you and moms relationship with me and Magnus'," Alec said and laughed lightly. "I mean you two were married with a child. Me and Magnus are just boyfriends."

"It's still love," he said and Alec stared. Well, that was true, but Alec couldn't help but think that it was still very different. And it was. They had been together for a few months and everything had gone so fast. They already said they loved each other, and Magnus was older with a child while Alec was still a teenager trying to create his future.

"I hope things do work out though," Robert said and got up on his feet and dusted off his pants.

"Me too," Alec said and looked down at the ground. "Because I've already made my decision." His father though, didn't hear it and he didn't need to because Alec knew he already knew what decision Alec had made.

1 day ago

"Who's Daniel Grint?" Alec said, not sure why he already feared that name. Who named their kid Daniel Grint? And Grint? Sounded like Grinch.

"He's a friend of mine," Robert said and leaned against the wall trying to catch his breath. "You know how I have connections all around the world." Alec nodded mutely. "Well, I sometimes brag about how my son reads medicine and that he's one of the best-" Alec opened his mouth to ask how he knew that. "- I called around. But anyway, Daniel Grint is a friend of one of my colleagues. And he so happens to be a doctor."

"Dad," Alec said and shook his head and walked pass him. "Whatever you are trying to do wont work. I don't want to work in the business world."

"Alexander," Robert said and laughed. "I gave up on that a long time ago. This is me trying to support you and help your career. Daniel Grint is the head doctor at St. Grint Hospital. Every year he gives a few lucky students a 6 month exchange program to come and work for him."

"What?" Alec said and his eyes were wide. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"He offered you a spot," Robert said and his eyes were sparkling and his smile was reaching his eyes. "In the new year you will be able to go to England with the best doctors and an amazing program that would be able to help you in the future. I read that an abroad exchange and an wide horizon will look good on your resume."

"Are you serious?" Alec said and gaped. "You are serious. Oh my God, Dad! That's amazing."

"Is that a yes?"

"Ye-" Alec stopped and closed his mouth before glancing through the window. He could see them together, laughing and talking, and he heard Magnus's voice. "Erm, can I think about it?"

"You have until Monday, Alexander," Robert said and smiled at him. "But when making a decision like that, it's okay to be selfish."

Yes? Was it okay even though it probably seemed quick. At least you got a Magnus's backstory, Malec sexy time and the father son talk was finally revealed! What do you think Alec's decision is? And what do you think he should do?
Anyway, please, please, leave a review because I miss them and you and I
appreciate them a lot!

Thank you all again and I'm glad to be back.

Btw, the St. Grint hospital isn't real, I just made it up. In case any of you were wondering